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Location of Bulianta colliery.

Location of Bulianta colliery.

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Spontaneous combustion of residual coal in longwall goaf is a long standing hazard. Airflow leakage into goaf is a major driver to the hazard and this issue deteriorates where longwalls are operating in multiple seams and shallow covers because mining-induced cracks are very likely to draw fresh airflow into goaf due to presence of pressure differe...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... colliery is situated 13 km south to Ordos city of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of Northern China (see Fig. 1). The colliery is operated in Shendong coalfield which is featured with flat and thick coal seam under shallow cover. Mining area of the colliery is approximately 34 km 2 and the total proven reserve exceeds 506 million tons of coal. Due to recent upgrade of mining technology and equipment, extraction height of LW working face has ...
Context 2
... three, section four, and section five, respectively) and the pressure loss is validated through the three paths. The detail of the validation is only presented at section three as LWs in section three are the most risky area in terms of coal spontaneous combustion and ingress of goaf gas. The follow-up studies will focus on LW22307 path as well. Fig. 10 is a simplified airflow path through LW22307. Most fresh air is taken from main intake incline and then directs to 2 À2 coal seam intake main. Part of the fresh airflow in 2 À2 seam intake main is taken to section three longwalls via section three intake main. Then fresh air in LW22307 is supplied through both LW22307 maingate and ...
Context 3
... three longwalls via section three intake main. Then fresh air in LW22307 is supplied through both LW22307 maingate and LW22308 tailgate. Contaminated air is drawn to section three exhaust main via LW22307 tailgate and it is then delivered to 1055 level exhaust main before the contaminated air is discharged through fan at south exhaust incline. Fig. 11 shows the validation of pressure loss along LW22307 path. It can be seen the overall trend of it resembles that of measured LW22305 path. It underwent a slight increase of pressure loss comparing to that of LW22305 path due to its longer flow path and the major of pressure loss occurs at exhausting airways. It can be also observed at ...
Context 4
... pressure differential across LW face and therefore affect air leakage into goaf [18,20]. To reduce pressure differential along LW22307 face, the first possible measure is to modify ventilation network within panel. In this study, total seven scenarios are proposed and analyzed (see Table 1). The results of the simulation are presented in Figs. 12 and 13. Fig. 12 depicts the pressure loss paths of various ventilation modes within panel. It can be seen the pressure differential is not able to be eliminated. The pressure differential at face shows little difference except for two Bleederless ventilation modes. To meet comfortable working conditions at LW face, no less than 30 m 3 /s ...
Context 5
... differential across LW face and therefore affect air leakage into goaf [18,20]. To reduce pressure differential along LW22307 face, the first possible measure is to modify ventilation network within panel. In this study, total seven scenarios are proposed and analyzed (see Table 1). The results of the simulation are presented in Figs. 12 and 13. Fig. 12 depicts the pressure loss paths of various ventilation modes within panel. It can be seen the pressure differential is not able to be eliminated. The pressure differential at face shows little difference except for two Bleederless ventilation modes. To meet comfortable working conditions at LW face, no less than 30 m 3 /s fresh air is ...
Context 6
... various ventilation modes within panel. It can be seen the pressure differential is not able to be eliminated. The pressure differential at face shows little difference except for two Bleederless ventilation modes. To meet comfortable working conditions at LW face, no less than 30 m 3 /s fresh air is required in this colliery. As can be seen from Fig. 13, ''Homotropal U" and ''Bleederless homotropal U" are clearly not suitable due to low quantity of airflow across LW22307 even though ''Bleederless homotropal U" can slightly reduce the pressure differential. ''Bleeder return" and ''Double return" ventilation modes are able to supply sufficient air to working face but the pressure ...
Context 7
... sufficient fresh air to LW working face, a solution called pressurizing LW panel is proposed. The essence of the solution is to provide a positive pressure at the start of panel intake to offset the pressure lost in the past airways. To achieve the positive pressure, an auxiliary fan and several ventilation control devices are required (see Fig. 14). Fig. 14 shows a possible deployment plan to pressurize LW22307. At the start of the panel intake, an auxiliary fan is installed at one LW22308 recovery roadway and a ventilation regulator is installed at one cut-through between LW22306 maingate and LW22307 tailgate to adjust the pressure and airflow. The ventilation regulator is ...
Context 8
... fresh air to LW working face, a solution called pressurizing LW panel is proposed. The essence of the solution is to provide a positive pressure at the start of panel intake to offset the pressure lost in the past airways. To achieve the positive pressure, an auxiliary fan and several ventilation control devices are required (see Fig. 14). Fig. 14 shows a possible deployment plan to pressurize LW22307. At the start of the panel intake, an auxiliary fan is installed at one LW22308 recovery roadway and a ventilation regulator is installed at one cut-through between LW22306 maingate and LW22307 tailgate to adjust the pressure and airflow. The ventilation regulator is essentially a ...
Context 9
... to pressurize LW22307. At the start of the panel intake, an auxiliary fan is installed at one LW22308 recovery roadway and a ventilation regulator is installed at one cut-through between LW22306 maingate and LW22307 tailgate to adjust the pressure and airflow. The ventilation regulator is essentially a ventilation door with adjustable opening. Fig. 15 shows the pressure loss trend along ventilation path with varying resistance factor and fan duty. It is noticeable pressurizing LW22307 working face would considerably reduce pressure differential and in addition, ideally true balance could be acquired by adjusting the resistance factor or fan duty. Fig. 16 shows pressure differential ...
Context 10
... door with adjustable opening. Fig. 15 shows the pressure loss trend along ventilation path with varying resistance factor and fan duty. It is noticeable pressurizing LW22307 working face would considerably reduce pressure differential and in addition, ideally true balance could be acquired by adjusting the resistance factor or fan duty. Fig. 16 shows pressure differential and airflow quantity across LW222307 with varying resistance factor (R) and auxiliary fan duty (F). It is obvious airflow quantity across LW22307 would increase with more powerful fan and/or less resistance from ventilation regulator. The pressure differential evolves from negative to positive with more ...
Context 11
... of locally isolating and pressurizing LW22307 panel, utilization of a booster ventilation system (Blower-Exhaust) can initially provide airflow with a positive pressure to overcome the pressure loss along ventilation path before airflow arrives at LW22307 working face. The mechanism can be explained in Fig. 17. For an exhaust ventilation system, neutral point locates at start of the intake opening and the negative pressure grows along path and reaches peaks at fan. While for a force system, at intake fan provides airflow with a positive pressure to overcome the pressure loss along path and neutral point lies at the end of the ventilation ...
Context 12
... of the two previous systems and the neutral point can be adjusted to any point in the middle of the ventilation path. By this way the pressure differential between LW face and surface can be significantly reduced. Therefore, the performance of a booster ventilation system is simulated with varying fan duties and the results are shown in Figs. 18 and ...
Context 13
... and 19. From Fig. 18, it can be observed airflow is given a positive pressure initially by the forcing fan to offset the pressure loss along path. The pressure differential significantly decreases if fan dust is adjusted properly. ...
Context 14
... is illustrated in Figs. 18 and 19. From Fig. 18, it can be observed airflow is given a positive pressure initially by the forcing fan to offset the pressure loss along path. The pressure differential significantly decreases if fan dust is adjusted properly. The neutral point can move to any point by manipulating fan duties. As can be seen in Fig. 19, it is obvious the airflow quantity reduces slightly with fan duty dropping but the pressure differential is very sensitive to fan duty. Ten percent alteration of fan duty may have dramatically changed the pressure differential across LW ...
Context 15
... determined to pressurize the LW panel (solution two) to reduce the air leakage at the end of 2014. After reviewing the failure modes and conducting risk assessments, an auxiliary fan was employed to provide the positive pressure and associated ventilation regulators were also constructed to adjust the pressure and airflow across working face (see Fig. 14). Quantity of air leakage and gas composition at LW face were continually monitored after excising this control measure. As can be seen from Fig. 20, quantity of airflow across working face underwent a slight growth and the airflow leakage from goaf was substantially reduced after balancing the pressure differential. Fig. 21 shows gas ...
Context 16
... working face (see Fig. 14). Quantity of air leakage and gas composition at LW face were continually monitored after excising this control measure. As can be seen from Fig. 20, quantity of airflow across working face underwent a slight growth and the airflow leakage from goaf was substantially reduced after balancing the pressure differential. Fig. 21 shows gas monitoring data of a sampling point at conjunction of working face and LW22307 tailgate. The oxygen concentration increased considerably and an inverse trend was found for the nitrogen concentration. Goaf gas ingress was constrained and the working conditions were greatly improved after the control was exercised. Therefore, ...

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... This also shows that simply increasing the air volume has the risk of increasing the spontaneous combustion of residual coal. [32][33][34] C. Influence of air distribution ratio on gas concentration distribution in combined goaf during normal mining period ...
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In coal mine goafs, spontaneous combustion of coal can result in methane accumulation, which raises the danger of methane explosion disasters. As an atmospheric control tool, ventilation is applied to ensure air quality for avoiding disasters in underground mines. However, during the process of the spontaneous combustion of coal in coal mine goafs, the impact of ventilation dilution on the possible methane explosions induced by coal combustion has not been well investigated. In this study, a validated gas flow model for the spontaneous coal combustion environment in goafs of coal mines is adopted to investigate the influence of ventilation dilution at the three stages of the spontaneous combustion of coal. The research conclusions suggest that (1) ventilation dilution is a quick measure to dilute methane concentration and intensify heat transfer in the vertical direction in coal mine goafs; (2) ventilation dilution can lessen the danger of methane explosions by diluting methane concentration to the lower explosive limit for methane when coal combustion takes place on the air-inlet side; (3) however, ventilation dilution increases the methane explosion risk by decreasing methane concentration, resulting in explosive methane limits, if coal combustion occurs on the air-return side. This provides a reference for the management of ventilation during a spontaneous coal combustion disaster in the goafs of coal mines with methane.
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In previous research, many scientists and researchers have carried out related studies about the spontaneous combustion of coal at both the micro and the macro scales. However, the macroscale study of coal clusters and piles cannot reveal the nature of oxidation and combustion, and the mesoscale study of coal molecule and functional groups cannot be directly applied to engineering practice. According to our literature survey, coal is a porous medium and its spontaneous combustion is a multi-scale process. Thus, the mesoscale study of coal’s spontaneous combustion is essential. In this manuscript, the mesoscale of the coal body (such as pore size, pore volume, and specific surface area), and the meso-scale structural morphological characteristics of the coal surface are finely analyzed and characterized. On this basis, the meso-scale structure of pores and fractures are digitally reconstructed. Furthermore, velocity and pressure distributions of the flow field in the pores of the scan plane are outlined and described by numerical simulation. The results indicate that, because of the pore structure characteristics and fluid viscosity, not all fluids in the pores demonstrate flow. This conclusion well explains the source of CO gas in methane extraction pipes, which is one of the main index/indicator gases of the spontaneous combustion of coal.
... Due to mining technology, some coal will be left in the goaf (Wu et al. 2021). Under the condition of an air leakage, the residual coal in the goaf is prone to spontaneous combustion (Liang et al. 2018), and the spontaneous combustion of the coal will then cause a gas explosion Ma et al. 2019), which may lead to serious thermodynamic disasters in the goaf. Mastering the knowledge of the flow and flow paths of methane and ventilation air in the goaf is the key to control the gas and its coupling disasters (Schatzel et al. 2012). ...
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Permeability is considered a key parameter used in goaf flow simulation. Particle size of caved rock fragments is an important factor that affects permeability. Current literature treats the particle sizes of rock fragments as a constant, which is something that will inevitably lead to great errors. The sigmoid function is introduced, based on the existing main roof subsidence displacement model, to establish a new main roof subsidence displacement model, which will reflect the characteristics of the natural accumulation zone, load-affected zone, and compacted zone in the goaf. The constitutive relationship of the rock fragments meanwhile is established from a mechanical perspective. Particle sizes of the rock fragments in the goaf are controlled by the maximum median particle size, with the minimum particle size calculated as 69.25% of the maximum median particle size. In addition, with the same mining height, the stronger the overlying strata is, the larger the particle size, while under the same geological conditions, the larger the mining height, the smaller the particle size of the rock fragments. This paper provides a constitutive relation and particle size distribution model of rock fragments which is more consistent with the actual coal mine’s characteristics.
... Wang et al. [23] proved that the spontaneous combustion tendency of lignite increases with a decrease in the particle size. e essence of coal spontaneous combustion is that some active structures on the coal surface contact oxygen in the air, resulting in coal-oxygen complex reactions [24][25][26][27][28][29]. Coal contains many functional groups. ...
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Coal particle size and the degree of compaction significantly affect the goaf heritage ventilated environment and the process of spontaneous combustion of coal, the distribution of particle size and compaction degree are also affected by the load size and the application process, and the distribution of stress in goaf is not uniform, resulting in the distribution of particle size and compaction degree of mined-out coal. It is necessary to carry out experimental studies on coal crushing granularity and compaction degree under different loads and loading processes to clarify its distribution law. Therefore, experiments on the coal crushing were conducted, to analyze the compression behaviors and the distributions of the particle size with different loading speeds and loads. The results show that, in the process of slow pressure application, the lump coal was constantly compressed, compacted, and broken. With the increase in the axial load, the coal compressibility increased, and the coefficient of fragmentation and porosity decreased. When the stress was greater than the compressive strength, the variation trend slowed. When the stress was greater than two times the strength, as the load continued to increase, compression basically did not occur. The thickness and porosity of coal will be reduced to 0.5 times that of loose coal when a significant change of the compression ratio occurs. After the coal body was under pressure, the degree of crushing intensified. The fractal dimension of the particle sizes of broken coal particles followed a logarithmic relationship with the increase in the stress. With the increase of stress, the degree of crushing increased, and in the process of pressure crushing, the particle size of 2.5 mm was an important boundary. When the stress was more than two times the strength value, the degree of crushing under the increased load did not increase significantly. When the residual coal in a goaf is affected by pressure, if there is no impact, the influence of the initial pressure and periodic pressure variations on the residual coal in the goaf will not be significant, and the accumulation and crushing degree of residual coal will only be affected by the peak stress.
... The ventilation of underground exploitations is an essential part of the whole mining process [10]. This should be developed in a rational and optimized manner to prevent adverse impacts and to ensure cost efficiency that would further facilitate the operations. ...
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Underground bauxite mining exploitation is a challenging environment for ventilation. In this paper, such a complex underground ventilation network is modeled in detail using the Ventsim software. The network and its characteristics are selected and developed through the software, followed by their calibration and validation against actual measurements of both airflow quantity and quality which have been carried out at the mine site. This model constitutes the base of the new ventilation design for the future mine expansion. The recommendations and the characteristics for the optimization of the new proposed design are finally presented in detail.
... The gob is the locations where coal mines are most prone to coal spontaneous combustion, 60% of the spontaneous combustion fire occur in the gob [6]. In western China, the continuous air leakage of the surface cracks in the shallow coal seams will make the coal spontaneous combustion risk of the gob even greater [7][8][9][10][11]. ...
Determining the coal spontaneous combustion hazardous zone is of great significance to the fire prevention and extinguishing work of the gob. In this paper, considering the actual situation of the residual coal in the gob of the Bulianta Mine, a spontaneous combustion characteristics test of the water immersion coal (S180) and raw coal (S0) was carried out. According to the experimental results, and considering the air leakage from surface cracks, a three-dimensional model of coal spontaneous combustion in shallow coal seams gob is established, and the correctness of the model is verified by on-site measured data. Then, the model is used to study the effect of different surface air leakage conditions on the hazardous zone of coal spontaneous combustion in the gob of shallow coal seams. Surface air leakage volume increased from 0% to 12% of the working face air volume, and the maximum oxygen concentration in the overlying gob increase of nearly 30 times; the maximum wind velocity increase of 14 times. Even so, there is no coal spontaneous combustion hazardous zone that satisfies both wind velocity and the oxygen concentration in the overlying gob. In the gob of the lower coal seam, with the increase of surface air leakage, coal spontaneous combustion hazardous zone move to the air intake side and deep part of the gob, the maximum width gradually increases; and area increases first, then decreases, which has a quadratic functional relationship with the surface air leakage.