Figure 1 - uploaded by Lubos Molcan
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Physiological processes oscillate in time. Circadian oscillations, over approximately 24-h, are very important and among the most studied. To evaluate the presence and significance of 24-h oscillations, physiological time distributed data (TDD) are often set to a cosinor model using a wide range of irregularly updated native apps. If users are fami...
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... Circadian rhythms in body temperature (BT), heart rate (HR), and heart rate variability (HRV) were analyzed by fitting the time-series data from each sheep to a 24-hour cosine curve using the Cosinor online platform (Molcan, 2019). For each variable in each individual, the MESOR (Midline Estimating Statistic of Rhythm, representing the average value around which the variable fluctuates), amplitude (the difference between the peak and the mean value of the wave), and acrophase (the time of peak activity) were calculated. ...
Heart rate (HR) variability (HRV) reflects the balance between the autonomic nervous system's sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, which regulate stress and relaxation. Wearable sensors record HR and body temperature (BT), to provide data that informed decisions can be made from on animal management and welfare. The purpose of this study was to investigate daily changes in BT and HRV, recorded by subcutaneous biologgers; specifically, to quantify the 24-hour circadian rhythm in BT (°C), HR (bpm), the Standard Deviation of the R-R intervals (SDNN), and the Root Mean Square of Successive Differences (RMSSD) (ms). Five ewes were implanted with a subcutaneous biologger, configured to collect data every 5 min for 7 d. Mean (±S.E.) BT (38.06 ± 0.01), HR (111.14 ± 1.68), SDNN (34.35 ± 2.90), and RMSSD (47.95 ± 4.21) were calculated. BT and HR were highest in the day (day: 38.15±0.01 and 120.71±0.43; night: 37.98±0.01 and 102.47±0.43; P<0.001), and SDNN (day: 29.30±0.87; night: 37.16±0.67) and RMSSD (day: 39.01±1.17; night: 53.53±0.94) were highest at night (P<0.001). BT and HR were positively correlated (P<0.01), but both negatively correlated (P<0.01) with SDNN and RMSSD. BT, HR, SDNN, and RMSSD presented a 24-h circadian rhythm, with acrophases (peak activity period) for BT at 1457 h and at 1223 h for HR, but those of SDNN and RMSSD were at 0350 h and 0327 h, respectively. In conclusion, biologgers detected the diurnal rhythmicity in BT and HRV in sheep, providing an option to use these physiological measures to assess an animal's health and welfare.
... The existence of significant periods in daily locomotor activity was analyzed by constructing chi-square periodograms with a significance level set at 0.05 (EL TEMPS ® , University of Barcelona, Spain). The Cosinor Online application [43] was used to determine if there was a daily significant rhythm in the metabolic rate. Data were adjusted to a sinusoidal function: Y = M + A × cos (t × π/12 − Φ), with M being the mesor (mean values of the rhythm), A the amplitude (difference between the mesor and the maximum value), t the time, and Φ the acrophase (time where the maximum value is reached). ...
This study examined the metabolic rate (MO2, oxygen consumption) of goldfish (Carassius auratus) under normal management conditions in aquaculture. Using an intermittent respirometry system, we assessed daily variations and the effects of feeding, handling, temperature increase, and anesthetics. MO2 exhibited a daily rhythm, with higher values during day. Feeding to satiety produced a 35% increase in MO2 compared to fasted animals, with a maximum peak after 3 h and returning to baseline after 7 h. Handling stress (5 min) produced a 140% MO2 peak (from 180 to 252 mg O2 kg−1 h−1), returning to the routine MO2 after 2.5 h. An increase in water temperature (+0.1 °C min−1) up to 30 °C caused MO2 to peak at 200% after 2.5 h from the start of the temperature increase. The use of common anesthetics in aquaculture (MS-222, 2-phenoxyethanol and clove oil in deep anesthesia concentration) affects MO2 during the first few minutes after anesthetic recovery, but also during the following 4 h. It can be concluded that the metabolic rate is a good indicator of the goldfish’s response to aquaculture practices involving energy expenditure and stress. Thus, intermittent respirometry is a valuable non-invasive tool for understanding and improving fish welfare in aquaculture.
... online/ app/ cosin or. php) [23]. The acrophase, which is the time at which the highest activity occurs under the cosinor model, was calculated. ...
Proximity loggers are a biotelemetry technology used to quantify animal–animal interactions non-invasively. They are small devices can be affixed to a target animal and detects and records if another device is within a certain distance, which can provide unprecedented insights into individual behavior and interactions with other animals or other aspects of the environment. Proximity loggers also can record the duration and distance between the two or more individuals detected, and have been used to study a diverse array of interactions. Studying drinking behavior in sheep is important for several critical reasons, such as improving animal welfare, enhancing productivity, managing resources efficiently, and ensuring sustainable agricultural practices. The objective of this study was to test the capacity for Bluetooth Low Energy proximity loggers to quantify drinking habits in sheep (n = 7 adult females). At all times, they had access to water from two drinking troughs. Animals wore neck collars that contained a mobile logger, and two stationary loggers were placed under the drinking troughs. To store the records downloaded from the stationary loggers, a gateway was placed close to the troughs. The mobile loggers were programmed as beacons to transmit their ID to the stationary loggers, which were programmed as receivers to scan the proximity of the mobile loggers, record the time, the IDs of the mobile loggers, and the received signal strength of the contact with the mobile loggers.
Ewes visited the drinking troughs 2.4 ± 0.5 times per day (rank 1.4–2.9), most frequently (42%) between 0800 and 1000 h, and 84% occurred in the daytime. Mean length of each water intake was 1.72 ± 0.30 min. The cosinor analysis of the distribution of drinking events revealed a significant (P < 0.0001) 24-h circadian rhythm in drinking events, and the acrophase (time of the highest proportion of events) occurred at 1054 h.
Considering that studying water intake in sheep is crucial for optimizing their health, welfare, and management, the proximity loggers were demonstrated to be appropriate for documenting the drinking habits of sheep, and probably, would be suitable for studies of other behaviors that involve approaching other animals or objects.
... The mean (±SE) estimated locomotor activity from the eight days were calculated based on the data from both devices, and the hourly means were calculated. The hourly means were fitted to the cosine curve of a 24 h activity rhythm, which was obtained from the cosinor method at the Cosinor online platform ( [4]. Acrophase, which is the time at which the highest activity occurs under the cosinor model, was calculated based on the data from the two accelerometers. ...
Triaxial accelerometers provide a non-invasive means of recording all small-scale body motions of an animal. The summary metrics that can be extracted from a given accelerometer, and the validity and reliability of the estimates obtained, determine whether a particular accelerometer is suitable for research. The objectives of this study were to compare the performance of two models of triaxial accelerometers in quantifying the behavior of adult ewes and growing lambs, and to compare the circadian rhythms calculated from the locomotor activity data collected by these accelerometers. Ten non-pregnant ewes, and 10 weaned lambs, which were in their fattening period were used in experiment 1 and 2, respectively. Ewes and lambs were fitted with two models of commercially available accelerometers (ActiGraph wGT3X-BT and Axivity AX3), which were attached to a neck collar that remained in place for 10 d. The profiles of the mean locomotor activity of ewes and lambs based on the two devices were similar. In addition, the cosinor curves of the two devices fit each other, and their acrophases did not differ significantly. Both accelerometers indicated that all ewes and lambs had a 24-h rhythm in locomotor activity. The coefficient of correlation and the coefficient of determination between the Actigraph and the Axivity data were 0.798 (P < 0.01) and 0.6369 (P < 0.01), and 0.940 (P < 0.01) and 0.8843 (P < 0.01), for ewes and lambs, respectively. Given the strong correlations between the Actigraph and the Axivity tri-axial accelerometers in quantifying the activities of ewes and lambs, and the similarity of the circadian rhythmicity curves calculated from data from the two devices, both brands of accelerometers are suitable for measuring the locomotor activity in these animals.
... No reuse allowed without permission. (Molcan, 2023). All data are expressed as mean±SEM. ...
A growing body of data suggests that skeletal muscle contractile function and glucose metabolism vary by time-of-day, with chronobiological effects on intrinsic skeletal muscle properties being proposed as the underlying mediator. However, no studies have directly investigated intrinsic contractile function or glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle over a 24 h circadian cycle. To address this, we assessed intrinsic contractile function and endurance, as well as contraction-stimulated glucose uptake, in isolated extensor digitorum longus and soleus from female mice at four times-of-day (Zeitgeber Times 1, 7, 13, 19). Significantly, while both muscles demonstrated circadian-related changes in gene expression, intrinsic contractile function, endurance, and contraction-stimulated glucose uptake were not different between the four time points. Overall, these results demonstrate that time-of-day variation in exercise performance and the glycemia-reducing benefits of exercise are not due to chronobiological effects on intrinsic muscle function or contraction-stimulated glucose uptake.
Impact statement
Ex vivo testing demonstrates that there is no time-of-day variation in the intrinsic contractile properties of skeletal muscle (including no effect on force production or endurance) or contraction-stimulated glucose uptake.
... 1-3). We analysed the presence and significance of 24-and 12-h rhythms of pulse pressure, dP/dt (max) and protein expressions and their amplitudes (the difference between the peak and the mean value of a wave), acrophase (the time at which the peak of a rhythm occurs) and mesor (midline-estimating statistic of rhythm) using Cosinor2 (an R package) and CosinorOnline [24,25]. Rhythmic parameters are expressed as the arithmetic mean [95% confidence intervals]. ...
Artificial light at night (ALAN) disrupts 24-h variability of blood pressure, but the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects are unknown. Therefore, we analysed the daily variability of pulse pressure, the maximum value of acceleration rate of aortic pressure (dP/dt(max)) measured by telemetry and protein expression in the thoracic aorta of normotensive male rats exposed to ALAN (1-2 lx) for 3 weeks. Daily, 24-h variability of pulse pressure and dP/dt(max) was observed during a regular light/dark regimen with higher values during the dark compared to the light phase of the day. ALAN suppressed 24-h variability and enhanced ultradian (<12-h) periods of pulse pressure and dP/dt(max) in duration-dependent manners. From beat-to-beat blood pressure variability, ALAN decreased low-frequency bands (a sympathetic marker) and had minimal effects on high-frequency bands. At the molecular level, ALAN decreased angiotensin II receptor type 1 expression and reduced 24-h variability. ALAN caused the appearance of 12-h oscillations in transforming growth factor β1 and fibulin 4. Expression of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase type 2 was increased in the middle of the light and dark phase of the day, and ALAN did not affect its daily and 12-h variability. In conclusion, ALAN suppressed 24-h variability of pulse pressure and dP/dt(max), decreased the power of low-frequency bands and differentially affected the expression of specific proteins in the rat thoracic aorta. Suppressed 24-h oscillations by ALAN underline the pulsatility of individual endocrine axes with different periods, disrupting the cardiovascular control of central blood pressure.
... Raw data of fastq format were firstly processed through inhouse Perl scripts. In this step, clean data were obtained by removing reads containing adapter, reads containing N base, and low-quality reads from raw data by Trimmomatic (Simons 2010;Krueger 2012;Molcan 2019). All the downstream analyses were based on clean data with high quality. ...
Light is an essential ecological factor that has been demonstrated to affect aquatic animals’ behavior, growth performance, and energy metabolism. Our previous study found that the full-spectrum light and cyan light could promote growth performance and molting frequency of Scylla paramamosain while it was suppressed by violet light. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the underlying molecular mechanism that influences light spectral composition on the growth performance and molting of S. paramamosain. RNA-seq analysis and qPCR were employed to assess the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) of eyestalks from S. paramamosain reared under full-spectrum light (FL), violet light (VL), and cyan light (CL) conditions after 8 weeks trial. The results showed that there are 5024 DEGs in FL vs. VL, 3398 DEGs in FL vs. CL, and 3559 DEGs in VL vs. CL observed. GO analysis showed that the DEGs enriched in the molecular function category involved in chitin binding, structural molecular activity, and structural constituent of cuticle. In addition, the DEGs in FL vs. VL were mainly enriched in the ribosome, amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism, lysosome, apoptosis, and antigen processing and presentation pathways by KEGG pathway analysis. Similarly, ribosome, lysosome, and antigen processing and presentation pathways were major terms that enriched in FL vs. CL group. However, only the ribosome pathway was significantly enriched in up-regulated DEGs in VL vs. CL group. Furthermore, five genes were randomly selected from DEGs for qPCR analysis to validate the RNA-seq data, and the result showed that there was high consistency between the RNA-seq and qPCR. Taken together, violet light exposure may affect the growth performance of S. paramamosain by reducing the ability of immunity and protein biosynthesis, and chitin metabolism.
... online/ app/ cosin or. php) was used in this study [28]. If the characteristics of the data analyzed fit the cosine curve with P < 0.05, a circadian rhythm was confirmed. ...
Disturbances in the circadian rhythm have been reported in patients following traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, the rhythmic expression of circadian genes in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) following TBI has not yet been studied. The messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression of period 1 (Per1), Per2, Per3, cryptochrome 1 (Cry1), Cry2, brain and muscle aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator-like 1 (Bmal1), and circadian locomotor output cycles kaput (Clock) was quantified in PBLs from sham-operated rats and rats with acute subdural hematoma (ASDH) over a 48-h period. The rectal temperature of the animals was measured every 4 h over 2 days. The mesor, rhythm, amplitude, and acrophase were estimated using cosinor analysis. Cosinor analysis revealed that Per2, Cry1, and Bmal1 mRNAs were rhythmically expressed in the PBLs of sham-operated rats. In contrast, fluctuations in rhythmic expression were not observed following ASDH. The rectal temperature of sham-operated rats also exhibited rhythmicity. ASDH rats had a disrupted rectal temperature rhythm, a diminished amplitude, and an acrophase shift. TBI with ASDH results in dysregulated expression of some circadian genes and changes in body temperature rhythm. Further research is required to understand the pathophysiology of altered circadian networks following TBI.
Key messages
First to investigate the mRNA expression of circadian genes in PBLs of ASDH rats.
ASDH rats had disrupted rhythmicity of Per2, Cry1, and Bmal1 mRNA expression.
Cosinor analysis showed that ASDH rats had a disrupted rectal temperature rhythm.
... To analyze differences between groups, multiple unpaired, two-tailed t-tests with Bonferroni correction were performed. Additionally, to determine the effects of time-restricted exercise on voluntary activity, the acrophase of wheel activity was determined during the final day of ad libitum wheel access using Cosinor analysis 48 . The acrophase in wheel activity was compared between EAP and LAP mice using an unpaired, two-tailed t-test. ...
Circadian rhythms play a crucial role in the regulation of various physiological processes, including cardiovascular function and metabolism. Exercise provokes numerous beneficial adaptations in heart, including physiological hypertrophy, and serves to shift circadian rhythms. This study investigated the impact of time-restricted exercise training on exercise-induced adaptations in the heart and locomotor activity rhythms. Male mice (n = 45) were allocated to perform voluntary, time-restricted exercise in the early active phase (EAP), late active phase (LAP), or remain sedentary (SED) for 6 weeks. Subsequently, mice were allowed 24-h ad libitum access to the running wheel to assess diurnal rhythms in locomotor activity. Heart weight and cross-sectional area were measured at sacrifice, and cardiac protein and gene expression levels were assessed for markers of mitochondrial abundance and circadian clock gene expression. Mice rapidly adapted to wheel running, with EAP mice exhibiting a significantly greater running distance compared to LAP mice. Time-restricted exercise induced a shift in voluntary wheel activity during the 24-h free access period, with the acrophase in activity being significantly earlier in EAP mice compared to LAP mice. Gene expression analysis revealed a higher expression of Per1 in LAP mice. EAP exercise elicited greater cardiac hypertrophy compared to LAP exercise. These findings suggest that the timing of exercise affects myocardial adaptations, with exercise in the early active phase inducing hypertrophy in the heart. Understanding the time-of-day dependent response to exercise in the heart may have implications for optimizing exercise interventions for cardiovascular health.
... sinor.php) (Molcan, 2019). The variables derived from the cosine curve adjustment were the midline estimating statistic of rhythm (mesor), amplitude, and acrophase. ...