List of areas on Krka River with its tributaries without beaver lodges, but inhabited by beaver. Abbreviations: D -right bank, L -left bank.

List of areas on Krka River with its tributaries without beaver lodges, but inhabited by beaver. Abbreviations: D -right bank, L -left bank.

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Po vrnitvi bobra leta 1998 v Slovenijo in njegovem hitrem širjenju novejših podatkov o razširjenosti in velikosti populacije za to vrsto ni. V obdobju od februarja 2017 do maja 2017 smo pregledali celoten tok reke Krke s pritoki in popisali bobrišča. Število in lokacije novih bobrišč dokazujejo, da se je število bobrov na Krki povečalo. Obrežna veg...


... Znano je, da bobra človekova navzočnost in njegove dejavnosti (npr. ribolov) posebej ne motijo (Halley & Rosell 2002;Vochl 2008;Juršič et al. 2017). Vochl (2008) je ocenjevala habitat bobra v nižinskih poplavnih gozdovih Slovenije na odsekih reke Krke, Radulje in Drave. ...
... Primernost habitata za bobra se je v 14 letih v 20-metrskem pasu kopnega ob vodnih telesih zmanjšala zaradi spremenjene rabe zemljišč, to je zmanjšanja površine z lesno vegetacijo in povečanja kmetijskih in pozidanih zemljišč. Juršič et al. (2017) so leta 2017 pregledali celoten tok reke Krke s pritoki in popisali 56 bobrišč. Ugotovili so, da sta bila ključna dejavnika bobrove razširjenosti obrežna vegetacija z velikimi drevesi majhnega premera in bogata zeliščna vegetacija. ...
... Populacija bobra na Goričkem se še širi, zato bo bober v prihodnje naseljeval tudi manj ugodne habitate. Vodotoki na Goričkem so v primerjavi z vodotoki iz študij Vochl (2008), Juršič et al. (2017) in Vida (2022) ožji, plitvejši, a bober tam vseeno živi. Bobri so glede habitata prilagodljivi, saj preživijo in se razmnožujejo tudi v suboptimalnih habitatih, značilnosti habitata pa lahko z graditvijo jezov tudi izboljšajo. ...
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Evropski bober je v Sloveniji in večjem delu Evrope v začetku 20. stoletja veljal za izumrlo vrsto. Ob koncu 20. stoletja se je po številnih reintrodukcijah in uveljavitvi ohranitvenih ukrepov ponovno razširil. V Sloveniji se je vnovič naselil leta 1998, na Goričkem leta 2016. V zimi 2021/22 smo na Goričkem popisali šest vodnih teles, na katerih je bilo med letoma 2016 in 2020 potrjeno pojavljanje te vrste. Namen popisa je bil ugotoviti značilnosti bobrovega habitata na Goričkem glede na ključne okoljske dejavnike, ki mu omogočajo preživetje. Zaradi zgodnje faze naselitve smo domnevali, da je bober za svoj teritorij izbral optimalne habitate. Na izbranih odsekih vodnih teles smo popisali 82 ploskev. Aktivnost bobra je bila potrjena na 71 % ploskev s stoječo in 26 % ploskev s tekočo vodo. Najpogostejši tip kopenskega habitata so bile njive. Gozd je pokrival le 18 % ploskev. Bober je bil najpogosteje zabeležen prav na ploskvah z gozdom (73 %). Brežine vodnih teles so bile v glavnem zelo strme (> 60°). Sledovi bobra so bili najpogosteje najdeni na brežinah z višino do vključno 1 m, naklonom 30˚–60˚ in povprečno 500 m oddaljenostjo od naselij. Vodotoki, ki jih je na Goričkem naselil bober, so razmeroma ozki in plitki, a jih bober kljub temu naseljuje. Najpomembnejši okoljski dejavnik za bobre je razpoložljivost ustrezne lesne vegetacije, s katero se hrani predvsem jeseni in pozimi. Poznavanje značilnosti in izbire habitata je pomembno za varstveno upravljanje in monitoring bobra na Goričkem in v Sloveniji.
... Since the first reappearance of the beaver in Slovenia, its abundance has increased. Kryštufek et al. (2006), for example, estimated that there were less than ten individuals on the Krka River, while a later study on the abundance of the beaver estimated the population size at between 168-392 individuals (Juršič et al. 2017). According to the Life Beaver project website (LIFE BOBER 2023), beavers in Slovenia currently live in the catchments of the Mura, Drava, and Sava Rivers. ...
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The Eurasian beaver is a common rodent which became extinct in Slovenia in the 18th century and reappeared in the 1990’s. This field note describes an encounter with a beaver inside the Vidovec Cave (Metlika, Southeastern Slovenia). Apart from a sign of beaver presence, we also noticed a straw mat presumably used for sleeping. The described observation is probably the first of its kind in Slovenia, although similar observations are known from Croatia as well.
... Beavers from the Croatian reintroduction reached the Krka tributary of the River Sava, Slovenia, in 1998 (Vochl & Halley 2017, Jursic et al. 2017. Later, beavers entered the southern Dravinja (Drava) river from Croatia (downstream) and the north of the same river from Austria (upstream; ...
... The national population was estimated in 2015 as "at least 60 families with 300 to 400 individuals" (Ministry of Environment, quoted in Dnevnik newspaper, 29 March 2018) and "70 families" (Slovenske Novice newspaper, 10 April 2018). However, a detailed survey of the Krka estimated the population on that river alone at 50 active territories, 168-392 individuals (Jursic et al. 2017). ...
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1. A century ago, overhunting had reduced Eurasian beaver Castor fiber populations to c. 1200 animals in scattered refugia from France to Mongolia. Reintroductions and natural spread have since restored the species to large areas of its original range. Population has more than tripled since the first modern estimate in 1998; the minimum estimate is now c. 1.5 million. 2. Range expansion 2000–2020 has been rapid, with large extensions in western and south-central Europe, southern Russia, and west and central Siberia. Beavers are now re-established in all countries of their former European range except for Portugal, Italy, and the southern Balkans; they occur broadly across Siberia to Mongolia, with scattered populations father east. About half of the world population lives in Russia. Populations appear to be mature in much of European Russia, Belarus, the Baltic States, and Poland. 3. There is a significant population of North American beaver Castor canadensis in Finland and north-west Russia. Most other 20th-Century introductions of this species have become extinct or been removed. 4. Recent DNA studies have improved understanding of Castor fiber population prehistory and history. Two clades, east and west, are extant; a third ‘Danube’ clade is extinct. Refugial populations were strongly bottlenecked, with loss of genetic diversity through genetic drift. 5. Future range extension, and large increases in populations and in impacts on freshwater systems, can be expected. Beavers are now recolonising densely populated, intensely modified, low-relief regions, such as England, the Netherlands, Belgium, and north-west Germany. They will become much more common and widespread there in coming decades. As beavers are ecosystem engineers with profound effects on riparian habitats, attention to integrating beaver management into these landscapes using experience gained in other areas – before the rapid increase in population densities and impacts occurs – is recommended