Table 3 - uploaded by Alberto Fernández
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List of SMOTE-based approaches for other learning paradigms

List of SMOTE-based approaches for other learning paradigms

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The Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) preprocessing algorithm is considered “de facto” standard in the framework of learning from imbalanced data. This is due to its simplicity in the design of the procedure, as well as its robustness when applied to different type of problems. Since its publication in 2002, SMOTE has proven success...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... of SMOTE have been applied other learning paradigms: (1) streaming data (see Section 4.1); (2) Semi-supervised and active learning (in Section 4.2); (3) Multi-instance and multi-label classification (Section 4.3); (4) Regression (in Section 4.4) and (5) Other and more complex prediction problems and such as text classification, low quality data classification, and so on (see Section 4.5). Table 3 presents a summary of the SMOTE extensions by chronological order, indicating their references, algorithm names and learning paradigms they tackle. In the following, we will give a brief description of each learning paradigm and the associated developed techniques. ...
Context 2
... of SMOTE have been applied other learning paradigms: (1) streaming data (see Section 4.1); (2) Semi-supervised and active learning (in Section 4.2); (3) Multi-instance and multi-label classification (Section 4.3); (4) Regression (in Section 4.4) and (5) Other and more complex prediction problems and such as text classification, low quality data classification, and so on (see Section 4.5). Table 3 presents a summary of the SMOTE extensions by chronological order, indicating their references, algorithm names and learning paradigms they tackle. In the following, we will give a brief description of each learning paradigm and the associated developed techniques. ...
Context 3
... of SMOTE have been applied other learning paradigms: (1) streaming data (see Section 4.1); (2) Semi-supervised and active learning (in Section 4.2); (3) Multi-instance and multi-label classification (Section 4.3); (4) Regression (in Section 4.4) and (5) Other and more complex prediction problems and such as text classification, low quality data classification, and so on (see Section 4.5). Table 3 presents a summary of the SMOTE extensions by chronological order, indicating their references, algorithm names and learning paradigms they tackle. In the following, we will give a brief description of each learning paradigm and the associated developed techniques. ...

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... The SMOTE technique works by first setting the number of oversamples N and then randomly selecting a sample from the minority class and finding its K nearest neighbours. Subsequently, N of these neighbours are randomly selected and a new sample is generated by interpolating between the sample and its neighbours, thus balancing the class distribution of the dataset [26]. In this experiment, given that the AI4I dataset is highly imbalanced (with the ratio of 0-labeled samples to 1-labeled samples being greater than 10:1), using SMOTE to balance the dataset is an appropriate choice. ...
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Fault diagnosis plays an integral role in machine health monitoring. However, in practical applications, there are obvious differences in class distribution within the data, leading to poor performance of the algorithm in identifying a few classes. Meanwhile, overfitting and computational resource requirements have become a challenge. Recently, the stacking model has been promoted in the field of fault diagnosis, but its performance evaluation of stacking models in many literature is not comprehensive enough. In this paper, an Advanced Ensemble Trees model (AET) is proposed. The SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique) resampling technique is used to optimise the dataset balance. Then, the advantages of Support Vector Machines (SVM) and multi-tree models are combined to form a robust base model using hyper-parameter tuning. Simple Logistic Regression (LR) is used as a meta-model to construct the new stacking model. Through extensive experimental validation, it is found that the AET model is close to 99% in several key performance metrics and outperforms existing machine learning methods and relatively short model training time.
... SMOTE helps to build a more broad decision boundary by creating new samples by interpolating between existing ones rather than replicating current minority samples. [30] [31]. ...
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... Recent research focuses on two key areas, one of which aims to improve the sampling performance of SMOTE. To this end, several variants have been developed to accomplish these key objectives: enhancing clustering methods, optimizing dataset-specific parameter values, selecting optimal candidate sample points for oversampling prior to generating synthetic examples, filtering artificial instances or selecting precise samples from minority classes, and managing dimensionality changes (e.g., K-Means SMOTE, MWMOTE, Borderline-SMOTE1, TRIM, TSMOTE) [11,28,57,84,96]. The other dimension aims to ensure that synthetic data production fairly represents vulnerable groups, such as those defined by ethnicity, gender, income and other subgroups when data size is small and heterogeneous [105]. ...
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Substance use poses a significant public health challenge worldwide, including in Finland. This study seeks to predict patterns of substance use, aiming to identify the driving factors behind these trends using artificial intelligence techniques. This research utilizes data from the 2022 Finnish National Drug Survey, comprising 3,857 participants, to develop predictive models targeting the use of cannabis, ecstasy, amphetamine, cocaine, and non-prescribed medications. Analysis of 23 questionnaire items yielded 76 features across four substance use dimensions: demographic attributes, experience and preferences of drug use, health-related aspects of drug use, and social attributes of drug use. In addition to traditional machine learning (ML) approaches previously applied in this field, three sophisticated deep learning models—standard LSTM, BiLSTM, and Recursive LSTM—were employed to evaluate their predictive performance. These LSTM models were further augmented with SHAP analysis to identify the primary influences on substance use patterns. While all these artificial intelligence models demonstrated superior predictive performance, our focus was specifically on the outcomes of the LSTM models due to their novel application in this field. The results underscore the exceptional performance of both LSTM and ML models in unraveling complex substance use behaviors, underlining their applicability in diverse public health contexts. This study not only sheds light on the predictors of substance uses but also furthers methodological innovation in drug research, charting new directions for crafting targeted intervention strategies and policies. The observed variability in predictor significance across different substances indicates the necessity for tailored prevention programs catering to particular user groups. Integrating machine learning with social science and public health policy, our research deepens the understanding of the factors influencing substance use and promotes effective strategies for its mitigation. Despite some limitations, this investigation establishes a foundation for future studies and accentuates the critical role of advanced computational techniques in addressing intricate social issues.
... Avoiding minority sample duplication by developing synthetic samples decreases overfitting (He and Garcia 2009). It enhances ML models in terms of recall and F1-score on imbalanced datasets (Fernández et al. 2018). Despite employing different feature selection methods than earlier studies, the deductible, incident severity, umbrella insurance coverage limit, and policy type are common relevant features. ...
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Like other industries, insurance companies processed large volumes of data during the industrial revolution. The industry's major concern is increasing numbers of fraudulent claims. These claims affect not only financial losses but also the entire industry, honest policyholders, and society. Machine learning (ML) approaches are recently utilized in insurance fraud detection to reduce such losses. To further improve, this article introduces a novel prediction framework for fraudulent claims called the Two-step models. The anonymous US auto insurance dataset was used to demonstrate and evaluate the framework. Under-sampling and synthetic minority over-sampling technique (SMOTE) were used to balance data. Mutual information was employed as a feature selection tool. Five proposed models were built in two steps. Early on, eight basic ML models were implemented. The top three affective models were chosen based on their F-measure scores. Then, their predicted values were used as components to construct the two-step models using ensemble techniques. Statistical tests were utilized to appraise all models. Numerical results indicated that the proposed models yielded significant enhancements. Moreover, the most effective model is a combination of SMOTE and improved multilayer perceptron (IMLP). This research could help insurance firms improve their fraud detection systems to prevent insurance abuse.
... SMOTE) proposed by (Chawla et al., 2002). In this method instead of simply replicating minority samples, synthetic samples are generated by interpolating along the line connecting several minority class instances within a defined neighborhood (Fernández et al., 2018;. In our study, following a trial-and-error approach, we set the neighborhood as the 5 closest instances around the sample of interest. ...
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Prediction of the rapid intensification (RI) of tropical cyclones (TCs) is crucial for improving disaster preparedness against storm hazards. These events can cause extensive damage to coastal areas if occurring close to landfall. Available models struggle to provide accurate RI estimates due to the complexity of underlying physical mechanisms. This study provides new insights into the prediction of a subset of rapidly intensifying TCs influenced by prolonged ocean warming events known as marine heatwaves (MHWs). MHWs could provide sufficient energy to supercharge TCs. Preconditioning by MHW led to RI of recent destructive TCs, Otis (2023), Doksuri (2023), and Ian (2022), with economic losses exceeding $150 billion. Here, we analyze the TC best track and sea surface temperature data from 1981 to 2023 to identify hotspot regions for compound events, where MHWs and RI of tropical cyclones occur concurrently or in succession. Building upon this, we propose an ensemble machine learning model for RI forecasting based on storm and MHW characteristics. This approach is particularly valuable as RI forecast errors are typically largest in favorable environments, such as those created by MHWs. Our study offers insight into predicting MHW TCs, which have been shown to be stronger TCs with potentially higher destructive power. Here, we show that using MHW predictors instead of the conventional method of using sea surface temperature reduces the false alarm rate by 30%. Overall, our findings contribute to coastal hazard risk awareness amidst unprecedented climate warming causing more frequent MHWs.
... GP-based imbalance handling: we use SMOTE on R to generate synthetic positive samples. But, SMOTE often generates many false positive samples [6]. To solve this problem, we assign an uncertainty score for each synthetic positive sample via the variance function of a GP. ...
... 6: Method and its implementation link. ...
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