Linking of research objectives, questions, and findings

Linking of research objectives, questions, and findings

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From a global perspective, the business environment has become highly dynamic, unpredictable, and competitive due to external forces – mostly technology – that generate change. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of digital technologies on South African business sectors. The sample includes small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in t...

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Context 1
... link between the research objectives, research questions, and findings is shown in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2 indicate the linking of the research objectives, questions and the study findings (presented in themes). ...
Context 2
... link between the research objectives, research questions, and findings is shown in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2 indicate the linking of the research objectives, questions and the study findings (presented in themes). Table 3 indicate the data from respondents, by means of percentage as per each theme of the study findings. ...

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... a broader perspective has been adopted on native advertising, influencer collaborations, and the exploration of immersive technologies like augmented reality (huang & Yoon, 2022). With the widespread adoption of smartphones, mobile advertising gained prominence. as businesses began developing, mobile-responsive campaigns, and app-based advertising became a prevalent avenue for reaching users (Jeza & lekhanya, 2022). the dynamic nature of mobile platforms required marketers to adapt content and strategies to suit smaller screens and shorter attention spans (Owan et al., 2022). ...
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This study provides a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of social media digital advertising, examining 474 journal articles published between 2000 and 2023. Utilizing R programming and VOSviewer software, it uncovers a rapidly expanding field centered on consumer behavior and brand engagement. The analysis highlights influential works that demonstrate the strong connection between social media ads and consumer behavior. Key journals and conferences known for high-quality research are identified, with dominant keywords including 'consumer behavior,' 'brand engagement,' and 'marketing strategy.' The study notes a growing application of data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and augmented reality (AR) to enhance advertising effectiveness. It also addresses the social implications of advertising, acknowledging its capacity to shape behavior and raise ethical concerns. For businesses, insights from this study can aid in navigating the evolving landscape of social media advertising, especially with data analytics and AI. This research stands out for its focus on social media digital advertising and its rigorous methodology, offering an in-depth overview of trends, significant research, and future directions. The findings emphasize the increasing role of data analytics, AI, and AR, providing practical guidance for businesses looking to refine their digital advertising strategies in a dynamic social media environment.
... Sebab, transformasi digital dinilai dapat memberikan kekuatan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pelanggan dengan menggunakan data tambahan untuk pengambilan keputusan bisnis (Aghamiri et al., 2022). Beberapa jenis teknologi seperti media sosial, gadget pintar, serta data analitik berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan bisnis dan memudahkan interaksi antara perusahaan dengan calon konsumen atau pelanggan yang ada (Jeza & Lekhanya, 2022). Transformasi digital ke dalam proses suatu bisnis dapat memengaruhi hampir keseluruhan bagian bisnis mulai dari produk, hingga teknik pemasaran yang digunakan oleh perusahaan. ...
... Banyak manfaat yang dapat diperoleh pelaku bisnis dari digitalisasi, di antaranya yaitu meningkatkan penjualan atau produktivitas suatu bisnis, inovasi dalam penciptaan nilai suatu produk, hingga penemuan bentuk-bentuk interaksi baru dengan pelanggan (Matt et al., 2015). Penerapan transformasi digital yang tepat dapat memberikan manfaat bagi bisnis berupa profitabilitas, pertumbuhan pendapatan, dan nilai pasar (Jeza & Lekhanya, 2022). Dengan demikian, sebuah bisnis dapat dianggap berhasil dalam mencapai hal tersebut dengan cara melakukan perubahan pada proses dan model bisnis mereka, memberdayakan efisiensi dan inovasi tenaga kerja, serta personalisasi terhadap pengalaman pelanggan atau masyarakat (Schwertner, 2017). ...
Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pemasaran yang telah diterapkan oleh UMKM Opoae Collection dalam menghadapi persaingan di tengah ekonomi digital, permasalahan yang harus dihadapi oleh UMKM Opoae Collection di tengah ekonomi digital, serta merumuskan strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk diterapkan oleh UMKM Opoae Collection yang tidak hanya membuat bisnisnya bertahan di tengah ekonomi digital, tetapi juga dapat berkembang, serta bersaing dengan para pesaing. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan melakukan observasi, dan wawancara. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini menggabungkan penggunaan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif berupa analisis SWOT yang meliputi matriks EFE dan matriks IFE, matriks IE, dan pada tahap terakhir terdapat analisis menggunakan matriks SWOT. Hasil analisis menggunakan matriks IE pada penelitian ini menghasilkan total skor bobot matriks EFE dan matriks IFE masing-masing sebesar 3,36, dan 3,19 yang menunjukkan UMKM Opoae Collection berada pada posisi bisnis yang sedang tumbuh dan berkembang (grow and build). Pada matriks SWOT dihasilkan empat alternatif strategi yang terdapat pada kombinasi strategi SO (Strength-Opportunity). Beberapa alternatif strategi yang dihasilkan di antaranta yaitu, mempertahankan kualitas produk, menjaga hubungan baik dengan pemasok, memaksimalkan penggunaan teknologi sebagai alat pemasaran digital, serta memperbarui produk sesuai kebutuhan dan keinginan masyarakat.
... According Vol. 37 to Cobo et al. (2011), the purpose of science mapping is to create bibliometric maps that illustrate the conceptual, intellectual, and social organization of particular disciplines, scientific domains, or research fields. Using bibliometric methods, it is possible to investigate the connection between scientific disciplines, areas, certain specificities and individual articles. ...
... Vol. 37 ...
... David et al. (2018) state that social media has a positive effect on the sustainability of small enterprises because it helps create a brand image, loyal customers and customer satisfaction, and that effective use of social networks can help SMEs reach a wider audience, while Vol. 37 The research results indicate a significant positive relationship between digital marketing and marketing performance, digital orientation and marketing performance, marketing capability and marketing performance, and information technology and marketing performance. David et al. (2018) investigated the advantages, disadvantages and integration of social media in small restaurants. ...
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Purpose: The main goal of the paper is to thematically cluster, identify, and present the most significant topics in the field of digitalization within small and medium enterprises. Additionally, the paper aims to propose guidelines for future research in this area. Methodology: In the paper, a bibliometric analysis of the literature was carried out on a sample of 285 articles with a special focus on keyword analysis, co-occurrence network analysis and trend topics analysis. Results: There has been a noticeable increase in interest in this topic since 2019, accompanied by a significantrise in the number of published articles and citations. Based on the analysis, five key thematic clusters were identified, which are related to the most frequently researched topics, and they are defined as follows: Digital technologies and Industry 4.0, Digital marketing and social media, COVID-19 and Innovation, Digital transformation, and Business models. Conclusion : The topic of digitalization in small and medium enterprises is gaining significant importance within the academic environment. This paper provides comprehensive guidelines covering methodological, practical, and thematic aspects, along with proposed research questions for future studies in this field.
... The digital transformation of local SMEs is driven by the utilization of social network platforms, innovation processes, workplace culture, and information and communication technologies (Hönigsberg & Dinter, 2019). Digital transformation has a substantial impact on developing client relationships and facilitating convenient access for South African SMEs, mostly through online selling and digital marketing platforms (Jeza & Lekhanya, 2022). Global entrepreneurial mindset and local market rivalry drive small and medium-sized enterprises to cultivate technological and marketing skills, resulting in improved performance in global marketplaces . ...
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In the current era, the challenges faced by SMEs in Indonesia are becoming increasingly complex. Previously, the primary challenge for SMEs has been to enhance performance. However, with the emergence of information technology, SMEs are now required to compete fiercely. SMEs in Indonesia are still in the process of digital transformation to improve their business strategies, thus limiting research focused on digital transformation in SMEs. Research also considers market complexity and digital strategy as crucial factors for SMEs. The aim of this study is to analyze the role of digital transformation in influencing SME performance. The research approach is quantitative, involving 171 SMEs owners as respondents. The instrument utilized is a Likert scale questionnaire, focusing on the majority of SMEs in Indonesia, particularly those in Java, the most populous island and business center of the country. This includes SMEs operating within various sectors, such as culinary, fashion, retail, and creative industries. The results indicate that digital strategy and market complexity influence digital transformation and SMEs performance. The research findings suggest that digital transformation mediates the influence of digital strategy and market complexity on SME performance. The novelty of this study lies in its focus on the current SMEs digitalization strategy area. This study indicates that digital transformation is an essential aspect affecting current SME performance. The results suggest that SMEs require focused strategies to strengthen resources and gain competitive advantage in complex markets.
... Studies show that digitization has positive effects on businesses' financial performance (Lolemo & Pandya, 2023) and is essential for small and medium enterprises' adaptability, competitiveness, and long-term viability (Ghimire et al., 2023). A study on the influence of digital transformation on the growth of small and medium enterprises revealed its substantial impact on cultivating customer relationships and ensuring business accessibility (Jeza & Lekhanya, 2022). ...
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This study delves into the crucial theme of enhancing income-generating capacity, recognizing its pivotal role in meeting basic human needs and catalyzing prosperity within communities. The motivation behind this research lies in addressing this significant issue through the lens of microfinancing, a viable solution to the identified problem. Focusing on a group of microfinancing units strategically located in North Cotabato, Philippines, this study follows the experiences of personnel within these units. The integration of digitization into their operational procedures aimed to elevate service efficiency, providing a contemporary solution to the challenges faced. The research methodology employed was qualitative, utilizing purposive sampling to gain in-depth insights. Observations, interviews, and informal conversations with key informants, including loan officers, branch managers, and an area monitor, were integral to the inquiry. Both physical and electronic documents played a crucial role in enriching the data collected. Specifically, the study aimed to identify both digitized and non-digitized operational procedures, elucidate the experiences of micro-financing employees concerning these procedures, observe the effects of digitization, and pinpoint immediate improvements resulting from digitization. Key conclusions emerged from the study. Notably, loan processing was identified as the sole procedure yet to undergo digitization. The digitized procedures, encompassing data management , loan disbursement, repayment tracking, and financial reporting , demonstrated notable advantages, characterized by increased speed and reduced errors. Importantly, personnel satisfaction with digitized operational procedures witnessed a positive upturn. Identified improvements that underscore these findings include digitizing loan processing, optimization of loan officers' client-handling capacity , and fortifying institutional data security.
... The competitiveness of businesses and their ability to take advantage of chances for innovation-driven development may be influenced by a number of variables, including those related to the market, to learning, and to the entrepreneurial spirit of the company's leadership [9]. For SMEs to keep their competitive edge over the long term, they need to adopt new technologies and processes of digital manufacturing [10]. Industry as a whole is adopting a variety of distributed data management technologies as part of the cyber-physical system (CPS), and these technologies are being used to allow shifts in the performance of firms' technological and production development, which in turn improves business outcomes [11]. ...
... According to the findings of recent studies, which are in line with the findings of past research on IT-enabled innovation acknowledges that technology is just one part of the intricate complex problem that has to be addressed if companies are to thrive in the digital age. Adjustments to strategy and organization, such as those made to the company's structure, processes, and culture, are required in order to give the opportunity for the establishment of new avenues for the production of value [10]. Despite these advances, a full grasp of this phenomena and its ramifications across all levels of study remains elusive [15,16]. ...
While the current literature has enhanced our understanding of specific aspects of digital transformation, we lack a comprehensive representation of the nature of this transition and the effects it has on SMEs in Africa. Small and medium businesses (SMEs) in Africa are largely responsible for the region's economic growth and development. Digital transformation (DT) of organisations improves resilience; nevertheless, SMEs in Africa have been hesitant to adopt DT due to a number of obstacles. The findings reveal the importance of mobile phones and social media of DT in boosting SMEs in Africa. It has also established digital technology and user experience as the main dimensions of DT.
... The dynamic landscape of today's business world, particularly for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), has been profoundly influenced by digital transformation, which reshapes traditional business models and operational strategies (Jeza, 2021). As MSMEs in Indonesia grapple with rapid technological advancements, understanding the impact of digital transformation on their performance becomes crucial. ...
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Organisational competitiveness hinges on the strategic integration of digital transformation (DT), emerging skills (ES), and organizational health (OH) to foster sustainable performance. Despite the pivotal role of these variables, limited research investigates their interplay in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. This study addresses this gap by empirically examining how MSMEs navigate challenges and opportunities amid the digital transformation landscape. Specifically, the research probes the intermediary function of the synergistic integration between DT and ES, influencing organisational performance (OP) moderated by OH. Utilizing a validated questionnaire, a three-month convenience sample involved 120 MSME managers. Partial least squares structural equation modelling analysis was employed to assess hypotheses. Findings indicate a significant relationship between DT, ES, and OH, with DT influencing OP. Interestingly, ES alone does not impact OP. Structural equation modelling reveals OH as a mediating variable between DT, ES, and OP. While the proposed model is preliminary, offering avenues for further research, this study underscores the importance of emerging skills in the MSME sector, contributing to a nuanced understanding of organisational competitiveness dynamics.
... Smaller enterprises can perceive the higher related costs and the need to employ experts as a specific constraint in using more complex methods. This peculiarity is typical for current business activity, even considering the increasing demand for IT products implementation in business management (Balcerak & Woźniak, 2021 Roshchyk et al., 2022;Szeiner et al., 2022), including artificial intelligence-based ones (Bencsik, 2021;Šuleř & Machová, 2020) and other digital tools of modeling and data collection within management systems in enterprises (Adda et la., 2021;Akimova et al., 2020;Bilan et al., 2017;Mura & Hajduová, 2021;Virglerová et al., 2022;Jeza & Lekhanya, 2022). Therefore, we also perform a multicriteria evaluation of the models in this study. ...
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Demand forecasting is one of the biggest challenges of post-pandemic logistics. It appears that logistics management based on demand prediction can be a suitable alternative to the just-in-time concept. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of AI-based and statistical forecasting models versus practice-based models for SMEs and large enterprises in practice. The study compares the effectiveness of the practice-based Prophet model with the statistical forecasting models, models based on artificial intelligence, and hybrid models developed in the academic environment. Since most of the hybrid models, and the ones based on artificial intelligence, were developed within the last ten years, the study also answers the question of whether the new models have better accuracy than the older ones. The models are evaluated using a multicriteria approach with different weight settings for SMEs and large enterprises. The results show that the Prophet model has higher accuracy than the other models on most time series. At the same time, the Prophet model is slightly less computationally demanding than hybrid models and models based on artificial neural networks. On the other hand, the results of the multicriteria evaluation show that while statistical methods are more suitable for SMEs, the prophet forecasting method is very effective in the case of large enterprises with sufficient computing power and trained predictive analysts.
... Smaller enterprises can perceive the higher related costs and the need to employ experts as a specific constraint in using more complex methods. This peculiarity is typical for current business activity, even considering the increasing demand for IT products implementation in business management (Balcerak & Woźniak, 2021 Roshchyk et al., 2022;Szeiner et al., 2022), including artificial intelligence-based ones (Bencsik, 2021;Šuleř & Machová, 2020) and other digital tools of modeling and data collection within management systems in enterprises (Adda et la., 2021;Akimova et al., 2020;Bilan et al., 2017;Mura & Hajduová, 2021;Virglerová et al., 2022;Jeza & Lekhanya, 2022). Therefore, we also perform a multicriteria evaluation of the models in this study. ...
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BSTRACT. Demand forecasting is one of the biggest challenges of post-pandemic logistics. It appears that logistics management based on demand prediction can be a suitable alternative to the just-in-time concept. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of AI-based and statistical forecasting models versus practice-based models for SMEs and large enterprises in practice. The study compares the effectiveness of the practice-based Prophet model with the statistical forecasting models, models based on artificial intelligence, and hybrid models developed in the academic environment. Since most of the hybrid models, and the ones based on artificial intelligence, were developed within the last ten years, the study also answers the question of whether the new models have better accuracy than the older ones. The models are evaluated using a multicriteria approach with different weight settings for SMEs and large enterprises. The results show that the Prophet model has higher accuracy than the other models on most time series. At the same time, the Prophet model is slightly less computationally demanding than hybrid models and models based on artificial neural networks. On the other hand, the results of the multicriteria evaluation show that while statistical methods are more suitable for SMEs, the prophet forecasting method is very effective in the case of large enterprises with sufficient computing power and trained predictive analysts.