Line drawing of Mairia crenata (Stokoe SAM56608, PRE): A, habit; B, involucral bracts; C, staminodes and style branches in ray floret; D, disc floret; E, involucral bracts of M. robusta (Wicht s.n. PRE806788, SAASVELD in PRE). Artist: G. Condy.

Line drawing of Mairia crenata (Stokoe SAM56608, PRE): A, habit; B, involucral bracts; C, staminodes and style branches in ray floret; D, disc floret; E, involucral bracts of M. robusta (Wicht s.n. PRE806788, SAASVELD in PRE). Artist: G. Condy.

Source publication
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The endemic South African genus Mairia Nees (Asteraceae, Astereae) was revised. Six species are recognised. The species differ in their leaf shape, margins and indumentum, number of main veins, arrangement and shape of their involucral bracts, and the presence or absence of staminodes in ray florets. The taxonomic treatment includes a key to the sp...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... divided, apically unequal to almost equal, silvery or honeycoloured twin hairs; epicarp smooth. Pappus biseriate, outer series of reduced, delicate, free, barbellate or plumose bristles up to 3 mm long; inner series of plumose bristles up to 9 mm long, nude or barbellate basally and fused in a ring; pappus bristles yellowish white, persistent. Figs. 1 and 2. Chromosome number 2n = ...
Context 2
... broadened; epicarp smooth. Pappus biseriate, outer series of robust, shortly dentate to strongly barbellate, dirty white to straw-coloured, free bristles, 1-2 mm long, alternate with inner series; inner series of dirty white to straw-coloured, plumose bristles, 6-7 mm long, barbellate basally, longer than disc corolla, basally fused in a ring. Figs. 1A-D, 2A, E, G. Flowering time: February to December, after fire or in disturbed ...
Context 3
... cleft, apices almost equal in length; epicarp smooth. Pappus biseriate, outer series of free barbellate bristles, 0.5-3.5 mm long, white to straw-coloured, alternately arranged to inner series; inner series of plumose bristles 6.7-7.0 mm long, nude or barbellate and fused in a ring basally, white to straw-coloured, longer than disc florets. Fig. 10. Flowering time: July to November, after fire or in disturbed ...

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... The combination of herbaceous habit, moderately large capitula with purple rays, and plumose pappus bristles is diagnostic of the genus Mairia Nees amongst southern African Asteraceae, and this identification is confirmed by examination of the lectotype (Figure 2). This small genus of six species endemic to the Cape Floristic Region of southern Africa is defined by its geophytic, scapose habit with mostly broad, leathery leaves, femalefertile ray florets with white or pink to purple limb, and ribbed cypselas with a biseriate pappus, the outer series of reduced barbellate or plumose bristles and the inner of plumose bristles (Herman & Zinnecker-Wiegand 2016). ...
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