Fig 1 - uploaded by Qing Chao Shang
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Light interaction with chiral interface. (a) Achiral-chiral interface. (b) Chiral-achiral interface.

Light interaction with chiral interface. (a) Achiral-chiral interface. (b) Chiral-achiral interface.

Source publication
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Research on light scattering from a large chiral sphere shows that the rainbow phenomenon is different from that of an isotropic sphere. A chiral sphere with certain chirality generates three first-order rainbows. In this Letter, we present a geometric optics interpretation for the phenomenon and make a calculation of the rainbow angles. The ray tr...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the ray traces in a chiral sphere, an introduction to the reflection and refraction of light at the achiral-chiral interface and the chiral-achiral interface is necessary. Much study was devoted to it several years ago [10][11][12][13] . Consider a light ray impinging on an achiralchiral interface with an incidence angle θ i , as shown in Fig. 1(a). n 0 is the refractive index of the isotropic medium and k i is the wave number of the incident light. There will be two transmitted rays in the chiral medium. One is an RCP ray with refracted angle θ R and the other is an LCP ray with refracted angle θ L . The continuity of the tangential components of the wave vectors in the two ...
Context 2
... the chiral-achiral interface, suppose that an RCP ray illuminates the interface with an incident angle θ i . There will be two reflected rays in the chiral medium and one transmitted ray in the general isotropic medium, as shown in Fig. 1(b). Similarly, the reflected angles and the refracted angle can be obtained ...
Context 3
... rainbow is formed by transmitted rays after one internal reflection of the incident light ray. Similarly, to explain first-order chiral sphere rainbows and calculate the rainbow angles, we need to determine the transmitted rays after one internal reflection. According to the illustration of the light interaction with the chiral interface in Fig. 1, it can be inferred that a linearly polarized ray incident at the surface of a chiral sphere generates a refracted RCP ray and a refracted LCP ray inside the sphere. Each refracted ray inside the sphere generates two reflected rays after one internal reflection. Thus, there are four total transmitted rays outside the sphere after one ...

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... Over the past few decades, the light scattering of plane waves by various chiral particles has been extensively investigated. Many methodologies have been developed to analyze this problem, for instance, analytical solutions based on the vector wave functions [22][23][24][25][26][27][28], numerical techniques including the method of moments (MoM) [29,30], the finite difference time domain method [31], the finite difference frequency domain method [32], and the high frequency method based on geometrical optics approximation [33,34]. Recently, there has been increasing interest in the study of light scattering by various chiral particles illuminated by laser beams with special amplitude, phase, and polarization distributions. ...
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