Fig 12 - uploaded by Gabrijel Seljak
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A complete faunistic overview of psyllids recorded in Slovenia is presented. Altogether, 129 species are listed: Aphalaridae – 18, Calophyidae – 1, Homotomidae – 1, Liviidae – 12,
Psyllidae – 50, and Triozide – 47 species. Eighteen species recorded in Slovenia are listed here for the first time. Historical records for the species Cacopsylla parvipe...
... Las hembras en promedio son un poco más grandes (1,5 mm) que los machos (1,3 mm) (Den Bieman y Hoekstra 2021). Los adultos son voladores, sus huevos son amarillos y el estado de ninfa pasa por cinco estadios, siendo caminadoras de vida libre (Hodkinson 2009;Seljak 2020). ...
... Distribución geográfica. Agonoscena succincta es un psílido de origen europeo presente en Austria, Bélgica, Eslovenia, España, Francia, Israel, Italia, Iraq, Países Bajos, Federación Rusa, Suiza y Túnez, señalándose que en algunos países es necesaria aún su confirmación (Burckhardt y Lauterer 1989;Spodek et al. 2017;Ben Halima Kamel et al. 2019;Ouvrard 2019;Seljak 2020; Den Bieman y Hoekstra 2021) y en Brasil (introducida) (Burckhardt y Lauterer 1989;Burckhardt y Queiroz 2012;Natural History Museum 2024). En Chile, los ejemplares reportados en la presente comunicación fueron encontrados en las regiones de Coquimbo, Valparaíso y Metropolitana de Santiago sobre ruda. ...
Se presentan nuevos registros de Agonoscena succincta en las regiones de Coquimbo, Valparaíso y Metropolitana de Santiago ubicadas en la subregión central de Chile, atacando a Ruta chalepensis (ruda), planta medicinal perenne de origen europeo naturalizada en el país. Los adultos se obtuvieron mediante la cría a partir de huevos y ninfas obtenidas desde el follaje de R. chalepensis. Se entrega una diagnosis y fotografías del insecto para facilitar su reconocimiento.
... S. fonscolombii has the potential to cause negative economic consequences in Australia (DAWE 2020) because sucks on plant sap and causes damage similar to S. buxi (Gertsson, 2015), which produces galls or distorted leaves (Hodkinson 2009;O'Connor and Malumphy 2011), may also be considered as alien in Slovenia, as they are associated with the host plants introduced or spread into Slovenia a very long time ago (Seljak 2020). In Switzerland, S. fonscolombii is on the list of invasive alien species (Wittenberg 2005). ...
Boxwood ( Buxus sempervirens ) is a host for several mite and insect pests, but the species of plant-parasitic psyllid Spanioneura fonscolombii has been observed in Romania for the first time in 2017. Subsequent research has shown that the species is much more spread, our data confirming its presence in western, eastern, and southern Romania. This is also the most south-eastern record of the species in Europe.
... Lisne buhe isključivo su fitofagni kukci (Ossiannilsson 1992), a s obzirom na izbor biljnih domaćina za ishranu, uglavnom su monofagi. Manji je broj vrsta oligofagan, dok je polifaga među lisnim buhama vrlo malo (Ossiannilsson 1992;Malenovský i Lauterer 2017;Seljak 2020). S obzirom na usku povezanost lisnih buha uz biljne domaćine kojima se hrane, za uspješno istraživanje faune lisnih buha neophodno je dobro poznavanje flore istraživanog područja. ...
Lisne buhe (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Psylloidea) sitni su kukci koje je u prirodi teško otkriti, posebno kada se nalaze u populacijama niskog intenziteta. Procjenjuje se da je u svijetu do danas opisano oko 4000 vrsta klasificiranih u sedam porodica. Samo manji broj vrsta ubraja se u važne poljoprivredne štetnike, a u posljednje vrijeme dobivaju na značaju zahvaljujući spoznaji da prenose uzročnike biljnih bolesti. Faunističko istraživanje lisnih buha u Hrvatskoj započelo je 2015. godine. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je sastaviti popis vrsta lisnih buha prisutnih u Hrvatskoj, uz pregled pripadajućih biljaka domaćina, kao i utvrditi potencijalno prisustvo nekih do danas u Hrvatskoj nepoznatih vrsta. Odrasli primjerci lisnih buha uzorkovani su entomološkim kečerom ili metodom otresanja biljaka na bijelu podlogu te su usnim aspiratorom prikupljani u Falcon epruvete i do laboratorijske analize pohranjeni u 70% etilni alkohol. Identifikacija vrsta provedena je klasičnom makroskopskom i mikroskopskom analizom na osnovi morfoloških karakteristika odraslih stadija i genitalija mužjaka, vrlo rijetko i ženki, uz korištenje dihotomnih ključeva dostupnih u literaturi. U periodu od 2015. do 2021. godine sljedeće vrste lisnih buha iz porodice Psyllidae zabilježene su po prvi puta u Hrvatskoj: Diaphorina chobauti Puton, 1898, Arytaina genistae (Latreille, 1805), Cacopsylla brunneipennis (Edwards, 1896), Cacopsylla myrthi (Puton, 1876), Cacopsylla saliceti (Foerster, 1848), Livilla variegata (Löw, 1881), Psylla foersteri Flor, 1861 i Psylla hartigii Flor, 1861.
The jumping plant lice (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) are a most important group of phytophagous insects from economically of view, which contain many significant pests, vectors, and invasive species. So far more than 70 jumping plant louse species have been reported from Hungary (Kontschán & Ripka 2020), but many species have been found only rarely or were recorded only at the end of the 19th century (Ripka 2008). The several jumping plant lice species are in association with different species of Fabaceae. Some of the Hungarian species are alien and non-indigenous in Hungary and associated with non-native planted ornamental trees, like Albizia julibrissin Durazz with Acizzia jamatonica(Kuwayama, 1908), Cercis siliquastrum L. with Cacopsylla pulchella (Löw, 1877) or Laburnum spp. with Livilla variegata (Löw, 1881) (see Kontschán 2023, Kontschán et al. 2022). Another part of the Fabaceae-associated psyllids lives on the indigenous plants of Hungary. However, these species are rarely collected, and the major Hungarian records originated at the end of the 19th century (Ripka 2008).
Prikazan je taksonomsko urejen seznam bolšic (insecta, Hemiptera, Psylloidea), ki so bile doslej najdene na ozemlju Slovenije. Na seznamu je 125 vrst iz naslednjih družin: aphalaridae-18, Calophyidae-1, Carsidaridae-1, liviidae-11, Psyllidae-50 in Triozidae-44 vrst. Pri vsaki vrsti so navedene gostiteljske rastline, na katerih so bile najdene v Sloveniji. Temeljni poudarek tega članka je namenjen slovenskemu poimenovanju vseh vključenih vrst.
A checklist of the jumping plant-lice species (Hemiptera, Psylloidea) of Slovenia and their slovenian vernacular names.
A taxonomically ordered checklist of jumping plant-lice species (Insecta, Hemiptera, Psylloidea) occurring on the territory of Slovenia was prepared. The list includes 125 species from the following families: Aphalaridae-18, Calophyidae-1, Carsidaridae-1, Liviidae-11, Psyllidae-50 and Triozidae-46 species. For each species are listed the host plants, on which they were found in Slovenia. The emphasis of this work is on Slovenian naming of all included species.
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Jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Psylloidea) are small phloem-feeding insects. With about 400 species distributed in Europe, the European fauna is considered well-studied. However, information on psyllids occurring in the eastern Balkan Peninsula is insufficient. So far, less than a hundred psyllid species are known for Bulgaria, most of which have been reported only from a few regions. Knowledge on the psyllid fauna of the Sarnena Sredna Gora Mountains in central Bulgaria is sparse and relatively old, with only a handful of recorded species. The aim of the present study is to summarise the information on Psylloidea from this region, including recently collected material kept in the zoological collection of Sofia University. A total of 17 species were found of which 7 species had been previously published and 10 species from 3 families are new to the region: Aphalara freji Burckhardt & Lauterer, 1997 (Aphalaridae), Diaphorina lycii Loginova, 1978, Arytaina maculata (Löw, 1886), Cacopsylla bidens (Šulc, 1907), Cacopsylla melanoneura (Foerster, 1848), Cacopsylla pulchra (Zetterstedt, 1838), Livilla horvathi (Scott, 1879), Psylla foersteri Flor, 1861 (all Psyllidae), Bactericera modesta (Foerster, 1848) and Trioza rotundata Flor, 1861 (Triozidae).
Cacopsylla pruni is a psyllid that has been known since 1998 as the vector of the
bacterium ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’, responsible for the European stone fruit
yellows (ESFY), a disease that affects species of Prunus. This disease is one of the major
limiting factors for the production of stone fruits, most notably apricot (Prunus armeniaca)
and Japanese plum (P. salicina), in all EU stone fruit-growing areas. The psyllid vector is
widespread in the Western Palearctic and evidence for the presence of the phytoplasma
that it transmits to species of Prunus has been found in 15 of the 27 EU countries.
Recent studies showed that C. pruni is actually composed of two cryptic species that can
be differentiated by molecular markers. A literature review on the distribution of C. pruni
was published in 2012, but it only provided presence or absence information at the country
level and without distinction between the two cryptic species.
Since 2012, numerous new records of the vector in several European countries have been
published. We ourselves have acquired a large amount of data from sampling in France
and other European countries. We have also carried out a thorough systematic literature
review to find additional records, including all the original sources mentioning C. pruni (or
its synonyms) since the first description by Scopoli in 1763. Our aim was to create an
exhaustive georeferenced occurrence catalogue, in particular in countries that are
occasionally mentioned in literature with little detail. Finally, for countries that seem suitable
for the proliferation of C. pruni (USA, Canada, Japan, China etc.), we dug deeper into
literature and reliable sources (e.g. published checklists) to better substantiate its current
absence from those regions.
Information on the distribution ranges of these vector psyllids is of crucial interest in order
to best predict the vulnerability of stone fruit producing countries to the ESFY threat in the
foreseeable future