Fig 3 - uploaded by Mikhail Son
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Large Daphnia ephippia on a surface layer of the soil We used samples from three different steppe localities: Great Chapli Depression (46°29'01; N 33°51'10 E), artificial pond (46°27'45 N; 33°51'33 E) and the dry bottom of a small steppe pool (46°27'28 N 34°06'33 E), but large Branchiopoda were obtained only from the first locality. Also we examined I. K. Polishchuk`s collections and photo and video materials made during the previous flooding of the Great Chapli Depression in 2010. 

Large Daphnia ephippia on a surface layer of the soil We used samples from three different steppe localities: Great Chapli Depression (46°29'01; N 33°51'10 E), artificial pond (46°27'45 N; 33°51'33 E) and the dry bottom of a small steppe pool (46°27'28 N 34°06'33 E), but large Branchiopoda were obtained only from the first locality. Also we examined I. K. Polishchuk`s collections and photo and video materials made during the previous flooding of the Great Chapli Depression in 2010. 

Source publication
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In the most famous Great Chapli Depression of the Ukraine under protection within the Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova", seven species of large Branchiopoda were recorded (Streptocephalus torvicornis, Branchipus schaefferi, Leptestheria dahalacensis, Limnadia lenticularis, Cyzicus tetracerus, Lepidurus apus, Triops cancri-formis) by means of incubat...

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Context 1
... these conditions, experimental hatching occurs within 1-3 days. After that, organisms are grown to stages used for identification. At the stage of sampling, large Daphnia ephippia visi- ble to the naked eye can serve as indicators of an egg bank with different resting eggs (Fig. 3). ...

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До збірки включено матеріали Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції «Моніторинг та охорона біорізноманіття в Україні» (Київ, 27 березня 2020 року), що була організована БО «БФ «Фонд захисту біорізноманіття України». Конференція організована з метою отримати об’єктивне наукове бачення пріоритетів та проблем охорони біорізноманіття в Україні, огляд кращих практик вже проведених заходів охорони, менеджменту та моніторингу біорізноманіття.