Fig 2 - uploaded by Christian Capapé
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Lampris guttatus captured off Coco Beach, close to Ghar El Melh, aboard the small vessel. Sl. 2: Primerek svetlice (Lampris guttatus) na krovu manjšega plovila, ujet pri plaži Coco Beach, blizu Ghar El Melh.
Source publication
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... the fishing area of Ghar El Melh, in Coco Beach (Fig. 1), located in northern Tunisia (37°08'58.66" N, 10°16'37.03" E), at a depth of 20 metres, on sandy bottom, together with several blotched picarel, Spicara maena (Linnaeus, 1758). It was caught by a fisherman using a small vessel and an 80 m long commercial gill with 20 mm stretched mesh size (Fig. 2). The specimen was delivered to the fish market of Ghar El Melh (Fig. 3) and rapidly sold, therefore it was only possible for us to record its total length (TL) and total body weight ...
Context 2
... the fishing area of Ghar El Melh, in Coco Beach (Fig. 1), located in northern Tunisia (37°08'58.66" N, 10°16'37.03" E), at a depth of 20 metres, on sandy bottom, together with several blotched picarel, Spicara maena (Linnaeus, 1758). It was caught by a fisherman using a small vessel and an 80 m long commercial gill with 20 mm stretched mesh size (Fig. 2). The specimen was delivered to the fish market of Ghar El Melh (Fig. 3) and rapidly sold, therefore it was only possible for us to record its total length (TL) and total body weight ...
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