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- African nightshades (Solanum nigrum complex): The potential contribution to human nutrition and livelihoods in sub‐Saharan Africa

Key points to consider during postharvest handling of ANS from farm to market. MAP, modified atmospheric packaging; ZECC, Zero‐Energy Cooling Chamber
Sources: Barbosa‐Cánovas et al. (2003); Ekhuya et al. (2018); Gogo et al. (2018); Habwe et al. (2008); Nono‐Womdim et al. (2012); Tournas (2005); Paltrinieri (2014).
Key points to consider during postharvest handling of ANS from farm to market. MAP, modified atmospheric packaging; ZECC, Zero‐Energy Cooling Chamber Sources: Barbosa‐Cánovas et al. (2003); Ekhuya et al. (2018); Gogo et al. (2018); Habwe et al. (2008); Nono‐Womdim et al. (2012); Tournas (2005); Paltrinieri (2014).
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