Interviewee characteristics

Interviewee characteristics

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From its origins in social media usage, the term “sharing” has become an umbrella term for socio-technological competency. Even though sharing is a multifaceted construct – influenced by user motivations, expectations, and particularly the intrinsic and extrinsic social benefits to be gained – there are few definitions that approach it around these...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... participants for in-depth interviews matched the sharing typologies and were representative of the national survey across socio-demographic variables (gender and socio-economic groups). Finally, in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the 25 participants (see Table 2). Participants were interviewed at home or in public places, such as cafés and restaurants. ...
Context 2
... 1 Interviewee reflections on Facebook usage -guided to specifically address perceptions, imaginations and expectations behind their own practices of sharing personal content (boyd, 2014;Creswell, 2014) -were recorded, coded, and analyzed following a grounded theory approach (Glaser & Strauss, 1969). Table 2 describes interviewee characteristics. ...