Internal consistency reliability for the OBTSI and correlations among the full OBTSI and the symptom clusters.

Internal consistency reliability for the OBTSI and correlations among the full OBTSI and the symptom clusters.

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There is a growing body of literature demonstrating that experiences of oppression (e.g., racism, sexism, heterosexism, poverty) are associated with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Traditional trauma assessments do not assess experiences of oppression and it is therefore imperative to develop instruments that do. To assess oppression-based...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... for item #21, which was correlated at 0.42. The four symptom clusters of the symptom inventory also showed good internal consistency, with α ranging from 0.86 to 0.94 (see Table 2). ...
Context 2
... total OBTSI was robustly correlated to each of the DSM-5 symptom clusters and each cluster was correlated to the other clusters, as shown in Table 2 in the combined sample. ...


... Oppression-Based Traumatic Stress Inventory (OBTSI) (Holmes et al. 2023) Assesses experiences of oppression and resulting posttraumatic stress symptoms based on DSM-5 criteria Available in English 41 disorder, substance use disorders, and psychosis (Berger & Sarnyai 2015, Gibbons et al. 2014, Williams et al. 2018c). ...
... Given previous research demonstrating that self-report measures of PTSD symptoms diverge moderately from clinician-administered interviews and that inconsistencies are often due to misunderstanding symptoms listed on self-report measures and lack of time-frame reminders (Kramer et al. 2023), these interviews may be a particularly accurate way to assess racial trauma. By comparison, the self-report measures-the Oppression-Based Traumatic Stress Inventory (OBTSI; Holmes et al. 2023), the RBTSSS (Carter et al. 2013) and its short form (the RBTSSS-SF; Carter & Pieterse 2020), the Trauma Symptoms of Discrimination Scale (TSDS; Williams et al. 2018c), and the Racial Trauma Scale (RTS; Williams et al. 2022)-may be more convenient as they are quicker and less expensive to administer. The measures also differ in which symptoms they assess. ...
... (Changes may still occur before final publication.) January 27, 2024 12:14 marginalized identities (Holmes et al. 2023), and having more marginalized identities is associated with a greater degree of trauma symptoms ). ...
Racial stress and racial trauma refer to psychological, physiological, and behavioral responses to race-based threats and discriminatory experiences. This article reviews the evidence base regarding techniques for coping with racial stress and trauma. These techniques include self-care, self-compassion, social support, mindfulness, cognitive restructuring, cognitive defusion, identity-affirming practices and development of racial/ethnic identity, expressive writing, social action and activism, and psychedelics. These strategies have shown the potential to mitigate psychological symptoms and foster a sense of empowerment among individuals affected by racial stress and trauma. While the ultimate goal should undoubtedly be to address the root cause of racism, it is imperative to acknowledge that until then, implementing these strategies can effectively provide much-needed support for individuals affected by racism. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, Volume 20 is May 2024. Please see for revised estimates.