Figure - uploaded by Bruno Verschuere
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Interested collaborator sample characteristics. Labs included in this table have indicated their interest in joining the project.

Interested collaborator sample characteristics. Labs included in this table have indicated their interest in joining the project.

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Biases in favor of culturally prevalent social ingroups are ubiquitous, but random assignment to arbitrary experimentally created social groups is also sufficient to create ingroup biases (i.e., the minimal group effect; MGE). The extent to which ingroup bias arises from specific social contexts versus more general psychological tendencies remains...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the desire to power for various supplemental analyses as well as future analysts, we settled on a target minimum of 200 participants per country. Given the number of countries enrolled already as well as logistical discussions held with various recruitment sites to date we should be able to meet and even exceed these values (see Table 2). ...
Context 2
... indicated in the power analysis above, we anticipate asking participating labs to enroll at least 100 participants each (we will have multiple labs from a given country, to ensure we reach the required sample of 200 participants per country following expected exclusions). We completed an initial interest survey that identified over 250 interested data collection teams planning to provide samples from over 60 countries across the globe, who all indicated their intention to join and to contribute and all who indicated their ability to contribute at least 100 participants (see Table 2). For comparison purposes we note that the first PSA project 75 enrolled 11,570 participants from 45 countries. ...

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