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Work engagement has emerged as a core element of talent management to acquire and retain high-performing employees in the labor market and a potential bright spot for business success. Due to the aforementioned positive influences and benefits of improving employees' work engagement, many organizations put more effort towards enhancing and maintain...
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... et al. (2009) added that if the confidence interval level does not contain zero then the mediation effect is significant. The results presented in Table 4 show that work engagement played significant mediating roles in the relationship between SE and TI, OBSE and TI, OP and TI. The confidence interval value of all mediation models in this study does not contain zero, therefore H4a, H4b, H4c were accepted. ...Similar publications
Purpose - This study aims to examine the effects of Industry 4.0 on talent management. It is observed that resources are allocated and training programs are organised for the transformation of the workforce in the Industry 4.0 process.Design/Methodology - Qualitative research approach was adopted in the study. Using purposive sampling method, 4 dif...
... Consequently, there has been a lack of discussion regarding the potential impact of declining motivation on the development of burnout. Previous research has identified several psychological factors, such as self-efficacy, optimism, organizational-based self-esteem, and self-esteem, as mediators in the relationship between workplace characteristics and burnout (Hardaningtyas, 2020;Oguegbe & Edosomwan, 2021). Ghasemzadeh et al. (2019) found an inverse relationship between teacher burnout and two factors: self-efficacy and autonomous motivation. ...
... In addition, (Hiển & Vĩnh, 2022) believe that workers in the tourism sector will have certain apprehensions when their job safety is not guaranteed, especially after such events-complications of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hardaningtyas (2020) suggests that employees will have a higher enthusiasm for their work with a positive mindset. Many studies have evaluated the factors affecting job engagement in different organizations. ...
... COR theory is widely used in research related to human resources. Studies by Sương et al., (2021) and Hardaningtyas, (2020) both confirmed the relevance of the COR theory in research related to individual attitudes and behaviors toward the organization because it discusses the investment of personal resources, the development, and conservation of resources such as personal characteristics, strengths, and organizational conditions that employees value. Therefore, the study uses the theory of conservation of resources as a background theory for studying the impact of personal resources and job satisfaction on job engagement. ...
... These approaches are used when assessing workers' unique resources in various fields with three components of personal power that are widely recognized in science: Self-efficacy, self-esteem, and optimism. Similarly, (Hardaningtyas, 2020) also suggests three factors to consider in personal resources: confidence in self-efficacy, self-esteem based on organization, and optimism. ...
... In 2020, in a literature review, Hardaningtyas (2020) investigated the mediating effects of work engagement on the relationships between personal resources (self-efficacy, organizational self-esteem and optimism) and turnover intention. ...
... Pendapat beberapa ahli tersebut didukung oleh Bakker dan Leither (2010, p. 21) bahwa berdasarkan JD-R model, personal resources dan job resources dapat mendorong work engagement. Beberapa penelitian menyatakan bahwa personal resources karyawan yang tinggi mampu meningkatkan work engagement secara langsung maupun secara tidak langsung melalui transformational leadership (Handayani & Pitoyo, 2018;Hardaningtyas, 2020;Lazauskaite-Zabielske et al., 2018;Tims et al., 2011). ...
Salah satu dampak pandemi Covid-19 adalah perubahan pada waktu kerja dan perubahan pola kerja yang harus disikapi secara positif oleh manajer dan karyawan agar tetap bekerja secara professional dan berpikiran inovatif dalam bekerja. Pemimpin harus berperan aktif menyiapkan karyawan menghadapi perubahan tersebut, sehingga tetap terlibat aktif, bersemangat, dan produktif meskipun banyak kendala selama masa pandemi ini. Pandemi tersebut menjadi momentum penting bahwa work engagement sangat berharga bagi perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh transformational leadership terhadap work engagement melalui meaning in work dan personal resources sebagai mediasi. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 134 karyawan tetap CV Industri Kreatif Madiun. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan path analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1)transformational leadership berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap work engagement; 2) transformational leadership berpengaruh sigifikan positif terhadap meaning in work; 3) meaning in work berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap work engagement; 4)meaning in work sebagai partial mediating pengaruh transformational leadership terhadap work engagement; 5) transformational leadership berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap personal resources; 6) personal resources berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap work engagement; 7) personal resources sebagai partial mediating pengaruh transformational leadership terhadap work engagement.
... In the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model proposed by Bakker & Demeuroti (2007, as cited in Hardaningtyas, 2020, there are two indicators that affect work engagement, namely organizational resources, job resources and personal resources. According to Bakker & Demeuroti (2007, as cited in Hardaningtyas, 2020), transformational leadership and social support are factors included in job resources that support work engagement, while personal resources can affect work engagement or can also be called psychological capital. In the old theory before the JD-R Model, the predictor of performance is motivation, with high motivation will create a commitment to what is his responsibility in completing each job (McNeese-Smith et al, 1995as cited in Abu Jahid & Adnyana, 2021. ...
... Grand Theory Mangkunegara (2015, p. 67) understanding of performance (work achievement) is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties in accordance with the responsibilities given to him. Job engagement is a positive, satisfying mental condition related to work, in the JD-R model of work engagement can be a predictor of performance (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007 as cited id Hardaningtyas, 2020). Based on the JD-R Model proposed by Bakker & Demeuroti (2007, as cited in Hardaningtyas, 2020, performance can be influenced by work engagement directly and indirectly by psychological capital. ...
Several studies show that work engagement acts as a mediator between psychological capital and social support on performance (Bakker & Demeuroti, 2019). The aim of this researcher is to determine the role of work engagement as a mediator in the relationship between psychological capital and social support on performance. The subjects in this study were employees of PT. Adhibaladika Agung. From a total population of 311 employees, as many as 175 people were sampled in this study. The data collection technique used in this study was purposive sampling. The analysis technique in this study uses the SmartPLS program and before being analyzed, it is done first to check whether there are operational items that fail or not using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). The results of this study indicate that all variables have a significant influence or can also be called 7 of 7 accepted research hypotheses. In practice, the seven hypotheses that have been proven to be accepted and show a significant value will certainly be very useful as a reference for companies to increase psychological capital, social support, work engagement and employee performance. Each endogenous variable that wants to be improved is recommended with a different solution in aspects related to its endogenous variable or it can be concluded that t count from H1 is the Psychological Capital variable on Performance = 13.346 (solution: training), H2 is the Social Support variable on Performance = 5,382 ( solution: role model), H3 is Psychological Capital variable on Work Engagement = 3,308(solution: training), H4 is Social Support variable for Work Engagement = 2,397 (solution: role model), H5 is Work Engagement variable on Performance = 7,840 (solution : rewards and punishments). This research also proves that the JD-R Model is still valid today.
... The result of this study also provides an insight of the overall Muslim behavior in the workplace that although there were employees' who are having higher belief in Islamic values, whenever there are any offers that provide better salaries and facilities, challenge, and personality fits, they will rationally consider it. This study also failed to prove the conclusion of Azeez et al. (2016) andHardaningtyas (2020) studies that stated work commitment has a negative relationship on turnover intention. ...
Islam is a comprehensive religion that covers not only the ritual worship aspect but also ethics and acts of business. The field of Islamic work ethics has been studied by many researchers in different study settings. However, the important role of Islamic work ethics has been underexplored in work commitment studies. Therefore, this study aims to examine the direct and indirect effect of Islamic work ethics in affecting employees work performance and turnover intention through work commitment. This study used the quantitative method as their main research design. Purposive sampling was applied as a sampling technique with a five-point Likert scale of the structured questionnaire as a measurement scale and data gathering method. The bootstrap method used to test the proposed hypotheses. This study concluded that Islamic work ethic positively affects work commitment, thus work commitment positively affects work performance. This study also found that there was an insignificant effect of Islamic work ethic on work performance and turnover intention, and work commitment on turnover intention. Fundamentally, the mediation role of work commitment failed to prove in this study as there were only significant indirect effects between Islamic work ethic and work performance. In other words, the higher individual beliefs on Islamic value, the more committed employee to do their job. Thus, the more committed and enthusiastic employees on their job, the higher their work performance will be.
Purpose- This study aimed to examine the predictive role of
organizational-based self-esteem and organizational identification
on turnover intention while also studying the mediating effect of
organizational trust among employees across five organizations.
Design/Methodology- This study utilized the cross-sectional
research design and quantitative approach for data collection. The
study sample comprises 131 employees drawn from five
organizations with a mean age of 33.15 years (SD, 7.97).
Standardized instruments (questionnaires) were used for data
collection. The IBM-SPSS Statistics and Hayes PROCESS macro
(model 4) was used for testing the hypotheses and conducting the
mediational analysis.
Findings- The results of the study revealed a significant negative
relationship between organizational-based self-esteem and
turnover intention (β= -.33, p < .01), and also a significant negative
relationship between organizational identification and turnover
intention (β=-.29, p < .01). Organizational trust was also found to
mediate both relationships.
Practical Implications- The results of this study highlight the
importance of organizational-based self-esteem, organizational
identification and trust in reducing turnover intention. The study
recommends that to keep employees in the organization, human
resources management (HRM) needs to foster trust, build practice
that will promote identification and attachment, and enhance the
relationship between the organization and employees.
Knowledge sharing has an important role in the management of any organization. It can lead to increased knowledge creation, collaboration level, and level of innovation, which, in turn, increases organizational performances. However, few studies have empirically examined the effect of knowledge sharing activities on an individual's belief in a public sector organizational setting, especially in Indonesia. This study was conducted to analyze the role of knowledge sharing in affecting the activities of creative self-efficacy within public organizations. This study used purposive sampling which designed to focus on employees who have positioned as a researcher in one of Directorate of Ministry of Public Works and Housing of the Republic of Indonesia. The questionnaire used in this study was adapted from Brockhus and Yu instruments. The result of this study shows that there is a positive and significant effect of knowledge sharing activities on creative self-efficacy. The higher the level of knowledge sharing activities within the organization, the more it will encourage creative self-efficacy. The majority of the respondent in this study that classified as Y generation (Millenials) was the main reason of the differences between the conclusion of this study and previous ones who argues that knowledge sharing initiatives are more difficult to be implemented in public sector organization as many of public sector officers believe that the activities of knowledge sharing meant losing power and an extra work surface.