Fig 7 - uploaded by Markus Reuß
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Hydrogen costs for pathways without conversion between storage and transportation modules at 250 km distance and 50 t/day hydrogen demand.

Hydrogen costs for pathways without conversion between storage and transportation modules at 250 km distance and 50 t/day hydrogen demand.

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A viable hydrogen infrastructure is one of the main challenges for fuel cells in mobile applications. Several studies have investigated the most cost-efficient hydrogen supply chain structure, with a focus on hydrogen transportation. However, supply chain models based on hydrogen produced by electrolysis require additional seasonal hydrogen storage...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... scaling of Table 6 with these results, we see no scaling in the LOHC storage assumptions (fixed value of 50 €/kg), but strong scaling in cavern investment costs (scaling fac- tor 0.27). Thus, rising hydrogen demand leads to cheaper costs for the cavern systems compared to LOHC storage. For a comparison of the specific costs of each pathway, Fig. 7 show the total expendi- tures of each module at 250 km and 50 ...
Context 2
... aspect of the results from Fig. 7 is the different contri- butions of station costs compared to storage and transportation costs. The specific production of hydrogen remains the same for all systems (3.7 €/kg). While LH 2 and GH 2 trailer-supplied pathways have less station expenditures (2.27 €/kg) than LOHC stations (3.34 €/kg), the cumulative costs for storage, ...

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Rapid increase of world population has led to greater energy demand and technology reliance. The fact of fossil fuel depletion and carbon emission reduction has led to legislation in many countries to apply the idea of combining renewable technologies. Technologies such as wind and photovoltaic (PV), which have almost zero emissions and produce ren...


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... Pipelines are the most cost-effective means for large-scale gaseous hydrogen transport, while trucks and rails are viable for liquid hydrogen, depending on availability. 87,88 Hydrogen pipelines typically range from 0.25 to 0.3 m in diameter, operating at 1-3 MPa, while tube trailers carry 300-500 kg hydrogen at 20-60 MPa. Tankers can transport 400-4000 kg by road and up to 10 Â 10 6 kg by ship. ...
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The paper provides a comprehensive examination of resources available for the deployment of green hydrogen in Serbia. The assessment encompasses various aspects, including renewable energy potentials, technological advancements, and future projections. The evaluation considers factors such as solar and wind power capacities, which are pivotal for green hydrogen production. Additionally, the study delves into the policy landscape, addressing initiatives aimed at fostering the integration of green hydrogen into Serbia's energy matrix. The analysis combines quantitative data on energy production capacities with qualitative insights into the economic and environmental implications of green hydrogen utilization. While the nation boasts abundant renewable energy resources, challenges such as high production costs and infrastructure limitations hinder widespread adoption. However, with strategic initiatives and technological advancements, Serbia can overcome these hurdles and pave the way for a sustainable hydrogen economy. Assessing Serbia's green hydrogen potential, driven by over 24 095 MWp from solar and 10 750 MWp from wind, highlights the nation's capacity to harness renewable resources, with hydrogen production set to grow from 1915 tons in 2019 to 37 ,123 tons by 2040. The findings aim to contribute to the ongoing discourse on sustainable energy transitions and the role of green hydrogen in Serbia's evolving energy landscape.
... The potential availability of G-H 2 was calculated by multiplying the installed capacity of VRE by the specific local capacity factor associated with the type of renewable energy source (solar or wind). The G-H 2 supply chain analysis was performed using simplified models from the literature to estimate the contributions to the final hydrogen cost [24]. In particular, VRE coupled with electrolyzers was considered the process pathway for producing G-H 2 [25]. ...
... Figure 2 illustrates the two possible storage options for hydrogen: compressed and stored in a cavern, or liquefied and stored in tanks. G-H 2 production also depends on its phase due to the different energy requirements for compressing or liquefying the hydrogen [24]. G-H 2 can be transported by pipeline if it is in a gaseous state, or by trucks if it is either gaseous or liquid. ...
... Using the local VRE potential overproduction and the distance between the renewable energy source farms and the biorefinery as input data, the maximum hydrogen flow rate and G-H2 supply costs were calculated, taking into account each possible storage and transportation method: gas pipeline, gas truck, or liquid truck. Following the energy train of Figure 2, a different energy capacity is necessary to produce gaseous or liquefied G-H2: Figure 2. Green hydrogen supply scheme for the calculation of the green hydrogen potential production (adapted from [24]). ...
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... On the other hand, the SHSs are designed to operate on an interday basis, meaning that they maintain the charging or discharging status throughout the typical days and only change their status after a typical day concludes. Tis operation mode is supported in [31], which demonstrates that reducing the number of charging and discharging cycles for the SHSs can help extend their lifespan. Te operational restrictions governing the SHS system are outlined as follows: ...
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... The most significant BOG losses in the whole supply chain based on [6,31]. 1% SF based on [126] * As the technology is already mature and commercially available, less reduction in its CAPEX is expected due to the learning phenomenon. Here, we follow the latest CSIRO report method, which assumes a 0.35%/yr reduction rate in CAPEX for mature technologies [121]. ...
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The shift from fossil fuels to clean energy carriers, such as renewable H 2 , is imminent. Consequently, a global H 2 market is taking shape, involving countries with limited or insufficient energy resources importing from renewable-rich countries. This study evaluates the techno-economics of renewable hydrogen (H 2) export in a globally significant scenario in which Australia exports to Japan. To gain insight into the immediate, realisable future, the base year was selected as 2030, with a consequently small (in export terms) hydrogen production rate of 100 t/day landed capacity. Electricity was generated by photovoltaic arrays (PV) connected directly to proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser plant, allowing for flexible gaseous hydrogen (GH 2) production. To enhance the fidelity of the technoeconomic model, we incorporated rarely applied but impactful parameters, including dynamic efficiency and the overload capacity of PEM electrolysers. The GH 2 produced was assumed to be converted into condensed forms suitable for export by sea: liquid hydrogen (LH 2), and the chemical carriers liquid ammonia (LNH 3), methanol (MeOH), methylcyclohexane (MCH). These were assumed to be reconverted to GH 2 at the destination. LNH 3 and MCH emerged as promising carriers for export, yielding the lowest landed levelised cost of hydrogen (LCOH). LH 2 yielded the highest LCOH unless boiloff gas could be managed effectively and cheaply. A sensitivity analysis showed that a lower weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and scale-up can significantly reduce the landed LCOH. Increasing the production rate to 1000 t/day landed capacity very significantly lowered the landed LCOH, providing a strong incentive to scale up and optimise the entire supply chain as fast as possible.
... Supporting Information 86 S6 challenges this assumption and discusses the impacts on the results. In contrast, the integrated strategy enables 87 collaborative strategies, considering the trade-offs between industries using limited resources, such as biomass (Sec-88 tion 5.5.6). ...
... Hydrogen. Hydrogen can be transported via hydrogen pipelines, which are identified as the most cost-effective 347 option for long-distances and large transport volumes [87]. Hydrogen pipelines transport hydrogen as a compressed . ...
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Transitioning to net-zero emissions in hard-to-abate industries is challenging due to limited electrification options. Here, we explore cost-optimal transition pathways for European hard-to-abate industries to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, considering existing production capacities and focusing on the strategic use of biomass, low-carbon hydrogen, and carbon capture and storage technologies. Our analysis highlights the pivotal role of biomass and carbon capture and storage in industry decarbonization, which proves particularly valuable in the decarbonization of the methanol and cement industry. In contrast, the use of low-carbon hydrogen remains limited to industries, where it is needed as feedstock. Implementing integrated planning strategies is critical to effectively allocate biomass resources, manage trade-offs, and reduce pressure on the power sector. Planning without biomass is possible, but significantly increases the reliance on electrolytic hydrogen, leading to twofold electricity demands. Independently of biomass availability, policymakers should develop concrete strategies to facilitate the scale-up of carbon capture, transport, and storage infrastructure and enable the transition.
... Techno-economic data for storage and transportation systems have been selected from Refs. [44,58,59]. The investment and maintenance costs used for hydrogen refueling stations are current costs provided by private companies. ...
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This study develops a framework for designing hydrogen supply chains (HSC) in island territories using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) with a multi-period approach. The framework minimizes system costs, greenhouse gas emissions, and a risk-based index. Corsica is used as a case study, with a Geographic Information System (GIS) identifying hydrogen demand regions and potential sites for production, storage, and distribution. The results provide an optimal HSC configuration for 2050, specifying the size, location, and technology while accounting for techno-economic factors. This work integrates the unique geographical characteristics of islands using a GIS-based approach, incorporates technology readiness levels, and utilizes renewable electricity from neighboring regions. The model proposes decentralized configurations that avoid hydrogen transport between grids, achieving a levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) of €8.54/kg. This approach offers insight into future options and incentive mechanisms to support the development of hydrogen economies in isolated territories.
... The literature states that this storage method allows for a maximum of two cycles of injection and withdrawal a year, making it suitable for seasonal storage [49]. Due to the fine matrix of pores in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs, the regular movement of the gas within causes large flow resistances; therefore minimal cycles at low production rates are more suitable. ...
... However, on withdrawal it is highly unlikely that hydrogen will be in its pure form due to residual gas, contaminants, and mixing. Deep aquifer storage facilities have also been recognized in the potential for carbon capture and storage Table 4. Large-scale hydrogen storage overview: geological and man-made [47,49]. ...
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The global renewable energy mix is set to change even further with the increasing demand for hydrogen. Hydrogen production levels are dramatically increasing, and it is becoming prevalent that the storage of hydrogen gas is much more complex than natural gas. There are many different hydrogen storage options being investigated, trialed, and used within the energy industry. On-land storage of hydrogen uses compressed pressure vessels for gas, cryogenic storage for liquid hydrogen, and the blending of hydrogen into natural gas to be stored in current pipeline systems. Underground storage options are found in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs, deep aquifers, and salt caverns. The storage of hydrogen gas presents numerous challenges and opportunities as discussed in this paper, such as design and manufacturing, hydrogen embrittlement and behavior, structural integrity, standards and regulation, safety of high-pressure storage, subsea storage, and circular economy prospects in structural design. Various vessel compositions have been extensively explored to find the most suitable material combinations for pressure vessel designs, with Type IV being the most commonly used. However, significant opportunities remain to enhance vessel designs for more efficient hydrogen storage. Advancements could include improvements in storage efficiency, innovations in subsea and underground storage, and designs aligned with circular economy principles.
... For hydrogen storage capacity, the specific costs increase significantly from about USD 24/kg for a 2000 m 3 capacity, to USD 19/kg for a 4000 m 3 capacity, to USD 16/kg for a 6000 m 3 capacity, and to USD 8000/kg for an 8000 m 3 capacity. Then, we can determine the empirical formula of storage tank cost as follows: [62][63][64][65] COS T storage ¼ 562:27  L ðÀ0:32Þ storage : ...
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Hydrogen energy has made significant progress as one of the technological pathways that can facilitate the green transformation of various sectors, including the chemical industry, steel production, transportation, and power generation. However, areas with high demand for hydrogen are typically located thousands of kilometers away from large-scale production facilities. Hydrogen transported from the most cost-competitive large production sites to areas that lack hydrogen resources requires converting gaseous hydrogen into a high-density liquid. Thus, global market trade is important for hydrogen carriers in long-distance and large-scale transportation. In this study, liquefied hydrogen (LH2) and ammonia (NH3), which are hydrogen-based energy carriers, are analyzed and compared in terms of economic costs, energy efficiency, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. It has been demonstrated that the LH2 supply chain is more energy-efficient and has higher CO2 emissions compared to the NH3 supply chain. Furthermore, this study shows that the levelized cost of hydrogen transportation (LCoHT) delivered from Australia to Ningbo, China, is lower for NH3 (19.95 yuan/kg-H2) compared to LH2 (22.83 yuan/kg-H2). Meanwhile, the LCoHT for the two supply chains is in a similar range (27.82 yuan/kg-H2 and 21.53 yuan/kg-H2 for LH2 and NH3, respectively) from Norway to Ningbo, China. The impacts of important parameters on the LCoHT, energy efficiency, and CO2 emissions of the LH2/NH3 supply chain are also considered through a sensitivity analysis.
... In practical engineering, the overall VLR of SCGS within 30 years of operation does not exceed 30 %, and the average annual VLR does not exceed 1 % [79]. The numerical simulation results are in complete accordance with the requirements, indicating that a space with a high SC (> 50 %) for gas storage can effectively facilitate the normal operation of SC-CAES. ...
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To expedite the construction and implementation of compressed air energy storage (CAES) in underground salt caverns (USCs), conducting a thorough stability assessment is crucial to ensure the safe operation of underground salt cavern gas storage (SCGS). Herein we present a theoretical model for the volumetric inversion of two-well-horizontal (TWH) caverns, based on salt extraction, salt layer characteristics, and interlayer ratio, using data from a low-grade salt mine in Feicheng City, China. In addition, we simulated the volume loss rate (VLR), displacement , and plastic zone volume (PZV) for various levels of high sediment content (SC) (50 %, 60 %, 70 %, 80 %, 90 %) and internal air pressure (IAP) (8.1 MPa, 9.45 MPa, 21.6 MPa) in the roof, waist, and connected areas of both high and low caverns within the TWH-cavern. The results reveal that the creep characteristics of the high cavern are more pronounced, and the combined effects of SC and IAP effectively limit roof deformation. However , the displacement of the high cavern waist increases by 0.028 m (IAP = 8.1 MPa) and 0.006 m (IAP = 21.6 MPa) as SC rises from 80 % to 90 %. In the connected area, displacement values increase from 0.634 m to 0.852 m (IAP = 8.1 MPa) as SC increases from 50 % to 90 %. These findings emphasize that the sediment surface is a criterion for measuring whether the increase in SC inhibits or promotes cavern deformation. The cavern roof remains the most critical component for ensuring the safe operation of SC-CAES. Therefore, this study provides a theoretical basis for evaluating the safety of TWH-cavern energy storage in low-grade salt rock reservoirs and expands the potential sites for SC-CAES.