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Turkiye is a key country of the Campanula L. diversity in the Mediterranean Basin and also more than half of Campanula species in Turkiye are endemic. Sect. Trachiolepis mostly consists of perennial polycarpic or perennial monocarpic and chasmophyte species. Campanula myrtifolia var. caerulea Yıldırım, Deniz & Altıoğlu (Campanulaceae Juss.) is desc...
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... The genus is distributed throughout the northern hemisphere, southern Asia, and central Africa (Eddie et al. 2003;Roquet et al. 2008;Cellinese et al. 2009;Haberle et al. 2009;Yoo et al. 2018;POWO 2023). Campanula is represented by approximately 140 taxa, more than 50% of which are endemic in Türkiye (Damboldt 1978;Davis et al. 1988;Güner 2000;Akçiçek et al. 2005;Kandemir 2007;İkinci 2012;Yıldırım 2013;2018;Yıldırım & Şenol 2014;Mutlu & Karakuş 2015;Özdöl et al. 2022a;2022b;2022c;2022d;Fırat et al. 2022). Türkiye species of the genus Campanula are classified into six subgenera (namely, Megalocalyx Damboldt, Rapunculus (Fourr.) ...
Türkiye is a crucial country for the genus Campanula diversity in the Mediterranean Basin. Also, more than half of Campanula species in Türkiye are endemic. In this paper, Campanula quercetorum subsp. densiflora (Campanulaceae) is described as a new subspecies from Tunceli (Türkiye). According to its morphological features, it belongs to the Campanula subgen. Campanula sect. Rupestres. This section mainly consists of perennial polycarpic or perennial monocarpic and chasmophyte species. It is morphologically closely related to C. quercetorum subsp. quercetorum. It is easily distinguished from C. quercetorum subsp. quercetorum by its dense inflorescence, dense indumentum, densely hairy corolla surface, conspicuous purplish-blue corolla veins, and ascending to erect habitus. Diagnostic characteristics, a full description, and comprehensive photographs are given in this study.
... Campanula L., dünya genelinde yaklaşık 420 türü ile Campanulaceae Juss. ailesinin en büyük cinsidir (Alçıtepe, 2011;Lammers, 2007;Özdöl ve ark., 2022a, 2022b, 2022cPOWO, 2022;Yıldırım, 2018). Campanula cinsinin gen merkezi Akdeniz ve Kafkas bölgesinin dağlık alanlarıdır. ...
... 2009;Contandriopoulos, 1984;Fedorov ve Kovanda, 1976;Khansari ve ark., 2011;Yıldırım ve Özdöl, 2019). Campanula ülkemizde 130 tür ve toplamda yaklaşık 140 takson ile temsil edilmektedir, bu taksonlardan 70'i endemiktir, endemizm oranı ise %50 civarındadır (Alçıtepe, 2011;Damboldt, 1965;1976;1978;Davis ve ark., 1988;Duman, 1999;Güner, 1983;2000;İkinci, 2012;Mutlu ve Karakuş, 2015;Özdöl ve ark., 2022a;2022b;2022c;Yıldırım, 2013;2018;Yıldırım ve ark., 2019;Yıldırım ve Özdöl, 2019;Yıldırım ve Şenol, 2014;Yıldız ve Alçıtepe, 2010). ...
Campanula adiyamanensis Yldrm & K. zcan sp. nova (Campanulaceae) is described, illustrated, and classified based on morphological data. The species is restricted to eastern Anatolia (Turkey), and currently known from one locality in Adyaman Province. Campanula adiyamanensis morphologically resembles C. alisan-kilincii, but differs from it especially by its indumentum type, longer cauline leaves, more deeply lobed corolla, corolla color, lacking or short calyx appendages, distinctly exserted style, and capsule shape.
This study is based on micro-and macro-morphological features of Campanula lyrata subsp. icarica and Erysimum aureum taxa that have recently been reported in the flora of Türkiye. Campanula lyrata subsp. icarica is distributed mainly in the Eastern Aegean Islands, as well as in İzmir and Muğla provinces. Erysimum aureum is native to Central European Russia, Iran, North Caucasus, Northwest European Russia, South European Russia, Transcaucasus, and Ukraine, and is also distributed in Türkiye. Diagnostic characteristics, detailed descriptions, micro-morphological features (seeds and pollen grains) as well as differences between closely related species, diagnostic keys, locality information, and distribution maps of these taxa are provided in the present study.
Campanula phitosiana Yıldırım & Şentürk, is a local endemic to the Aydın Mountain range, which distribute across in Western Anatolia (both İzmir and Aydın). This species belongs to the Mediterranean basin floristic region. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s criteria, C. phitosiana is classified as “Critically Endangered” (CR). To develop in vitro regeneration protocol for critically endangered endemic Campanula phitosiana. To investigate the efficient medium and plant growth regulator combinations for callus initiation and shoot proliferation, petiole and leaves were used as explant and explants cultivated on MS medium including NAA (1-Naphthylacetic acid) (0.3 mg L-1), TDZ (Thidiazuron) (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 mg L-1), BA (6-Benzylaminopurine) (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 mg L-1) and Gibberellic Acid (GA3) (0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 mg L-1). Explants subcultured 3 times. Experiments were conducted according to completely randomized design repeated with 5 replicates and each replicates including 5 explants. As a result of the experiment, callus initiation and shoot proliferation were investigated. Efficient callus initiation was observed petiole explants as 100% rate. Shoot proliferation was observed on MS medium including 0.3 mg L-1 NAA + 2.0 mg L-1 GA3.
This study based on micro and macro morphological features of Campanula lyrata subsp. icarica and Erysimum areum that have recently been reported in the flora of Turkey. C. lyrata subsp. icarica is distributed mainly in the East Aegean islands of Greece and as well as in İzmir and Muğla provinces of Turkey. E. aureum native to Central European Russia, Iran, North Caucasus, Northwest European Russia, South European Russia, Transcaucasus, Ukraine and also it distributed in Turkey. Diagnostic characteristics, full descriptions and micro-morphological features (seeds and polen grains) as well as differences between closely related species, diagnostic keys, locality information and distribution maps of these taxa are provided in the present study.