Fig 7 - uploaded by Sule Omeiza Bashiru
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The quest by researchers in the area of distribution theory in proposing new models with greater flexibility has filled literature. On this note, we proposed a new distribution called the new extended generalized inverse exponential distribution with five positive parameters, which extends and generalizes the extended generalized inverse exponentia...
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Context 1
... data was used by Yousof et al. [18]. The data are: 0. 39, 0.85, 1.08, 1.25, 1.47, 1.57, 1.61, 1.61, 1.69, 1.80, 1.84, 1 3.09, 3.11, 3.11, 3.15, 3.15, 3.19, 3.22, 3.22, 3.27, 3.28, 3.31, 3.31, 3.33, 3.39, 3.39, 3.56, 3.60, 3.65, 3.68, 3.70, 3.75, 4.20, 4.38, 4.42, 4.70, 4.90. Table 1 shows the result of the analysis of data set representing the breaking stress of carbon fibers of 50 mm length (GPa). ...
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... The HF is the instantaneous rate at which a system fails, and it is defined as the ratio of the PDF to the SF. The typical HF as defined by is given as: 22 () fx hf sf (11) By substituting (6) and (10) into (11), the HF of the TLKFr distribution is given as ...
Objective: The aim of this study is to introduce and analyze the Topp-Leone Kumaraswamy Fréchet (TLKFr) distribution a new probability distribution model. This model extends the classical Fréchet distribution by introducing three additional positive shape parameters to enhance flexibility and robustness. Material and Methods: The novel distribution is based on the Topp-Leone Kumaraswamy generalized distribution family, incorporating three shape parameters. This foundation allows for the derivation of both the cumulative distribution function and probability density function for the new distribution. The study also extensively explores the mathematical properties of this distribution, including the survival, hazard, and quantile functions. Parameter estimation is conducted using the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) technique. Results: The study introduces the TLKFr distribution, providing mathematical expressions for key statistical measures. Parameters were estimated using MLE technique. Plots illustrate the distribution's characteristics, showing positive skewness and reliable survival analysis predictions. Simulation analysis indicates decreasing bias and root mean square error (RMSE) with larger sample sizes, emphasizing reliability. Application to two real-life datasets, demonstrates the TLKFr distribution consistently outper-forming rival models, supported by goodness-of-fit statistics. Conclusion: The study introduces and analyzes the TLKFr distribution, enhancing the traditional Fréchet distribution with three additional shape parameters. Mathematical characteristics are explored, employing MLE for parameter estimation. A simulation study underscores the distribution's strong reliability, evident in decreasing bias and RMSE with increasing sample size. When tested with real data-sets, the TLKFr distribution outperforms alternative models, highlighting its significance in representing real-world phenomena and validating its applicability to the two datasets examined in this study.
... In line with this, some of the recent developments and extensions of the inverse exponential distribution using generalized families of continuous distribution can be found in [15], [16], [17], [18], [19]. In this context, we developed a generalization of the inverse exponential distribution based on [6], which is derived from the following general construction: if G denotes the baseline of a cumulative distribution function, then a generalized family of distributions can be defined with cumulative distribution function and probability density function give respectively as ...
In this paper, a new continuous probability distribution called a new exponentiated extended inverse exponential distribution with four parameters is introduced. The mathematical and statistical properties of the proposed distribution, such as the quantile function, moments, moment generating function, survival function, hazard function, odds function, and reversed hazard function, were studied to understand its nature. The probability density function of the order statistics for this distribution was also obtained. The parameters of the model were estimated using the maximum likelihood method of estimation. The proposed model was applied to two real datasets relating to the relief times of twenty patients receiving an analgesic and the sum of skin folds in 202 athletes collected at the Australian Institute of Sports. The results showed that the new model outperformed its comparators and provides better fit than Topp-Leone exponentiated inverse exponential, Topp-Leone inverse exponential, exponentiated inverse exponential, inverse exponential and exponential distributions.
... The MLE procedure utilizes fitting two sets of real datasets. Moreso, Sule [8] proposed the Topp Leone Kumaraswamy generalized IE distribution, a four-parameter distribution with an increasingdecreasing, J-and-reversed-J shaped hazard rate function. The flexibility of the distribution using the MLE was demonstrated utilizing three real datasets. ...
This paper introduces a new four-parameter distribution called the exponentiated Gompertz generated inverted exponential (EGGIE) distribution. Explicit expressions of the structural properties such as the ordinary and incomplete moments, probability weighted moments, quantile function, Lorenz and Bonferroni curves, entropies, and order statistics are derived. The empirical findings indicate that the maximum likelihood procedure dominates the other estimators in the simulation study while the Cramer-Von Mises procedure dominates in the two real datasets applications. We demonstrate the superiority of the EGGIE distribution over the Gompertz Lomax, odd Fréchet Inverse exponential, generalized inverse exponential, generalized inverse exponential, exponential inverse exponential, and Gompertz Weibull distribution using the maximum likelihood procedure utilizing two real datasets applications. The findings show that the EGGIE distribution yields the best goodness of fit to the two datasets.
... Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method is mostly used for the estimation of an unknown parameter(s) because it satisfies the properties of a good estimator such as consistency, asymptotic efficiency, and invariance property (Sule, 2021). Let 1 , 2 , … , be random sample of size n drawn from GoIR distribution, then the MLE can be obtained as follows: ...
We propose a new three-parameter probability distribution called the Gompertz Inverse Rayleigh distribution with Inverse Rayleigh as the baseline distribution. The mathematical statistical properties and order statistics of the new distribution were also derived. Maximum likelihood estimation method and Bayesian estimation method are adopted for simulation in this work. Various characteristics and properties of the novel Gompertz Inverse Rayleigh (GoIR) distribution would be obtained such as survival, hazard rate, cumulative hazard, reversed hazard functions, limiting behaviour of its probability density and hazard rate functions. Quantile functions, median, moments and other properties would also be obtained. The shape of the distribution would be discussed via its skewness and kurtosis. Sufficient conditions for failure rate functions would be derived. A simulation study would be presented to check the performance of the proposed estimators. Finally, the application of the Gompertz Inverse Rayleigh distribution was demonstrated using a real life data and its performance was compared with other models. R programing was used to perform the analysis and plot the graphs.
The aim of this article is to define a new flexible statistical model to examine the COVID‐19 data sets that cannot be modeled by the inverse exponential distribution. A novel extended distribution with one scale and three shape parameters is proposed using the generalized alpha power family of distributions to derive the generalized alpha power exponentiated inverse exponential distribution. Some important statistical properties of the new distribution such as the survival function, hazard function, quantile function, rth moment, Rényi entropy, and order statistics are all derived. The method of maximum likelihood estimation is used to estimate the parameters of the new distribution. The performance of the estimators are assessed through Monte Carlo simulation, which shows that the maximum likelihood method works well in estimating the parameters. The GAPEIEx distribution was applied to COVID‐19 data sets in order to access the flexibility and adaptability of the distribution, and it happens to perform better than its submodels and other well‐known distributions.
In this paper, a novel three-parameter model called the extended odd Fréchet inverted exponential distribution is proposed. The density function can be expressed as a linear mixture of generalized inverse exponential densities and can be skewed to the right. Moreso, the hazard rate function of the novel model can be unimodal, increasing-decreasing and inverted bathtub shaped. Some reliability and statistical properties are derived and the maximum likelihood estimation technique described for the proposed novel model. The Monte Carlo simulations are performed to assess the performance of the maximum likelihood estimator for both small and large sample, and the numerical results show that as the sample size increases, the mean estimates tend towards the parameters true values with minimum errors. The performance of the novel model is illustrated by means of two real-life datasets and both real-life datasets show that the novel model offers a better fit compared to some other competing models.