Figure 1- - uploaded by Luiz Alberto Lira Soares
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Source publication
The roots from Operculina macrocarpa (L.) Urb., Convolvulaceae, are widely used in Brazilian traditional medicine as a laxative and purgative. The biological properties of this drug material have been attributed to its polysaccharides content. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the polysaccharide content in drug material from O. macrocarpa...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... (L.) Urb., Convolvulaceae, were purchased from the company Santos Flora Comércio de Ervas Ltda (São Paulo, SP; batch: JALA01/0411; manufacturing date: April/2011; expiry date April/2014). The drug material was botanically identified in our laboratory by using macroscopic and microscopic data, and used as reference (JLP1) for comparative studies (Fig. 1). Three commercial samples of the drug material were also obtained from the local market (Recife, ...
Context 2
... 0.300 ml of the reference solution (containing 200 µg of D-maltose) was added to the sample solution and three authentic standard curves with six different concentrations were prepared. The regression analysis was performed and the curves (sample and spiked) were compared using the slopes in order to assess the specificity of the method (Bueno et al., 2012). ...
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... A standard curve of rutin with absorbance as the ordinate and rutin concentration (0-2.0 mg/ml) as the abscissa was drawn and measured using the enzyme label analyzer (HBS-1096A), the contents of flavonoids in the fermentation broths were measured according to the method of . And draw the gallic acid standard curve and the glucose standard curve in a similar way to measure the content of polyphenols and polysaccharides in the fermentation broth (Galvão et al., 2014;Xie et al., 2019). ...
Vine tea (Ampelopsis grossedentata) is a plant resource with good nutritional and medicinal, and is widely consumed in China. This study aimed to develop a functional vine tea fermentation broth using microbial fermentation and cellulase degradation. First, the most suitable probiotics for vine tea fermentation were screened, and the fermentation conditions were optimized. Then, a new cellulase (Cel 906, MW076177) was added to evaluate the changes in the contents of effective substances and to study its efficacy. The results show that saccharomyces cerevisiae Y-401 was identified as the best strain, the optimal fermentation conditions were a time of 94.60 h, feeding concentration of 115.21 g/L, and temperature of about 34.97°C. The vine tea fermentation broth has a strong inhibitory ability on 2,2′-azinobis3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS) (99.73%), peroxyl (53.15%), superoxide anion radicals (84.13%), and 1,1-Diphenyl-2-trinitrophenylhydrazine (DPPH) (92.48%). It has a decent inhibitory impact on the cell viability, tyrosinase activity (32.25%), and melanin synthesis (63.52%) of B16-F10 melanoma cells induced by α-MSH. Inflammatory cell recruitment was reduced in a zebrafish inflammation model. Therefore, this vine tea fermented broth has strong antioxidant, anti-melanoma, and anti-inflammatory effects, and has healthcare potential as a probiotic tea.
... Various herbal products prepared with the Brazilian jalap root, popularly known in the north and northeast of Brazil as "batata-de-purga," "jalapa," and "batatão," are used as purgative remedies in the north and northeast of Brazil (Brandão et al. 2009;Galvão et al. 2014). Operculina macrocarpa (L.) Urban (Fig. S1) or Operculina hamiltonii (G. ...
Brazilian jalap root, Operculina hamiltonii (G. Don) D.F. Austin & Staple, Convolvulaceae, belongs to the morning glory family and is used as a purgative or laxative medicinal plant. After hydrolysis and peracetylation of the EtOH-soluble extract, the known operculinic acids A and B and turpethic acid C, in addition to three undescribed glycosidic acids, operculinic acids L-N with a tetrasaccharide or pentasaccharide moieties with unusual 12-hydroxy fatty acid aglycones of different chain lengths (C17 and C18), were isolated from a commercial sample of pulverized roots by preparative recycling HPLC. Analysis of sixteen samples, including crude drugs and commercial phytopharmaceuticals based on jalap root, led to the generation of distinctive chromatographic profiles for each sample. The major isolated glycosidic acids were used as diagnostic peaks for HPLC-ESIMS fingerprinting by selected ion monitoring mode using target ions at [M + Na]+.Graphical abstract
... In quantitative applications, the analysis and chemical composition of glucoside in walnuts were examined (Daglish, 1950). Several Spectrophotometric methods have been extensively utilized for the standardization and quantitative determination of a variety of biologically active compounds such as flavonoids, fundamental oils, phenolic compounds, and tannins) (Galvão et al. 2014;Grubesić et al. 2005; Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is a reasonable and constructive analytical technique due to the addition of new computational software used in quality control analysis that differentiates the species. It provides quantitative information on metabolite content and isused in multivariate analysis. ...
... In quantitative applications, the analysis and chemical composition of glucoside in walnuts were examined (Daglish, 1950). Several Spectrophotometric methods have been extensively utilized for the standardization and quantitative determination of a variety of biologically active compounds such as flavonoids, fundamental oils, phenolic compounds, and tannins) (Galvão et al. 2014;Grubesić et al. 2005; Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is a reasonable and constructive analytical technique due to the addition of new computational software used in quality control analysis that differentiates the species. It provides quantitative information on metabolite content and isused in multivariate analysis. ...
The present review deals with the qualitative and quantitative determinations of medicinal plants from classical to advance analytical methods. Medicinal plant analysis by different analytical viz., Spectroscopy, chrmatography, computational & spray drying methods have been reported and its essential to understand under current pandemic condition. Researchers are continuously engaged to find out the solution to overcome the problems caused by viruses like degue and COVID-19. Synthetic as well as natural remedies were applied to combat the spread of disease. Several drugs are obtained from natural resources which are utilized in controlling the disease. A piece of depth knowledge about the significance of medicinal plants towards healing, primary healthcare, and drug discovery is required using advanced technologies.
... with an average molecular weight of 1.11 × 10 3 kDa, have an active laxative function, which could treat constipation by regulating the gastrointestinal hormones and neurotransmitters to improve the intestinal motility and water metabolism [84]. Moreover, polysaccharides are supplementary therapeutic agents for constipation and have been indexed by the FDA [85]. Rehmannia glutinosa (R. glutinosa) has been widely used as Chinese medicine for the treatment of diabetes and its complications. ...
Biomacromolecules, the first components of bioactive substances in traditional Chinese medicines (TCM) have wide bioactivity-related efficacy but have not yet been fully appreciated compared to small molecule components. The present review brings a novel and systemic point of view to deepen the understanding of the pharmacodynamic material basis of TCM based on biomacromolecules (polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acids). Biomacromolecules have been, are and will have considerable roles in the efficacy of Chinese medicine, as evidenced by the number of biological activities related to traditional clinical efficacy. The direct and indirect mechanisms of biomacromolecules are further accounted for in a variety of neurotransmitters, hormones, and immune substances to maintain immune function in both sensitive and stable equilibrium. The biological functions of biomacromolecules have been elaborated on in regard to their roles in the process of plant growth and development to the relationship between primary metabolism and secondary metabolism and to the indispensable role of polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids in the quality formation of TCM. Understanding the functional properties and mechanisms of biological macromolecules will help to demystify the drug properties and health benefits of TCM.
... [13] Spectrophotometry method has been widely used in the standardization of herbal substances for determination of various BAS groups; by itself, and also in conjunction with other methods, it allows to achieve acceptable results for standardization. [14][15][16][17][18] In accordance with modern requirements for the production of drugs, the validation of analytical methods is a prerequisite for their inclusion in the projects of pharmacopoeial monographs on pharmaceutical substances of plant origin. Therefore, it is necessary to validate analytical methods for their intended use in evaluating the quality of medicines. ...
Species, known as mixture herbal products, are compositions of several types of crushed, sometimes whole, medicinal plant materials with additives; they are a widely used dosage form in the Russian Federation. A large range of species are produced at the pharmaceutical companies. In pharmacopoeial analysis, the most popular and widely used method for the determination of flavonoids, suitable for the standardization of species, is the method of differential spectrophotometry, based on the complexation of flavonoids with aluminum chloride. In accordance with modern requirements for the drugs production, the validation of analytical methods is a prerequisite for the creation of pharmacopoeial monographs projects regulating the quality of pharmaceutical substances of plant origin. Therefore, it is necessary to validate analytical methods for their intended use in evaluating the drug quality. This article discusses/presents the main stages of development and validation (by parameters: accuracy, precision, specificity, linearity) of the methodology for determining total flavonoid content using original species “Fitourol” as a model.
... This approach is most appropriate way for analysis of biological matrices whose analyte-free matrix is not available. [36] In addition, the evaluation of UV/Vis-spectrum of the standards (quercetin and rutin) and solutions of the HM, CE, and fractions in both procedures (DD and AH) allowed to observe that there is an important similarity between the spectra [ Figure 2]. The data confirm that the previously selected wavelengths (408 and 425 nm) represent the major chemical compounds reported for the species. ...
The traditional use of Eugenia uniflora L. (“Pitanga”) is reported due to several properties, which have often been related to its flavonoid content.
The aim was to evaluate analytical procedures for quantification of total flavonoids content (TFCs) by ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry in the herbal material (HM), crude extract (CE), and fractions from leaves of E. uniflora.
Materials and Methods
The method for quantification of flavonoids after complexation with aluminum chloride (AlCl3) was evaluated: amount of sample (0.25–1.5 g); solvent (40%–80% ethanol); reaction time and AlCl3 concentration (2.5%–7.5%). The procedures by direct dilution (DD) and after acid hydrolysis (AH) were used and validated for HM and CE and applied to the aqueous fraction (AqF), hexane fraction, and ethyl acetate fractions (EAF).
The ideal conditions of analysis were ethanol 80% as solvent; 0.5 g of sample; λmax of 408 (DD) and 425 nm (AH); 25 min after addition of AlCl3 5%. The procedures validated for standards and samples showed linearity (R² > 0.99) with limit of detection and limit of quantification between 0.01 and 0.17 mg/mL (rutin and quercetin); and 0.03 and 0.09 mg/mL (quercetin), for DD and AH, respectively. The procedures were accurate (detect, practice, and repair < 5% and recovery >90%), and stable under robustness conditions (luminosity, storage, reagents, and equipment). The TFCs in AqF and EAF were 0.65 g% and 17.72 g%, calculated as rutin.
UV-Vis methods for quantification of TFC in HM, CE, and fractions from leaves of E. uniflora were suitably validated. Regarding the analysis of fractions, the EAF achieved enrichment of about nine times in the content of flavonoids.
The total flavonoids content (TFCs) of herbal material, crude extract, and fractions from Eugenia uniflora can be quantified by ultraviolet-visible
The spectrophotometric methods (direct dilution and acid hydrolysis) were reproducible and able to quantify TFC in raw material and derivatives from leaves of E. uniflora
Higher flavonoids content was observed in ethyl acetate fractions after enrichment.
Abbreviations Used: HM: Herbal material, CE: Crude extract, AqF: Aqueous fraction, HF: Hexanic fraction, EAF: Ethyl acetate fraction, TFC: Total flavonoids content, HCl: Hydrochloric acid, DD: Direct dilution, AH: After hydrolysis, RSD: Relative standard, A.U.: Absorption units.
... Os poucos dados encontrados para sucos de uva elaborados com Vitis labrusca [22] seguem os protocolos analíticos estabelecidos no COMPENDIUM OF INTERNATIONAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS -International Organization of Vine and Wine [23] . A quantificação de açúcares redutores e totais em diferentes tipos de matrizes [24][25][26] , por sua vez, pode ser mensurada por métodos químicos clássicos, fundamentados na redução dos íons cobre em meio alcalino (Somogyi-Nelson), ou na desidratação dos açúcares em ácido concentrado (fenol-sulfúrico), através da coloração de compostos orgânicos por espectrofotometria [20,27] . ...
Comparative assessment of sugar in concentrated and nectar grape juices by
refractometry, spectrophotometry and chromatographyDeterminação de açúcares em suco concentrado e
néctar de uva: comparativo empregando refratometria,
espectrofotometria e cromatografia líquida
... Os poucos dados encontrados para sucos de uva elaborados com Vitis labrusca [22] seguem os protocolos analíticos estabelecidos no COMPENDIUM OF INTERNATIONAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS -International Organization of Vine and Wine [23] . A quantificação de açúcares redutores e totais em diferentes tipos de matrizes [24][25][26] , por sua vez, pode ser mensurada por métodos químicos clássicos, fundamentados na redução dos íons cobre em meio alcalino (Somogyi-Nelson), ou na desidratação dos açúcares em ácido concentrado (fenol-sulfúrico), através da coloração de compostos orgânicos por espectrofotometria [20,27] . ...