Fig 2 - uploaded by Matteo Barsanti
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Heating control patterns.

Heating control patterns.

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Conference Paper
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Predicting the timing and form of grid operation challenges under heat electrification helps to mitigate such challenges with quick and cost-effective interventions, which supports energy transition. However, most current modeling approaches focus on technical factors, neglecting equally important social and behavioral factors. We aim to demonstrat...

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Context 1
... reported in Figure 2, the clustering analysis identified 6 distinct patterns: Pattern Const includes those households that keep a constant temperature during the day (average set-point 21°C and standard deviation 2.2°C); households associated with the Var1 pattern generally set the thermostat to have a single, short temperature rise during the day, usually in the morning or evening; in contrast, households in pattern Var2 set the temperature higher during all daylight hours, while at night the temperature is considerably lower; the temperature set-point profile of the pattern Var3 is characterized by two temperature rises, one in the morning and the other in the late afternoon/evening; the pattern Var4 follows a similar behavior as Var2, but with a lower difference between the daytime and nighttime temperature set-points; finally, households with pattern Var5 usually set the thermostat to have two periods of higher temperature in the morning and afternoon/evening, but the temperature rise is lower than pattern Var3. ...

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