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Hasil Wawancara dengan Siswa

Hasil Wawancara dengan Siswa

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This study aims to analyze and implement the Pancasila Student Profile Improvement Project (P5) through traditional arts collaboration for 4th grade students of Muhammadiyah Elementary School 29 Sunggal. This study uses a qualitative method with a classroom action research (CAR) design by integrating the West Javanese angklung game and the North Su...

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... Dengan cara ini, proses belajar tidak hanya meningkatkan pemahaman konsep, tetapi juga melatih keterampilan berpikir kritis, pemecahan masalah, dan kolaborasi. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan dasar menjadi kunci penting dalam menciptakan generasi yang tidak hanya terampil secara akademik, tetapi juga memiliki karakter dan kompetensi yang sesuai dengan tantangan global di masa depan (Ansya & Salsabilla, 2024a;Thana & Hanipah, 2023). ...
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The aim of this research is to describe how the application of the Problem Based Learning model can be an effective solution in overcoming the problem of low student learning outcomes in science and science subjects in class V elementary schools. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. This research was carried out in Class V of SD Muhammadiyah T.A. 2024/2025. The results of the research show that the three main problems faced are low understanding of the material as reflected in the UTS results under KKM, lack of motivation and active involvement of students in learning which can be seen from their lack of enthusiasm, disorganization and lack of focus during lessons, and low student discipline which disrupts the creation of an atmosphere. conducive learning. Thus, the application of the Problem Based Learning model in science and science learning in elementary schools can be an effective solution to overcome low student learning outcomes and increase the learning motivation of fifth grade elementary school students.