Figure 3 - uploaded by Masayuki Hatta
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Recently, online black markets and anonymous virtual currencies have become the subject of academic research, and we have gained a certain degree of knowledge about the dark web. However, as terms such as deep web and dark net, which have different meanings, have been used in similar contexts, discussions related to the dark web tend to be confusin...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... participants could be infiltrated by police or information agencies, and if their attributes are known, there is the danger of them being tracked and of legal action being taken against them. Additionally, as connections are concentrated on powerful nodes with an abundance of network resources, as shown in Figure 3, when that node becomes an adversary, the overall image of the adversary's network can be grasped in a so-called "harvesting" attack. With F2F, it is possible to create a P2P network that can withstand harvesting. ...
Context 2
... participants could be infiltrated by police or information agencies, and if their attributes are known, there is the danger of them being tracked and of legal action being taken against them. Additionally, as connections are concentrated on powerful nodes with an abundance of network resources, as shown in Figure 3, when that node becomes an adversary, the overall image of the adversary's network can be grasped in a so-called "harvesting" attack. With F2F, it is possible to create a P2P network that can withstand harvesting. ...
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Timely and secured access to reliable information on the web is a key to the advancement of knowledge in all fields of endeavour. The World Wide Web has, since the emergence of the internet in the 1960s, served as the bedrock for real-time information access and retrieval. Interestingly, only about 4% of internet resources are available easily and...
... The inherent anonymity of cryptocurrencies often entangles them in illicit activities, a focus of this literature review. The darknet, a subset of the deep web, is substantially larger than the surface web (Hatta, 2020;Raman et al., 2023;Rudesill et al., 2015), where the anonymous nature of cryptocurrency is prevalent in various illicit activities, categorizing organized crime into drug trafficking, terrorism, money laundering, and the distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The review aims to investigate the role of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in criminal activities, highlighting the need for a unified regulatory framework. ...
... Throughout the reviewed literature, a consensus has emerged regarding the pivotal role of the darknet as a hub for illicit activities, largely facilitated by transactions conducted using cryptocurrencies, which present significant challenges for tracking (Cong et al., 2022;Reynolds, Irwin, 2017). The anonymity inherent in the dark web frequently links it to illegal activities, encompassing a range of illicit actions such as drug trafficking, arms sales, hacking services, counterfeiting, distribution of CSAM, and financial fraud (Chertoff, Simon, 2015;Hatta, 2020;Raman et al., 2023). It is essential, however, to recognize that not all dark web activities are nefarious; it also provides refuge for whistleblowers, activists, and individuals seeking privacy, particularly in the face of authoritarian regimes Kfir, 2020;Patsakis et al., 2023). ...
... It is essential, however, to recognize that not all dark web activities are nefarious; it also provides refuge for whistleblowers, activists, and individuals seeking privacy, particularly in the face of authoritarian regimes Kfir, 2020;Patsakis et al., 2023). The combination of relatively easy access and the use of cryptocurrencies in transactions underscores the absence of a universal regulatory framework, effectively perpetuating bank secrecy within the dark web (Chertoff, Simon, 2015;Hatta, 2020;Piazza, 2017;Raman et al., 2023). In 2011, Ross William Ulbricht launched Silk Road, a website accessible via the darknet, designed as a global online marketplace catering to illicit transactions ( Figure 3). ...
Cryptocurrency has emerged as a lucrative yet volatile landscape for cybercriminal activity, presenting novel challenges for law enforcement and policymakers alike. This review seeks to explore the diverse array of cybercrimes occurring within the cryptocurrency domain, examining their types, motives, techniques, and the regulatory responses shaping this complex ecosystem. Utilizing a scoping literature search methodology, this study analyzes 228 pertinent sources drawn from a pool of over 4,000 reviewed publications. The findings elucidate the intricate interplay between cryptocurrencies and illicit activities, revealing the multifaceted nature of cybercrimes within this realm. From the exploitation of the dark web for illicit transactions to the pervasive threat of crypto ransomware targeting entities globally, the review underscores the diverse methods and motivations driving such nefarious endeavors. By shedding light on the evolving tactics employed by cybercriminals and exploring future directions for technological and regulatory measures adopted by governments, this paper offers valuable insights to navigate this dynamic landscape effectively.
... Zasoby Dark Web nie są indeksowane przez powszechnie wykorzystywane wyszukiwarki (np. Google i Bing), tak więc nie pojawiają się w wynikach wyszukiwania (Finklea, 2022;Hatta, 2020;Okyere-Agyei, 2022). ...
... Oprócz tego funkcjonuje węższy znaczeniowo termin Dark Net obejmujący anonimowe węzły typu komputery, serwery, rutery połączone w techniczną sieć umożliwiającą funkcjonowanie zasobów, narzędzi i usług Dark Web (Finklea, 2022;Hatta, 2020). Zasoby internetowe, które znajdują się w Dark Web, dostępne są jedynie za pośrednictwem specjalnego oprogramowania, np. ...
... TOR umożliwia ukrycie tożsamości (lokalizacji) zarówno konsumenta treści (tj. zwykłego użytkownika), jak i jej dostarczyciela (Hatta, 2020, Okyere-Agyei, 2022. ...
Cel: Opracowanie modelu istniejącego w Dark Web, w pierwszej połowie roku 2023, systemu dzielenia się informacją i wiedzą w kształcie, w jakim jest on budowany, lecz także postrzegany przez jego uczestników – osoby dzielące się informacją i wiedzą. Metoda: Badania miały charakter empiryczny i polegały na pozyskiwaniu danych jakościowych bezpośrednio z przedmiotu badań (sieci TOR). Przeprowadzono jakościową obróbkę danych (kwalifikację), w efekcie czego wyróżniono zasoby, w których użytkownicy dzielą się informacjami i wiedzą, oraz dokonano podziału tychże zasobów na w miarę jednorodne grupy składające się na model systemu dzielenia się informacją i wiedzą. Następnie wyróżniono te cechy systemu, które okazały się specyficzne dla sieci TOR. Rezultaty: W sieci TOR dzielenie się informacją i wiedzą zachodzi w systemie kojarzącym ze sobą potrzeby i motywacje twórców (głownie merkantylne) oraz użytkowników zasobów z możliwościami stworzonymi przez technologie, w tym anonimowość, obchodzenie ograniczeń cenzuralnych oraz metody płacenia z wykorzystaniem kryptowalut. W sposób bardzo wyraźny na kształt tegoż systemu wpływa specyficzna kultura wolności bazująca na wspomnianych możliwościach technologicznych; specyficzna, często przeradzająca się bowiem w anarchizm i łamanie prawa. Istotną cechą opisywanego modelu systemu jest zmienność, efemeryczność i nietrwałość znacznej części zasobów oraz niska skuteczność narzędzi służących do wyszukiwania konkretnych treści.
... A friend-to-friend (F2F) network is a type of peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Its main concept is that the P2P overlay network is built on trust relationships (see Fig. 2) [19,20]. Instead of an indefinite number of people, it is a method that creates subnets where smaller groups of people they know well are connected. ...
The internet has numerous profoundly infiltrated facets of human endeavor, evolving into a pivotal substitute for traditional ways of information acquisition and dissemination. This phenomenon enables the swift propagation of information, transcending geographical and temporal barriers through advanced information and communication technologies. As global communications gravitate towards cyberspace, social interactions increasingly occur within this digital realm. Individuals united by common ideologies or interests shift from physical reality to virtual communities, thereby shaping distinct virtual societies. Despite the internet’s extensive reach and integration into diverse domains, access to all online resources is not universal. The vast array of internet resources, serving varied purposes, has resulted in a layered and segmented cyberspace, comprising various closed or private virtual networks accessible only by specific groups. This stratification, coupled with the utilization of different network layers for illicit activities, has precipitated several global challenges encompassing economic, political, and cybersecurity dimensions. Consequently, entities such as nation-states, corporations, groups, and individuals have erected virtual barriers and borders within the internet, establishing different usage policies. This paper highlights the cybersecurity implications of implementing heterogeneous usage policies in the internet environment. It also identifies and analyzes the interconnection points among different internet layers, offering insights into their structural and functional dynamics.
... On the Dark Web, hidden services like Silk Road facilitate the purchase of drugs, weapons, child pornography or even assassinations (Kaur, Randhawa 2020). Much like the abyssal and hadal zones of the ocean, the lowest reaches of the Web became associated with the darkness and murkiness of inhospitable depths (Hatta 2020). ...
Counter commonplace associations with superficial mediation and networked flatness, the digital seems to have its own peculiar depths, which range from the infrastructural (deep sea cables, deep packet inspection, crawl depth) to the metaphorical (Deep Web, deep learning, deepfakes). This article reviews recent discussions of digital depth and argues that this concept is central to understanding multiple aspects of digital media ranging from folk theorizations to technical expertise. What is digital depth? What is deep about digital media? How does this depth interface with volumes and scales beyond the digital? Through this effort, depth emerges as an underlying feature of deeply mediatized societies.
... The origin of the dark web dates back to 2000. It is linked to the creation of the Freenet project designed initially for anonymously sharing files online and to the use of The Onion Router (TOR) Project, which was invented in the 1990s by the US Navy laboratory to secure encrypted communications (Hatta 2020). The darknet provides anonymous access to drug marketplaces as part of the organized crime groups larger set of activities, which include the online trafficking of a variety of illicit goods (Lamy et al. 2021;Lamy, Daniulaityte, and Dudley 2023;Munksgaard and Tzanetakis 2022;Spagnoletti, Ceci, and Bygstad 2022;Tzanetakis 2018). ...
... In addition, it leads to the interpretation of results in inaccurate contexts. Inconsistent use of these terms is also mentioned in other works [21,26,53]. ...
The darknet terminology is not used consistently among scientific research papers. This can lead to difficulties in regards to the applicability and the significance of the results and also facilitates misinterpretation of them. As a consequence, comparisons of the different works are complicated. In this paper, we conduct a review of previous darknet research papers in order to elaborate the distribution of the inconsistent usage of the darknet terminology. Overall, inconsistencies in darknet terminology in 63 out of 97 papers were observed. The most common statement indicated that the dark web is a part of the deep web. 19 papers equate the terms darknet and dark web. Others do not distinguish between dark web and deep web, or between deep web and darknet.
... If none, delete this. several layers of protection and almost impossible to trace IP addresses [5]. ...
... Of the 200 papers analyzed, we considered 20 (10%) papers as theoretical overviews of the Dark Net privacy and security [163][164][165][166][167][168][169][170][171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182]. These papers include works which consolidate the prior research on Dark Net privacy and security, by addressing the current state of privacy and security in the Dark Net, as well as the tools and technology exclusive to the Dark Net. ...
... Along these lines, Ranakoti et al. present a multitude of approaches and techniques to protect Dark Net users through anonymity [171]. In their paper, Hatta also examined anonymity in the Dark Net, as well as the different technologies used to access the Dark Web, but mainly focused on anonymization by Tor [173]. Further, the first publication for this theme we were able to find was in 2009, when the publication was moderately sparse over the years, until 2017 when the number of publications would rise and maintain a steady pace until 2021 ( Figure 10). ...
The World Wide Web (www) consists of the surface web, deep web, and Dark Web, depending on the content shared and the access to these network layers. Dark Web consists of the Dark Net overlay of networks that can be accessed through specific software and authorization schema. Dark Net has become a growing community where users focus on keeping their identities, personal information, and locations secret due to the diverse population base and well-known cyber threats. Furthermore, not much is known of Dark Net from the user perspective, where often there is a misunderstanding of the usage strategies. To understand this further, we conducted a systematic analysis of research relating to Dark Net privacy and security on N=200 academic papers, where we also explored the user side. An evaluation of secure end-user experience on the Dark Net establishes the motives of account initialization in overlaid networks such as Tor. This work delves into the evolution of Dark Net intelligence for improved cybercrime strategies across jurisdictions. The evaluation of the developing network infrastructure of the Dark Net raises meaningful questions on how to resolve the issue of increasing criminal activity on the Dark Web. We further examine the security features afforded to users, motives, and anonymity revocation. We also evaluate more closely nine user-study-focused papers revealing the importance of conducting more research in this area. Our detailed systematic review of Dark Net security clearly shows the apparent research gaps, especially in the user-focused studies emphasized in the paper.
... ej. Tor) y en la que se almacenan imágenes prohibidas (pornografía infantil, violencia visual), además de otros contenidos ilícitos (Hatta, 2020). Posicionar la visualidad en este medio virtual supone desarticular la confianza visual iconofílica ante el peligro herético que se halla en la imagen manipulada por la inteligencia artificial. ...
En el marco de los estudios visuales, se observa un desarrollo de singulares prácticas cuya orientación tecnológica está basada en la innovación de algoritmos de inteligencia artificial. En este contexto, la investigación busca revelar la emergencia de una nueva interpretación de la visualidad, concretamente, mediante el análisis de dos líneas principales (cuya relación se trata de mostrar): por una parte, la visión artificial y su extensión en el universo posinternet de las redes sociales y de la web, donde la imagen pierde su significado simbólico y su dimensión estética para valorarse como una información que cambia el estado de un sistema; y, por otro lado, el conocimiento social del mundo virtual a través del uso, la actitud y el comportamiento humano con los algoritmos inteligentes. Mediante la revisión bibliográfica multidisciplinar, como método principal, las conclusiones apuntan a una importante presencia de una visualidad dependiente de las máquinas inteligentes, que aportan un mayor enriquecimiento del estudio tanto de la naturaleza humana como de la realidad social en el entorno virtual.
... ej. Tor) y en la que se almacenan imágenes prohibidas (pornografía infantil, violencia visual), además de otros contenidos ilícitos (Hatta, 2020). Posicionar la visualidad en este medio virtual supone desarticular la confianza visual iconofílica ante el peligro herético que se halla en la imagen manipulada por la inteligencia artificial. ...
Within the framework of visual studies, we observe a evelopment of singular practices whose technological orientation is based on the innovation of artificial intelligence algorithms. In this context, the research seeks to reveal the emergence of a new interpretation of visuality, specifically, through the analysis of two main lines (whose relationship we try to show): on the one hand, artificial vision and its extension in posinternet universe of social networks and the web, where the image loses its symbolic meaning and its aesthetic dimension to be valued as information that changes the state of a system; and, on the other hand, the social knowledge of the virtual world through the use, attitude and human behavior with intelligent algorithms. Through the multidisciplinary bibliographic review, as the main method, the conclusions point to an important presence of a visuality dependent on intelligent machines, which provide a greater enrichment of the study of both human nature and social reality in
the virtual environment