Fig 1 - uploaded by Hamid Reza Farhang
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Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... 2014 (in one of its natural habitat in central Zagros, Iran), during the flowering period and the vegetative phase. The taxonomic identity of the plant was confirmed by comparing the collected voucher specimen with that of the known identity available in the herbarium of the Department of Natural Resources, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran (Fig. ...
Context 2
... aliphatic acid (7.14 %) and miscellaneous coumpound (11.42 %). GC-MS chromatogram of the essential oils of Gundelia tournefortii L. along with its details is shown in figure 2 and table 1. (Fig. 2 and Table 1) In the present study, the major constituents were fatty acid compounds with a considerable amount. Overall, fats and oils have been one of the most important components of human food since many years ago. ...
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Gundelia purpurascens (Bornm.) Fırat comb. & stat. nov. is proposed. Diagnostic and morphological characteristics, as well as full descriptions and the detailed photographs are provided. This taxon occurs in (Seqlawa) north Iraq and Şırnak (east Anatolia).
... The software automatically normalized the peaks by dividing each peak area by the total area and then multiplying by 100. Using the Wiley library, the relative proportions of the constituents were calculated (19). (29), at a high altitudes plant cell size did not reduce, instead, their organs become smaller due to a decreases in cell production. ...
... They detected fatty acids such as linoleic acid methyl ester, oleic acid methyl ester, palmitic acid methyl ester, and 8-octadecenoic acid methyl ester. The GC-MS analysis of Kenger detected the major compounds that were palmitic acid, lauric acid, α-ionene, myristic acid, 1-hexadecanol, 2-methyl, phytol, and β-turmeron (19). Likewise, Kadan et al., (26), studied the chemical composition of the Kenger plant in their study and they reported that the plant contained palmitic acid, glycerol and linoleic acid. ...
Kenger (Gundelia tournefortii L.) plants were collected based on the availability of these plants in the local market to determine the nutrition value, some phytochemical content, and element content during March 2023 at the vegetative stage at thirteen different locations in the Sulaimani region. Some vegetative traits and chemical contents were studied. The results indicated that the highest content of carbohydrates was (12.670%) at Mawat, the protein was (32.703%) at Hazarmerd, and fiber was (35.620%) at Penjwen locations respectively. The analysis of Kenger edible parts (stem and leaves) through GC-MS revealed the presence of a complex mixture of compounds varying from 13 to 19 compounds among the locations. Compounds such as carboxylic acids ranged from 25.217% at Penjwen to 77.043% at Temar, terpenes ranged from 15.912% in Temar to 57.749% in Penjwen, and sterols ranged from 5.351% at Qara Dagh to 24.688% at Hazarmerd. In other locations, these compounds were detected in between those ranges, with differences in their concentrations. According to the results obtained from ICP-OES analysis, macro-elements (Ca, K, P, S, Mg, and Na) contents between the studied locations, the highest concentration of 3.127% occurred at Temar location, the lowest value was obtained at Gulp location with 2.468%, with an average of 2.811% for all locations.
... In Current decade, many researchers have studies Gundelia tournefortii L. especially chemical components and pharmacological properties such as [4,[10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] All parts of G. tournefortii are used in medicinal plant for 2000 years, it is traditionally used for treatment of liver diseases, chest pain, diabetes, angina pectoris, vitiligo, stroke, gastric ailments, hypoglycemic, Laxative, sedative, diarrhea and bronchitis, skin diseases, pain, diarrhea, respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, high blood pressure and cancer [4,[19][20][21][22]. The Compounds found in Gundelia may be proved to have several pharmacological effects, it is reported to have anti-parasite antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antiseptic and emetic effects and hypolipemic activities. ...
... Caffeic acid and caffeic acid derivatives, neochlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid, and chlorogenic acid isolated by [4]. While Farhang et al. [22] relived that major components were palmitic acid (12.48 %), lauric acid (10.59 %), alpha ionene (6.68 %), myristic acid (4.45 %), 1-hexadecanol, 2-methyl (3.61 %), phytol (3.6 %), and beta turmerone (3.4 %). Gundelia tournefortii contains sterol, it was 3.7666 g/kg which included β-sitosterol (51.76%), stigmasterol (18.52%), 5-avenasterol (9.82%), campesterol (6.02%), 7-stigmastenol (3.68%) and 7-avenasterol (2.63%). ...
... The components such as 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid methyl ester (Table 1). Our results agree with [24,25] but not agree with [22]. The Phytochemical found in Gundelia tournefortii important as anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic, cancer preventive, hepatoprotective, nematicide insectifuge, antihistaminic antieczemic, antiacne, antiandrogenic, antiarthritic, anticoronary and insectifuge properties. ...
Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) extracts of Gundelia tournefortii L. (Asteraceae) belonging to the family Asteraceae, were prepared and their composition was analyzed by GC-MS. Among the fatty acids analyzed, the relative percentage of Linoleic acid methyl ester was high in oil seeds of G.tournefortii (43.98%). The other extracts showed higher percentage Oleic acid methyl ester (28.29 %), Palmitic acid methyl ester (13.42 %) and 8-Octadecenoic acid methyl ester (6.89%).
... 14-b-H-Pregna, a steroid considered to be a sex pheromone specific to males, and also a defensive chemical with diabetic retinopathy prevention and treatment effects. The presence of 14-b-H-pregna has been reported in the essential oils from different parts of some plants, including Scutellaria plants, Urginea indica Kunth, Allium rotundum, Gundelia tournefortii L (Farhang et al., 2016). Citrus limon (Akhila et al., 2015). ...
Morinda citrifolia L. and Beta Vulgaris L leaves are both ethnomedicinal use for the treatment of arthritis, indigestion and skin infections with no reports on their essential oils compositions. The colourless volatile oils with a percentage yield of 0.6 and 0.4 (w/w) for Morinda citrifolia L. and Beta Vulgaris L respectively were obtained. Forty-five compounds representing 94.31 % of the total percentage compositions were identified in the leaf essential oil of M. citrifolia with the most abundant compound as 14-beta-H-pregna- (33.13%). Forty-eight compounds representing 74.18% of the total oil composition were identified in the leaf oil of B. Vulgaris with phytol (24.20%) as the dominant compound. The essential oils showed good free radical scavenging activity when compared to ascorbic acid used as control, with % inhibition varying from 88.74 ± 0.010 to 96.61 ± 0.004 as compared to 95.68 ± 0.010 to 97.31±0.003 of the ascorbic acid at (100 to 6.25 mg/ml) concentrations. The leaves essential oils of Morinda citrifolia L. and Beta Vulgaris L contains chemical compounds that might be responsible for their antioxidant activity. This result validates the traditional usage of these plants in the treatment of arthritis, indigestion and skin infections.
... The study carried out to investigate the ameliorating and improvement effect of Gundelia microcephala extract on the ovarian activity and some physiological parameters in serum of female rats exposure to the oxidative stress for 5 weeks, the results of the study in Table 1 showed deleterious effect of H2O2 administration on the hepatic enzymes recorded a significant increase (P<0.05) in the concentration of GOT, GPT in serum of rats. The effects of H2O2 was contributed to the creative oxidative stress which caused lipid and protein peroxidation damages protein and lipid molecules of the hepatocytes (Farhang et al. 2016). Glucose concentration in the oxidative stressed group also increased significantly (P<0.05) in comparison with the control and other groups, these results belonged to the adverse effects of ROS which damages vital tissue such as liver and pancreas which leads to an increase leakage of hepatic enzymes and glucose to the blood circulation with the damage of β-cells and insulin molecules (Hassan Ahmad et al. 2019). ...
The paper aimed to investigate the antioxidant effects of Gundelia Microcephala extract on some physiological, biochemical parameters and ovarian activities of female rats exposed to oxidative stress. Twenty adult female rats grouped to four groups (I-IV) treated with distilled water, Gundelia Microcephala extract, 0.5% H2O2 and Gundelia Microcephala + H2O2 respectively for five weeks. At the end of study the blood collected and centrifuged to obtain serum which kept at deep freeze (-20 °C). Ovaries isolated and preserved in containers contained formalin 10%. Then ovaries were sectioned 5 µm and examined under microscope to observe number and type of follicles with corpus leteum. The results of the study recorded a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the concentration of some hepatic enzymes (GOT and GPT), glucose, lipid fractions (TG and TC), MDA while a significant increase (P<0.05) in concentration of HDL and antioxidant enzymes (glutathione, SOD and catalase) when compared with H2O2 group which recorded a reverse results. However, Gundelia Microcephala + H2O2 group recorded no significant differences (P>0.05) of the studied parameters when compared with the control. Histological results revealed an improvement and enhancement effects on ovarian structure through an acceleration growing of different stages of ovarian follicles and active corpus luteum in Gundelia Microcephala and Gundelia Microcephala + H2O2 groups, while the reverse observations recorded in group treated with H2O2. These alterations companied with the fluctuations of hormonal concentrations in corresponding groups. Finally, concluded the improvement and ameliorating effects of Gundelia Microcephala extract against oxidative stress concerned with hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, and antioxidant effects enhanced ovarian activity.
... 14-b-H-Pregna is a steroid considered to be a sex pheromone specific to males, and is also a defensive chemical with diabetic retinopathy prevention and treatment effects. 23 The presence of 14-b-H-pregna has been reported in the essential oils and different parts of some plants, including Urginea indica Kunth, 24 Allium rotundum, 25 Gundelia tournefortii L, 26 Citrus limon, 27 and Cenchrus biflorus. 28 Dehpour et al. reported that 14-b-Hpregna was the major compound in the essential oil of flower A. rotundum, which displayed antibacterial activity at concentrations of <1/200 (v/v). ...
Objective: Medicinal plants Scutellaria multicaulis and Scutellaria bornmuelleri belong to the Scutellaria genus and Lamiaceae family, and are widely used in traditional Iranian medicine. This study aims to characterize promising bioactive phytochemicals found in the aerial parts of S. multicaulis and S. bornmuelleri. Methods: Accordingly, volatile oils were obtained by hydrodistillation of S. multicaulis and S. bornmuelleri leaves and stems, and then analyzed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Results: A total of 88 components, representing 92.4% of the oil (oil yield determined to be 0.53%, v/w), were identified in the essential oils of S. multicaulis. The main group was sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (24%), with α-himachalene (7.2%), α-longipinene (6.8%), and α-copaene (3.2%) as the main components. A total of 89 chemicals, representing 83.2% of the essential oil (oil yield determined to be 0.31%, v/w), were detected in the essential oil of S. bornmuelleri. The main components were steroids, such as 14-β-H-pregna (32.9%), hydrocarbons (22.5%), sesquiterpenes (11.4%), and monoterpenes (4.6%), which were considered minor constituents. The contents of sesquiterpene and monoterpene hydrocarbons present in S. multicaulis and S. bornmuelleri were 24% and 7.1%, respectively. However, the contribution of oxygenated monoterpenes (4%) and sesquiterpenes (4.3%) in both species was less than 5%. Conclusion: As the first report on the chemical composition of S. multicaulis and S. bornmuelleri, this study showed that the major compounds were steroids and sesquiterpenes. Keywords: 14-β-H-Pregna, GC/MS, α-himachalene, α-Longipinene, Scutellaria
... The oil of flower buds is rich in linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, vacsenic, arachidic acids, etc., also it has great amounts of vitamin E active compounds as α-tocopherol and γ-tocopherol. Carbohydrates level in this plant is low, so it cannot act as a great direct energy source (3,13,19). The result of current study agreed with mentioned data and shows that concentration of glucose, as the main source for energy in body, has decrease due to feeding of diet containing this plant singly, and decrease of glucose concentration resulted in poor performance rate in this group's animals, but this decrease can be solved by combination of Gundelia hay with other materials like grains, and in the current study, animals which were fed oat grain and Gundelia hay had great performance rate. ...
The effects of diets containing Gundelia (Gundelia tournefortii L.), which is a wild plant species in Middle East countries, on performance rate and health parameters of Iranian Afshari breed sheep were studied for the first time. Totally 60 fattened sheep in three groups were studied via receiving different diets and performance rate, hematological and biochemical parameters, which are related to animals health and also are indicator for diet's efficiency, for each groups were evaluated via laboratory methods. The results of current study show that performance rate and/or hematological and biochemical parameters in group which received diet containing Gundelia hay and grain were same as control group which received standard diet, but performance rate in group which received Gundelia hay singly was lower than other groups. Number of White Blood Cells, differential number of neutrophils and lymphocytes, concentration of plasma proteins and fibrinogen, serum concentration of total protein, cholesterol and lipase had increases in treatment groups versus control group and number of red blood cells, serum concentration of glucose, albumin and blood urea nitrogen had decreases in treatment groups versus control group. Given to low costs and high performance rate of Gundelia hay plus grain diet, which is related to presence of high amount of carbohydrates and fatty acids in it, this diet can be considered as an efficient diet for fattened sheep but more studies are need. Study on production's quality in animals are receiving Gundelia's diet is suggested as a subject for next studies.
... Based on the results, six main chemical/functional groups including terpenes, hydrocarbons, alcohols, acids, esters and phenols were identified in G. tournefortii L. essence and the quantitative amounts of them were measured carefully. Moreover, each of the identified functional groups was categorised to the other subdivisions [42]. In the current study, the results of FTIR analysis were found to be similar to those related to GC/MS analysis. ...
The present study focused on the synthesis of spherical silver nanoparticles using Gundelia tournefortii L. aerial part extract. The plant extract could reduce silver ions into silver nanoparticles. In order to identify the compounds responsible for the reduction of silver ions, functional groups present in plant extract were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Techniques used to characterize synthesized nanoparticles included Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), X–ray diffraction (XRD) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM). UV–Visible spectrophotometer showed the absorbance peak in the range of 400–450 nm. The silver nanoparticles showed antibacterial activities against both gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus Cereus) and gram negative (Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli) microorganisms. The results confirmed that this protocol was simple, rapid, eco-friendly, low-priced and non-toxic; therefore, it could be used as an alternative to conventional physical/chemical methods. Only 5 min were required for the conversion of silver ions into silver nanoparticles at room temperature, without the involvement of any hazardous chemical.
... In Current decade, many researchers have studies Gundelia tournefortii L. especially chemical components and pharmacological properties such as [4,[10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] All parts of G. tournefortii are used in medicinal plant for 2000 years, it is traditionally used for treatment of liver diseases, chest pain, diabetes, angina pectoris, vitiligo, stroke, gastric ailments, hypoglycemic, Laxative, sedative, diarrhea and bronchitis, skin diseases, pain, diarrhea, respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, high blood pressure and cancer [4,[19][20][21][22]. The Compounds found in Gundelia may be proved to have several pharmacological effects, it is reported to have anti-parasite antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antiseptic and emetic effects and hypolipemic activities. ...
... Caffeic acid and caffeic acid derivatives, neochlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid, and chlorogenic acid isolated by [4]. While Farhang et al. [22] relived that major components were palmitic acid (12.48 %), lauric acid (10.59 %), alpha ionene (6.68 %), myristic acid (4.45 %), 1-hexadecanol, 2-methyl (3.61 %), phytol (3.6 %), and beta turmerone (3.4 %). Gundelia tournefortii contains sterol, it was 3.7666 g/kg which included β-sitosterol (51.76%), stigmasterol (18.52%), 5-avenasterol (9.82%), campesterol (6.02%), 7-stigmastenol (3.68%) and 7-avenasterol (2.63%). ...
... The components such as 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid methyl ester (Table 1). Our results agree with [24,25] but not agree with [22]. The Phytochemical found in Gundelia tournefortii important as anti-inflammatory, hypocholesterolemic, cancer preventive, hepatoprotective, nematicide insectifuge, antihistaminic antieczemic, antiacne, antiandrogenic, antiarthritic, anticoronary and insectifuge properties. ...
Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) extracts of Gundelia tournefortii L. (Asteraceae) belonging to the family Asteraceae, were prepared and their composition was analyzed by GC-MS. Among the fatty acids analyzed, the relative percentage of Linoleic acid methyl ester was high in oil seeds of G.tournefortii (43.98%). The other extracts showed higher percentage Oleic acid methyl ester (28.29 %), Palmitic acid methyl ester (13.42 %) and 8-Octadecenoic acid methyl ester (6.89%).
... [18]. Monoterpenes also resemble of ideal chemo preventive agents with efficacious antitumor activity, low cost, commercial availability, oral bioavailability and low toxicity making it feasible to be considered for human cancer chemoprevention investigation [18,19]. The dose of monoterpenes needed to prevent cancer in humans is not established. ...
Many efforts have focused on the therapeutic approach of cancer for a long time by studying of cytotoxic activities of plant constituents. This study was planned to evaluate cytotoxicity of nitrochalcone derivative (NCD) on rhabdomyosarcoma cell line (RMS) as compared with methotrexate (MTX) and Doxorubicin (DOX), then assessment of monoterpene (MT1) combination with NCD. The results of current study were showed that NCD was effectively inhibited the cell proliferation by decreasing the viability of RMS cells at different concentrations involved 0.5, 2.5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 μg/ml with IC 50 of 2.117μg/ml, while DOX and MTX IC 50 values were 0.553μg/ml and 0.8708μg/ml respectively. This study was also revealed combined effect of NCD with MT1 (IC 50 = 2.0667). We concluded that NCD have an anticancer effect that can be modulated by monoterpenes.
... [18]. Monoterpenes also resemble of ideal chemo preventive agents with efficacious antitumor activity, low cost, commercial availability, oral bioavailability and low toxicity making it feasible to be considered for human cancer chemoprevention investigation [18,19]. The dose of monoterpenes needed to prevent cancer in humans is not established. ...
Many efforts have focused on the therapeutic approach of cancer for a long time by studying of cytotoxic activities of plant constituents. This study was planned to evaluate cytotoxicity of nitrochalcone derivative (NCD) on rhabdomyosarcoma cell line (RMS) as compared with methotrexate (MTX) and Doxorubicin (DOX), then assessment of monoterpene (MT1) combination with NCD. The results of current study were showed that NCD was effectively inhibited the cell proliferation by decreasing the viability of RMS cells at different concentrations involved 0.5, 2.5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 μg/ml with IC 50 of 2.117μg/ml, while DOX and MTX IC 50 values were 0.553μg/ml and 0.8708μg/ml respectively. This study was also revealed combined effect of NCD with MT1 (IC 50 = 2.0667). We concluded that NCD have an anticancer effect that can be modulated by monoterpenes.