Fig 2 - uploaded by Priscilla Del Valle
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Growth index of tomato and chili pepper plants measured at 50% shadecloth, 70% shadecloth, and full sun from May to Aug. 2014. Means with same lowercase letters on the same date are not significantly different among treatments by Tukey's honest significant difference multiple comparison at P < 0.05; 1 cm = 0.3937 inch. 

Growth index of tomato and chili pepper plants measured at 50% shadecloth, 70% shadecloth, and full sun from May to Aug. 2014. Means with same lowercase letters on the same date are not significantly different among treatments by Tukey's honest significant difference multiple comparison at P < 0.05; 1 cm = 0.3937 inch. 

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Southern U.S. states such as Texas experience high temperatures and intense solar radiation during the summer production season. Use of shadecloth is common in Spain and other Mediterranean countries and is becoming popular with homeowners or small-acreage farmers in Texas. Little information is available on the applicability of using shadecloth on...

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... fruit Shoot fresh wt (g) Shoot dry wt (g) Fruit (no.) Fresh wt (g) z Avg fresh wt (g) Fruit (no.) Fresh wt (g) and that red screen had higher yields than blue screen. However, the au- thors observed that fruit weight was higher in blue screen than red and field conditions which did not differ. In our trial, black shadecloth at 50% resulted in similar yields to full sun conditions. It appears that shadecloth color plays an important role on yield, not just the shade rating. Tomato and chili pepper plants grown in full sun generally had the lowest growth index throughout the growing season compared with the two shade treatments (Fig. 2). No difference in growth index was found for tomato plants between the two shade treatments. Similar results were observed for chili plants in growth index after 24 June. By 1 July when measurements for tomato plants were ended, plants were 95 and 92 cm in height for 50% and 70% shade treat- ments, respectively, compared with 73 cm for those in full sun. On the other hand, chili pepper plants grown in full sun averaged 60 cm in height by 14 Aug. compared with 73 and 70 cm for 50% and 70% shade treatments, respectively. Both tomato and chili pepper plants had the highest growth index with 50% shade, the lowest with full sun, and an intermediate growth index with 70% ...


... The difference in stomatal conductance between cultivars emphasizes the importance of carefully choosing plant kinds, considering the availability of water and particular environmental factors 4 . Masabni et al. 32 highlighted how genetic traits influence how plants react to environmental stress. Cultivars with higher photosynthetic rates have genetic traits that enhance their capacity to transform light into chemical energy efficiently 33 . ...
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Chili peppers are a staple food for countries worldwide and are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. One of the world’s largest chili consumers, Indonesia faces climate adversities and cash-crop pest infestations that affect its horticulture market. The present research explores microclimatic and watering for physiological performances in different chili cultivars, useful in suggesting the strategies of cultivation with a climate-resilient perception. The research was done in the Bale Tatanen, Padjadjaran University, using a Factorial Randomized Complete Block Design to analyze chili plant physiology. According to statistical analyses, cultivars did not significantly affect absolute growth rate (AGR), but growing microclimates and watering volumes did significantly affect AGR and water use efficiency (WUE). The rain shelter and screen house had the highest WUE and AGR values. Growing microclimates and cultivars significantly affected transpiration rate, stomatal conductance to water vapor and total conductance to CO2, with the screen house exhibiting the highest values. All three factors significantly affected the photosynthetic rate, with the greenhouse showing the highest rate. The photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was likewise highest in the greenhouse. This study aimed to systematically assess these factors and it tried suggesting practices that might assist in combating the effects of abiotic stress on chili production, for its sustainability. The findings of this research would help in conceptualizing the most efficient microclimate and watering volume for chili cultivation particularly, when considering climate change challenges as well; these results could also be applied to develop guidelines which might serve helpful at resource-poor farming.
... Finally, when considering the potential for agrivoltaic systems, it is important to note that crop yield can vary depending on how solar PV interact with the crops. In some instances, a crops yield may increase with partial shading (Masabni et al., 2016). However, this is not a universal observation, and other crops can experience significantly reduced yields. ...
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The electricity demand in Nepal, like in other developing countries, is increasing due to population and economic growth. To meet the increased demand, it is important to use cleaner fuels supporting global decarbonization efforts and clean energy transition. One way is through the increased use of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy. Despite being a Himalayan country, Nepal is blessed with significant solar resources. However, the scale of this resource has not been adequately and properly assessed. This article attempts to assess the solar PV potential using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. A spatial analysis was performed to identify suitable areas by considering insolation, land use classifications and physical topography. The study found that Nepal has significant solar PV potential, with the ability to generate up to 552 TWh/year from ground-mounted, rooftop, and agrivoltaics, against a current demand of 12.3 TWh. The levelized cost of electricity was estimated to be in the range of 56and56 and 72 per MWh, indicating a huge potential to complement hydroelectricity , the main electricity source in Nepal. Of the three typologies examined, agrivoltaics appears to have a significant potential for producing clean electricity in rural areas without affecting the agricultural production. We recommend that to achieve net-zero emission targets, Nepal's policy framework should prioritize deployment of solar PV: ground-mounted PV for utility scale, rooftop PV for urban areas and agrivoltaic for rural areas. Robust Power Purchase Agreement rates and enabling policies could boost investment and accelerate the solar PV adoption. Finally, the methodology and the results presented can serve as a useful reference for undertaking similar studies in other countries.
... The lowest temperature was obtained with the shading treatment using a shade net, and the control treatment produced the highest 10471 temperature. The reduction in solar energy reaching the soil surface due to the shade net treatment caused lower temperatures under the shade (Masabni et al., 2016) compared to other treatments. Meanwhile, organic matter in the soil can reduce heat transfer from solar energy (Zhu et al., 2019), resulting in lower soil temperatures in the biochar treatment compared to the control treatment. ...
... High sunlight intensity causes high evapotranspiration in tomato plants (Yang et al., 2022), especially in dryland areas where water is limited. Shading provided a favorable environment for tomato plants to grow (Masabni et al., 2016). The same phenomenon was observed in this study, where the size of the plants (height and stem diameter) under 45% shading was significantly larger than those in other treatments (Table 4). ...
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The yield of tomato plants in dryland areas has been suboptimal due to environmental constraints such as poor soil health and high sunlight intensity. Appropriate agronomic modifications are necessary to improve crop yields while maintaining soil health. This study investigated the impact of various agronomic modification treatments on the growth and yield of tomato plants in dryland regions. The experiment was conducted in Gumantar Village, North Lombok Regency, during the dry season from June to August 2023. The agronomic modifications included a seaweed biochar treatment at a rate of 10 tons per hectare and 45% shading, with a control group that had no modifications. Three treatments were tested on two varieties of tomato plants: hybrid and local superior. The treatments were organized with four replications in a randomized complete block design with split plots, where agronomic modifications served as the main plots and the tomato varieties as the subplots. The results indicated that the interaction of agronomic modifications and plant varieties impacted the growth of tomato plants and various environmental factors. The hybrid variety under shading treatment exhibited the best growth. Additionally, this hybrid variety produced 59.6% more fruit than the local superior variety, yielding an average of 66 fruits and weighing 3.00 kg per plant. This study suggests that incorporating agronomic modifications, such as biochar treatment and selecting the appropriate variety, can enhance tomato yields in dryland areas.
... In tropical areas, light intensity can reach as high as 1800 μmol m −2 s −1 (Grace et al., 1998). This elevated light intensity can cause both air and soil temperatures-essentially the plant microclimate-to rise, negatively impacting plant yields (Masabni et al., 2016). To optimize chili pepper yields, it is essential to implement agronomic management strategies that reduce sunlight intensity. ...
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Low nutrient along with intense sunlight levels in sandy drylands, often lead to poor crops yield. This study examined the effects of soil amendments and shading on the yield of red chili plants cultivated in a sandy (70% sand, 15% clay and 15% silt) dryland environment. The experiment was conducted in Gumantar Village, North Lombok Regency from May to September 2024. The C-organic content of the soil was 1.11% with only 0.09% of total nitrogen. The soil amendment treatments included no soil amendment, chicken manure, and seaweed biochar. The shading treatments consisted of two levels: no shading and shading using a 200-micron UV plastic with 14% diffusive ultraviolet ray. All treatments were arranged factorially using a randomized block design with three replications. The results indicated that soil amendments and shading did not significantly affect plant growth, certain soil chemical properties, or microbial populations, possibly due to its short time effect. However, both types of soil amendments and UV plastic shading increased the yield of red chili plants by approximately 6.0% compared to the treatment without any amendments or without shading. This study shows that soil amendment and shading with UV plastic improve tomato yield in sandy dryland soils.
... High wind speeds, temperature fluctuations, and unpredictable rainfall patterns frequently result in fruit and flower drops, decreased pollination, and heightened vulnerability to insect and disease attacks. Such challenges are made worse in areas with dwindling water supplies, necessitating creative cultivation techniques to maintain the sustainability of chili production Masabni et al., 2016;Asharp & Sivachandiran, 2018). The rain shelter microclimate system protects crops from direct downpours in a controlled environment with enough sunlight and air movement (Rosadi et al., 2020). ...
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Growing chili pepper (Capsicum spp.) in rain shelters is becoming more and more popular as a way to lessen the negative impacts of high moisture and erratic rainfall on crop productivity. With the controlled environment that rain shelters offer, chili plants are shielded from disease-causing factors including flooding, strong rains, and high humidity. This review focuses on important growth metrics such plant height, biomass accumulation, fruit production, and quality criteria as it methodically investigates the growth performance of chili grown under rain shelters. Many factors have been taken into consideration, including as cultivar selection, irrigation schedules, and rain shelter construction. Understanding how these regulated conditions affect physiological and morphological aspects, like photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency, and nutrient intake, is possible through a thorough examination of scientific material published in the past ten years. Research shows that rain shelter cultivation can enhance the performance of chili plants by lowering stress levels and fostering ideal growth environments. Nevertheless, several difficulties including possible changes in the microclimate.
... The difference in stomatal conductance between cultivars emphasizes the importance of carefully choosing plant kinds, considering the availability of water and particular environmental factors (Ouzounidou et al., 2010). Masabni et al. (2016) highlighted how genetic traits influence how plants react to environmental stress. Cultivars with higher photosynthetic rates have genetic traits that enhance their capacity to transform light into chemical energy efficiently. ...
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Chili peppers are a staple food for countries worldwide and are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. One of the world's largest chili consumers, Indonesia faces climate adversities and cash-crop pest infestations that affect its horticulture market. The present research explores microclimatic and watering for physiological performances in different chili cultivars, useful in suggesting the strategies of cultivation with a climate-resilient perception. The research was done in the Bale Tatanen, Padjadjaran University, using a Factorial Randomized Complete Block Design to analyze chili plant physiology. According to statistical analyses, cultivars did not significantly affect absolute growth rate (AGR), but growing microclimates and watering volumes did significantly affect AGR and water use efficiency (WUE). The rain shelter and screen house had the highest WUE and AGR values. Growing microclimates and cultivars significantly affected transpiration rate, stomatal conductance to water vapor and total conductance to CO 2 , with the screen house exhibiting the highest values. All three factors significantly affected the photosynthetic rate, with the greenhouse showing the highest rate. The photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was likewise highest in the greenhouse. This study aimed to systematically assess these factors and it tried suggesting practices that might assist in combating the effects of abiotic stress on chili production, for its sustainability. The findings of this research would help in conceptualizing the most efficient microclimate and watering volume for chili cultivation particularly, when considering climate change challenges as well; these results could also be applied to develop guidelines which might serve helpful at resource-poor farming.
... There have been other studies on tomato yield under partial shade conditions in semi-arid climates, however, these studies use shade netting instead of PV modules as the source of the shade. The results from these studies have shown that fruit yield exhibits an increase under moderate shading conditions (35 % reduction of full sunlight) in semi-arid regions characterized by high light intensities [30][31][32]. ...
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The present study summarizes two growing seasons (2020–2021) of microclimate characterization and vegetable crop growth in an agrivoltaics system in northern Colorado, USA. The replicated experiment evaluated three module transparency types (opaque silicon [0 % transparent], bifacial silicon [∼5 % transparent], and semi-transparent cadmium telluride [40 % transparent]) plus a full sun control, and four vegetable crop species (summer squash, peppers, tomatoes, and lettuce). Air temperature under the modules in July was approximately 0.5 °C cooler than in the full sun. Soil temperature (2.5 cm depth) maximum differences were more pronounced and were 5.8 °C, 9 °C, and 14.4 °C cooler under bifacial, semi-transparent, and opaque silicon, respectively. For summer squash growing directly under the solar modules, yield was significantly reduced under each of the module transparency types. However, there was no statistically significant yield reduction for peppers, tomatoes, and lettuce indicating their suitability in an agrivoltaics system. The numerical yield of most crops increased as the transparency of the solar modules increased, which could be the focus on future work.
... Compared to growing chili peppers in an open field, using shade material may be technically feasible and economically advantageous (Hariyono et al., 2021). In areas with intense sun radiation and temperatures, a shade may be necessary to reduce plant heat stress (Masabni et al., 2016). Shading can minimize excessive solar radiation in a greenhouse, lowering heat stress and fostering the best circumstances for chilies to flourish Kusumiyati et al., 2023). ...
... (Nagy et al., 2017b) Fruit yield Control environment lessens plant stress and increases fruit yield. (Masabni et al., 2016;Nazir et al., 2024) T A B L E 7 Summary from literature findings. ...
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This systematic review addresses the difficulties of cultivating under variable environmental conditions and explores the growing importance of chili peppers (Capsicum annum L.) in worldwide agriculture. It emphasizes the use of enclosed growing systems as a workable way to increase crop yields of chilies. The needs of various chilies in these systems highlighting the significance of sustainability and resource efficiency for the best possible yield, quality, and financial sustainability. Shading is a crucial tactic to mitigate the adverse effects of sunlight and high temperatures, supporting healthier plants and regular fruit development. The study also looks into greenhouse cultivation to shelter plants from the weather and achieve higher yields, better development rates, and better‐quality fruit. This thorough analysis fills a research gap, offers helpful recommendations for maximizing production, and is an invaluable tool for practitioners and scholars studying enclosed chili agriculture.
... Pada fase ini, daun-daun muda yang berada di bagian atas tanaman menyerap radiasi matahari dengan optimal, mengalami tingkat CO2 yang tinggi, dan mengirimkan sejumlah besar hasil fotosintesis ke bagian lain tanaman. Temuan ini juga konsisten dengan pendapat Masabni et al. (2016), yang menyimpulkan bahwa laju asimilasi bersih biasanya menurun saat tanaman memasuki fase generatif dan meningkat ketika tanaman berada pada tahap vegetatif. ...
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Pupuk NPK merupakan pupuk anorganik yang umumnya digunakan dalam pertanian modern untuk meningkatkan kandungan nutrisi tanah yang diperlukan oleh tanaman. Namun, penggunaan berlebihan, selain tidak efisien, juga dapat berdampak negatif pada produktivitas tanah, hasil panen, dan bahkan dapat merusak lahan pertanian. Sistem pengelolaan hara terpadu menjadi salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi penggunaan pupuk anorganik NPK sekaligus memaksimalkan pemanfaatan pupuk organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi antara jenis pupuk organik dengan dosis pupuk NPK terhadap efisiensi penggunaan pupuk NPK, pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai edamame. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Buanamekar Kecamatan Panumbangan Kabupaten Ciamis pada bulan Februari sampai bulan April 2023 dengan ketinggian tempat 875 m dpl. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola faktorial dengan dua faktor perlakuan yaitu: pertama, tiga jenis pupuk organik yang berbeda (pupuk organik petroganik, lokal, dan lumpur tinja), dan kedua, empat taraf dosis pupuk anorganik (NPK) (0 kg/ha, 75 kg/ha, 150 kg/ha, dan 225 kg/ha). Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Data diolah dengan perangkat lunak SPSS 24. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara dosis pupuk NPK dan jenis pupuk organik terhadap beberapa parameter pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai edamame, seperti tinggi tanaman pada usia 45 Hari Setelah Tanam (HST) dan indeks luas daun pada usia 15 HST. Meskipun demikian, tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi yang nyata pada parameter lainnya. Secara mandiri, efisiensi penggunaan pupuk NPK, pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai edamame bervariasi tergantung pada jenis pupuk organik yang digunakan. Pupuk organik petroganik menunjukkan tingkat efisiensi tertinggi pada pemberian pupuk NPK sebanyak 75 kg/ha, sementara pupuk organik lokal menunjukkan tingkat efisiensi tertinggi pada pemberian pupuk NPK sebanyak 150 kg/ha, sementara pupuk organik lumpur tinja menunjukkan efisiensi tertinggi pada pemberian pupuk NPK sebanyak 75 kg/ha. NPK fertilizer is an inorganic fertilizer generally used in modern agriculture to increase the soil nutrient content needed by plants. However, overuse, in addition to being inefficient, can also have a negative impact on soil productivity, and crop yields, and can even damage agricultural land. An integrated nutrition management system is one of the efforts to reduce the use of NPK inorganic fertilizers while maximizing the use of organic fertilizers. This study aims to determine the effect of the interaction between the type of organic fertilizer and the dose of NPK fertilizer on the efficiency of NPK fertilizer use, growth and yield of edamame soybeans. This research was carried out in Buanamekar Village, Panumbangan District, Ciamis Regency from February to April 2023 with an altitude of 875 m above sea level. The study used a factorial pattern group randomized design with two treatment factors, namely: first, three different types of organic fertilizers (petroganic, local, and faecal sludge organic fertilizers), and second, four dose levels of inorganic fertilizers (NPK) (0 kg/ha, 75 kg/ha, 150 kg/ha, and 225 kg/ha). Each treatment is repeated 3 times. Data was processed with SPSS 24 software. The results showed an interaction effect between the dose of NPK fertilizer and the type of organic fertilizer on several growth parameters of edamame soybean plants, such as plant height at 45 HST, and leaf area index at 15 HST age. The efficiency of NPK fertilizer application, growth, and yield of edamame soybean plants differed depending on the type of organic fertilizer used. Petroganic organic fertilizer showed the highest efficiency at 75 kg/ha of NPK fertilizer. Local organic fertilizer showed the highest efficiency at 150 kg/ha, while septage organic fertilizer showed the highest efficiency at 75 kg/ha.
... Low light intensity stress on tomatoes (including nightshade plants) occurs at the lux light intensity of 32,000 (Sulistyowati et al. 2016). Chilies were more resistant to full sunlight than tomatoes (Masabni et al. 2016), indicating that the light intensity of 32,000 lux can also be a stress for chili. Rajasekar et al. (2013) also reported that the light intensity of 25,867 lux was a stress for chili production. ...
... The high GCV and Hbs values in most of the characters in this study were thought to be due to the different responses of different chili genotypes to low light-intensity stress. There was a decrease in the fruit number and fruit weight per plant under shading conditions by 24% and 50% (Rajasekar et al. 2013;Masabni et al. 2016). However, Díaz-Pérez (2013) reported increased chili yield by 30-47% when shaded. ...
... However, Díaz-Pérez (2013) reported increased chili yield by 30-47% when shaded. This indicates that the chili genotype used by Díaz-Pérez (2013) is more tolerant to low light-intensity stress than the chili genotype by Rajasekar et al. (2013) and Masabni et al. (2016) studies. In tomatoes, Sulistyowati et al. (2016) reported that there were four types of tomatoes based on their response to low light intensity stress (50% net shade), namely shade-loving, shade-tolerant, moderate shade-tolerant, and shade-sensitive tomatoes. ...
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Siahaan GF, Chozin MA, Syukur M, Ritonga AW. 2023. Estimation of genetic parameters and variability of various cayenne peppers under net shading. Biodiversitas 24: 5912-5919. The intercropping systems are important concerning the decreasing agricultural land and the increasing population. Chili could be planted as intercrops, but not all chili genotypes were adapted to low light-intensity stress. This study aims to determine the genetic diversity of cayenne pepper under 50% plastic net shade conditions based on morphological and agronomic traits. The study was conducted at the Cikabayan Experimental Field, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Dramaga, Bogor, from January to July 2021. The genetic material consisted of ten genotypes of cayenne pepper from Capsicum annuum L. and ten from Capsicum frustescens L.. Each genotype of chili was planted with three replications, so there were 60 experimental units. Each experimental unit consisted of six plants planted in an area of 1.5 m2. The shade used was a plastic net shade with a 50% shading level. The estimation of genetic parameters showed that leaf area, number of leaves, fruit weight, number of fruits, and yield per plant had a high genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) and broad-sense heritability (Hbs). Cluster analysis resulted in two main clusters based on twelve chili growth and agronomic characters. All chili genotypes included in Cluster 1 were C. annuum chilies. On the other hand, all the chili genotypes in Cluster 2 were C. frutescens chilies except for the G19 genotype. Cayenne pepper in Cluster 2 had a higher number of leaves, plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, fruit diameter, pedicle length, fruit weight, number of fruits, and yield per plant than cayenne pepper in Cluster 1. The result of this study indicates that C. frutescens cayenne pepper has more potential to be planted under shading conditions and used in intercropping than C. annuum.