Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... (2009) also found similar results that value chain is in its infancy with low volumes of production due to few households which on average grow less than 4 acres. Table 5 shows that a farmer accrued revenue of 300,762Tsh/acre with a gross profit of 41,540.78Tsh/acre. Moreover, the associated Gross Margin for sunflower production was 13.8% while the return per shilling invested of 16%. ...
Context 2
... gross margin analysis revealed costs involved in sunflower production (Table 5). The weeding costs dominate (21.56%) costs involved in the sunflower production. ...
Context 3
... (2009) also found similar results that value chain is in its infancy with low volumes of production due to few households which on average grow less than 4 acres. Table 5 shows that a farmer accrued revenue of 300,762Tsh/acre with a gross profit of 41,540.78Tsh/acre. Moreover, the associated Gross Margin for sunflower production was 13.8% while the return per shilling invested of 16%. ...
Context 4
... gross margin analysis revealed costs involved in sunflower production (Table 5). The weeding costs dominate (21.56%) costs involved in the sunflower production. ...


... Various studies have been carried out on the use of input and determination of resource efficacy in oilseed sunflower production worldwide (Badar et al. 2002;MousaviAvval et al., 2011;Lekunze et al. 2011;Bagherzadeh and Kazemzadeh, 2012;Suneetha and Illuru, 2014;Irugu et al., 2017;Sonawane et al., 2019). It is also understood that recent studies on economic analysis of oily sunflower production have also increased in the literature (Bosnjak and Rodic, 2004;Todorović et al., 2010;Knežević and Popović, 2011;Sethar et al., 2015;Khatun et al., 2016;Arya and Zechariah, 2018;Das and Rout, 2018;Ceran and Topak, 2020;Kamugisha et al., 2020;Sunandini and Devi, 2020;Slobodianyk et al., 2021). Information on research carried out in different regions and countries of the world in the production of oilseed sunflower is summarized at the bottom. ...
Full-text available
World sunflower production in 2019 amounted to 56 million tons on an area of about 27 million ha. Turkey ranks 9 th in sunflower cultivation areas worldwide and 7 th in production quantity. However, the self-sufficiency rate in the country's oily sunflower is 60%. This situation causes Turkey to receive a 33% share of world oily sunflower imports. The aim of this research is to determine the physical production inputs used in rainfed conditions in agricultural enterprises in Canakkale province located in the European region of Turkey according to the enterprise size groups and to examine in detail the elements that make up the product cost. The data used in the research have been obtained through surveys from 75 agricultural enterprises determined by the " Stratified Sampling Method ". The enterprises examined in the research have been evaluated within 4 size groups according to their oily sunflower production areas. In order to obtain an average yield of 236.93 kg da-1 in oily sunflower production in the enterprises examined; 374.60 g seeds, 21.27 kg of chemical fertilizer, 297 cc of agricultural medicine, 147.58 minutes of machine labor force and 13.74 lt diesel input were needed. According to the enterprise average, the production cost of oily sunflower is 77.21da1,andthelowestcostbelongstolargeenterpriseswithafigureof77.21 da-1 , and the lowest cost belongs to large enterprises with a figure of 74.17 da-1. According to the research results, the average cost of oily sunflower per kg of enterprises has been determined as 0.33,andthelowestcosthasbeenobtainedfromsmallbusinesseswithafigureof0.33, and the lowest cost has been obtained from small businesses with a figure of 0.31 da-1. In the general context of the enterprises, the production value of oily sunflower is 86.61da1,grossprofitis86.61 da-1 , gross profit is 33.60 da-1 , net profit has been calculated as 9.40da1.Inthestudy,theratioofaveragegrossprofitvalueofoilysunflowertotheproductionvalueoftheproductis38.799.40 da-1. In the study, the ratio of average gross profit value of oily sunflower to the production value of the product is 38.79%, and the relative profit ratio is1.12. In the study, it has been concluded that the average productivity value in sunflower production is 3.07 kg -1 and the break-even point value indicating land crossing in production is 208.68 kg da-1. The results of the study reveal that government-provided supports in the studied enterprises can provide an increase of 24.97% in the income generated from the unit area in sunflower. The research conducted have also revealed that the criteria of yield value, production value, cost per kg, gross profit and net profit and relative profit ratio are the highest in the first group of enterprises. In other words, the research findings showed that among the studied enterprises, small-scale enterprises work more efficiently and productively than the enterprises in other groups, but also behaved more rationally in the use of input.