Fig 2 - uploaded by Xing Wang
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Computational design can excite the full potential of soft robotics, but it has the drawback of being highly nonlinear in terms of material, structure, and contact. To date, enthusiastic research interests have been demonstrated for individual soft fingers, but the frame design space (how each soft finger is assembled) remains largely unexplored. C...
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Context 1
... addition, nine parameters are assigned for each finger to define its design space, including finger length (H), width (L), height (W ), length of solid tip (L tip ), the thickness of the contact surface (t f lex ), the thickness of the noncontact surface (t back ), the number of linkage ribs (N ), the thickness of ribs (t rib ), and the tilt angle of ribs (t angle ) (Figure 2). The rich combination of three fingers is coded in the evolutionary algorithm, ending with 28 design variables (three fingers × nine variables per finger plus one defining the finger distance). ...