Global and local buckling load for an unstiffened isotropic shell (left) -stable dimple in a cylinder from [70] (right)

Global and local buckling load for an unstiffened isotropic shell (left) -stable dimple in a cylinder from [70] (right)

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Thin-walled shells like cylinders, cones and spheres are primary structures in launch-vehicle systems. When subjected to axial loading or external pressure, these thin-walled shells are prone to buckling. The corresponding critical load heavily depends on deviations from the ideal shell shape. In general these deviations are defined as geometric im...

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... As the dimple exacerbates, the first limit point decreases to a minimum and then increases to a certain load, which corresponds to the limit point of a fully localized single-dimple mode in the post-buckling regime. These observations are in line with the single perturbation load approach studies by Wagner [44], where it is shown that the shell structures collapse at this lower load. Friedrich & Schröder [45] also reported a similar observation that the local buckling in a displacement-controlled study corresponds to the global buckling in a load-controlled analysis. ...
... In §2, the snaking sequence of the shell is traced using the modified Riks solver, but it is impossible experimentally to trace the fingers of the load-displacement graph. Hence, to match the experimental buckling and post-buckling response, a nonlinear analysis is performed using a Newton-Raphson solver with artificial damping in ABAQUS [44,49]. Using the inverse distance weighted interpolation method, the measured geometrical imperfection is incorporated into the FE mesh [48,50]. ...
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The buckling instability of cylindrical shells under axial compression has been one of the most renowned problems in structural engineering for several decades. Many pioneering works in the twentieth century have provided insights into understanding the shells’ infamous imperfection sensitivity and led to reliability-based designs. However, a recent surge in numerical studies of the snaking phenomenon explores the development of a localized stable post-buckling mode in axially compressed cylindrical shells. Hitherto, none of the experimental studies report on the evolution of azimuthal snaking. In this work, experimental studies are carried out with the objective of revealing the snaking phenomenon. The axial compression experiments are performed on 3D-printed shells made of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). The work’s novelty lies in the usage of TPU shells for slowing down the propagation of circumferential dimples and making it feasible to capture them using photogrammetry. Despite the match between the experimental and numerical mode shapes, the experiments reveal multiple routes for the snaking sequence. Furthermore, mode transitions such as reduction in circumferential wave number and transformation of symmetric mode into an asymmetric one are observed. These experimental results provide insights into the localized phenomenon of snaking and validate numerical solutions.
... Data from the CMM were used to inform on the manufacturing quality and also used as inputs to the nonlinear finite element analyses with the as-manufactured imperfection signature. Following best practice in the experimental literature [23][24][25], to postprocess these data, a cylinder of best fit is first fitted to the 20,000-point data cloud by minimizing the root mean square of the imperfection data cloud against the best fit cylinder. The best fit QI cylinder has an outer radius of 302.20 mm, 1.15 mm larger than the designed outer radius. ...
... The imperfection measurements were carried out between x 40 mm and x 1060 mm, 93% of the unpotted length of the cylinder (0 to 24 mm and 1074 to 1098 mm of the total length of the cylinder are the regions of end-potting). Following best practice in the literature [23][24][25], the imperfection data cloud was deconstructed into Fourier coefficients and magnitudes based on a full four-term Fourier series decomposition. Once achieved, the Fourier series can be used to extrapolate the imperfections from x 50 mm to x 24 mm (the start of the bottom end-potting) and from x 1060 mm to x 1074 mm (the start of the top end-potting). ...
Variable-angle tow (VAT) manufacturing methods significantly increase the design space for elastic tailoring of composite structures by smoothly changing fiber angle and ply thickness across a component. Rapid tow shearing (RTS) is a VAT manufacturing technique that uses in-plane shearing (rather than in-plane bending) to steer tows of dry or pre-impregnated fibers. RTS offers a number of benefits over conventional bending-driven steering processes, including tessellation of adjacent tow courses; no overlaps or gaps between tows; and no fiber wrinkling or bridging. Further to this, RTS offers an additional design variable: fiber orientation to tow thickness coupling due to the volumetric relation between tow shearing and the tow’s thickness and width. Previous computational work has shown that through a judicious choice of curvilinear fiber trajectories along a cylinder’s length and across its circumference, the imperfection sensitivity of cylindrical shells under axial compression can be reduced and load-carrying capacity increased. The present work aims to verify these predictions by manufacturing and testing two cylinders: an RTS cylinder and a straight-fiber, quasi-isotropic cylinder as a benchmark. The tow-steered manufacturing process, imperfection measurements, instrumentation, and buckling tests of both cylinders are discussed herein. The experimental tests results are compared against high-fidelity geometrically nonlinear finite element models that include measured geometric and loading imperfections before and during the tests. Finally, a discussion is provided on the outstanding challenges in designing and manufacturing RTS cylinders for primary aerostructures.
... Data from the CMM were used to inform on the manufacturing quality and also used as inputs to the nonlinear finite element analyses with the as-manufactured imperfection signature. Following best practice in the experimental literature [18][19][20], to post-process these data, a cylinder of best fit is first fitted to the 20,000-point data cloud by minimizing the root mean square of the imperfection data cloud against the best fit cylinder. The best fit QI cylinder has an outer radius of 302.20 mm, 1.15 mm larger than the designed outer radius. ...
... The imperfection measurements were carried out between G = 40 mm and G = 1060 mm 93% of the unpotted length of the cylinder (0 to 24 mm and 1074 mm to 1098 mm is the end-potted region). Following best practice in the literature [18][19][20], the imperfection data cloud was deconstructed into Fourier coe cients and magnitudes based on a full four-term Fourier series decomposition. Once achieved, the Fourier series can be used to extrapolate the imperfections from G = 50 mm to G = 24 mm (the start of the bottom end-potting) and from G = 1060 mm to G = 1074 mm (the start of the top end-potting). ...
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View Video Presentation: Variable-angle tow (VAT) manufacturing methods significantly increase the design space for elastic tailoring of composite structures by smoothly changing the fiber angle and thickness across a component. Rapid Tow Shearing (RTS) is a VAT manufacturing technique that uses in-plane shearing (rather than in-plane bending) to steer tows of dry or pre-impregnated fibers. RTS offers a number of benefits over conventional bending-driven steering processes, including tessellation of adjacent tow courses; no overlaps or gaps between tows; and no fiber wrinkling or bridging. Further to this, RTS offers an additional design variable: fiber orientation-to-thickness coupling due to the volumetric relation between tow shearing and the tow thickness and width. Previous computational work has shown that through a judicious choice of curvilinear fiber trajectories along a cylinder’s length and across its circumference, the imperfection sensitivity of cylindrical shells under axial compression can be reduced and load-carrying capacity increased. The present work aims to realize these predictions by manufacturing and testing two cylinders: an RTS cylinder and a straight-fiber quasi-isotropic cylinder as a benchmark. The tow-steered manufacturing process, imperfection measurements, instrumentation, and buckling tests of both cylinders are discussed herein. The experimental tests results are compared against high-fidelity geometrically nonlinear finite element models that include measured imperfections before and during the tests. Finally, we discuss outstanding challenges in designing and manufacturing RTS cylinders for primary aerostructures.
... (27) and Eq. (28) of Ref. [37]. ...
The buckling of thin cylindrical shells under axial compression is long-standing problem due to significant difference between experimental and theoretical buckling load predicted by classical buckling theory. The knockdown factors predicted by present design recommendations are very conservative and predictions are less accurate. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are used in this study to accurately predict buckling load using experimental data from 38 previous studies. The buckling load was predicted using nine input parameters. The experimental data was divided into two sets having similar distributions of input parameters: training dataset (90%) and validation dataset (10%). The buckling loads predicted by ANN are in good agreement with experimental buckling loads and predictions are within ±10% with few exceptions. The specimens with parameters falling in the range of input parameters were predicted well by ANN, and accuracy of the prediction depends on number of similar parameters in a specific range used for training. The predictions by five design recommendations including NASA and EC-3 were compared with experimental buckling load, the percentage errors of predictions compared to experimental data for more than 50% specimens were within ±50%. The trained ANN models predict buckling loads with higher accuracy compared to design recommendations and can be used for practical designs.
... It has been shown that if initial imperfections are simulated precisely, the finite element (FE) method is able to accurately predict the buckling and postbuckling response of cylindrical shells [11]. Since it is not possible to determine the initial imperfections of a cylinder prior to design and manufacturing, researchers continue to look for reliable methods to predict the buckling response in a way that considers the most probable initial imperfections [12][13][14][15]. However, despite the numerous methods to consider initial imperfections in analytical and numerical models, none of them can guarantee the most efficient and reliable design of cylindrical shells [16]. ...
This study introduces an approximate analytical model to predict the post-buckling response of cylinders with tailored nonuniform distributed stiffness. The shell's wall thickness, and thus its stiffness, is tailored so as to obtain multiple controlled elastic local buckling events when the cylinder is subjected to uniform axial compression. The proposed model treats cylinder segments of different stiffness as individual panels and combines their response by considering them as connected linear or nonlinear springs. The governing equations for the panels are formulated using von Karman's theory and solved by Galerkin's approximate method for a predefined radial deformation. Radial deformation functions are used to improve the model's accuracy and results show that the model's accuracy increases significantly with the number of considered radial functions. The model's predicted axial response for different cylinders are compared to results from experiments on 3D printed samples. Results indicate that this model accurately predicts the order of the buckling events while the buckling forces from the model are higher than those measured experimentally.
... Geometric imperfections are defined as shape deviations from the ideal structure [17,18]. Depending on the shape and amplitude of the present geometric imperfections a single dimple occurs under loading which initiates the buckling process which was shown by Berke and Carlson [19]. ...
Tori-spherical shells are often used as enclosures of pressure vessels in ocean and civil engineering. When subjected to external pressure, these thin-walled shells are prone to buckling. The corresponding critical buckling pressure heavily depends on deviations from the ideal shell shape, but also the yield strength as well as the knuckle radius. This article summarizes and analyzes all known experimental results for tori-spherical shells under external pressure. A detailed numerical elastic-plastic buckling analysis of a tori-spherical bulkhead is presented including details regarding non-linear material model, finite-element modeling and solver settings. In addition, a wide variety of empirical design and numerical geometric imperfection approaches for tori-spheres are presented, applied and validated. Among the geometric imperfection approaches are realistic measured geometric imperfections, dimple imperfections, flat patch imperfections and reduced stiffness methods. Large scale parametric imperfection amplitude analyzes are performed in order to determine which imperfection concept delivers in general the best fit to experimental results. New design factors for different tori-spherical shell geometry configurations are consequently developed and validated with experimental results. The new design factors lead to significantly improved critical load estimations in comparison to lower-bounds obtained empirically.
... Lower bound methods should deliver a theoretical plateau for the buckling load which is equal or less to every buckling load caused by multiple or large-amplitude imperfections. Note, that detailed description of the SBPA and its realization in finite element condes is given in Ref. [83]. A summary of alternative design approaches for buckling critical thin-walled shells is given in Appendix A. ...
Metallic grid stiffened cylinders are often used as tank and interstage structures in launch-vehicle systems. When subjected to axial compression, these thin-walled shells are prone to buckling. The corresponding critical buckling load heavily depends on deviations from the ideal shell shape. In general, these deviations are defined as geometric imperfections and they can significantly reduce the critical load. Considering the influence of geometric imperfections into the design process of thin-walled shells poses major challenges for structural design. This article presents an overview regarding the modelling, analysis and design of metallic grid stiffened launch-vehicle cylinders. In comparison to commonly studied unstiffened cylinders, complex shells applied in aerospace engineering can have a completely different structural response to axial compression than their unstiffened counterparts. Advanced shell buckling design conceps like perturbation approaches and energy barrier criteria are applied and validated with experimental data. Finite element models are presented and described in detail. Important aspects like skin and weld buckling as well as the influence of cutouts are analyzed and discussed.
... Lower bound methods should deliver a theoretical plateau for the buckling load which is equal or less to every buckling load caused by multiple or large-amplitude imperfections. Note, that detailed description of the SBPA and its realization in finite element condes is given in Ref. [83]. A summary of alternative design approaches for buckling critical thin-walled shells is given in Appendix A. ...
In this video buckling of an orthogrid stiffened cylinder under axial compression is shown. The model details and model creation via Python is shown. A download link for the input file for ABAUQS can be found here: A more detailed description of the orthogrid stiffened shell can be found here: If there are any questions feel free to email me:
... In comparison to the cylinder Z14 (same number of layers and overall shell geometry) the perfect buckling load of Z22 is 56 % smaller (35 kN to 78 kN as summarized in Table 3). Lower-bound methods [42] like the single boundary perturbation approach (SBPA) or the localized reduced stiffness method (LRSM) [43], [44] lead to a design KDF of about 0.87-0.9 as shown in Fig. 13. ...
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Thin-walled cylindrical shells are primary structures in aerospace, marine and civil engineering. A major loading scenario for these imperfection sensitive shells is axial compression. For this load case, there is a critical disagreement between the theoretical and experimental critical load. This difference is mainly contributed due to shape deviations of the shell middle plane which are commonly described as geometric imperfections. However, some deviations between theoretical and experimental buckling loads are sometimes so severe that other imperfection types are possibly to blame. This article describes experimental and numerical studies on the influence of loading imperfections on the buckling load of thin-walled cylinders. A global loading imperfection was applied by mistake during a buckling test of a thin-walled cylinder which led to a severe buckling load reduction and the corresponding load level was similar to the post-buckling load. Also, a series of experimental studies with localized loading imperfections is described which significantly reduced the buckling load of CFRP cylinders. The experimental results of this article represent an example for some of the very low buckling knockdown factors from early experimental campaigns and give insights in how to avoid these critical imperfections in experimental buckling campaigns.
... In this section, a variant of the reduced stiffness method (RSM) is introduced. This variant is a further development of cutout approach from Ref. [65] and is defined as localized reduced stiffness method (LRSM) [66,67]. The LRSM is based on geometrically nonlinear analyses (GNA) which as opposed to the RSM does not require the use of the first buckling eigenmode. ...