Figure 13 - uploaded by Artem Kotelskiy
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Geometric interpretation of the differential in A bar r A . 

Geometric interpretation of the differential in A bar r A . 

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We construct an algebraic version of Lagrangian Floer homology for immersed curves inside the pillowcase. We first associate to the pillowcase an algebra A. Then to an immersed curve L inside the pillowcase we associate an A infinity module M(L) over A. Then we prove that Lagrangian Floer homology HF(L,L') is isomorphic to a suitable algebraic pair...

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... (See [33,57,64] for analogous results for closed 3-manifolds.) In a different direction, Artem Kotelskiy, Watson, and Zibrowius showed that, for 4-ended tangles, Bar-Natan's extension of Khovanov homology to tangles can also be interpreted as an immersed curve in a 4-punctured sphere [83], and this immersed curve in fact agrees [84] with an invariant introduced by Hedden, Christopher Herald, Matthew Hogancamp, and Paul Kirk, inspired by instanton link homology [62] (see also [63,82]). ...
Bordered Floer homology is an invariant for 3-manifolds with boundary, defined by the authors in 2008. It extends the Heegaard Floer homology of closed 3-manifolds, defined in earlier work of Zolt\'an Szab\'o and the second author. In addition to its conceptual interest, bordered Floer homology also provides powerful computational tools. This survey outlines the theory, focusing on recent developments and applications.
... In words, the Khovanov homology of the link arising as the union of a tangle T with the mirror of a tangle V can be recovered, up to tensoring with a particular two dimensional vector space, as the cohomology of the space of morphisms between the twisted complexes we associate to V and T , respectively. We should point out that similar results in these directions, and more precise comparisons with bordered Floer homology, have been obtained independently by Kotelskiy [21,20]. ...
For a diagram of a 2-stranded tangle in the 3-ball we define a twisted complex of compact Lagrangians in the triangulated envelope of the Fukaya category of the smooth locus of the pillowcase. We show that this twisted complex is a functorial invariant of the isotopy class of the tangle, and that it provides a factorization of Bar-Natan's functor from the tangle cobordism category to chain complexes. In particular, the hom set of our invariant with a particular non-compact Lagrangian associated to the trivial tangle is naturally isomorphic to the reduced Khovanov chain complex of the closure of the tangle. Our construction comes from the geometry of traceless SU(2) character varieties associated to resolutions of the tangle diagram, and was inspired by Kronheimer and Mrowka's singular instanton link homology.
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When restricted to alternating links, both Heegaard Floer and Khovanov homology concentrate along a single diagonal δ\delta -grading. This leads to the broader class of thin links that one would like to characterize without reference to the invariant in question. We provide a relative version of thinness for tangles and use this to characterize thinness via tangle decompositions along Conway spheres. These results bear a strong resemblance to the L-space gluing theorem for three-manifolds with torus boundary. Our results are based on certain immersed curve invariants for Conway tangles, namely the Heegaard Floer invariant HFT\operatorname {HFT} and the Khovanov invariant Kh~\widetilde {\operatorname {Kh}} that were developed by the authors in previous works.
This paper gives a geometric interpretation of bordered Heegaard Floer homology for manifolds with torus boundary. If M M is such a manifold, we show that the type D structure C F D ^ ( M ) \widehat {CFD}(M) may be viewed as a set of immersed curves decorated with local systems in ∂ M \partial M . These curves-with-decoration are invariants of the underlying three-manifold up to regular homotopy of the curves and isomorphism of the local systems. Given two such manifolds and a homeomorphism h h between the boundary tori, the Heegaard Floer homology of the closed manifold obtained by gluing with h h is obtained from the Lagrangian intersection Floer homology of the curve-sets. This machinery has several applications: We establish that the dimension of H F ^ \widehat {HF} decreases under a certain class of degree one maps (pinches) and we establish that the existence of an essential separating torus gives rise to a lower bound on the dimension of H F ^ \widehat {HF} . In particular, it follows that a prime rational homology sphere Y Y with H F ^ ( Y ) > 5 \widehat {HF}(Y)>5 must be geometric. Other results include a new proof of Eftekhary’s theorem that L-space homology spheres are atoroidal; a complete characterization of toroidal L-spaces in terms of gluing data; and a proof of a conjecture of Hom, Lidman, and Vafaee on satellite L-space knots.
We give a geometric interpretation of Bar-Natan's universal invariant for the class of tangles in the 3-ball with four ends: we associate with such 4-ended tangles T multicurves BN~(T)\widetilde{\operatorname{BN}}(T), that is, collections of immersed curves with local systems in the 4-punctured sphere. These multicurves are tangle invariants up to homotopy of the underlying curves and equivalence of the local systems. They satisfy a gluing theorem which recovers the reduced Bar-Natan homology of links in terms of wrapped Lagrangian Floer theory. Furthermore, we use BN~(T)\widetilde{\operatorname{BN}}(T) to define two immersed curve invariants Kh~(T)\widetilde{\operatorname{Kh}}(T) and Kh(T)\operatorname{Kh}(T), which satisfy similar gluing theorems that recover reduced and unreduced Khovanov homology of links, respectively. As a first application, we prove that Conway mutation preserves reduced Bar-Natan homology over the field with two elements and Rasmussen's s-invariant over any field. As a second application, we give a geometric interpretation of Rozansky's categorification of the two-stranded Jones-Wenzl projector. This allows us to define a module structure on reduced Bar-Natan and Khovanov homologies of infinitely twisted knots, generalizing a result by Benheddi.