Generation and initial assignment of CRC single-cell RNA sequencing data. A Clinical data for the eight patients under investigation in this study. For mutational data, see also Supplementary table 6. Loc (Localisation): C: cecum; S: sigmoid colon; T: transverse colon; A: ascending colon; R: rectum. Prog (Predicted Progression): S: via serrated precursor; I: inflammatory/colitis-associated; C: canonical. Tissues used for single-cell RNA sequencing: N: Normal; T: Tumor; O: Organoid. B UMAPs of epithelial, immune and stromal cells, color-coded for patients. C UMAPs of epithelial, immune and stromal cells, color-coded by tissue of origin.

Generation and initial assignment of CRC single-cell RNA sequencing data. A Clinical data for the eight patients under investigation in this study. For mutational data, see also Supplementary table 6. Loc (Localisation): C: cecum; S: sigmoid colon; T: transverse colon; A: ascending colon; R: rectum. Prog (Predicted Progression): S: via serrated precursor; I: inflammatory/colitis-associated; C: canonical. Tissues used for single-cell RNA sequencing: N: Normal; T: Tumor; O: Organoid. B UMAPs of epithelial, immune and stromal cells, color-coded for patients. C UMAPs of epithelial, immune and stromal cells, color-coded by tissue of origin.

Source publication
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In colorectal cancer, oncogenic mutations transform a hierarchically organized and homeostatic epithelium into invasive cancer tissue lacking visible organization. We sought to identify differences in cellular composition between normal colon and colorectal cancer, and to define signals controlling cancer cell development. We used single cell RNA a...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... RNA sequencing of CRC To capture the cellular diversity in CRC and track changes from normalcy to disease, we performed single-cell transcriptome analysis of eight previously untreated CRC patients (Fig. 1A). We utilized tissue samples that included the invasive tumor front and matched normal tissues ( Supplementary Fig. 1). Tumors under investigation encompass stages pTis (Tumor in situ) to pT4, that is, from cancer confined within the lamina propria to invasive through the visceral peritoneum, with or without metastasis, and with various ...
Context 2
... RNA sequencing of CRC To capture the cellular diversity in CRC and track changes from normalcy to disease, we performed single-cell transcriptome analysis of eight previously untreated CRC patients (Fig. 1A). We utilized tissue samples that included the invasive tumor front and matched normal tissues ( Supplementary Fig. 1). Tumors under investigation encompass stages pTis (Tumor in situ) to pT4, that is, from cancer confined within the lamina propria to invasive through the visceral peritoneum, with or without metastasis, and with various locations along the cephalocaudal axis of the colon. ...
Context 3
... observed that single-cell transcriptomes derived from all patients intermingled within the epithelial, immune, and stromal compartments (Fig. 1B). When distinguishing normal versus tumor samples, distributions of single-cell profiles largely overlapped, although several regions within each plot were preferentially inhabited by transcriptomes derived from either normal or tumor tissues (Fig. 1C). This indicates that our data are generally free from patient-or sample-specific ...
Context 4
... derived from all patients intermingled within the epithelial, immune, and stromal compartments (Fig. 1B). When distinguishing normal versus tumor samples, distributions of single-cell profiles largely overlapped, although several regions within each plot were preferentially inhabited by transcriptomes derived from either normal or tumor tissues (Fig. 1C). This indicates that our data are generally free from patient-or sample-specific batch effects confounding the cell type distributions, but that general differences occur between normal and tumor transcriptome ...
Context 5
... tumor samples in our analysis contained a small proportion of normal epithelial tissue (see Supplementary Fig. 1). To ascertain the origin of transcriptomes assigned to differentiated epithelial cell clusters, we calculated probabilities for single-cell transcriptomes to be derived from the tumor, taking into account RNA reads covering somatic mutations. ...
Context 6
... ascertain the origin of transcriptomes assigned to differentiated epithelial cell clusters, we calculated probabilities for single-cell transcriptomes to be derived from the tumor, taking into account RNA reads covering somatic mutations. While this approach successfully assigned a small fraction of transcriptomes as deriving from normal or tumor cells, respectively, a large majority of single-cell profiles remained unassigned (Supplementary Fig. 10). We conclude that single-cell transcriptomes acquired by our droplet-based sequencing platform contain insufficient information ...

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