Figs 10-17 - uploaded by Galina N. Azarkina
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General appearance of males of Aelurillus afghanus Azarkina, 2006 (10-11) and A. thailandicus sp.n. (12, 15-16 holotype; 13-14, 17 paratype): 10, 12-13 -dorsal view; 11, 14 -frontal view; 15 -ventral view; 16 -lateral view; 17 -laterofrontal view. Scale bars: 1 mm. Рис. 10-17. Внешний вид самцов Aelurillus afghanus Azarkina, 2006 (8-9) и A. thailandicus sp.n. (12, 15-16 голотип; 13-14, 17 паратип): 10, 12-13 -дорсально; 11, 14 -фронтально; 15 -вентрально; 16 -латерально; 17 -латеро-фронтально. Масштаб: 1 мм.

General appearance of males of Aelurillus afghanus Azarkina, 2006 (10-11) and A. thailandicus sp.n. (12, 15-16 holotype; 13-14, 17 paratype): 10, 12-13 -dorsal view; 11, 14 -frontal view; 15 -ventral view; 16 -lateral view; 17 -laterofrontal view. Scale bars: 1 mm. Рис. 10-17. Внешний вид самцов Aelurillus afghanus Azarkina, 2006 (8-9) и A. thailandicus sp.n. (12, 15-16 голотип; 13-14, 17 паратип): 10, 12-13 -дорсально; 11, 14 -фронтально; 15 -вентрально; 16 -латерально; 17 -латеро-фронтально. Масштаб: 1 мм.

Source publication
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A new species of Aelurillus Simon, 1884 from Thailand - A. thailandicus sp.n. (♂♀, Phitsanulok and Nakhon Ratchasima Provinces) - is diagnosed and described. The male of Aelurillus afghanus Azarkina, 2006 is described for the first time. The 'minimontanus' species group is proposed and described. An identification key to all the species of this gro...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... horizontally in A. afghanus (see Fig. 9 and fig. 1 in Azarkina [2006b]), whereas they are vertical in A. minimontanus (see fig. 57 in Azarkina [2002]). ap, rt 1-0-2 ap, v 1-1-2 ap. Coloration (in alcohol). Carapace brown to dark brown, dorsally with two white longitudinal bands, laterally with white broad bands, marginally with white hairs (Fig. 10). Eye field with white scales, with two brown stripes running from AMEs towards the back side of eye field. Cheeks brown, clypeus dark brown, covered with dense white hairs. There are two narrow, longitudinal stripes of brown recumbent scales and a white narrow Map. Collecting localities of three Aelurillus species from the ...
Context 2
... трёх видов Aelurillus группы 'minimontanus '. line in between them (Fig. 11). Chelicerae yellow. Sternum brown-yellow. Abdomen ventrally yellow to yellow-grey; dorsally brown, with a median white longitudinal stripe which is broad near the pedicel tapering towards the caudal part, and with a long brownish stripe in anterior half of the dorsum (Fig. 10). Book-lungs and spinnerets yellow-brown. All legs yellow. Tibiae I yellow to brownish, metatarsi and tarsi I dark brown. Femora I and II ventrally in first third with grey brownish patches, in some specimens without patches. Palps yellow, covered with white hairs. Palpal organs as in Figs 1-7: palpal tibia with three (two sclerotized ...

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... Most Salticids are likely polyphagous predators who prefer to prey on soft-bodied and convenient to handle arthropods (Bartos, 2004;Guseinov, 2005;Huseynov, 2006). The jumping spiders of Pakistan have the least studies family than adjacent countries Iran, China and India (Ali et al., 2018;Ali, 2021;Azarkina, 2004;Azarkina, 2019;Bauer & Freudenschuss, 2015;Caleb et al., 2019;Caleb et al., 2022;Dyal, 1935;Kadam et al., 2021;Li, 2020;Logunov 2021a;c;Prószyński & Żochowska, 1981;Tripathi et al., 2021]. Aelurillus logunovi Azarkina, 2004 was first described from a type of material from district Swabi, collected by A. H. Wild in 1958 from Hazara and Haripur-Tarbela Road and deposited in the Natural History Museum of United Kingdom (BMNH) (Azarkina, 2004). ...
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... n. belongs to the minimontanus species-group (see Azarkina 2019: 410 for the minimontanus species-group definition). This is quite surprising because the three other species of this group, A. afghanus Azarkina, 2006, A. minimontanus Azarkina, 2002, and A. thailandicus Azarkina, 2019, are only known from Asia (Afghanistan, India, Pakistan and Thailand) (Azarkina 2019). ...
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... Over the last two decades, knowledge of Thailand's jumping spiders has increased considerably (Logunov & Hereward 2006;Logunov & Azarkina 2008;Chotwong & Tanikawa 2013;Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013;Logunov & Marusik 2014;Żabka & Gardzińska 2017;Azarkina 2019;Patoleta et al. 2020;Seyfulina et al. 2020). At present, 37 genera and 57 species are recorded (Żabka & Gardzińska 2017;Seyfulina et al. 2020), but the list is far from being complete. ...
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... The first data about Thai representatives of the family were published by Giebel [1863], with all the species described by him being considered nomina dubia by Roewer in 1955 [Azarkina, 2019]. Simon [1886] reported on two species from Thailand: Telamonia hasselti (Thorell, 1878) (described as Viciria scoparia) from Chantaboun [=Chanthaburi] and Hyllus diardi (Walckenaer, 1837) from Tung Yai (Turgiai in Simon [1886]) located on the seashore near Chantaboun. ...
... Шесть видов отмечены впервые в стране: Evarcha bulbosa Żabka, 1985Żabka, , P. vittata (C.L. Koch, 1846, Phintelloides versicolor (C.L. Koch, 1846) и Portia labiata (Thorell, 1887 Prószyński [1992a]. Twelve new salticids were recently described from Thailand [Benjamin, 2004[Benjamin, , 2010Logunov, Hereward, 2006;Logunov, Azarkina, 2008;Prószyński, Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012;Yamasaki, Ahmad, 2013;Logunov, Marusik, 2014;Azarkina, 2019], as well as new faunistic and/or behavioral information was provided [Chotwong, Tanikawa, 2013;Grob, 2015;Logunov, 2019]. ...
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