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Figs 10-17 - A new species of Aelurillus Simon, 1884 (Aranei: Salticidae) from Thailand, with the first description of the male of A. afghanus Azarkina, 2006

General appearance of males of Aelurillus afghanus Azarkina, 2006 (10-11) and A. thailandicus sp.n. (12, 15-16 holotype; 13-14, 17 paratype): 10, 12-13 -dorsal view; 11, 14 -frontal view; 15 -ventral view; 16 -lateral view; 17 -laterofrontal view. Scale bars: 1 mm. Рис. 10-17. Внешний вид самцов Aelurillus afghanus Azarkina, 2006 (8-9) и A. thailandicus sp.n. (12, 15-16 голотип; 13-14, 17 паратип): 10, 12-13 -дорсально; 11, 14 -фронтально; 15 -вентрально; 16 -латерально; 17 -латеро-фронтально. Масштаб: 1 мм.
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