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Over the last century, sporadic research has suggested that people whose hand, eye, foot, or ear dominances are not consistently right- or left-sided are at special risk of suffering academic difficulties. This phenomenon is known as crossed laterality. Although the bulk of this research dates from 1960’s and 1970’s, crossed laterality is becoming...
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Over the last century, sporadic research has suggested that people whose hand, eye, foot, or ear dominances are not consistently right- or left-sided are at special risk of suffering academic difficulties. This phenomenon is known as crossed laterality. Although the bulk of this research dates from 1960’s and 1970’s, crossed laterality is becoming...
... Difficulties in laterality are correlated with difficulties in learning to write, particularly with regard to spatial orientation [34]. With these acquisitions naturally comes greater body awareness (from the age of 3-4), since manual preference will give greater confidence and autonomy [35], through the dissociation of movements and coordination between time and space [36,37]. ...
... This will make it easier to improve imitation processes through the maturation of mental representations and the acquisition of the symbolic [11,32], thus accessing increasingly abstract concepts such as calculation-related skills [38]. The body can be used as a mediator in learning the alphabet and letters [35]. ...
... Hand-eye coordination and manual praxis involve the sequencing of movements essential for motor planning, linking visual perception with hand/foot motor skills, and establishing somatognosia [24,25,30]. Bimanual coordination requires a manual preference to support actions and becomes more specialized from second childhood, closely linked with visual discrimination, spatial skills, and the understanding of colors, shapes, and sizes [24,25,35,39,40]. These skills impact graphomotor and lexical processing, as well as vocabulary and language acquisition during the preschool period [41,42]. ...
Background/Objectives: The relevance of psychomotor skills in children’s growth is being increasingly recognized. The transversal role of psychomotor skills in learning performance is described through a link between cognitive and motor functioning, promoting socio-affective–expressive competencies, but there is a scarcity of evidence from the field. A two-fold goal was defined: to investigate the relationship between psychomotor functions and academic performance and to examine the factors affecting children’s academic performance. Methods: The Portuguese versions of the Neuropsychomotor Functions Assessment Battery for Children (, Preschool Diagnostic Tasks (PRE), and School Learning Skills Battery (SLSB) were applied to 350 children (85.72 ± 24.23 months) with and without disabilities attending mainstream schools. Results: Pearson correlations and regression analyses were used. domains showed moderate to strong correlations with PRE domains (0.30 < r < 0.82) and weak ones with SLSB domains (r < 0.30). Psychomotor development is a stronger predictor (p < 0.001) of pre-academic performance outcomes: (βTonus = 0.67, βGross Motor Skills = 1.04, βSpatial Orientation = −1.44, βRhythm = −1.59 and βAuditory Attention = 3.68) than of academic performance above 7 years old (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Results strengthen the importance of psychomotor skills development from an early age, also at school, with implications for an early psychomotor assessment and intervention for children with and without disabilities. Tailor-fit interventions, including strategies to improve psychomotor skills, should be promoted during the school process of all children for a successful learning process.
... A feltevés szerint a keresztezett dominancia és olvasási problémák között összefüggés áll fenn, amivel kapcsolatban ellentmondásos empirikus eredmények születtek többnyire retrospektív vizsgálatokból. A különböző vizsgálatokat összegző metaanalízisek (Ferrero et al., 2017, Sulzbacher et al., 1994 alapján nem igazolható a fenti összefüggés (l. magyar nyelven Vig Julianna 2019-ben, a témában megjelent tanulmányát). ...
A neuromítoszok, vagyis téves idegtudományi elképzelések a mozgásfejlesztés és a motoros terápiák területén is problémát jelentenek. A megcáfolt fejlődéselméleteken vagy idegrendszeri működési mechanizmusok félreértelmezésén alapuló mozgásfejlesztési módszerek a gyermek különböző, nem motoros funkcióterületeinek (pl. kognitív funkciók, tanulási teljesítmény) javulását vetítik előre tudományos megalapozottság nélkül. Tanulmányunk célja a mozgással kapcsolatos neuromítoszok előfordulási gyakoriságának elemzése.
Kérdőíves vizsgálatunkat a Magyar Neuroedukáció Kérdőívvel (MANEK, 2022) végeztük, mely 13 mozgással kapcsolatos állítást is magába foglalt. Vizsgálati mintánkat pedagógia szakos hallgatók (n=822 fő, életkoruk 29,65 ± 9,93 év), továbbá végzett pedagógusok (n=734 fő, életkoruk 48,05 ± 9,3 év) adták. A 13 állítás közül a hallgatók átlagosan 8 (Median=8, CI= 7,6-7,97), míg a végzett szakemberek átlagosan 10 (Median=10, CI= 9,34-9,66) valóságtartalmát ítélték meg helytelenül. A 13-ból 12 állítás esetén a gyakorló pedagógusok hibás válaszadási aránya volt magasabb. Mindkét almintában a következő neuromítosz volt a legelterjedtebb (helytelenül válaszolt a hallgatók 89,7%-a és végzett pedagógusok 95,8%-a): „A motoros és érzékelő/észlelő funkciók koordinációját igénylő gyakorlatok fejlesztik az olvasási és számolási készségeket”.
A vizsgált neuromítoszok széleskörű elterjedtsége felhívja a figyelmet a tudományosan megalapozott ismeretek kommunikációjának szükségességére. E neuromítoszok olyan (mozgás)terápiás eljárások alkalmazását támogatják, melyek hatásossága erősen vitatott, jelentős anyagi és energiaráfordítást igényelnek, továbbá időt vesznek el a bizonyítottan fejlesztő eljárások alkalmazásától.
... In recent years, studies have been conducted on this topic, including Ferrero et al. (2017) and Ocklenburg et al. (2020). The first is a systematic review and meta-analysis of the studies published since 1900 that relate cross-laterality and academic achievement and intelligence. ...
In recent years, the volume of research on laterality has considerably increased. However, there is a gap in understanding its relationship with education because no comprehensive studies have synthesized all existing information on this topic. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of scientific and academic publications from the past decade (2012-2022) on laterality and education. This study uses high-impact search engines, specifically Web of Science, to compile and analyze relevant works in this field. This research employed an ex post facto retrospective design. The study used a subscription-based database provided by the University of Alicante, specifically the Web of Science Core Collection. This database encompasses various fields, including Sciences, Social Sciences, and Arts and Humanities, and includes 254 categories such as Education Research, Pedagogy, Science Disciplines, and Special Education. After applying the search strategy and various filters in the database, the data were screened according to established inclusion and exclusion criteria. The final sample comprised N = 281 documents. Analysis of these results highlights the benefits of laterality for enhancing motor, neuromotor, and psychomotor skills, which are crucial for the holistic development of individuals. Because these aspects align with key educational objectives, it is recommended to implement classroom methodologies that promote laterality-related activities to assess their effectiveness in practice.
... Adicionalmente, hay un porcentaje muy bajo y variable de individuos que, por razones más comúnmente relacionadas con el neurodesarrollo temprano (Malatesta et al., 2021), no presenta una lateralidad homogénea; vale decir, tiene un hemisferio dominante para algunas acciones y el otro, para otras. De estas personas se dice que poseen una lateralidad heterogénea o cruzada (Tran et al., 2014;Ferrero et al., 2017); entre ellas se cuentan también las personas ambidextras y quienes presentan una lateralidad indefinida. Cabe mencionar también que, la lateralidad heterogénea es proporcionalmente más frecuente entre las personas zurdas que entre las diestras (O'Regan & Serrien, 2018; Paracchini, 2021). ...
... Las repercusiones de la lateralización cruzada ojo-mano en el desempeño en tareas visoespaciales han sido estudiadas principalmente en niños y niñas en edad escolar. Por ejemplo, se sabe que a partir de la educación pre-escolar y escolar temprana, es cuando un niño o niña con una lateralidad mal establecida, puede presentar dificultades en el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura, la gestión de la atención y la organización de su trabajo escolar, en contraposición a niños y niñas con una lateralidad ojo-mano homogénea, o consistente (Méndez, 2010;Rosa et al., 2013;Ferrero et al., 2017;Arseni & Hantiu, 2020;Iteya & Gabbard,1996). En contraposición, un estudio reciente desarrollado por Bondi y colaboradores (2020) con escolares (de 6 a 11 años), encontró que los niños con ojo y mano derecha dominante, tuvieron mejor desempeño en tareas de coordinación motora y de fuerza, que sus pares con lateralidad cruzada (Bondi et al., 2020). ...
... En contraposición, un estudio reciente desarrollado por Bondi y colaboradores (2020) con escolares (de 6 a 11 años), encontró que los niños con ojo y mano derecha dominante, tuvieron mejor desempeño en tareas de coordinación motora y de fuerza, que sus pares con lateralidad cruzada (Bondi et al., 2020). Otros hallazgos asocian la lateralidad heterogénea o cruzada en niños/as con dificultades académicas, TDAH y dislexia (Méndez, 2010;Ferrero, et al., 2017;Musálek et al., 2020;Medina, 2020). ...
Resumen Las repercusiones de la lateralización cruzada ojo-mano en el desempeño en tareas visoespaciales han sido estudiadas principalmente en niños y niñas en edad escolar. Por ejemplo, se sabe que a partir de la educación pre-escolar y escolar temprana, es cuando niños y niñas con una lateralidad mal establecida, pueden presentar dificultades en el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura y la gestión de la atención, en contraposición a niños y niñas con lateralidad ojo-mano homogénea. En contraste con los estudios con personas menores, no existen estudios recientes sobre las consecuencias de la lateralidad ojo-mano cruzada en personas adultas. El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo comparar los desempeños de dos grupos de adultos jóvenes: uno con lateralidad ojo-mano homogénea (n=30), y otro, con lateralidad ojo-mano cruzada (n=20), en seis tareas. Un primer grupo de tres tareas con fuertes requerimientos de ejecución visomotora: (1) Copia de la Figura Compleja de Rey; (2) Trazado de Senderos "A"; y (3) Solución del Laberinto I de Porteus. Y un segundo grupo de tres tareas con un fuerte componente de cognición espacial: (4) Evocación de la Figura Compleja de Rey; (5) Trazado de Senderos "B"; y Solución de Matrices Visoespaciales. Las variables dependientes fueron número de errores (o aciertos) y tiempo para completar cada tarea. Se hipotetizó que el grupo con lateralidad ojo-mano cruzada cometería significativamente más errores y requeriría significativamente más tiempo para completar las tareas que el grupo con lateralidad homogénea. Los resultados mostraron que no había diferencias entre los dos grupos, salvo en el tiempo requerido para resolver los problemas de matrices visoespaciales. Se comentan diferentes explicaciones posibles; sin embargo, la ausencia de déficits podría reflejar cambios compensatorios producto de las estrategias cognitivas cultivadas durante sus trayectorias de desarrollo. Abstract The repercussions of crossed eye-hand lateralization on performance in visuospatial tasks have been studied mainly in school-age children. For example, it is known that from preschool and early school education, a child with poorly established laterality may present difficulties in learning to read and write and to manage attention, in contrast to children with homogeneous eye-hand laterality. In contrast to studies with young children, there are no recent studies on the posible consequences of crossed eye-hand laterality in adults. The objective of the present study was to compare the performances of two groups of young adults: one with homogeneous eye-hand laterality (n=30), and the other, with crossed eye-hand laterality (n=20), onn six tasks. A first group of three tasks with strong visuomotor The dependent variables were number of hits (or errors), and time to task completion. Hypotheses posed that crossed eye-hand laterality participants would make significantly more errors ,and would require significantly more time to complete the tasks, than the group with homogeneous laterality. The results showed that there were no significat differences between the two groups, except in the time required to solve the visuospatial matrix problems. Different possible explanations are discussed; however the absence of deficits may reflect compensatory changes resulting from the cognitive strategies cultivated during their developmental trajectories..
... However, a meta-analysis by Bourassa, MacManus & Bryden (1996) with 54,087 participants from 47 studies on hand-eye laterality did not find enough evidence to associate hand-eye laterality with learning and indicated the necessity of conducting more research in the field. In a more recent systematic review, Ferrero, West & Vadillo (2017) also found a lack of scientific evidence on the relationship between C-HELPs, academic achievement, and intelligence. ...
Laterality effects on sports performance have been a field of interest for the sports sciences, especially in asymmetrical sports, which require the preferential use of one side of the body. Some sports in particular involve the visual system and ocular laterality, due to the need to clearly focus on a dynamic object (ball, opponent, projectile, etc. ). The relationship between manual and ocular laterality results in two perceptual-motor profiles, one where the dominant hand and eye are ipsilateral (uncrossed hand-eye laterality profile, UC-HELP), and the other where they are contralateral (crossed hand-eye laterality profile, C-HELP).
A systematic review of the literature was carried out to determine the prevalence of hand-eye laterality profiles in the different sports modalities and their relationship with psychological factors and sports performance. Searches of PsycInfo, Medline, Scopus and grey literature identified 14 studies (2,759 participants) regarding hand-eye laterality in sports that met the eligibility criteria.
Previous studies have estimated that between 10–30% of the general population exhibit a C-HELP, and 70–90% have an UC-HELP. The results of the reviewed studies indicate that in some sports the percentage of C-HELP is higher in regular and high-level athletes than in the normal population: golf (52.55%), soccer (53%), tennis (42%) and team sports (50.7%). In target sports (archery and shooting) athletes with an UC-HELP seem to have an advantage given the significant concentration of this profile in the highest performing populations (82.3%). In basketball, cricket and golf, the literature reviewed also reported biomechanical differences in the execution of some techniques between the two profiles. We did not find any study in our review that related hand-eye laterality with cognitive, tactical, or psychological aspects of athletes.
These results should be taken with great caution due to the potential bias linked to the methodologies used in the investigations, the heterogeneity in the assessment of hand-eye laterality, the few studies available on the subject and the indirect nature of many of the observed relationships between performance and laterality. For further investigation, we propose a standardized terminology and protocol of hand-eye laterality assessment in sports. The advancement in knowledge about hand-eye laterality profiles, along with the study of the relationship with psychological or tactical-sports patterns, can contribute to more effective development plans for athletes and can be a complement to talent detection.
... Their students found it hard to differentiate between some concepts and their hand, eye, foot, or ear dominance were not consistently right-or left-sided (crossed laterality). This crossed laterality was discovered around forty years ago and affects the organization of the upper functions in our system, this disorder affects language and mathematics learning, analytic, logical, understanding and concentration skills, time-space perception and balance, among others [23]. Thus, the goal of one activity is for the student to associate concepts and the other one is to improve the laterality issue. ...
Interaction is a fundamental part of using any computer system but it is still an issue for people with special needs. In order to improve this situation, this paper describes a new device-interaction model based on adaptation rules for user models. The aim is the adaptation at the interaction level, taking into account the interaction device features in order to improve the usability through the user experience in the education sector. In the evaluation process, several students from a special education center have participated. These students have either a physical or sensory disability or autism. The results are promising enough to consider that this model will be able to help students with disabilities to interact with a computer system which will inevitably provide tremendous benefits to their academic and personal development.
... To compare the prevalence of crossed laterality, study participants were grouped based on using the opposite sides of the body while performing different tasks with any combination of hand, eye, foot, or ear [14]. We considered three used definitions of crossed laterality. ...
The aim of this study was to assess the hypothesis that functional laterality features are associated with scoliosis incidence. The study included 59 patients with radiologically confirmed idiopathic scoliosis (mean age 13 years, 41 girls and 18 boys) and 55 controls (mean age 10.5 years, 38 girls and 17 boys). Side dominance was determined by the Lateral Preference Inventory. Direction, strength, and consistency of lateral dominance was obtained. Continuous data were compared by Student’s t-test or U Mann-Whitney test where appropriate. Categorical data were compared by chi-squared test and Fisher’s exact test. Groups were significantly different in terms of age (p < 0.001) and dependent variables: height (p < 0.001) and weight (p < 0.001). Lateralization analysis showed some trends, but the results obtained were not statistically significant. Statistical significance of lateralization direction are respectively: for hand (p = 0.364); leg (p = 0.277); eye (p = 0.804); ear (p = 0.938); number of right/left sided participants p = 0.492; p = 0.274; p = 0.387; p = 0.839, and right/mixed/left sided participants p = 0.930; p = 0.233; p = 0.691; p = 0.804. For laterality consistency depending on definition used, p = 0.105; p = 0.108; p = 0.380. The relationship between scoliosis and laterality is not a simple causal relationship and needs further investigation.
... Their students found it hard to differentiate between some concepts and their hand, eye, foot, or ear dominance were not consistently right-or left-sided (crossed laterality). This crossed laterality was discovered around forty years ago and affects the organization of the upper functions in our system, this disorder affects language and mathematics learning, analytic, logical, understanding and concentration skills, time-space perception and balance, among others [23]. Thus, the goal of one activity is for the student to associate concepts and the other one is to improve the laterality issue. ...
Interaction is a fundamental part of using any computer system but it is still an issue for people with special needs. In order to improve this situation, this paper describes a new device-interaction model based on adaptation rules for user models. The aim is the adaptation at the interaction level, taking into account the interaction device features in order to improve the usability through the user experience in the education sector. In the evaluation process, several students from a special education center have participated. These students have either a physical or sensory disability or autism. The results are promising enough to consider that this model will be able to help students with disabilities to interact with a computer system which will inevitably provide tremendous benefits to their academic and personal development.
... 12,13 Some clinical studies have reported compromised brain lateralization in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 14 and there has been a growing interest on the link between crossed laterality (which refers to people whose hand, eye, foot, or ear dominance are not uniformly right-or left-sided) and academic achievement. 15,16 Although the available evidence is fragmentary, lateralityspecific training and rehabilitation are commonly used in the field of education in children with developmental dyslexia and learning disabilities. 17,18 On the other hand, there is evidence in the literature of an association between laterality in permanent tooth eruption and functional lateralities (eyedness, handedness and footedness), 19,20 suggesting that tooth eruption patterns may be indicators of handedness. ...
To assess whether the order of permanent tooth eruption may be a useful indicator of motor function laterality.
We conducted a cross-sectional study in schoolchildren aged 6–8 years old evaluated in the annual school-based routine dental health examinations conducted by the staff of the primary care centre of an urban district in Barcelona, Spain. We also evaluated hand, foot, eye, and auditory lateralities using a battery of simple exercises. Bivariate and multivariate analysis of data was performed.
The study sample included 388 children, 51.3% female, with a mean age of 6.5 years. Right laterality was the predominant side in every variable under study, especially in tooth eruption (310 children; 80%), handedness (349; 89.9%), and footedness (337; 86.8%). In the bivariate analysis, we found a statistically significant association of tooth eruption laterality with handedness and footedness, and of tooth eruption laterality with ocular and auditory lateralities (p < .001). In the multivariate analysis, tooth eruption laterality and foot laterality were independent variables significantly associated with hand laterality. The diagnostic accuracy of tooth eruption laterality and foot laterality in relation to hand laterality as reference, showed a similar sensitivity and positive and negative predictive values, but the specificity of dentition laterality was higher (79% versus 66%).
Laterality in the order of dental eruption is a useful indicator of right or left motor function laterality in developing individuals that may be particularly helpful to determine the main dominance in cases of crossed laterality.
... Aunque el papel de la lateralidad de los hemisferios cerebrales es objeto de debate, se ha sugerido que una asimetría cerebral inadecuada podría afectar a las capacidades de aprendizaje normales, independientemente de su asociación con los trastornos del comportamiento 12,13 . Algunos estudios clínicos han descrito alteraciones de la lateralidad cerebral en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad 14 y hay un interés creciente en la relación entre la lateralidad cruzada (término que hace referencia a aquellos individuos en los que no se observa una dominancia uniforme izquierda o derecha en la lateralidad de mano, ojo, pie y oído) y el desempeño académico 15,16 . Aunque la evidencia disponible es fragmentaria, en el campo de la educación de utilizan actividades específicas para entrenar y rehabilitar la lateralidad en niños con dislexia del desarrollo y trastornos del aprendizaje 17 Por otro lado, se ha descrito la asociación entre la lateralidad en la erupción dental y las dominancias funcionales (ojo, mano y pie) en la literatura 19,20 , lo que sugiere que los patrones de erupción dental podrían ser indicadores de la lateralidad manual 21 . ...
Evaluar si el orden de la erupción dental es un buen indicador de la lateralidad motora.
Estudio transversal en escolares de ambos sexos de 6 a 8 años tratados mediante las revisiones orales rutinarias anuales realizadas en los colegios incluidos en un área de atención primaria urbana en Barcelona (España). También se evaluaron las lateralidades de manos, pies, ojos y oídos mediante una serie de ejercicios simples. Se realizaron análisis bivariantes y multivariantes de los datos.
La muestra comprendió 388 escolares, 51,3% niñas, con una edad media de 6,5 años. La lateralidad derecha predominó en todas las variables de estudio, especialmente en la dentición (310 escolares; 80%), la mano (349; 89,9%) y el pie (337; 86.8%). En el estudio bivariante se observó una asociación estadísticamente significativa (p < 0,001) entre la lateralidad de la dentición y la de la mano y el pie, así como entre la lateralidad de la dentición y las lateralidades de oído y de ojo. En el estudio multivariante, las lateralidades de la dentición y del pie se asociaron significativamente a la lateralidad de la mano. En lo concerniente a la precisión de la lateralidad de la dentición y del pie como prueba diagnóstica de la lateralidad de la mano, ambas mostraron una sensibilidad y valores predictivos positivos y negativos similares, pero la especificidad de la lateralidad de la dentición fue mayor (79% vs. 66%).
La lateralidad en el orden de la erupción dental es un buen indicador para determinar la lateralidad motora durante el desarrollo, que podría ser particularmente útil para ayudar a precisar la lateralidad más predominante en casos de lateralidad cruzada.