Fig 1 - uploaded by Felix Rempe
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Fundamental diagram and corresponding space-time regions with phase fronts and front propagation speeds (compare to [15])

Fundamental diagram and corresponding space-time regions with phase fronts and front propagation speeds (compare to [15])

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... the other hand, the dynamically changing inflow Q up i (t, t p ) definitely impacts the propagation of the front. If the inflow is great, the front propagates upstream faster and the congested regime grows. With greater flow in free flow conditions also the density increases, though only slightly (compare Fig. (1)). Compared to relatively slow shockwaves in congested traffic, shockwaves in free flow propagate with a greater velocity of v F ≈ 80km/h downstream [20] [16] [14] [15]. With respect to these empirical observations and traffic theories based on a fundamental diagram (FD), in the proposed method flow and density quantities are propagated ...
Context 2
... between the prediction of the first order and higher order fronts is made. The reason for this distinction is the effect that influences the front propagation: the first order front is mostly influenced by the prediction of the upstream flow, while the inflow of higher order fronts is given by the outflow of the neighboring fronts (compare Fig. ...
Context 3
... is a sensitive component of the method, which K-DET is not able to estimate correctly. Third, for higher order fronts the naive algorithm is the most accurate one. The reason is that a transition from a congested into a free traffic state and back into a congested traffic state without any additional in-or outflow can be explained well with a FD (Fig. (1)). In this case, the front propagation can be deduced directly from the FD. Potentially erroneous measurements effectively reduce the accuracy of the prediction. As a conclusion a mixed model should be considered for application: The first order front is predicted using the K-MAX variation, while for higher order fronts a naive ...

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... A method combining stationary detector data and probe vehicle data to predict freeway congestion fronts was presented, as highlighted by Rempe et al. (2017). In Rempe and Bogenberger (2019), a forecast algorithm was applied to urban road networks with farther links taken into account. ...
... FCD-based traffic state estimation is quite convoluted with many influences such as update frequencies from vehicles to the back-end server, the fleet size of floating cars, the current traffic flow, and the provider treatment. The data set for this study is provided by BMW [45], [46]. Data are interpolated to a space-time distribution using the Phase-Based Smoothing Method (PSM) [47]. ...
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This paper investigates the detection rate of various freeway congestion patterns and compares them across different traffic sensor technologies. Congestion events can be categorized into multiple types, ranging from short traffic disruptions (referred to as Jam Wave) to Stop and Go patterns and severe congestion scenarios like Wide Jam. We analyze multiple traffic data sets, including speed data from loop detectors, travel time measurements from Bluetooth sensors, and floating car data (FCD) collected from probe vehicles. Each combination of congestion pattern and detection technology is thoroughly examined and evaluated in terms of its capability and suitability for identifying specific traffic congestion patterns. For our experimental site, we selected the freeway A9 in Germany, which spans a length of 157 km . Our findings reveal that Bluetooth sensors, which record travel times between two locations, are barely suited for detecting short traffic incidents such as Jam Waves due to their downstream detection direction, contrasting with the upstream congestion propagation. Segment-based speed calculations prove more effective in identifying significant congestion events. FCD tend to recognize Stop and Go patterns more frequently than loop detectors but often underestimate severe congestion due to their sensitivity to penetration rates and data availability.
... The ASM smooths traffic speed data using convolutional filters in space and time that consider the propagation speeds (Treiber and Helbing, 2003). Originally invented to reconstruct traffic conditions from stationary loop detectors, the ASM has been successfully applied to FCD and other data sources (van Lint and Hoogendoorn, 2009;Rempe et al., 2017Rempe et al., , 2016a. Inspired by the three-phase traffic theory, which distinguishes between two congested phases -the synchronized traffic flow and Wide Moving Jams (WMJs) (Kerner, 1999(Kerner, , 2004 -two further models are the ASDA/FOTO and PSM. ...
This paper studies Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) for the accurate estimation of space–time traffic speeds given sparse data on freeways. Several aspects are highlighted which are crucial for the large-scale application of DCNNs to empirical probe data. (i) A methodology is proposed that allows to effectively train DCNNs on variable-sized space–time domains given empirical data prone to a varying penetration rate. Therefore, space–time domains are decomposed into small unified grids, which are processed separately. Second, in order to cope with varying penetration rates of available probe data, the network input is designed as two input matrices: grid-based speed data and grid occupancies. (ii) Using empirical probe data collected during 43 congestion scenarios on a freeway of 143 km length a shallow encoding–decoding CNN and a deep CNN are trained to reconstruct heterogeneous congestion types, such as moving and stationary congestion. It is demonstrated that for training only data of a single sparse data source is needed but no complete Ground Truth (GT), and still heterogeneous congestion types are reconstructed accurately. (iii) The estimation accuracy of a shallow encoding–decoding CNN and a DCNN, based on the U-net, are compared with traditional methods such as the ASM and PSM. An unseen complex congestion scenario is studied with all approaches and the estimation results are analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. It is shown, that the DCNN outperforms the other approaches significantly.
... The retrospective analysis often focuses on average vehicle speeds per time and space interval on a road since this provides benefits such as enabling the deduction of travel times for road users, providing jam tail warnings (Rempe et al., 2017b) aiming at the reduction of rear-end collisions at jam tails, etc. However, using current sensor technology, average vehicle speeds are not measured for all times and places on a road stretch. ...
... In Yuan et al. (2014), an approach to network-wide traffic state estimation combining loop detector and floating car data is presented. Rempe et al. (2017b) developed a model to fuse FCD and loop detector data to forecast congestion fronts on a freeway. ...
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This paper studies the joint reconstruction of traffic speeds and travel times by fusing sparse sensor data. Raw speed data from inductive loop detectors and floating cars as well as travel time measurements are combined using different fusion techniques. A novel fusion approach is developed, which extends existing speed reconstruction methods to integrate low-resolution travel time data. Several state-of-the-art methods and the novel approach are evaluated on their performance in reconstructing traffic speeds and travel times using various combinations of sensor data. Algorithms and sensor setups are evaluated with real loop detector, floating car and Bluetooth data collected during severe congestion on German freeway A9. Two main aspects are examined: 1) which algorithm provides the most accurate result depending on the used data and 2) which type of sensor and which combination of sensors yields highest estimation accuracy. Results show that, overall, the novel approach applied to a combination of floating-car data and loop data provides the best speed and travel time accuracy. Furthermore, a fusion of sources improves the reconstruction quality in many, but not all cases. In particular, Bluetooth data only provide a benefit for reconstruction purposes if integrated subtly.
... The observed floating car and loop detector data is shown in 3c, respectively. A detailed description on the floating car data is given in [36] and for the loop detector data in [37]. We aligned the spatio-temporal resolution of both sources to have joint resolution of one minute in time and one hundred meters in space 1 . ...
... The retrospective analysis often focuses on average vehicle speeds per time and space interval on a road since this provides benefits such as enabling the deduction of travel times for road users, providing jam tail warnings [1] aiming at the reduction of rear-end collisions at jam tails, etc. However, using current sensor technology, average vehicle speeds are not measured for all times and places on a road stretch. ...
... In [17], an approach to network-wide traffic state estimation combining loop detector and floating car data is presented. The authors of [1] developed a model to fuse FCD and loop detector data to forecast congestion fronts on a freeway. A comparison of two model-based approaches on filtering methods is conducted in [18]. ...
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This paper studies the joint reconstruction of traffic speeds and travel times by fusing sparse sensor data. Raw speed data from inductive loop detectors and floating cars as well as travel time measurements are combined using different fusion techniques. A novel fusion approach is developed which extends existing speed reconstruction methods to integrate low-resolution travel time data. Several state-of-the-art methods and the novel approach are evaluated on their performance in reconstructing traffic speeds and travel times using various combinations of sensor data. Algorithms and sensor setups are evaluated with real loop detector, floating car and Bluetooth data collected during severe congestion on German freeway A9. Two main aspects are examined: (i) which algorithm provides the most accurate result depending on the used data and (ii) which type of sensor and which combination of sensors yields higher estimation accuracies. Results show that, overall, the novel approach applied to a combination of floating-car data and loop data provides the best speed and travel time accuracy. Furthermore, a fusion of sources improves the reconstruction quality in many, but not all cases. In particular, Bluetooth data only provide a benefit for reconstruction purposes if integrated distinctively.
... The ASM smooths traffic speed data using convolutional filters in space and time that consider the propagation speeds Treiber and Helbing (2003). Originally invented to reconstruct traffic conditions from stationary loop detectors, the ASM has been successfully applied to FCD and other data sources Van Lint and Hoogendoorn (2010); van Lint and Hoogendoorn (2009); Rempe et al. (2017bRempe et al. ( , 2016a. Inspired by the three-phase traffic theory, which distinguishes between two congested phases -the synchronized traffic flow and Wide Moving Jams (WMJs) Kerner (1999 -two further models are the ASDA/FOTO and PSM. ...
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This paper presents a dedicated Deep Neural Network (DNN) architecture that reconstructs space-time traffic speeds on freeways given sparse data. The DNN is constructed in such a way, that it learns heterogeneous congestion patterns using a large dataset of sparse speed data, in particular from probe vehicles. Input to the DNN are two equally sized input matrices: one containing raw measurement data, and the other indicates the cells occupied with data. The DNN, comprising multiple stacked convolutional layers with an encoding-decoding structure and feed-forward paths, transforms the input into a full matrix of traffic speeds. The proposed DNN architecture is evaluated with respect to its ability to accurately reconstruct heterogeneous congestion patterns under varying input data sparsity. Therefore, a large set of empirical Floating-Car Data (FCD) collected on German freeway A9 during two months is utilized. In total, 43 congestion distinct scenarios are observed which comprise moving and stationary congestion patterns. A data augmentation technique is applied to generate input-output samples of the data, which makes the DNN shift-invariant as well as capable of managing varying data sparsities. The DNN is trained and subsequently applied to sparse data of an unseen congestion scenario. The results show that the DNN is able to apply learned patterns, and reconstructs moving as well as stationary congested traffic with high accuracy; even given highly sparse input data. Reconstructed speeds are compared qualitatively and quantitatively with the results of several state-of-the-art methods such as the Adaptive Smoothing Method (ASM), the Phase-Based Smoothing Method (PSM) and a standard Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture. As a result, the DNN outperforms the other methods significantly.
... They solve an undetermined system of equations using orthogonal matching pursuit assuming a triangular fundamental diagram. Also, Rempe et al. (2017) forecast the position of shockwave fronts in a short time horizon (10 min) by estimating it using Lighthill-Whitham-Richards theory. They estimate the flow as a weighted average of the measures, like ASM. ...
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Nowadays, connected cars are uncommon on our streets, but their percentage is expected to grow uninterruptedly. These devices would provide a lot of data in real-time that can be used for road operators to improve the traffic. This research is focused on one of these applications, which is shockwave damping on freeways. This work evaluates two shockwave detection methods that use probe vehicle data and fixed sensors data and one mitigation algorithm that uses variable speed limits to resolve shockwaves. This paper analyses through microscopic traffic simulation the performance of the selected algorithms and how their parameters affect them in several scenarios. Also, the effect of the penetration rate of probe vehicle data is evaluated. Finally, the best algorithm with the best parameters configuration is applied to a realistic model of the AP7 freeway in Girona (Spain). The obtained results show that the algorithms applied greatly reduce the total travel time in this network.
... On the other hand, traffic speed can be detected by high-resolution location and time measurements of floating vehicles, so-called floating-car data (FCD). This technique performs well compared to stationary sensors [1], [2] or in addition to them [3]. ...
Based on an empirical study of floating car data (probe vehicle data), we have found the following microscopic features of empirical synchronized flow that are relevant for jam warning methods: (i) In accordance with Kerner’s three-phase traffic theory, the empirical speed decrease (speed drop) denoted by Δv that occurs due to vehicle deceleration at the upstream front of synchronized flow is a complex time function. (ii) The empirical function Δv can be considered a “jam wall” at which different vehicles exhibit sometimes very different speed drops Δv occurring at different road locations. Because each of the vehicles decelerates within the “jam wall” at different road locations, the “jam wall” moves in space and in time. (iii) The spatiotemporal structure of the empirical “jam wall” is determined by alternations of the synchronized flow and wide moving jam traffic phases at the upstream front of a congested traffic pattern. (iv) During some time intervals, the “jam wall” can disappear and then it can appear once more, and so on; during “jam wall” disappearance, one or a few vehicles can pass a bottleneck while moving in free flow. These empirical findings can be important for the development of reliable jam warning methods as well as other ITS-applications.