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Frequency of Socio-Demographic Characteristics for the Sample, by Status (n = 9145)

Frequency of Socio-Demographic Characteristics for the Sample, by Status (n = 9145)

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This article presents a portrait of sexual violence on university campuses (SVUC) at six universities in Québec (Canada) and explores differences and similarities in the experiences of students, professors and employees. Data are drawn from the Enquête Sexualité, Sécurité et Interactions en Milieu Universitaire (ESSIMU). They reveal disturbing rate...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... each participant category women formed the majority (73.8% among students; 54.3% among professors; and 75.3% among employees). Table 1 presents the sociodemographic characteristics of the sample by university status. ...
Context 2
... 3 presents the data broken down by university status. Because of the scarcity of individuals identifying as members of gender minorities among the students and professors (see Table 1), we cannot present reliable estimates for each form of SVUC. ...
Context 3
... each participant category women formed the majority (73.8% among students; 54.3% among professors; and 75.3% among employees). Table 1 presents the sociodemographic characteristics of the sample by university status. ...
Context 4
... 3 presents the data broken down by university status. Because of the scarcity of individuals identifying as members of gender minorities among the students and professors (see Table 1), we cannot present reliable estimates for each form of SVUC. ...


... recebeu chutes e socos do parceiro ( Alunos com histórico de violência na infância, são mais propensos a sofrer uma revitimização e agressões no contexto universitário, trazendo como consequências a ansiedade, depressão, baixo rendimento acadêmico, insônia, e/ou transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (POTTER, 2018). Sequelas nos sobreviventes podem incluir consequências psicológicas ; e (BERGERON, 2019, FIELDING-MILLER, 2019ROTHMAN, 2019;MENNICKE, 2019;POTTER, 2018;CONLEY, 2017;DELOVEH, 2017;ZINZOW, 2011;FIELDING-MILLER, 2019;DONDE, 2018;GROFF, 2016;KEEFE, 2018;MAMARU, 2015;JORDAN, 2014;LINDQUIST, 2013;MARTIN-BAENA, 2016;ZINZOW, 2011;CASTAÑO-CASTRILLÓN, 2010 ...
... Nessa mesma linha, a perda do desejo sexual e do prazer foi apontada de forma recorrente por alguns estudantes. Observa-se que tais comportamentos são coincidentes com estudos anteriores(TURCHIK, 2014; DONDE, 2018;BERGERON, 2019).A anorgasmia também aparece como impacto na sua sexualidade que elas podem identificar, pois falam de uma ausência de orgasmo após a violência sexual, situação mencionada no estudode Cardoso et al (2020). A experiência traumática quita possibilidade de tornar-se autônomo enquanto a sua sexualidade, a forma de agir nos relacionamentos e gera uma percepção subjetiva limitada da sua imagem corporal que, no geral, foi bastante negativa. ...
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Esta pesquisa buscou identificar possíveis consequências e impactos na corporeidade e sexualidade em estudantes que sofreram violência sexual dentro do contexto universitário. A metodologia foi de caráter qualitativo incluindo onze estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação de universidades públicas do interior do Estado de São Paulo, estas participaram de entrevistas semiestruturadas, baseadas em métodos visuais, as quais foram feitas no formato remoto. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: i) Questionário de caracterização das participantes; ii) Roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado, incluindo a técnica de Linha do Tempo e da cartografia corporal. Os resultados mostram que as estudantes estavam expostas a diversos cenários de violência no contexto universitário, experiências que produziram diferentes níveis de impacto no âmbito físico, psicoemocional, acadêmico, relações interpessoais e dificuldades de conectar com sua sexualidade e seu corpo após a agressão. O intuito das universidades deve estar dirigido a reduzir o impacto dos traumas, evitando a revitimização, trabalhando na prevenção de qualquer dano na população mais vulnerável da universidade.
... Por serem caracterizados como espaços atravessados por marcadores sociais de diferenciação, como gênero, classe, raça, sexualidade e outros, as universidades acabam reproduzindo desigualdades e hierarquias sociais disseminadas (Bergeron et al., 2019). Cumpre destacar que as dinâmicas de poder estabelecidas nesses espaços dificultam a identificação do fenômeno e possível denúncia (d 'Oliveira, 2019;Forero-Bustamante, 2019). ...
... Cumpre destacar que as dinâmicas de poder estabelecidas nesses espaços dificultam a identificação do fenômeno e possível denúncia (d 'Oliveira, 2019;Forero-Bustamante, 2019). A relação hierárquica entre professor/ aluna ilustra uma dinâmica com diferenças de poder passível de manifestação da VG por explicitar e acrescer desigualdades existentes entre homens e mulheres (Bergeron et al., 2019;d'Oliveira, 2019). Do mesmo modo, a relação entre pares também pode evidenciar estruturas de dominação dos homens para com as mulheres que influenciam em práticas violentas e discriminatórias contra estas (Montrone et al., 2020;Ramos et al., 2021). ...
... on-line, ou, ainda, o formato grupal versus individual, de modo a identificar qual seria o modelo ideal de intervenção para essa população. Fazemos coro com outros pesquisadores e ativistas da área que apontam a importância da criação de mecanismos de enfrentamento e serviços de acolhimento às vítimas por parte das universidades (Bergeron et al., 2019;d'Oliveira, 2019;Maito et al., 2019), em conjunto com outras ações voltadas a conscientização, responsabilização e enfrentamento da VG em instituições de ensino superior. ...
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Discrimination and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) are present in the every day life in universities and could cause consequences in physical, psychological, social and professional development of victims. This work aims to evaluate the feasibility of a remote psychosocial intervention to female university students victims of GBV. Two students victims of sexual, moral and psychological violence by teachers and students participated. A total of eight weekly synchronous meetings lasting 90 minutes, was conducted. They addressed: (1) psychoeducation on gender violence; (2) self-confidence, self-esteem and support network and (3) emotional regulation. Participants responded to the Emotional Regulation Difficulty Scale - DERS, and the Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (QRE) before and after the intervention. To verify the index of significant clinical change (BMI), the JT method was conducted. Results indicated high accessibility and success of the participants. The preliminary criteria for the effectiveness of the intervention indicated that there was no reliable clinical change in the QRE and a positive change in the total DERS score that can be attributed to the intervention for both participants. Discussion on low demand, the potential of remote intervention, the intervention format and the adequacy of the proposed modules was conducted.
... In addition to previous numbers of cases, from a research conducted by Bergeron et al. (2019), from the data that are drawn from Enquete Sexualite, Securite et Interactions en Milleu Universitaire (ESSIMU), there are disturbing rates of sexual violence on university campuses which 36.2% happened to students, 38.8% happened to professors, and 50.7% happened to employees at six universities in Quebec, Canada. Through the results of the survey above, it can be concluded that universities are very vulnerable to sexual violence, especially for students. ...
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The issue of the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of 2021 proves the seriousness of the government in dealing with sexual violence in universities. One form of prevention in this Ministerial Regulation is the establishment of a Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence. This task force aims to be the main factor of dealing with various forms of sexual violence that can occur in universities, all includes prevention, reporting, to handling. Based on the importance of the existence of the task force, this study aims to analyze the effectiveness of establishing The Task Force of the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response in universities based on the Regulation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia in 2021. This study uses a mixture of quantitative and qualitative methods with data samples taken from the State University of Jakarta. This research data collection technique was carried out by distributing questionnaires and conducting a literature review using the theory of effectiveness and the use of law and the concept of roles. This research found that through quantitative research, there is significant correlation between the principles of the Sexual Prevention and Response, The Task Force’s main responsibility, and the objectives of this ministrial regulation. Through qualitative research, from the organizational component and the implimentation of gender-based regulation, this ministrial regulation is proven to be an effective regulation to handling sexual violence.
The police, campus security, and post-secondary school officials continue to pose challenges to student survivors who require guidance and resources from their institutions after experiencing sexual violence. Recently, the provincial government of Ontario, Canada, mandated that all post-secondary institutions in Ontario adopt some form of a stand-alone sexual violence policy for their campuses. Yet, little is known about how post-secondary schools have implemented this mandate. This article explores the perspectives of individuals responsible for responding to sexual violence on campus through interviews with post-secondary school officials and police officers. We examine how they understood and discussed sexual violence responses on campus. More specifically, we examine whether these understandings draw on carceral or anti-carceral frameworks. Utilising a critical feminist anti-carceral approach, we explore ways that the current responses on campus to sexual violence are problematic.
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This article aims to explore situations of consent and non-consent in university students to understand regulatory mechanisms that contribute to the perceived ambiguity of students’ experiences of sexual consent. To apprehend these experiences, 37 semi-directed interviews were conducted and analyzed using thematic analysis, systemic analysis, and contextualizing analysis. The results illustrate the existence of a dichotomy between students’ knowledge of consent and the practice of consent. This ambiguity appears as an integral part of the act of consent. It was apparent in the students’ understanding, affirming, retracting, and decoding of consent. The authors’ analysis highlights the regulating mechanisms, that is, internal and external injunctions at play in the act of consent. Three injunctive mechanisms were identified: relational injunctions to consent, social injunctions to consent, and men’s unrestricted access to women’s bodies. These injunctive mechanisms act in different manners according to one’s social position, individual characteristics, the type of relationship and the social spaces. By facilitating or hindering consent, they make it a profoundly ambiguous act.