Table 1 - uploaded by Aykan Candemir
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Source publication
In recent years, the volume of international trade has increased enormously due to the effects of globalization and liberalization of trade. However, political and economic changes, changes in consumer demand, market structures, product and market life cycles, domestic and foreign competition and the degree of effects caused by these changes became...
Contexts in source publication
Context 1
... sectors consist the exporters were gathered into three main sectors i.e. agriculture, industry and mining in accordance with the classification of Under secretariat of Foreign Trade of The Republic of Turkey. From the frequency tables (see table 1 and 2) it can be seen that majority of the firms are dealing with industrial production and also majority of firms are both producer and exporter. The foundation dates of the firms are classified according to turning points in Turkish Economy. ...
Context 2
... half of the exporters only use this managing tool continuously (Table 5). Independent t-test and one-way ANOVA test was applied to test the differences between descriptive variables which is stated in Table 1 for perceived risks of exporters to the payment and financial terms. Null Hypothesis was: ...
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