Figure 1 - uploaded by Ellen B Braaten
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Intelligence is a multifaceted construct that, for the purposes of this review, is operationalized as the standard IQ tests (eg, Wechsler Scales) used by schools and psychologists to measure cognitive functioning in a formal environment. Intelligence scores predict the ease with which people learn in formal situations, but do not necessarily predic...
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... Intelligent Quotient (IQ) test [6] is a modern method, which is a total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human intelligence. The most commonly used individual IQ test series is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) for adults and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) for school-age test-takers. ...
Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have become the most popular regenerative AI applications, used for obtaining responses for queries in different domains. The responses of ChatGPT are already becoming mainstream and are challenging conventional methods of learning. This article focuses on the application of ChatGPT for academic instructional purposes in the field of computer engineering and related majors. The capability of ChatGPT for instructional purposes is evaluated based on the responses to different questions about these engineering streams. This article explores different opportunities (with use cases), that ChatGPT can provide in augmenting the learning experience. It also provides scenarios of limitations and modifying the evaluation process to prevent the use of ChatGPT, which may lead to an inaccurate dissemination of accepted facts. In this paper, common classroom problems and their respective responses from ChatGPT in the domains of Computer Science, Cyber Security, Data Science, and Electrical Engineering are analyzed to determine the categories of queries for which ChatGPT offers reliable responses and those for which it may be factually incorrect. A student survey is performed to demonstrate that students must be made aware that ChatGPT may not be suitable for certain types of queries and means of upgrading the evaluation process.
... An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human intelligence. [44] The abbreviation "IQ"was coined by the psychologist William Stern for the German term Intelligenzquotient, his term for a scoring method for intelligence tests at University of Breslau he advocated in a 1912 book. ...
... Seldom stated explicitly, in the context of social justice the relevant demographic groups should also be defined by characteristics which do not inherently embody traits which are directly pertinent to learning ability, which is a key point to which I shall return shortly. For example, one could contrast two groups of students, one with IQ (intelligence quotient) [19] lower and one higher than a specific level, in which case the latter group would quite understandably exhibit better learning outcomes [20] and thus not be inconsistent with the principle of social justice. On the other hand, this is not so for, say, two groups defined by their county of birth, say, Rutland vs Bedfordshire; similar arguments have been made in the context of race [21], gender [22], religion [23], and a number of other criteria (some of which may be contested, which is an issue outside the scope of the present article) which can be used to draw societal dividing lines. ...
In an era of dramatic technological progress, the consequent economic transformations, and an increasing need for an adaptable workforce, the importance of education has risen to the forefront of the social discourse. The concurrent increase in the awareness of issues pertaining to social justice and the debate over what this justice entails and how it ought to be effected, feed into the education policy more than ever before. From the nexus of the aforemen-tioned considerations, a concern over the so-called education gap has emerged, with worldwide efforts to close it. I analyse the premises behind such efforts and demonstrate that they are founded upon fundamentally flawed ideas. I show that in a society in which education is delivered equitably, education gaps emerge naturally as a consequence of differentiation due to talents, the tendency for matched mate selection, and the heritability of intellectual traits. Hence, I issue a call for a refocusing of efforts from the ill-founded idea of closing the education gap, to the understanding of the magnitude of its unfair contributions, as well as to those social aspects which can modulate it in accordance to what a society deems fair according to its values.
... Childhood represents a crucial phase in the progression of IQ. IQ increases rapidly in the early years of life due to brain development, followed by stabilization around 10 years of age (Braaten and Norman, 2006;Deary, 2012). Thus, a deeper understanding of the relationships between determinants of childhood intelligence could elucidate modifying factors in this sensitive period when ...
Childhood cognitive abilities are a predictor of health outcomes and adult income potential. Identifying factors associated with childhood intelligence and their interactions is essential in behavioral research. We assessed the impact of genetic variants and early child stimulation (ECS) on child intelligence and examined their possible interaction as potential modifiers of IQ in a population-based longitudinal study.
Participants in the 2004 Pelotas Birth Cohort (N = 4231) underwent Intelligent quotient (IQ) by WISC-III assessment at 6 years of age. At 24 and 48-months, mothers answered five ECS marker questions, whose sum was used to create a score. The polygenic score for intelligence (IQ-PGS) was constructed from the GWAS-weighted estimate of cognition. Association was assessed using multiple linear regression models adjusted for maternal, family, and child confounding variables. To explore the possible influence of skin color and ethnoracial classification, the regression models were stratified according to the skin color variable, as a sensitivity analysis.
In the adjusted analysis, IQ-PGS (β = 0.79, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.26;1.31) as well as ECS (β = 2.34; 95% CI: 1.76;2.92) were associated with IQ in this sample. The association between IQ-PGS and IQ was significant only in the white Brazilian group in the sensitivity analysis. However, there was no interaction between IQ-PGS and ECS on IQ (p(IQ-PGS x ECS) = 0.46).
ECS did not modify the impact of genetic potential on intellectual development during childhood, suggesting that genetic factors and ECS exert independent effects on the IQ levels of children.
... The intelligence quotient (IQ) is a score derived from standardised tests or subtests designed to assess human intelligence (Braaten & Norman, 2006). Generally, IQ reflects a person's intelligence level, often measured using conventional IQ tests (Wang et al., 2015). ...
The intelligence quotient (IQ) is typically used to reflect human intelligence. Conventional IQ tests are commonly used to assess an individual’s level of intelligence. However, the reliability of these conventional methods remains controversial as they are vulnerable to bias and often yield inconsistent results. Interestingly, emerging evidence suggested that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be an alternative method to estimate a person’s level of intelligence, as IQ is closely linked with the brain's structure. In this article, we systematically reviewed published studies on the estimation of IQ in healthy individuals using MRI. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, a comprehensive search was performed in the PubMed database. The literature search focused on studies reporting on brain structures associated with IQ in healthy individuals and the effects of brain structural changes on IQ. 22 studies met the eligibility criteria and were included in this review. Key brain regions associated with IQ are grey matter (GM), white matter (WM), caudate nucleus, left hemisphere, limbic system, frontoparietal (FP) cortices, and default-mode network (DMN). The critical effect of ageing on brain changes and its impact on IQ were also discussed. Overall, the findings suggested that brain structures play a significant role in IQ levels in healthy individuals. This systematic review highlights the potential use of MRI in estimating IQ by examining brain structures. Nonetheless, available MRI studies were limited by methodological issues. Future MRI investigations should include well-characterized groups of females and matched male healthy individuals while considering confounding factors such as types of IQ tests.
... Intelligence quotient (IQ) is explained as a total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subsets 8 designed to assess human intelligence. It is measured by calculating mental age/ chronological age x 100. ...
Objective: To determine the relationship of the pattern of fingerprints with Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ). Study design: Cross-sectional study Study place: HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila Pakistan. Duration of study: 5 months Methods: Study was conducted at department of forensic medicine, HITEC-IMS, Heavy Industries Taxila from November 2021 to March 2022. Students enrolled in this project were given a pre-validated IQ and EQ questionnaire. The IQ questionnaire by Philip carter and Ken Russell and EQ questionnaire by Emily were used. Students were asked to fill it. Following which impression of their right middle finger was taken using plain or dab impression. Results: The Loop is the commonest type of fingerprint seen in 100 students followed by whorls and arches pattern. EQ was then checked and divided as EQ more than 120 and EQ less than 120. IQ of individuals was divided under the headings of excellent, very good, good and average. Those individuals with arches type of pattern constitute 21% of people and majority had EQ >120, similarly whorls type of pattern which constitute 28% of people also mainly had an EQ of more than 120. While majority of individuals with loops and mixed pattern have an EQ of less than 120. Similarly, most individuals with arches and whorls fall in the category of very good IQ levels as compared to loops and mixed pattern where most individuals fall in good and average IQ levels. Conclusion: This study concluded that despite loops being the most common fingerprint pattern, it is associated mostly with EQ <120 and average IQ levels. F i n g e r p r i n t s y s t e m (G a l t o n S y s t e m) o r Dermatoglyphics is based on the principle that the skin of the balls of the fingers and thumbs is covered with ridges and grooves, the pattern of which varies between individuals and makes absolute identification possible. This was first studied in 1892 by Francis Galton. These ridges on dermis of skin are formed early in the fetal life, approximately in the third month after fertilization and 3,4,5 this process completes at birth. The development of these ridges is not affected by environmental factors or age. There are 4 types of finger print patterns mainly 6 Loops, Arches, Whorls and Mixed. Emotional quotient (EQ) is the ability to understand, use and manage your own emotions to relieve stress,
... The most valid explanation of racial and ethnic group differences, however, is the cultural bias hypothesis, which states that "group differences in mental test scores occur due to systematic underestimation of minority groups' aptitude levels; or, more generally, tests contain a systematic error that occurs as a function of what should be irrelevant nominal group membership (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, and socio economic status Reynolds, 2000). So, it could be explained clearly that the issue of overestimation in the comparison of African and Western bits of intelligence lies in test biases (Braaten and Dennis, 2020). ...
The study was designed to examine test bias: a comparison of indigenous and Western standardized intelligence test validation processes using the Bakare Progressive Matrix and Wechsler intelligence tests among adults in the Ibadan metropolis. The study was anchored on Van de Vijver (1998)’s Bias and Equivalence theory, while the survey design was adopted. A sample size of 550secondary school teachers participated in the study. The multi-stage sampling procedure was adopted. In the first stage, all five Local Government Areas (LGAs) in the metropolis, were enumerated. In the second stage, five schools were randomly selected from each of the LGAs. In the third stage, 22 teachers were randomly selected in each school, totaling 550 teachers. The instruments used were: Bakare Progressive Matrix (KR = 0.96) and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IV (WASI-IV – KR = 0.93). Item parameters estimate and item analysis was used to analyse the findings. The internal consistency of each of the intelligence tests varies as the foreign test (KR21= 0.713) displayed a better reliability coefficient than the local test using the Kuder Richardson reliability index. The indigenous intelligence scale difficulty ranges between 0.30-0.965 (3.0%-96.5%), while the Western intelligence scale ranges between 0.000-0.99 (0.0%-99%). This implies that there is a need for improvement on the indigenous scale. It was recommended that efforts should be made by the government, research institutes, and educational bodies to ensure that the indigenous standardized scales are promoted and subjected to rigorous and sophisticated psychological testing that will promote replicative practices outside the shores of Africa that would be readily relevant, accepted and practiced in Western communities.
... Although higher IQ scores were associated with better performance in all the examined domains, verbal comprehension showed the highest correlation with IQ in the whole sample. This result may reflect the importance of understanding instructions in almost all tasks [51]. Furthermore, it could help to shed light on previous controversial evidence about verbal comprehension in JS. ...
The neuropsychological characteristics of the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome (CCAS) in congenital, non-progressive malformations of the cerebellum have been scarcely investigated, and even less is known for Joubert syndrome (JS), an inherited, non-progressive cerebellar ataxia characterized by the so-called molar tooth sign. The few studies on this topic reported inconsistent results about intellectual functioning and specific neuropsychological impairments. The aim of this research is to examine the neuropsychological profile of JS compared to other congenital cerebellar malformations (CM), considering individual variability of intellectual quotient (IQ) in the two groups. Fourteen patients with JS and 15 patients with CM aged 6-25 years were tested through a comprehensive, standardized neuropsychological battery. Their scores in the neuropsychological domains were inspected through descriptive analysis and compared by mean of MANOVA and ANOVA models, then replicated inserting IQ as covariate. The two groups showed a largely overlapping neuropsychological profile, consistent with CCAS. However, the JS group showed worse performance in visual-spatial memory compared to CM patients, although this difference was mitigated when considering IQ. These findings highlight a divergence between JS and other CM in visual-spatial memory, which might suggest a critical role of the cerebellum in recalling task-relevant memories and might inform rehabilitative interventions.
... Intelligent Quotient (IQ) test [8] is a modern method, which is a total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human intelligence. The most commonly used individual IQ test series is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) for adults and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) for school-age test-takers. ...
p>ChatGPT has become the most popular regenerative AI application, used for obtaining responses for queries in different domains. Some responses of ChatGPT reported in the internet are accurate, others are funny, and some are fictitious. This article focuses on the application of ChatGPT for academic instructional purposes in the field of Computer engineering and related majors. The capability of ChatGPT for instructional purposes is evaluated by providing responses to different questions pertaining to these engineering streams. This article explores different opportunities with use cases, ChatGPT can provide in augmenting the learning experience. It also provides scenarios of limitations and modifying the evaluation process to prevent the use of ChatGPT for unethical means of learning.</p
... Intelligent Quotient (IQ) test [8] is a modern method, which is a total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human intelligence. The most commonly used individual IQ test series is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) for adults and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) for school-age test-takers. ...
p>ChatGPT has become the most popular regenerative AI application, used for obtaining responses for queries in different domains. Some responses of ChatGPT reported in the internet are accurate, others are funny, and some are fictitious. This article focuses on the application of ChatGPT for academic instructional purposes in the field of Computer engineering and related majors. The capability of ChatGPT for instructional purposes is evaluated by providing responses to different questions pertaining to these engineering streams. This article explores different opportunities with use cases, ChatGPT can provide in augmenting the learning experience. It also provides scenarios of limitations and modifying the evaluation process to prevent the use of ChatGPT for unethical means of learning.</p