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Understanding the mechanism underlying the mobile telecommunications technologies (MTTs) diffusion in a country is crucial for telecom planners to know how to accelerate their diffusion by designing appropriate scenarios. Considering the technology diffusion as a bottom-up process, this study is aimed at exploring this mechanism, drawing on insight...
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Context 1
... rules are a function of input parameters and agent properties, and can range from very simple to very complex [26]. In Figure 8, a flowchart has been drawn to visualize the behavioral rules of the model. All symbols are extracted from properties (Table 2), and input parameters (Table 4) ...
... In this context, Innovation Diffusion Theory can be employed to evaluate the adoption of innovation and collaboration processes. It aids in identifying key influencers, understanding communication channels among startups, corporations, and accelerators, examine perceived attributes and motivations related to goals, map processes, and assess the impact of innovation diffusion on outcomes through collaborations, as discussed by Sabzian et al. (2020). ...
... The utilisation of SNT in the study of accelerator programs enables researchers to gain a deeper insight into the social dynamics and collaboration patterns that contribute to the success and effectiveness of these programs. It serves as a lens for investigating the relational aspects influencing innovation and entrepreneurship within the accelerator ecosystem, as Sabzian et al. (2020) highlighted. ...
... For the incorporation of theories, acceleration programmes adopted steps: (i) education and awareness of startups and corporations through training and mentoring; (ii) integration into business strategies from marketing initiatives to product development; (iii) utilisation of tools and technologies for social network analysis; (iv) development of strategic partnerships to provide additional resources and specialised knowledge; (v) continuous learning and experimentation to enhance the applicability of technologies and processes; and (vi) adoption of feedback and continuous improvement among stakeholders to adjust strategies and ensure ongoing collaboration benefits. Adopting these steps can maximise collaboration in other acceleration programmes, driving growth and success in the market for the involved companies (Peng et al., 2022;Sabzian et al., 2020). ...
Start-up corporation collaboration is a phenomenon that is becoming more and more noticeable in the marketplace. Start-ups perceive such partnerships as an opportunity to scale up their solutions (products/services), while corporations open up to young companies to explore new business models. Understanding the collaboration goals is vital to secure collaboration benefits for each party. It seems interesting to find out to what extent this type of collaboration is critical to the start-ups, to what extent the corporate collaboration goals are defined, and if they are achieved. Therefore, diffusion of innovation theory and social network theory appear as a capable theoretical lens for analysing how 15 defined goals that start-ups use to guide them through establishing collaboration with corporations and verifying partnerships in the context of the adopted goals. The impact of the start-ups' experience on the perceived significance of the goals and their attainment level was examined. Moreover, a clear difference in the perception of expectations and the level of attainment of the set goals of partnership with corporations depending on the company development phase was highlighted, and it was presented how start-up awareness grows along with start-up development and the approach of start-ups to the studied variables changes.
... 3.23 Social network: As there is no social network data available, households are connected in a social network according to a theoretically constructed Barabasi-Albert graph (a scale-free network). This is an algorithm that generates a random scale-free networks using a preferential attachment mechanism, which has been sometimes considered when developing ABMs (Sabzian et al. 2020;Sznajd-Weron et al. 2014;Wang & Collins 2015). Further description of the social network type is provided by Barabási & Albert (1999). ...
Understanding the processes of residential solar PV uptake is critical to developing planning and policy energy transition pathways. This paper outlines a novel hybrid Agent-Based-Modelling/statistical adoption prediction framework that addresses several drawbacks in current modelling approaches. Specifically, we extend the capabilities of similar previous models and incorporate empirical data, behavioural theory, social networks and explicitly considers the spatial context. We provide empirical data affecting households' propensity to adopt, including perceptions of solar PV systems, the role of tenure and urban location. We demonstrate the approach in the context of Melbourne metropolitan region, Australia; and draw on housing approval data to demonstrate the role of housing construction in accelerating adoption. Finally, we explore the approach's validity against real-world data with promising results that also indicate key areas for further research and improvement .
... Then, this model was further expanded using other scenarios such as the threshold model of collective behavior and word-of-mouth analysis of a complex system [10,11]. Since then, this has become a powerful tool used for various purposes such as economy, management, climate change, healthcare and disease, land and housing, and energy [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. ...
... This finding indicates that to reach an unknown person worldwide, one can use a limited number of friend networks [19]. Results also found that handset compatibility is a significant factor compared to the advertisement and the most effective scenarios of incremental 4G adoption with lowest operational steps [16]. ...
... Aligned with the Bass model, the two references' previous study [15,16] of 5G mobile adoption in South Korea and Iranian mobile network were both equipped with word of mouth, advertisement, and neighbor influence features. The 5G mobile adoption in the South Korea model has strength in combining System Dynamic and ABM to cover both macro aggregation and individual behavior. ...
Although 5G has been deployed in several countries, stakeholders are still hesitant to adopt the technology. Massive investment and collaboration become prerequisites for this technology to be successfully implemented and bring the most benefit. This research discusses the diffusion of 5G technology to personal end-users and industries and simulates the collaboration model. The simulation analyzes key essential indicators for stakeholders, such as the number of adopters, diffusion time, and total revenue. This study follows the pragmatism philosophy and abductive approach, integrating qualitative and quantitative research, resulting in the diffusion model. The qualitative data was obtained through focus groups and semi-structured interviews with key sources, while quantitative data from 437 people were gathered through a questionnaire. The simulation resulted in a 34% improvement in diffusion time, leading to faster investment return for industry players. This study offers an alternative paradigm compared to the diffusion of innovation theory, especially for new technology distribution. Finally, this research suggests that 5G stakeholders adopt the proposed collaboration strategy to achieve better business indicators.
... e environment where the agents interact with each other must be determined. is environment can be a geographic information system (GIS) [20], a network [21], or a conceptual space. ...
Making proper decisions in today’s complex world is a challenging task for decision makers. A promising approach that can support decision makers to have a better understanding of complex systems is agent-based modeling (ABM). ABM has been developing during the last few decades as a methodology with many different applications and has enabled a better description of the dynamics of complex systems. However, the prescriptive facet of these applications is rarely portrayed. Adding a prescriptive decision-making (DM) aspect to ABM can support the decision makers in making better or, in some cases, optimized decisions for the complex problems as well as explaining the investigated phenomena. In this paper, first, the literature of DM with ABM is inquired and classified based on the methods of integration. Performing a scientometric analysis on the relevant literature lets us conclude that the number of publications attempting to integrate DM and ABM has not grown during the last two decades, while analysis of the current methodologies for integrating DM and ABM indicates that they have serious drawbacks. In this regard, a novel nature-inspired model articulation called optimal agent framework (OAF) has been proposed to ameliorate the disadvantages and enhance the realization of proper decisions in ABM at a relatively low computational cost. The framework is examined with the Bass diffusion model. The results of the simulation for the customized model developed by OAF have verified the feasibility of the framework. Moreover, sensitivity analyses on different agent populations, network structures, and marketing strategies have depicted the great potential of OAF to find the optimal strategies in various stochastic and unconventional conditions which have not been addressed prior to the implementation of the framework.
... Maeng et al. (2020) focus on the examination of adopter preference for 5G services using two different logit models and show that adopters' suspension of the acceptance of 5G services is mainly due to the high cost and low demand. An agent-based approach was developed in Sabzian et al. (2020) to study the diffusion of mobile telecommunications technologies in Iran over time. This paper highlights telecom planners with insights regarding mobile telecommunications technologies diffusion mechanism in a social complex networks. ...
This paper proposes a new class of innovation diffusion models which are extensions of the standard logistic model, the Bass model, and the Gompertz model for the case when the observed process is the result of the interaction of several unobserved processes, e.g., for the case when the process allows the possibility of repeated use of innovation by each subject of the process over time. In order to check the viability of the models and their ability to adequately describe and predict the process of diffusion of innovations, the time series data of mobile phone subscribers are used in this paper. These time series are employed to compare the performance of the proposed models with the classical innovation diffusion models. Empirical results show that the extended models surpass the classical models, and the examined models have a better performance on real data.
... However, conventional SEMs involve multiple series of statistical tests before modeling, and need covariance-based SEM for normality, as exist nonnormal to most of the end-user behavioral research dataset. Recently, extended Diffusion theory to mobile telecommunications technologies (MTTs), to understand social complex structure on Iran telecom industries is adopted in [29]. Ref [17], [30], [31], [32], [33], [16], [34], [35], [22], [36] [37], [31] designed a framework to utilized UTAUT constructs in an unnatural/natural environments using PLS-SEM, in which the papers output promising results and indicate that PLS-SEM serve as valuable tool in predicting users' behavior of existing and approaching new wireless technology. ...
In this paper, three constructs are initialized in conventional Structural Equation model (SEM) to minimize large-scale extensive pre-deployed model simulations in wireless networks while observing subscribers' behavior to an active network. These constructs are directly connected to subscriber's sense of judgement on active and adopting next-generation networks. Our model is developed using SEM and estimated using Partial least square (PLS) to establish one Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) to overcome collinearity problem of SEM approximations. Model is validated on 4G network data sets, which are captured from rural and urban areas of Kano. Performance of the models was verified using Cronbach's Alpha, rho_A, composite reliability and average variance extracted (AVE) to confirm reliability and validity. The Cronbach's alpha, rho_A, composite reliability, and validity achieved threshold point of 0.7, 0.7, 0.7 and 0.5, respectively. The formulated hypothesis is significantly established with coefficient of determination (R 2) of 94.4% and 96.5% for dependent variable Behavioral Intention (BI) and Facilitating Conditions (FC).