Fig 1 - uploaded by Domenico Gattuso
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The paper focuses on the receiving area of a logistics platform operating in the agri-food sector. The main aim of this work is to propose a “what to” approach for the resolution of problems related to the vehicles and goods receiving. The approach is based on a dynamic, stochastic, discrete-event micro-simulation model, which was properly specifie...
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Context 1
... flow chart in figure 1 describes the receiving process. In relation to the operational and functional characteristics of the receiving area of a logistics platform an optimization problem is formulated. ...
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This paper analyzes a logistics system involving a supplier who produces and delivers multiple types of items and a buyer who receives and sells to end customers. The buyer controls the inventory of each item by ordering at a preset time interval, which is an integer multiple of a base cycle, to meet the stochastic demands of the end customers. The...
... Процес оптимізації ЛМ як територіально розподіленого об'єкта передбачає розв'язання комплексу задач її технологічної, структурної, параметричної та топологічної оптимізації [2,[7][8]. Водночас на основі багатокритеріального аналізу умовно незалежно розв'язуються задачі оптимізації мікро-і макрологістичних систем [9][10]. На рівні мікрологістики здійснюється адаптація наявної мережі через оперативне розв'язання задачі оптимізації кінцевих кільцевих маршрутів. ...
Problem. In the conditions of rapid changes in demand and supply in transportation markets, there is a need for corresponding changes in logistics technologies and networks, which are carried out through their reengineering. Existing mathematical models for the optimization of logistics networks are designed for conditions with point-wise, clearly defined input data, which does not allow obtaining solutions resistant to changes in the external environment. This determined the relevance of the scientific and applied task of developing mathematical models of multi-criteria optimization problems of logistics networks for the conditions of interval submission of input data. Goal. The goal is to increase the efficiency of the logistics network optimization technology at the stage of re-engineering by developing a mathematical model of the multi-criteria optimization problem for the conditions of interval submission of input data. Methodology. According to the results of the decomposition of the problem of system optimization of logistics networks as the most complex defined task of their structural and topological optimization. When developing the model, the methodology of system design of territorially distributed objects, methods of multi-criteria optimization, theories of utility and decision-making were used. The apparatus of interval mathematics was used to compare solution options with vaguely specified input data. The results. The result are the formulated and completed formalization of the task of optimizing logistics networks as territorially distributed objects. The relationship for the objective function and constraints of the optimization task of topological structures of centralized three-level logistics networks is proposed. Originality. A mathematical model of the task of reengineering topological structures of centralized three-level logistics networks according to cost and efficiency indicators for interval defined input data and values of local criteria using comparison indices based on the Hukuhara difference has been developed. Practical value. The obtained results make it possible to increase the reliability of optimization results in the processes of design, development planning and reengineering of logistics networks, to obtain variants of the construction of their topological structures that are resistant to changes in external conditions.
... The model has been implemented, starting from some previous authors works (Gattuso et al., 2014a;Gattuso et al., 2014b). All the input data in the model have been obtained by the authors through field surveys, in collaboration with the owner of logistics platform. ...
... Algunos de los condiciones dinámicas que varían en el tiempo son las demandas de los consumidores finales (Lin et al., 2014;Orozco & Barceló, 2012;Perboli, Rosano, Saint-Guillain, & Rizzo, 2018), estas variaciones ocurren tanto en la generación de nuevas órdenes de los clientes, la modificación de cantidades y la cancelación de las mismas (Li, Mirchandani, & Borenstein, 2009;Mańdziuk & Żychowski, 2016;Zhu, Xiao, He, Ji, & Sun, 2016); la localización de los clientes y de esta forma también podría cambiar la instalación que atenderá a dicho cliente (Seyedhosseini, Makui, Shahanaghi, & Torkestani, 2016); las condiciones de tráfico (Cagliano, De Marco, Mangano, & Zenezini, 2017;Ehmke, 2012;Frindik & Prudon, 2017;Jamshidi et al., 2018); las características físicas de la ciudad (Allen et al., 2018;Boussier, Cucu, Ion, & Breuil, 2011;Butrina, León, Goodchild, & Ayyalasomayajula, 2017); el número de productos y vehículos en la red de distribución, niveles y tipos de red (Farahani, Hekmatfar, Fahimnia, & Kazemzadeh, 2014); la accesibilidad a los clientes en los centros de las ciudades con condiciones cambiantes (Tomislavav, Matej, & Stane, 2018); las operaciones internas de los clientes y proveedores (Bean & Joubert, 2018;Butrina et al., 2017;Gattuso, Cassone, & Pellicanò, 2014), las cuales afectan tiempos de cargue y descargue debido a la cantidad de vehículos que esperan en cola para ser atendidos o simplemente por demoras en la atención a los vehículos (Kuo, Wibowo y Zulvia, 2016;Yang et al., 2016); las restricciones de circulación de vehículos (de vías y de horarios) (Anand, Quak, van Duin, & Tavasszy, 2012;Cagliano, De Marco, et al., 2017;Gabriel et al., 2015;Russo & Comi, 2010) (Barkaoui, Berger, & Boukhtouta, 2015;Farahani et al., 2014;Marufuzzaman & Eksioglu, 2014) y producen un cambio en los planes de distribución inicialmente diseñados al comienzo de la jornada. ...
... Los diferentes actores que participan en los procesos de distribución urbana pueden ser modelados con el fin de representar su comportamiento, desempeño e impacto en todo el proceso, por lo general este tipo de modelos se han enfocado en modelar las plataformas logísticas como elemento fundamental de la DUM. Se utilizan para medir su factibilidad económica, espacial y ambiental ante posibles localizaciones en la ciudad y niveles de demanda diferentes (Firdauusiyah, Taniguchi, & Qureshi, 2018;Sopha et al., 2018) y medir el desempeño de las plataformas logísticas en sus operaciones internas de recepción de mercancía (Gattuso et al., 2014). ...
... Propuesta de modelo dinámico multivariable de la distribución urbana de mercancías utilizando microsimulación multi-agente e inferencia difusa 45 El crecimiento de los procesos de la DUM por causa de algunas tendencias como el comercio electrónico, en especial el formato de negocios entre empresas y clientes (Business to Customer B2C) ha ocasionado que los actores de la DUM busquen ser más eficientes, rápidos y eficaces (Taniguchi, Thompson y Yamada, 2016). Aunque la mayoría de los problemas de DUM en el mundo real son de característica dinámica, el enfoque tradicional a este tipo de problemas ha sido basada en la adaptación de modelos estáticos (Psaraftis, 1995), pero el avance en el procesamiento computacional, al igual que los desarrollos en las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) como los Modelo dinámico multivariable de la distribución urbana de mercancías utilizando utilizando microsimulación e inferencia difusa de tráfico vehicular en la DUM con modelos de asignación-distribución utilizando microsimulación y metaheurísticas para el ruteo de vehículos con eventos dinámicos en la ciudad; (Gattuso et al., 2014) miden el desempeño de los procesos internos de un centro de distribución mediante microsimulación multi-agente; Tarimoradi et al., (2015) diseñan una red de distribución y su respectivo proceso de asignación-distribución mediante la utilización de sistemas multi-agente con comportamientos que ejecutan metaheurísticas multiobjetivo; Antunes-Lessa et al., (2015) realizan un modelo para la evaluación de los impactos ambientales de la DUM mediante el uso de simulación con sistemas multi-agente; ...
This doctoral thesis presents an urban goods distribution model that allows to include multiple dynamic variables in the pick-up and delivery processes, which emerge from the processes scenarios where these are performed. The dynamic variables considered are demand and time. The demand variables include new order arrives, orders cancellations, changes in order quantities and time windows, the time variables consider changes in travel and service time. The variables changes can impact the vehicles total tour time and the fulfillment of the time windows constraints.
The proposed model uses the integration between microsimulation and multi-agent systems to represent the decentralized collaboration process for the information management and the coordination and integration process among the stakeholders to respond to the different changes in the analyzed variables and assess the impact of those changes on the final performance of the distribution process in terms of cost and service levels, additionally, it uses fuzzy inference on vehicles behaviors for the different changes in the operation on travel time, service time and time window variables, to decide the answer to those changes and achieve an equilibrium between the service level and the operation cost.
... the environment (congestion, air pollution, noises issues [6]- [8]); the economy (changes in logistic costs [9]- [13]); and society (an increasing risk of accidents due to a combination of different types of vehicles on the road [14], [15]). ...
... The use of logistics platforms as urban distribution centers or consolidation and deconsolidation platforms have also been the focus of study through the application of microsimulation as a tool to find feasible solutions in this type of logistics infrastructure like the study mentioned above of [37], others studies are the realized by [43] where they use microsimulation models to optimize the internal activities in the truck reception inner a logistic platform minimizing the necessary total time since the arrival of a truck until it departure, and [44] perform a discrete-event microsimulation in a urban distribution center to assess the changes in the configuration of the platform and the interaction of its components and its performance in a dynamic way. In [45] they present a urban movement model between the freight that get in and get out of the port of the city of Novorossiysk integrating the flow of trucks in the urban network to the internal network of the port and assessing possible scenarios as the load and unload in the terminal and in the vessel. ...
... A relation of the three types of microsimulation by the number of papers founded in this review are shown in fig 5. According to the previous classification the studies that use discrete events and Montecarlo method in urban freight microsimulation a found in [15], [16], [33], [34], [38]- [41], [43]- [45], [47]- [50]. Some researchs that use agent-based of microsimulation could be found in [19], [22], [29], [32], [36], [37], [42], [51], [52], [54]. ...
The flows of goods within cities have attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners in the field of logistics and supply chain as well as transport engineering. A main feature of this research field is the continuously change in the associated variables to the urban goods distribution (UGD) like the travel time, the customer orders, the traffic congestion among others, which has a direct impact to the stakeholders in city logistics (shippers, carriers, receivers, public administration, etc.). The microsimulation can be used to asses those changes and their impact in the optimization process of the UGD. In this paper, we make a review of some studies about the use of microsimulation as an optimization tool for the UGD and classify them according to its application and simulation paradigm. In the same way, we categorize these studies by the process that are modelling in order to generate a starting point for future research that until now has not been found in the literature
... The process of calibration and validation should be included as principle precondition also in meso and macro simulation. Gattuso et al. (2014) developed a micro simulation model to evaluate a logistics platform in the agri-food sector. Taylor (2005) examined urban freight transport with macro simulators within the City Logistics Paradigm in the city of Sydney, Australia in order to increase transport system's performance. ...
Smart logistics solutions have been developed in order to alleviate the adverse impacts of increasing goods’ transport in urban areas. However, the effectiveness of these measures can be questioned, if negative impacts during or after solutions’ implementation are not considered. Simulation has been proved as a valuable tool to evaluate such solutions in advance and support the decision making process. This study contributes in presenting the current state of practice in modeling smart logistics solutions, provides a roadmap in simulation techniques for urban freight transport solutions and improves the knowledge around the patterns currently followed.
... Parameters are assigned with the purpose of obtaining the state variables, which are as similar as possible to real values. The model calibration has been realized with reference to previous studies on logistics UDC operative in regional/local context [20,21]. It was based on the statistical analysis of data collected through direct surveys at existing freight interchange sites. ...
The performance of a freight interchange warehouse can be improved and/or enhanced through the analysis, study and optimization of active processes for the treatment/handling of goods. This paper proposes a discrete event micro-simulation model as a tool useful to design a freight interchange warehouse and, particularly, to manage the exchange of freights between heavy lorries, coming from extra-urban regions, and small electric vans used for urban distribution. In particular, the paper focuses on dimensioning the warehouse structure and handling means in order to optimize the operational activities in relation to inbound freight flows (vehicles from extra-regional areas) and outbound freight flows (urban distribution service). The micro-simulation model allowed ex-ante and ex-post evaluations proving to be a useful decision support tool in planning.
Due to the particularity of the cold chain problem, it is a better solution to solve the transportation problem of fruits and vegetables products by using the logistics sharing transportation platform. The biggest function of the platform is to integrate resources. This paper first studies the operation mode of the cold chain shared transportation platform, and then analyzes the pricing and profit problems of the platform. Through determining the investment and charging mode of the platform, the modeling and simulation help the platform to determine the level at which the best profit of the platform will reach the maximum. Finally, the development of logistics sharing transportation platform is analyzed and prospected.
The objective of this study is to propose a trustworthy, valid and consistent methodological approach for measuring the efficiency of a logistics platform, where an entire country constitutes a logistic platform. Traditional Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is found to be an appropriate tool-if its weaknesses are eliminated. DEA results are highly influenced by the choice of appropriate inputs and outputs variables, but the method itself does not provide guidance for their identification. The authors therefore propose to integrate traditional DEA by combining the Delphi technique with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, which will assist in identifying proper, consistent input/output variables, evaluated by their relevance. The proposed framework allows the performance evaluation of the selected platform's element or elements. It is thus a useful decision support tool for enterprises (private, public, both) that are managing logistics platforms and trying to improve their productivity in order to sustain or improve their position on the competitive market. This methodology allows comparative efficiency analyses to be estimated for similar countries. The presented methodology on one hand enables tailor-made solutions, but on the other hand is very general, and, with minor adjustments, can be applied by a variety of firms and industries. It can be applied in private sector firms in production and service industries, to analyse the relative performance of diverse logistics and non-logistics services, and in public profit or non-profit organisations.
Cargo transportation is one of the most important topics in today's fast growing and globalized logistics sector. Ecommerce activities make valuable contributions to cargo and logistics sectors. In this study, technological transfer center of a cargo company in Turkey that consists of infeeds, outfeeds, reject line and a sorter system was considered. The main problem is the imbalance between the expected capacity and current capacity. Simulation technique was applied for analyzing the system, and also for comparing the three proposed alternative solutions.