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Job rotation is an organizational strategy based on the systematic exchange of workers between jobs in a planned manner according to specific criteria. This study presents the GS-Rot method, a method based on Game Theory, in order to design job rotation schedules by considering not only workers’ job preferences, but also the competencies required f...
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... Game theoretical heuristics such as matching algorithms can be applied simply to a wide range of decisionmaking problems, including those with multiple, interacting decisionmakers (Gale & Shapley, 1962;Renna, 2017). They can handle situations where the objectives of different agents or resources are conflicting, such as when multiple agents want to use the same resource at the same time (Asensio-Cuesta et al., 2019). Multi-objective algorithms, on the other hand, are typically designed for single-agent decision-making problems. ...
... Employing the game theory approach provides higher efficiency and scalability for worker satisfaction and performance by assigning workers to their most preferred tasks (Abououf et al., 2019;Asensio-Cuesta et al., 2019;Renna, 2017). We formulate several versions of Probabilistic serial mechanism (PSM) (Bogomolnaia & Moulin, 2001), Random serial dictatorship mechanism (RSM) (Abdulkadiroglu & Sonmez, 1998), and Deferred acceptance algorithms (DAA) (Gale & Shapley, 1962). ...
... This statement coincides with the wellknown method of job rotation, which can be summarized as the structured interchange of workers between different jobs at certain time intervals. Many studies have been devoted to research in this area [39][40][41][42][43]. This is due to observations that indicate the benefits of job rotation and include, among other things, enhanced productivity following acquired skills and knowledge [44], as well as development of employee qualifications by accumulating new experiences [45]. ...
Highly qualified staff are the key to successful operations management in any organization. In this paper, the emphasis is put on the problem of planning the rotational assignment of work tasks to a multi-skilled staff to guarantee maintaining their competencies at the required level. The aim of this study is to propose a novel declarative model for proactive planning of staff allocation whilst taking into account the forgetting effect. Sufficient conditions are proposed that allow for the cyclical rotation of employees between different tasks in order to keep their competencies at a constant level. The numerical experiments prove that the presented approach allows for finding a trade-off between a robustness to absenteeism and maintaining staff competency levels. The proposed method is suitable for human resource-related decision making in an interactive mode.
... The Suzanne Rodgers method is an ergonomic analysis tool for the repetitive movements within the production process. This method evaluates three factors: effort, duration, and frequency of the effort [9,10]. Physical therapists and occupational health professionals apply the Suzanne Rodgers method [11,12]. ...
Many industrial sectors still lack automation resources to optimize their production processes, aiming to make manufacturing leaner and offer better working conditions to operators. Without these improvements, workers can suffer physical and even psychological damage from the ergonomic risks of the activities performed. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present the ergonomic evaluation of packaging tapes workstation before and after the implementation of an automatic packaging machine, called Guzzetti. In the Guzzetti context, the paper shows the implementation of an electrical system based on controlling a mechanical device powered by servomotors and controlled by a PLC is necessary. For ergonomic evaluation, the paper presents the application of three methods: Suzanne Rodger, Strain Index, called Moore and Garg and REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment). With the results collection, was possible to obtain improvements in ergonomic risks that changed from the intermediate level to low level in all methods.
... This comparison could give different perspectives to make a more suitable duration and distribution of working periods throughout the shift at the organization level. Also, recent publications suggest that motivational and preferential aspects within the job rotation could also be integrated (Asensio-Cuesta et al., 2019). ...
Job rotation is a work organization strategy with increasing popularity, given its benefits for workers and companies, especially those working with manufacturing. This study proposes a formulation to help the team leader in an assembly line of the automotive industry to achieve job rotation schedules based on three major criteria: improve diversity, ensure homogeneity, and thus reduce exposure level. The formulation relied on a genetic algorithm, that took into consideration the biomechanical risk factors (EAWS), workers’ qualifications, and the organizational aspects of the assembly line. Moreover, the job rotation plan formulated by the genetic algorithm formulation was compared with the solution provided by the team leader in a real life-environment. The formulation proved to be a reliable solution to design job rotation plans for increasing diversity, decreasing exposure, and balancing homogeneity within workers, achieving better results in all of the outcomes when compared with the job rotation schedules created by the team leader. Additionally, this solution was less time-consuming for the team leader than a manual implementation. This study provides a much-needed solution to the job rotation issue in the manufacturing industry, with the genetic algorithm taking less time and showing better results than the job rotations created by the team leaders.
... Obviously, the benefits obtained by workers who rotate out of the more demanding jobs are balanced by a higher risk for workers who perform low demanding tasks (Frazer et al., 2003). Anyway, job rotation results to be an effective method to prevent work-related MSDs for repetitive works because it balances the risk among workers (Asensio-Cuesta et al., 2019). The current literature proposes many applications, which aim at reducing and balancing the ergonomic risk by job rotation. ...
Since years, researchers have proposed job rotation as a solution to balance physical workload and reduce ergonomic risk among operators. Simulation is a strong tool for rapid ergonomic analysis, which allows testing different configurations and evaluating the characteristics of different operators. Thanks to such tool, this study proposes a new approach to improve a real system and reduce the ergonomic risk among operators. A real assembly station has been involved in the study and a postural analysis has been performed considering real variables of the system. Different potential workers with different anthropometric characteristics have been tested. The critical situations have been identified and solved proposing different job rotation solutions. Simulation results confirm that job rotation is a good approach to reduce the ergonomic risk and they provide practical guidelines for task assignment.
... The steps of Participatory Ergonomics begin with identifying and analyzing problems, developing, and ending with implementing an effective solution. 21 The steps in implementing participatory ergonomics in this research are (a) the participants are given direction related to the training mechanism to follow, (b) the participants are given the opportunity to assess the condition of the surrounding environment including the seating layout, (c) the participants get Halal Assurance System training for 4 hours; then, they are given a piece of paper to give their inputs, ideas and thoughts in arranging the layout of their respective seats, (d) they are given time to implement their inputs, ideas and ideas in arranging the seating layout of the training and the arrangement of the items to be placed on the table, (e) they are given further material in the form of technical guidance for making HAS for 4 hours, (f) they are asked to compare comfort in the form of musculoskeletal complaints and fatigue before and after the intervention for improvement, and (g) the participants are asked to conclude the layout improvement based on their respective feelings. Participatory Ergonomics is a method for actively involving workers in developing and implementing improvised changes to improve performance and reduce risks. ...
Background: Halal Assurance System (HAS) training is mandatory for industries that will apply for halal certification at LPPOM MUI of Banten Province. In some trainings, the participants felt uncomfortable which can be seen from the level of fatigue and complaints caused by an uncomfortable sitting position due to poor design of tables and chairs. This condition is very detrimental to participants.Methods: This treatment by subject design study did from April to November 2019. The participants were who attended the HAS Training-23000 that fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Samples then grouped into three group with different condition in each. We took indoor environment data and each sample about sample characteristics and business characteristics. Muscle complaints took by subjective questionnaires before and after training. The data analyzed by SPSS and p<0.05 was significant.Results: Total 120 participants were included consisting of 40 participants in each condition. Â The indoor environment conditions in the three conditions are the same (p>0.05). There were significant reduce of score of musculoskeletal complaints and fatigue before and after trainings in each condition (p<0.0001). Seats with multilevel arrangement (condition III) have the lowest value of musculoskeletal complaints and fatigue.Conclusions: The smooth communication among participants influences the speed in implementing participatory ergonomics. The use of tables and chairs with a seating capacity of 6 people/table is the most effective when compared to others. The application of participatory ergonomics can reduce musculoskeletal complaints and fatigue of participants of the Halal Assurance System.
Recently, job rotation scheduling models have received an increasing attention because of their ability to find optimal solutions and minimize the risk of development of different occupational diseases in manufacturing environments. Hand-arm vibration (HAV) is one of the major ergonomic risks that leads to serious health problems or injuries in the neurological and musculoskeletal systems of the hand-arm part of the body. In this work, A model based on mixed integer linear programming (MILP) has been created to enhance the ergonomic aspects of the manufacturing environment. The objective of the model is to minimize the daily vibration exposure for all employees when allocating the tasks. The developed model has been implemented and solved in the solver GAMS using real-world data gathered from a metal manufacturing facility. All HAV exposure values were kept under legal limit (5 m/s2). The highest HAV exposure value was 4.45 m/s2 and the lowest was 2.39 m/s2 during the scheduling plan.