Fig 5 - uploaded by Hanna Edwards
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Finding the restframe - setup for one suggested atomic clock experiment

Finding the restframe - setup for one suggested atomic clock experiment

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The present manuscript aims to clarify why motion causes matter to age slower in a comparable sense, and how this relates to relativistic effects caused by motion. A fresh analysis of motion, build on first axiom, delivers proof with its result, from which significant new understanding and computational power is gained.A review of experimental resu...

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... Fresnel further proposed that the presence of an optic medium implies a greater ether density, with its motion affecting the speed of light propagating through it. These propositions fundamentally agree with the worldview presented in Edwards(2019) [2], which proposes a fabric of space in which light is a travelling-and restmatter a standing disturbance. Consequently absolute motion can be defined as motion relative to an EM signal, whilst rest reference values are defined at rest in the fabric. ...
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When an EM signal travels through a cable which rigidly connects a source and observer, it experiences an altered refractive index by the cable's co-motion with the observer relative to the signal. The present work examines this effect known as the Fresnel drag effect. The examination concludes that Fresnel was on the right track whilst explaining why he was so by drawing context to the work by Maxwell which came after Fresnel's . -- Its a raw draft but i thought to put it out there as people may be interested in what i found - including the context to Maxwell's work , Fresnel's original intend and relationship to experiment .
... Experiments by Hafele and Keating [1,2] have proven that faster moving clocks tick slower in an observer independent comparable sense, which suggests absolute meaning of motion through a fabric of space [3]. Such could be tested with a repeated Hafele-Keating experiment, to test whether involving more components of absolute motion would seal the gap between prediction and experiment, which was left in the famous experiment. ...
... where denotes the absolute speed of a particle. This follows from experimental observations that matter can be modelled by a lightclock ticking perpendicular to its direction of motion, leading to a realistic increase of the path its presence covers over space [3]. The mass, which is a term used to describe the inertia-, the resistance of a particle to the fabric of space, increases by the same factor. ...
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This is the CORRECTION on my preprint of the same name, which I made immediately back then, following the discussion on my original pre-print, but I believe did not upload. -- The present manuscript analyses particle collision under the assumption that motion has absolute meaning, in comparison to the assumption that motion has only relative meaning. Whilst closely aligning with predictions made from special relativity, it shows a small departure which may become interesting for future-or other applications.
... However if motion has absolute meaning, then the light-path effect will reflect within matter itself. Experimental results suggest that this effect on matter can be modelled by a lightclock ticking perpendicular to its direction of motion [3]. Let us call this effect the "frequency effect" -described by ...
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Here is the research proposal to the absolute meaning of motion which i have written together with the help of Prof. Paul T. Kolen .
... where describes the frequency of a clock at absolute motion at speed if is its rest frequency. A derivation of these phenomena and formulas has been presented by Edwards in 2017 [6]. ...
... Experiments by Hafele and Keating [1,2] have proven that faster moving clocks tick slower in an observer independent comparable sense, which suggests absolute meaning of motion through a fabric of space [3]. Such could be tested with a repeated Hafele-Keating experiment, to test whether involving more components of absolute motion would seal the gap between prediction and experiment, which was left in the famous experiment. ...
... where denotes the absolute speed of a particle. This follows from experimental observations that matter can be modelled by a lightclock ticking perpendicular to its direction of motion, leading to a realistic increase of the path its presence covers over space [3]. The mass, which is a term used to describe the inertia-, the resistance of a particle to the fabric of space, increases by the same factor. ...
The Hafele‐Keating experiment showed the occurrence of time dilation in clocks placed on two airplanes, one moving eastward and one moving westward relative to the Earth’s rotation. However, the application of the special theory of relativity failed to account for the significant differences in the data. This problem is solved by a novel approach that focuses on the absolute velocities of the clocks with reference to the Earth’s rotation and uses space as a fixed reference point. The basic idea here is that time dilatation is an experimental fact and, therefore, independent from the theory behind it, so it is independent from relativism. Time dilatation also can occur under absolute conditions. Up until now, it is not clear if the concept of relativism is correct or not. The existence of time dilatation cannot be proofs for relativism as time dilatation also can occur under absolute conditions. Here, it is established that the eastbound plane had a higher absolute velocity than its westbound counterpart, resulting in time dilation figures of 50 and 140 ns, respectively.