Figures 12-18 - uploaded by Quaggiotto Ermanno
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Alvania peloritana Aradas & Benoit, 1874. 12, 13: lectotype, Messina (Sicily), H 3.35 mm (MCZR-M-22150/L); 14, 15: original labels; 16, 17: paralectotype, Messina, H 3 mm (MCZR-M-22150/P); 18: original drawings (reproduced from ARADAS & BENOIT, 1874: pl. IV, fig. 16). Figuras 12-18. Alvania peloritana Aradas y Benoit, 1874. 12, 13: lectotipo, Messina (Sicilia), H 3,35 mm (MCZR-M-22150/L); 14, 15: etiquetas originales; 16, 17: paralectotipo, Messina, H 3 mm (MCZR-M-22150/P); 18: dibujos originales (reproducidos de ARADAS & BENOIT, 1874: pl. IV, fig. 16).

Alvania peloritana Aradas & Benoit, 1874. 12, 13: lectotype, Messina (Sicily), H 3.35 mm (MCZR-M-22150/L); 14, 15: original labels; 16, 17: paralectotype, Messina, H 3 mm (MCZR-M-22150/P); 18: original drawings (reproduced from ARADAS & BENOIT, 1874: pl. IV, fig. 16). Figuras 12-18. Alvania peloritana Aradas y Benoit, 1874. 12, 13: lectotipo, Messina (Sicilia), H 3,35 mm (MCZR-M-22150/L); 14, 15: etiquetas originales; 16, 17: paralectotipo, Messina, H 3 mm (MCZR-M-22150/P); 18: dibujos originales (reproducidos de ARADAS & BENOIT, 1874: pl. IV, fig. 16).

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Some taxonomically troublesome nominal taxa of the rissoid genus Alvania Risso, 1826 are examined: Alvania disparilis Monterosato, 1890, A. peloritana (Aradas & Benoit, 1874), A. perversa F. Nordsieck, 1972 and A. dorbignyi (Audouin, 1826). The four species are here considered as valid, and for the sake of nomenclatural stability lectotypes of Alva...

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... General remarks and bathymetric distribution. Five hundred and forty-two species of Rissoidae were reported from the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea by Avila et al. (2012) and more new species have been described since then (i.e., Tisselli & Giunci 2013;Amati et al. 2019, Hoffman & Freiwald, 2021. Most of the Atlantic and Mediterranean rissoid species live in sublittoral waters (more than 60%) whereas about 30% are considered to be living deeper (in circalittoral or bathyal bottoms, deeper than 50 m depth) according to Avila et al. (2012). ...
More than 5000 shells (more than half of them with soft tissues) belonging to the caenogastropod family Rissoidae have been found in samples from several expeditions carried out in the outer continental shelf and slope off Galicia (Northwest Spain) in the depth range 100–2700 m. They belong to 9 genera and 23 species, two of them described as new for science: Alvania candasae sp. nov. and Alvania xelae sp. nov. The most abundant species in the samples were Obtusella macilenta (Monterosato, 1880) and Alvania testae (Aradas & Maggiore, 1844), followed by Alvania cimicoides (Forbes, 1844), Alvania jeffreysi (Waller, 1864) and Gofasia thalassae (Bouchet & Warén, 1993) comb. nov., which is proposed to be assigned to the genus Gofasia instead of Frigidoalvania. Five of the species are typically from upper shelf of which only few empty shells were found (Alvania cancellata, Crisilla semistriata, Manzonia crassa, Onoba semicostata) and their presence in the samples studied was considered accidental. Taxonomic complexity involving the species Alvania electa (Monterosato, 1874), Pseudosetia amydralox Bouchet & Warén, 1993 and Pusillina inconspicua (Alder, 1844) are highlighted.
... It is found worldwide, except in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions (Ponder 1985), and in shallow to bathyal waters (e.g., Ávila et al. 2012;Hasegawa 2014;Hoffman and Freiwald 2021). Alvania is especially abundant in the Mediterranean Sea (Ávila et al. 2012;Criscione et al. 2017) and the North Atlantic (e.g., Warén 1973Warén , 1974, and many new species from these regions have been described in the last five years (Amati and Chiarelli 2017;Bitlis and Öztürk 2017;Villari 2017;Amati et al. 2018Amati et al. , 2019Amati et al. , 2020aHoffman and Freiwald 2021). The Indo-West Pacific region (Ekman 1934(Ekman , 1935(Ekman , 1953 has the most diverse marine molluscan fauna (Lozouet and Plaziat 2008). ...
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Alvania wangi Xu, Qi & Kong, sp. nov. (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Littorinimorpha, Rissoidae) was discovered within the intertidal zone in the Nanji Islands and Zhoushan Islands, Zhejiang Province, China. It has a radula characteristic of Alvania Risso, 1826, a protoconch sculptured with micro pits and lamellae between spiral lirae, and a teleoconch with growth lines and subobsolete cords. Specimens were examined using an integrative taxonomic approach incorporating morphological observations and phylogenetic analyses of concatenated mitochondrial 16S rRNA and nuclear 28S rRNA gene sequences. The findings suggest that the new species is sister to Alvania circinata A. Adams, 1861 and is probably endemic to the shallow waters of the East China Sea.
... purportedly a gift to Monterosato by the authors) have been designated as syntypes, e.g. Rissoa tenuicostata G. Seguenza, 1876; Ris soa peloritana Aradas & Benoit, 1874; Rissoa sororcula Granata-Grillo, 1877; Cylichna laevisculpta Granata-Grillo, 1877 (Crocetta et al., 2015;Amati & Smriglio, 2016;Appolloni et al., 2018;Amati et al., 2019Amati et al., , 2020. Since the original type material is lost and a holotype has not been mentioned in the original description, the specimens of T. depressa in Monterosato's collection should be considered as syntypes. ...
Marine Valvatoidea are characterized by very small size and uninformative shells, making their taxonomy depending chiefly on the animal. As a consequence, this group is still scarcely known and is in need of critical revision. In this contribution, the distribution of Mediterranean marine Valvatoidea (families Cornirostridae and Hyalogyrinidae) is revised based on newly collected material. Live individuals of Tomura rubiorolanorum, Hyalogyrina amphorae and Hyalogyra zibrowii are reported for the first time, allowing the discussion of the ecological requirements of these species and the description of their opercula and the features of the head-foot. Conversely, several live-collected specimens of an unidentified species of the genus Cornirostra are reported for the Kerkennah Islands, Tunisia, but bad preservation of the animal did not enable a specific attribution. It might either represent the introduction of a non-indigenous species, or an undescribed native one [I Valvatoidea marini sono caratterizzati da dimensioni molto piccole e conchiglie poco caratterizzate, per-ciò la loro tassonomia si basa principalmente su i caratteri dell'animale. Di conseguenza, questo gruppo è ancora poco conosciuto e necessita di una revisione critica. In questo contributo, la distribuzione dei Valvatoidea marini del Mediterraneo (famiglie Cornirostridae e Hyalogyrinidae) viene rivista sulla base di nuovo materiale. Per la prima volta sono riportati individui raccolti viventi di Tomura rubiorolanorum, Hyalogyrina amphorae e Hyalogyra zibrowii, permettendo così la discussione dei requisiti ecologici di queste specie e la descrizione dei loro opercoli e di alcuni caratteri della regione cefalopedale. Inoltre, diversi esemplari raccolti viventi di una specie non identificata del genere Cornirostra sono riportati per le isole Kerkennah, Tunisia, ma la cattiva conservazione dell'animale non ha permesso un'attribuzione specifica. Essi potrebbero rappresentare l'introduzione di una specie non indigena o appartenere a una specie nativa non de-scritta
... Remarks: Liloa mongii was originally described from an unknown locality in Egypt, very likely from the Egyptian Red Sea; see Amati et al. (2019) for discussion. The holotype of L. mongii, most likely a juvenile (~1.5 mm high), was described by Bouchet & Danrigal (1982: Fig. 58) and Valdés & Héros (1998: Fig . ...
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Notodiaphana atlantica and Liloa mongii are two cephalaspidean species described respectively from the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea, and considered widespread in their native ranges. Both species have also been recently recorded from the Mediterranean Sea, prompting some authors to consider them alien. Notwithstanding clear morphological differences in their shells, the two species have often been confused or misidentified in the literature, or specimens have been described with incorrect locality data. We hereby review the occurrence, distribution and status of both species in the Mediterranean Sea based on published data and examination of new material. Notodiaphana atlantica is considered a cryptogenic species with a range spanning from the western to eastern part of the basin. The presence of L. mongii in the Mediterranean is questioned until specimens that can be reliably assigned to this taxon or to any congeneric species are found in the area. Alien species inventories play an important role in regional policy and management decisions, thus requiring a high degree of confidence in the validity of species identification and their non-indigenous status. The present paper adds further evidence of the excess of “bibliographically introduced” alien records and reiterates the need for periodic re-evaluation of published data.
... Segnaliamo un esemplare privo della tipica fascia violacea e di altri significativi pattern cromatici. Amati & Smriglio, 2019. Diverse centinaia di conchiglie. ...
... Diverse centinaia di conchiglie. Dapprima identificate come A. garrafensis Peñas & Rolán 2008(Campani, 2012) e successivamente messe in relazione con A. settepassii Amati & Nofroni, 1985(Romani et al., 2018, sono infine state descritte come nuova specie (Amati et al., 2019). Si tratta della specie di Alvania più comune tra quelle rinvenute. ...
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Le conoscenze sulla malacofauna del Mare Adriatico orientale, sebbene sia stata investigata sin dalla metà XIX secolo, risultano ancora parziali. Presentiamo qui i risultati dell’esame di sedimenti prelevati nel piano circalitorale della parte orientale e meridionale dell’isola di Krk (Croazia). In totale sono state rinvenute conchiglie appartenenti a 372 specie, alcune delle quali mai o raramente censite per il settore orientale adriatico o per le acque croate. / The knowledge of the eastern Adriatic Sea malacofauna, although this has been investigated since the mid-19th century, is still partial. The outcomes of the examination of shelled micromolluscs found in sediments of the circalittoral zone from SE Krk Island (Croatia) are here given. 372 species were found, some of which have never been recorded before for the E Adriatic Sea and Croatia
... The genus Alvania includes several species groups defined morphologically, for example the complexes of Alvania lineata Risso, 1826(Amati et al. 2019, Alvania dictyophora (Philippi, 1844) (Amati & Smriglio 2016), Alvania subcrenulata (Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfuss, 1884) (Amati 2014), Alvania cimex (Linnaeus, 1758) (Amati et al. 2017), Alvania rudis (Philippi, 1844) and Alvania scabra (Philippi, 1844). The group related to A. scabra is rather homogeneous and is characterised by shells with ovate-conical outline, paucispiral protoconch sculptured by micro-tubercles, teleoconch with delicate clathrate sculpture and tubercles at the intersections, outer lip smooth internally and scarcely thickened, colouration translucent whitish-yellowish, usually with brown subsutural and basal blotches. ...
Herein we revise several Recent Mediterranean species of the rissoid genus Alvania Risso, 1826: Alvania scabra (Philippi, 1844), Alvania sculptilis (Monterosato, 1877), Alvania sororcula Granata-Grillo, 1877, Alvania lucinae Oberling, 1970, Alvania josefoi Oliver & Templado, 2009 and Alvania scuderii Villari, 2017. They represent a rather homogeneous group of morphologically similar species, referred to as the Alvania scabra complex, which includes also some other species from the northeastern Atlantic. We designate a neotype for Rissoa scabra Philippi, 1844 and a lectotype for Rissoa oranica Pallary, 1900 to stabilize the use of the names. Alvania oranica (Pallary, 1900) is confirmed as a synonym of Alvania scabra (Philippi, 1844), and Alvania asperella (Granata-Grillo, 1877) is proposed as a synonym of Alvania sororcula (Granata-Grillo, 1877) [new synonymy]. Finally, we describe one new Mediterranean species: Alvania pizzinii Amati, Smriglio & Oliverio n. sp. from Levanzo Is., Sicily.
... Segnaliamo un esemplare privo della tipica fascia violacea e di altri significativi pattern cromatici. Amati & Smriglio, 2019. Diverse centinaia di conchiglie. ...
... Diverse centinaia di conchiglie. Dapprima identificate come A. garrafensis Peñas & Rolán 2008(Campani, 2012) e successivamente messe in relazione con A. settepassii Amati & Nofroni, 1985(Romani et al., 2018, sono infine state descritte come nuova specie (Amati et al., 2019). Si tratta della specie di Alvania più comune tra quelle rinvenute. ...
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The outcomes of the examination of shelled micromolluscs found in sediments of the circalittoral zone from N Lastovo Island (Croatia) are here given. 407 species was found, many of which constitute are new records for the E Adriatic Sea and Croatia, among them: Parachiton africanus (Nierstrasz, 1906), Sinezona semicostata Burnay & Rolán, 1990, Dikoleps umbilicostriata (Gaglini, 1987), Vitreolina cionella (Monterosato, 1878), Alvania subareolata Monterosato, 1869, Alvania tenera (Philippi, 1844), Alvania weinkauffi jacobusi Oliverio, Amati & Nofroni, 1986, Atys macandrewi Smith E. A., 1872 and Tellimya semirubra (Gaglini, 1992). It is noteworthy that some species found in our material enerally show a deeper vertical distribution.