Figure - uploaded by Avijit Mallik
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Waste water treatment is an important issue because of lessening water resources. The primary reason for waste water treatment process is to expel the different constituents of the polluting load: solids, natural carbon, supplements, inorganic salts, metals, pathogens and so on. In this paper, mainly decentralized method is considered as a solution...
Context in source publication
... The results showed that dug well water with high hardness was a risk factor for kidney stone disease (OR = 4.795). Mallik et al. (2019) reported that the hardness level in the drinking water of people with urinary tract stone disease was 1375.172 mg/l, greater than the hardness level of drinking water sources for those who were not suffering from urinary tract stone disease which was 429.7415 mg/l. ...
The problem that is often encountered in clean water is that the quality of the water, both groundwater and river water used by the community, does not meet the requirements of healthy clean water. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of activated charcoal from bamboo on pH and decrease the hardness level of dug well water in the village of Lampoh Keude, Aceh Besar. This study used a Quasi-experimental method, water obtained from residents' wells was processed using the filtration and adsorption method, the filtration media was made using media with a volume of 20 liters which had been modified using sand with a thickness of 10 cm, 10 cm of palm fiber, and 10 gravel cm. The highest pH increase test results occurred in TH III AB media where the resulting pH was 7.7 ± 0.01 compared to 4.5 before processing. The same thing also happened to a decrease in the hardness level of residents' well water, where the thickness of the charcoal and the length of contact time greatly affected the test results, from the results of the 3 existing media tests, the best results were obtained by TH III AB media with a contact time of 30 minutes where the level The hardness obtained was 279 ± 3.46 mg/L or a decrease of 47.1% from the initial hardness level of well waste. There is an increase in the pH value of well water after processing, and that the use of bamboo charcoal can also reduce the hardness level of well water
... Four Factors affecting filtration in the filtration process there is a physical and chemical reaction, so there are many interrelated factors that will also affect the quality of the efficiency, filtration etc. Some of these factors include: Filtration discharge causes the filter not to function efficiently, so it cannot occur perfectly, and causes some too fine particles to escape from the filter, the highest turbidity concentration in raw water results in clogging of the pores of the media (the occurrence of clogging) [17]. Any change in temperature or temperature causes the density, kinematic and absolute viscosity in water to change, so that there are differences in the size of the particles to be filtered. ...
Processing activities of oil palm fruit into CPO produce liquid waste that can pollute the environment, so it is necessary to process liquid waste in palm oil mills. This study aims to design the filtration to overcome the existing pollution in the palm oil mill. The table shows the formation of 3 filter ABC formations has the highest speed of 6.419 m/s. When we place a large meshing hole on the first level, the speed and speed are smaller, this can be seen in the CBA, CBAC and CBACB formations. The meshing formation with a small size in the first position can increase the speed and pressure, we can see this in the ABC, ABCA and ABCAB formations so that the oil palm wastewater filtration process can run smoothly without a decrease in fluid velocity.
... Significant experimental work on the study of river water pollution of sand filters was carried out by Eliassen R. etc. [16][17][18]. The experiment concepts was as follows. ...
Quarry wastewater is the main pollutant for the surface and underground natural water bodies during mining operations. Negative impact is expressed in contamination of natural reservoirs with fine suspended particles and salt solutions. To reduce the harmful impact of quarry wastewater they are treated using artificial filtering massifs. Such massifs are commonly constructed using artificial and natural sorbents. The retention of particles in the filtering layer is the result of two main processes: the adhesion of fine particles of suspension to the surface of the particles of the artificial filtering massif and the jamming of coarser particles in the pores of the filter layer. Simultaneously with the processes of contaminants capture, the process of contaminants washing out of the filter array may occur. It occurs when the particle size distribution of the filter layer is unappropriated and filtration speeds are high, and may be accompanied by deformation of the filter media.
... In April, 2018, Avijit Mallik and Md. Arman Arefin published a research about introducing and design of a de-centralize treatment plant for southern Bangladesh [17]. This research is the extended part of the previous one. ...
In this paper, a decentralized low-cost water treatment plant is designed using empirical equations. From the analysis of water quality of Bangladesh, it is seen that the standard level of water quality is not maintained in Bangladesh. First, the primary treatment plant is designed including septic tank and anaerobic pond design. But only primary plant is not enough for the removal of impurities, for this reason secondary treatment plant is designed considering Facultative pond, wetland and sand filter. Wetland and facultative pond can remove almost 70% of N and 55-60% of P. The designed plant has an efficiency of 65% in both N and P removal and the effluent amount will be 8.1 mg/L and 1.5 mg/L respectively. The other parameters like arsenic and BOD are also discussed in this paper. Finally, a detailed feasibility analysis of the plant is discussed including environmental impact, technical analysis and installation and running cost. The installation cost of the plant is around 650-700 dollar, whereas a conventional water treatment plant costs 2000-3000 dollar approximately. The designed plant is very much compatible for a big family or two – three small families. Finally, some recommendations are provided which may be considered as future research work.
... IEE is completed to decide if possibly unfriendly natural impacts are critical or whether moderation measures can be received to diminish or dispense with these unfavourable impacts. The IEE contains a concise explanation of key natural issues, in view of promptly accessible data, and is utilized as a part of the early (pre-possibility) period of venture arranging [8][9][10][11]. The IEE likewise recommends whether top to bottom investigations are required. At the point when an IEE can give a clear answer for ecological issues, an EIA isn't vital. ...
... The World Bank takes note of that the cost of setting up an EIA once in a while surpasses one for each penny of the task expenses and this rate can be lessened further if nearby staff are utilized to do the majority of the work. For Bank extends, the relative cost of an EIA normally goes from just 0.06 for every penny to 0.10 for each penny of aggregate venture costs [8][9][10][11][12]. ...
... Global Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA, 1999) and others have created managing standards for EIA/IA [5,[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. The standards recorded underneath are a determination of a portion of the archived ones. ...
With the development of technology it has become necessary to construct new infrastructures.
It may have a certain effect on the environment. Proper planning and assessments are required to
determine the results of the particular or a group of infrastructures. Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) is a method that can incorporate every single condition. This task is performed at several steps.
Doing some studies on the present conditions all required information are collected and then experiments
are performed to determine impacts on environments. Social impact assessment (SIA) is also important to
evaluate the result of social and impact of the respective improvement. These assessments help to
eliminate or reduce the additional costs of further problem solving regarding social & environmental
hazards because required preventive steps can be taken before. This paper overviews total EIA and SIA
along with a complete relation between those assessment methods.
Background and Objective: The existence of a tofu waste treatment plant in residential areas and reports from the public about the unpleasant odor in several wells made residents worried about the impact of the intrusion of tofu waste treatment plant waste. This study aims to assess the impact of possible intrusion of waste from tofu waste treatment plants into residents' wells. Methods: This type of research is descriptive with a survey method. Samples from the research site were analyzed in the laboratory by the titration method based on the value of chemical oxygen demand, compared with Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 82 Th. 2001 concerning water quality management and water pollution control. Results: The results of the measurement of the chemical oxygen demand value of the Bajak river were 51.8 mg/L (starting point) and 238 mg/L (end point). The value of chemical oxygen demand in resident wells is as follows: resident well 1 of 12.2 mg/L, resident well 2 of 9.12 mg/L, resident well 3 of 3.05 mg/L, residential well 4 mg/L of 33.05 mg/L. L, resident well 5 is 3.05 mg/L, resident well 6 is 15.2 mg/L, resident well 7 is 27.4 mg/L and resident well 8 is 3.05 mg/L. Conclusion: The value of chemical oxygen demand in the Bajak river exceeds the quality standard, while the value of chemical oxygen demand in resident wells shows that the farther from the tofu waste treatment plant, the smaller the concentration value of chemical oxygen demand.
Bir restoran işletmesinde müşterilerin
bekledikleri ve algıladıkları hizmet kalitesinin,
kişilik özelliklerine göre farklılığını test etmeyi
amaçlayan bu çalışma, Muğla’da bir restoranda
405 müşteriyi kapsamaktadır. Araştırmada
beklenen ve algılanan hizmet kalitesi
SERVQUAL ölçeği ve kişilik özellikleri için de
Beş Faktör Kişilik Modeli kullanılmıştır. Elde
edilen bulgulara göre, araştırma konusu
restorana gelen müşterilerin kişilik özellikleri ne
olursa olsun, bekledikleri hizmet kalite düzeyleri
bakımından anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır.
Ancak dışa dönük, uyumlu ve açık kişilik
özelliklerine sahip müşterilerin, restoranda
aldıkları hizmetleri daha kaliteli olarak
nitelendirdikleri tespit edilmiştir.
Desalination is now successfully practiced in many countries as drinking water supply has become a growing problem in most parts of the world. Algeria, like the Maghreb countries, has generally adopted two desalination processes (membrane processes and distillation processes which require a phase change, evaporation/condensation), the latter method is subject of our study. An experimental study was made on two similar stills with a single slope, size 1 m × 1 m, the first distiller D1 is used as a control and the second distiller D2 has a simple external mirror glued to its backlog. The same experience has been done in different climates with improvement results ranging from 9% to 21%. In our case, a complete study was concerning the improvement, the efficiency, the investment and finally the error analysis of the instrumentations that have not been done before. We obtained a very interesting improvement which varied between 42% and 45%, the efficiency is 35% and the recovery period of the sum invested is recovered in 23 d, which shows that this technique is more favorable under the climatic conditions of the West Southeast region of Algeria than elsewhere.