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Aile antérieure droite de Nineta inpunctata (Reuter, ). C : nervure costale ; Rs : secteur de la Radiale ; s. int. : série interne des nervures scalariformes (individu capturé dans la forêt domaniale de Vierzon ; cliché Pierre Tillier).

Aile antérieure droite de Nineta inpunctata (Reuter, ). C : nervure costale ; Rs : secteur de la Radiale ; s. int. : série interne des nervures scalariformes (individu capturé dans la forêt domaniale de Vierzon ; cliché Pierre Tillier).

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Au cours d’une étude sur l’impact du dépérissement sur l’entomofaune des canopées de Chênes dans différentes forêts du Centre – Val de Loire, un individu de Nineta inpunctata (Reuter, 1894), une espèce de Chrysope très rare en France et en Europe, a été capturé. During a study on the impact of decline on the entomofauna of oak canopies in different...


... verspreiding Nineta inpunctata kent een groot verspreidings gebied in Europa, maar het aantal gevonden exemplaren is erg laag. De waarnemingen komen uit Italië, de voorgebergtes van de Alpen, Duits land, Oostenrijk, Zwitserland, Tsjechië, Honga rije, Polen, Roemenië, Slovenië, Noorwegen, ZuidZweden, ZuidFinland en Rusland (Aspöck et al. 1980, Shortall & Plant 2012, Tillier 2020. Daarnaast is de soort in 1989 eenmaal in Groot Brittannië aangetroffen, in ZuidoostEngeland (Plant 1997). ...
... discussie Nineta inpunctata wordt slechts sporadisch waar genomen, maar kent wel een groot verspreidings gebied in Europa. Het leefgebied van de soort strekt zich uit van Rusland tot GrootBrittannië en van Italië tot ZuidScandinavië (Tillier 2020). Tot nu toe is de soort in de Nederlandse provin cies Limburg, NoordBrabant en Overijssel waargenomen, maar het is te verwachten dat de soort ook in andere zuidelijke en oostelijke pro vincies van Nederland te vinden moet zijn. ...
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This article reports on the first records of the lacewing Nineta inpunctata in the Netherlands. A total of five specimens have been observed on illuminated moth sheets in June 2019, 2021 and 2023, in the provinces of Limburg, Noord-Brabant and Overijssel. It is an extremely rare species in Europe and little is known about the habitat of this lacewing. It is suggested that it lives high up in treetops and is hardly ever encountered for that reason. Perhaps the larvae have a preference for deciduous trees and shrubbery, but not much is known about their development. The species can be found by the use of illuminated moth sheets, but traps high up in tree tops are effective as well. People who observe moths and insects in general are encouraged to look out for lacewings, so that the knowledge and distribution on this species group can be expanded.
... Other taxonomic groups and/or functional guilds have received comparatively little attention (but see Tanabe, 2002;Leksono et al., 2005;Larrivée and Buddle, 2009;Sobek et al., 2009;Maguire et al., 2014;Vincent et al., 2020;Urban-Mead et al., 2021). The canopy of temperate forests may then shelter an underestimated pool of patrimonial species (Plewa et al., 2017;Tillier et al., 2020), and can be considered as a biotic frontier deserving special attention (Bouget et al., 2011). ...
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Global change challenges the adaptive potential of forests. Large-scale alterations of forest canopies have been reported across Europe, and further modifications are expected in response to the predicted changes in drought and windstorm regimes. Since forest canopies are dynamic interfaces between atmosphere and land surface, communities of canopy-dwelling insects are at the forefront of major changes in response to both direct and indirect effects of climate change. First, we briefly introduce the factors shaping arthropod communities in the canopy of temperate forests. Second, we cover the significant impacts of a forest decline on canopy structure and functioning, and more specifically its contrasted effects on insect microhabitats, trophic resources and forest microclimates. Deleterious effects may be expected for several guilds of leaf-dwelling insects. Nonetheless, a forest decline could also lead to transient or long-lasting resource pulses for other canopy-dwelling guilds, especially saproxylic species depending on deadwood substrates and tree-related microhabitats. The novel microclimates may also become more favorable for some particular groups of insects. We pinpoint current knowledge gaps and the technological locks that should be undone to improve our understanding of the canopy biotope and biodiversity in temperate forests. We highlight the need for integrative approaches to reveal the mechanisms at play. We call for cross-scale studies and long-term collaborative research efforts, involving different disciplines such as community and disturbance ecology, plant and insect ecophysiology, and thermal ecology, to better anticipate ongoing functional and conservation issues in temperate forest ecosystems.
... Other taxonomic groups and/or functional guilds have received comparatively little attention (but see Tanabe, 2002;Leksono et al., 2005;Larrivée and Buddle, 2009;Sobek et al., 2009;Maguire et al., 2014;Vincent et al., 2020;Urban-Mead et al., 2021). The canopy of temperate forests may then shelter an underestimated pool of patrimonial species (Plewa et al., 2017;Tillier et al., 2020), and can be considered as a biotic frontier deserving special attention (Bouget et al., 2011). ...
Israelius querceti Marhic n. sp., is described. The genus Israelius Richards, 1952, never observed before in Western Europe, has been sampled during a survey of the entomofauna associated to the oak canopy, in the national forest of Vierzon (Cher department). - Israelius querceti Marhic n. sp. est décrit. Le genre Israelius Richards, 1952, jamais observé en Europe de l’Ouest, a été collecté lors d’un inventaire de l’entomofaune associée à la canopée de chênaies, dans la forêt domaniale de Vierzon (Cher).
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Summary. – During an entomological inventory in the canopy of Oak stands, 15 species of Limoniidae (Diptera) have been collected in three different forests located in the centre of France (Loiret, Cher and Allier). All species are new to the department, and the species Helius calviensis Edwards, 1928, previously known from Corsica only in France, is new for continental France. In the three sampled forests, collections were largely dominated by Dicranomyia affinis (Schummel, 1829) and Dicranomyia mitis (Meigen, 1830). In addition to H. calviensis, Rhipidia uniseriata Schiner, 1864, another uncommon species was also collected. Both species are briefly described. Résumé. – Dans le cadre d’inventaires de l’entomofaune des canopées de Chênes, 15 espèces de la famille des Limoniidae (Diptera) ont été collectées dans trois massifs forestiers, situés dans le Loiret, le Cher et l’Allier. Toutes les espèces sont nouvelles pour leur département, et l’espèce méditerranéenne Helius calviensis Edwards, 1928 est nouvelle pour la France continentale. Dans les trois massifs échantillonnés, les collectes étaient largement dominées par Dicranomyia affinis (Schummel, 1829) suivie de Dicranomyia mitis (Meigen, 1830). Outre H. calviensis, une autre espèce d’intérêt, Rhipidia uniseriata Schiner, 1864, a été collectée. Les deux sont brièvement décrites.