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Level of Qualifications in 2002 -2012  

Level of Qualifications in 2002 -2012  

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The University of South Africa (UNISA) celebrated its 140th birthday in 2013. Various schools and departments in the University are taking stock of how they evolved and developed during the post-centenary era. Since 1995, UNISA has offered literacy programmes primarily to about 45 900 youths and adults who were historically and politically excluded...


... For official purposes, the Department of Education has defined Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) as the general conceptual foundation towards lifelong learning and development, comprising of knowledge, skills and attitudes required for social, economic and political participation and transformation applicable to a range of contexts (DoE, RSA). Adult Basic Education has been on top of UNESCO's commitment to a holistic and humanistic vision of quality education worldwide; the realization of everyone's right to education, and the belief that education plays a fundamental role in human, social and economic development (Lineo and Poku, 2016). Similarly, Daniels (2020) the government introduced policies in 2013 which marked the shift of purpose of ABET from providing opportunities for acquiring literacy to the ethnically marginalized adults to being an opportunity for them to acquire qualifications to improve their work opportunities. ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the integration of rural economic development initiatives and practices into the Adult Basic Education and Training curriculum with a view to leverage the people in rural communities to boost their productivity towards sustainable livelihoods. Methodology: This study adopted a qualitative approach in which the data was collected through focus group interviews. The participants were sampled from former and current ABET learners and their principal. The interviews were intended to solicit information about their farming project; how they started the farming and whether they were able to feed their families from the sale of their produce. Findings: The findings from the focus group interviews are that though they had support from the Kruger National Park, they still felt that the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) needed to intervene and make ABET a means for sustainable livelihoods for the beneficiaries. Unique contribution to public, policy and practice: This study contributed uniquely in the area of policy. The students proposed that the ABET curriculum needed to be restructured to include skills training to enable them to make a living after the ABET encounter.
... The experiment made use of mobile technology to ascertain adult learners' academic achievement. Still underscoring the type of ICT used in promoting basic and functional literacy, Lineo and Poku (2016) emphasised in their study that the contemporary use of technology for teaching and learning is a concept that cannot be ignored by all stakeholders in adult learning spaces. Their study points to the fact that the most frequently used technology by adult facilitators and practitioners were email and mobile technology. ...
... This varies based on the year the study was carried out as the penetration of mobile technology is on the increase, especially in African countries. Considering the study in recent years Lineo and Poku (2016) also agreed in their study that the most frequent ICT tools for adult literacy programmes were email and mobile technology. However, this study highlighted a different kind of technology that can aid the acquisition of basic and functional literacy skills and how it can be introduced to support learners' motivation. ...
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Since time immemorial, pictorial images have been used to illustrate, document, map, narrate, and facilitate textual and verbal information. The facilitation and illustration of texts through pictorial support have an added advantage in the sense that it stimulates both spheres of the human brain, thus making lasting effects on the impression of cognitive understanding of the content read and boosting reading comprehension. These positive effects and benefits are observed in storybooks with illustrations that present an aesthetic appeal and typographic interplay to the reader. In recent years, texts and stories have been conveyed and disseminated through visual compositions, creative outputs and visual narrations that are presently enhanced by digital technology. This is a conceptual paper that is conducted from a constructivist point of view, reviewing literature on photo elicitation where pictures are used as aids to facilitate comprehension in textual readings. It is argued that the eradication of illiteracy through reading is a less intuitive and rather complex process that requires the reader to read the text at hand with good comprehension and understanding. The study concludes that pictorial images are worth being part of the typography of texts because they create the necessary visual appeal and support the reading process, especially for foundation phase and adult basic education and training (ABET) level 1 learners.