Presiones ambientales asociadas a los términos de intercambio en Colombia (US$/ton/exportada Vs. US$/ton/ importada; 1970-2011)

Presiones ambientales asociadas a los términos de intercambio en Colombia (US$/ton/exportada Vs. US$/ton/ importada; 1970-2011)

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Las políticas de liberalización de mercados en América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) a inicios de los noventa contribuyeron a conservar su rol histórico en la división internacional del trabajo como exportadora de materias primas y de recursos energéticos para el desarrollo del proceso metabólico del Sistema Económico Mundial. En Colombia, la especiali...


... Policies to protect ecosystems and biodiversity as well as rights granted to Afrodescendant and indigenous communities have been violated by permits for exploration and mining (ABColombia, 2012;Vargas, 2013). In a recent assessment, mining activities account for 42% of reported environmental conflicts in Colombia (Pérez-Rincón, 2014). ...
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This is the final text version of Chapter 4. A laid-out version of the full assessment report will be made available in the coming months.
... Tan solo en Colombia, Pérez (2014), evidencia 72 de los tantos conflictos socioambientales existentes en este país, destacando que la mayoría de ellos se agrupan en el Caribe Colombiano a causa de la extracción de energía fósil, aunque en otras regiones es la minería uno de los principales responsables del conflicto como en la zona Andina. Además, menciona que cada una de estas actividades (entre las muchas otras que se realizan en el país) han generado afectaciones de 24.8 millones de hectáreas, siendo este el equivalente al 2,2% de todo el territorio a nivel nacional ...
... In the country, the mining industry is known for corruption, environmental impacts, and social conflicts [35]. Correspondingly, Pérez Rincón [36] reported that coal mining represents about 15% of the environmental conflicts in Colombia. Likewise, Cardoso [37] stated that every ton of mined coal produces socio-environmental liabilities at each stage in the life cycle of the process. ...
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With the possible increase in mining activities and recently projected population growth in Colombia, large quantities of nanoparticles (NPs) and potentially hazardous elements (PHEs) will be of major concern to mine workers, indigenous residents, and surrounding communities. This study highlights the need to regulate the pollution from Colombian mining activities that comply with regional regulations and global strategies. Colombian coal rejects (CRs) from the Cesar Basin, Colombia, were studied primarily by advanced electron microscopic and analytical procedures. Therefore, the goal of this research is to evaluate the role of NPs in the alteration of CRs’ structure in a renewed zone at Cerrejón coal area (La Guajira, Colombia) through advanced electron microscopic (AEMs) methods. The objective of the analysis is to evaluate the incidence mode of nanoparticles, which contain potentially hazardous elements. The bulk crystallography (X-ray diffraction), chemical structure, and morphologies of NPs were studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), micro-beam diffraction (MBD), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) procedures. The AEMs provided comprehensive insights into the geochemical evolution of CRs. Consequently, the AEMs can be used as essential tools for CR management in coal mining areas. The regular dimension of detected NPs was found to be above 2 nm. Ultrafine particles of quartz were identified by the advanced electron microscopy. Furthermore, the findings also revealed aluminium, calcium, potassium, titanium, iron oxides, and PHEs in the CRs. The extensive water practice in the coal extraction process combined with atmospheric oxygen supports oxidations of iron sulphide, thus releasing PHEs to the surrounding environment. Dehydration of sulphate salts fluctuate at consistent humidity in the coal mine environments. The study demonstrates the great influence of coal mining activities on the environment and human health.
... Esta teoría explica las relaciones entre los procesos naturales y los procesos sociales desde la sociología (Infante-Amate, González y Toledo, 2017). La necesidad de explotar materias primas por parte de la sociedad genera un desequilibro, se originan conflictos por los diferentes valores y lenguajes de ponderación e inventario de los recursos naturales y de los servicios ecosistémicos, por lo cual el territorio está en desventaja; además, es posible percibir diferentes actores en este, quienes se confrontan por la soberanía de los recursos naturales(Pérez-Rincón, 2014).Por otra parte,Rodríguez et al. (2016) abordaron este tema como una opción eficaz en el ordenamiento jurídico para la prevención del daño ambiental. Ellos plantearon tres aspectos esenciales. ...
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This article aims to demonstrate the actions of State entities in the face of a series of territorial conflicts that have arisen in recent years due to a series of public policies formulated by some entities. The Ministry of the Environment is taken for the case study. Likewise, a resolution issued by the same entity, which opens a series of mining estates in the Bogotá savannah, Colombia, is reviewed with a magnifying glass. For this, an exploratory methodology is used, which is characterized by delving into little-studied phenomena, conditions, spaces, or fields to establish new theoretical and conceptual relationships and familiarize readers with these subjects. We found that the lack of planning can be evidenced when formulating public policies concerning mining regulations, which are based on the government plan of the moment and prioritizes economic development, which entails a series of social, environmental, and economic conflicts. Finally, as conclusions, a "step by step" plan is recommended in the face of public policy makers' actions to mitigate possible territorial conflicts.
... Although it is widely understood that the rise in international prices of different commodities, especially mining, encourages foreign investment [ (( Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) 2020a ; Lara, 2020 ))], the decrease in these prices also drives the increase in exploitation pressures of resources because of the compensation process ( Pérez, 2014 ). Following the above and taking into account a relationship of 42% and 19% between the rise in the quantity and intensity of socio-environmental conflicts, with the increase in mining and gas/oil operations respectively ( Pérez, 2014 ), it is essential to strengthen the processes of diagnosis, planning, and prioritization of social and environmental objectives, not only to respond to current problems but to prevent future socio-environmental damage. ...
... Although it is widely understood that the rise in international prices of different commodities, especially mining, encourages foreign investment [ (( Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) 2020a ; Lara, 2020 ))], the decrease in these prices also drives the increase in exploitation pressures of resources because of the compensation process ( Pérez, 2014 ). Following the above and taking into account a relationship of 42% and 19% between the rise in the quantity and intensity of socio-environmental conflicts, with the increase in mining and gas/oil operations respectively ( Pérez, 2014 ), it is essential to strengthen the processes of diagnosis, planning, and prioritization of social and environmental objectives, not only to respond to current problems but to prevent future socio-environmental damage. ...
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Colombia is a megadiverse country, ranks fourth in plant species richness, fifth place in mammals, first place in birds, third place in reptiles, second place in amphibians, freshwater fish, and butterflies. Despite this richness, more than 1,000 species are at risk. Colombia is characterized by rich mineral and oil resources; however, resource exploitation has been developed in an inadequate way, which has led to extensive generation of environmental liabilities (EL) for centuries. Although the country has made relevant improvements in environmental management, it does not have a formal structure for the EL assessment and management. This research establishes the Colombian EL status, typology, and distribution. We identified a total of 223, and all Colombian departments are affected to a greater or lesser extent, except Quindío, Caquetá, Guaviare, and Vichada. Considering the sensitivity of this situation for Colombian environmental management, it is formulated recommendations for preventing and remedying the mining and oil/gas EL in Colombia. On the other hand, it is established a baseline for national surveillance of these.
... 2012). La nueva actividad palmera, la cual es intensiva en ocupar el territorio para maximizar su producción, se está desarrollando en un espacio ambiental aún bastante rico en ecosistemas hídricos (humedales y caños) y bosques, con una vasta y rica fauna de aves, anfibios, mamíferos, peces e insectos que son amenazados por la canalización y desecamiento de caños y humedales, la construcción de grandes jarillones y caminos carreteadles, la tala de importantes extensiones de bosques para la ampliación de la frontera agrícola (Perez Rincon, 2017 ...
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El presente artículo de reflexión tiene por objeto generar un balance ambiental enfocado en los parques nacionales naturales y los bosques en Colombia, los cuales después de los acuerdos de paz firmados entre el gobierno nacional y las FARC el 24 de agosto del año 2016 en la Habana, Cuba, han concebido cambios drásticos en el territorio nacional. La investigación suscita un contraste con medios cartográficos y estadísticas entre el antes y el después en algunos departamentos del país, ya que las FARC ejercían soberanía en territorios con características biodiversas inasequibles, los cuales no permitían el ingreso de la población e industria, haciendo el papel de Estado en estas zonas. Para ello se abordará la historia de las FARC, su evolución en el territorio colombiano y qué relación tiene con la biodiversidad, posterior a ello se nombran algunos hitos que han marcado la violencia a raíz de la disputa por los recursos naturales, se hace un balance de los impactos ambientales y se habla sobre turismo en territorios de guerra.
... Esta teoría explica las relaciones entre los procesos naturales y los procesos sociales desde la sociología (Infante-Amate, González y Toledo, 2017). La necesidad de explotar materias primas por parte de la sociedad genera un desequilibro, se originan conflictos por los diferentes valores y lenguajes de ponderación e inventario de los recursos naturales y de los servicios ecosistémicos, por lo cual el territorio está en desventaja; además, es posible percibir diferentes actores en este, quienes se confrontan por la soberanía de los recursos naturales(Pérez-Rincón, 2014).Por otra parte,Rodríguez et al. (2016) abordaron este tema como una opción eficaz en el ordenamiento jurídico para la prevención del daño ambiental. Ellos plantearon tres aspectos esenciales. ...
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Acceso abierto: Creative Commons: Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (cc by-nc-sa 4.0), la cual permite a otros distribuir, remezclar, retocar, y crear a partir de su obra, de modo no comercial, siempre y cuando den crédito y licencien sus nuevas creaciones bajo las mismas condiciones. Conflicto de intereses: el autor ha declarado que no existe conflicto de intereses. Resumen El presente artículo tiene como fin evidenciar la actuación de las entidades del Estado frente a una serie de conflictos terri-toriales que se han suscitado durante los últimos años a raíz de una serie de políticas públicas formuladas por algunas entidades. Para el caso de estudio se toma en particular el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Asimismo, se revisa con lupa una resolución expedida por la misma entidad, la cual da apertura a una serie de polígonos mineros en la sabana de Bogotá, Colombia. Para esto se utiliza una metodología exploratoria, la cual se caracteriza por adentrarse en fenómenos, condiciones, espacios o campos poco estudiados, a fin de establecer nuevas relaciones teóricas y con-ceptuales, con el propósito de familiarizar a los lectores con el tema en cuestión. Finalmente, como resultados se puede eviden-ciar la falta de planeación en el momento de formular políticas públicas en relación con la normativa minera, la cual se ampara en el plan de gobierno del momento y da prioridad al desarro-llo económico, lo que conlleva una serie de conflictos sociales, ambientales y económicos. Finalmente, como conclusiones se recomienda un "paso a paso" a seguir frente al actuar de los for-muladores de políticas públicas, con el fin de mitigar posibles conflictos territoriales.
... Other activities, such as territorial occupation by foreigners and massive tourism, with more than 44 thousand visitors per year (PNN, 2018a) developed within the SNSM and the Tayrona National Park, have generated intense social conflicts related to territorial sovereignty and the management of indigenous lands (Perez-Rincón, 2014). Finally, pesticide spraying in the past to control illicit crops caused contamination of water sources and continue to threaten to food security in affected areas (Mamacoca and INDEPAZ, 2015). ...
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Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta (SNSM), Colombia, has been considered the world's most irreplaceable nature reserve. However, little is known about how human activities are generating significant impacts on this protected ecosystem. The aim of this work was to develop a Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework as well as a threat assessment to obtain a generalized view regarding the environmental situation of the SNSM. According to the DPSIR approach, the main driving forces generating pressures on the SNSM are mining projects, water management, agricultural systems, tourism, territorial conflicts and climate change. These findings are in great agreement with the results. The multiple pressures derived from activities, such as mining, land use change, and tourism, have contributed significantly to the alteration of the homeostasis of the ecosystem and the reduction of the ecosystem services that it provides. As an important reserve area, different measures have been taken to protect biodiversity, however, their implementation has been insufficient. These results indicate it is a priority to establish governmental measures towards the conservation of SNSM, in particular sustainable development-based approaches involving local indigenous communities, as a guarantee for the well-being of the current and future generations.
... Pertinencia de la metodología de enfoque se sistemas socio-ecológicos (sse)...251líneas de trabajo sobre diversos tipos de impactos, entre estos los culturales.Ostrom (2007) plantea tomar todos los factores de forma holística, interacciones conllevan a resultados, se identifican los factores sobre el sistema gobernanza y los actores.A futuro, en el desarrollo del proyecto se hará necesario describir las manifestaciones de oposición respecto a la relación ser humanonaturaleza(Pérez, 2014), toda vez que estas se derivan de iniciativas contra la masificación de la contaminación que puede perjudicar a un grupo o colectividad determinada, especialmente es un elemento o recurso con significados éticos, significados morales, culturales y hasta ancestrales de dicha comunidad. ...
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El presente texto presenta los resultados de un estudio exploratorio de las interacciones entre el sistema de gobernanza y de los actores como causa de la contaminación del arroyo de San Basilio de Palenque en Colombia. Lo anterior, a partir de la validación de la metodología de enfoque de sistemas socio-ecológicos como método de caracterización de conflictos ambientales con impactos culturales.
... In addition, sugar cane occupies extensive areas of land (Colombo et al., 2014), and extensive and intensive cattle breeding near riverbanks has lead to considerable deforestation (Universidad del Valle and . Furthermore, illicit crops are grown in steep areas beside the water sources (Kryt, 2013;Pinzón and Sotelo, 2011), and artisanal and large scale miners, extracting gold (openpit and underground), magnesite, bentonite, feldspar, bauxite and coal in tributary rivers (Kryt, 2013;Pérez-Rincón, 2014;PGN, 2011), have affected soil and water resources (EMCALI and Universidad del Valle, 2006). The part of the Cauca River basin situated in the Valle del Cauca department (downstream of the Cauca department) is mainly used for extensive livestock farming in natural pastures, followed by sugar cane and perennial crops. ...
... The part of the Cauca River basin situated in the Valle del Cauca department (downstream of the Cauca department) is mainly used for extensive livestock farming in natural pastures, followed by sugar cane and perennial crops. The sugar cane plantations are burned to remove the outer leaves before harvesting causing vegetation loss (Colombo et al., 2014;Pérez-Rincón, 2014;Sarria-Villa et al., 2016). Only a small portion of the basin is occupied by forest (Ekstrand et al., 2009). ...
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Riverbank filtration (RBF) is a surface water filtration method for drinking water through the banks and bed of a river, using extraction wells located near the water body in order to ensure direct aquifer recharge. As the surface water travels through the sediments, contaminants, such as suspended and colloidal solids and pathogenic microorganisms, are removed. Apart from water quality improvement, RBF has the advantage of reducing peak concentrations which commonly pass through a river. RBF has been widely used in Europe, USA and, nowadays, in some Asian countries (e.g., South Korea, India, China). Latin-American and specifically Colombian river basins, have been suffering a continuous deterioration, leading to high suspended sediment loads being transported by the rivers. The RBF technology has not been proven yet in highly turbid waters, in which the excessive transport of suspended sediments threatens sustainable operation. Clogging of both the riverbed and deeper aquifer may increase flow resistance, reducing water revenues over the course of time. To assess the feasibility of RBF for highly turbid river waters in Colombia, a combination of field and laboratory research was conducted – both in the Netherlands and Colombia. In Colombia, the studies were done at the Cinara institute's Research and Technology Transfer (R&TT) Station for drinking water and at the Fluid Mechanics lab. The station is located at the Northeast of Cali, Colombia, and was built at the premises of the main water treatment plant of Cali, Puerto Mallarino. In the Netherlands, the laboratory work was done at the Delft University of Technology, running infiltration column experiments at the Sanitary Engineering lab and the flume experiments at the Fluid Mechanics lab. In addition, an extensive review of the literature was carried out to determine the feasibility of using the RBF for highly turbid sources. Considering the inexistence of the RBF experiences in highly turbid waters, and the unfamiliarity of the technology in Latin-America, the inclusion of the RBF technology in the decision-making process for solving drinking water problems in Colombia made it necessary to compare the technology under the multicriteria analysis methodology by developing a framework structured for the selection of alternatives based on the investment, operation and maintenance requirements, sludge management, environmental impact, vulnerability issues, current legal aspects and social acceptance. Considering these criteria, it was concluded that the RBF technology is a feasible, and more reliable alternative than other water treatment technologies. Deep bed and cake clogging, and its renewability are highly linked to the particulate matter characteristics. Therefore, field research in Colombia was executed to characterize the suspended particulate matter of a highly turbid river (Cauca River) to have seasonal information on the composition and particle size distribution, and then to have a starting point for the development of the laboratory studies. Characterization of the particulate matter in the Cauca River has shown that the total suspended solids concentration did not depend on river flows, but merely on precipitation events in the basin due to the erosion of soils. A high scattering was obtained between total suspended solids concentration and turbidity values, potentially due to the different characteristics contributing to both parameters, such as true color and particle size. Seasonal tracing of particulate matter suspended in the Cauca River showed slight differences in the composition and particle size distribution. A slightly higher content of particles smaller than 2 μm was found during rainy conditions due to changes in vegetation coverage and decomposed organic matter in the runoff. Although the differences seem to be minor, further studies demonstrated a considerable impact of their characteristics on clogging and self-cleansing of the particulate matter and, therefore, in the infiltration capacity recovery. The renewability of the infiltration capacity due to streambed and aquifer clogging and their opposite self-cleansing because of scouring forces was studied. This analysis was performed with emphasis on the river bottom, where lower velocities are expected in these areas and therefore greater sediment accumulation at higher risk of clogged pores, by using infiltration columns inserted into horizontal tilting flumes. Natural infiltration rate recovery at low shear stresses was possible during simulated riverbank filtration tests with water consisting of a mixture of different sediments. Clay and silt behaved very differently, due to the difference in cohesiveness. Clay was found to produce a persistent sticky cake layer, whereas silt penetrated deeper into the bed, both resulting in a poor recovery of infiltration rate. Altogether it may be concluded that natural recovery of infiltration capacity during RBF of highly turbid waters is expected to occur, as long as the river carries a mixture of suspended sediments and the grains in the streambed are not too coarse (about 0.2-0.8 mm in diameter as tested in this research).