Figura 4 - uploaded by Gerardo González-Rocha
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Mecanismo de acción de las polimixinas. A: Inicialmente se genera una atracción electrostática entre la polimixina, de carga neta positiva, y el lípido A, de carga negativa, lo que genera el desplazamiento repulsivo de los cationes divalentes que estabilizan el LPS, a lo que sigue la inserción del antimicrobiano a través de sus residuos hidrófobos en la membrana externa; B: Una vez inserta la polimixina, se genera una alteración estructural de la membrana citoplasmática que llevaría a la lisis bacteriana por pérdida de la resistencia osmótica. LPS: lipopolisacárido; G: glucosamina; P: fosfato; Mg 2+ : ion magnesio; Ca 2+ : ion calcio. Intencionalmente no se esquematizó el core ni el antígeno O.  

Mecanismo de acción de las polimixinas. A: Inicialmente se genera una atracción electrostática entre la polimixina, de carga neta positiva, y el lípido A, de carga negativa, lo que genera el desplazamiento repulsivo de los cationes divalentes que estabilizan el LPS, a lo que sigue la inserción del antimicrobiano a través de sus residuos hidrófobos en la membrana externa; B: Una vez inserta la polimixina, se genera una alteración estructural de la membrana citoplasmática que llevaría a la lisis bacteriana por pérdida de la resistencia osmótica. LPS: lipopolisacárido; G: glucosamina; P: fosfato; Mg 2+ : ion magnesio; Ca 2+ : ion calcio. Intencionalmente no se esquematizó el core ni el antígeno O.  

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One of the most important features of the post-antibiotic era in the late 20th century is the resurgence of colistin for the treatment of extensively drug resistant gram-negative bacteria (XDR). Colistin is a narrow spectrum anti-biotic, active against microorganisms with clinical significance such as Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa...

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... En nuestro país, el cambio de siglo -en el mundo desarrollado décadas antes-trajo la descripción creciente de infecciones producidas por bacilos gramnegativos extremadamente resistentes a antimicrobianos, existiendo incluso controversia sobre cómo denominar a estos aislados (Tabla 1). Es en este contexto donde la falta de nuevos antimicrobianos motivó la reutilización de un agente prácticamente olvidado 39 . ...
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The daily infectious diseases round in a public teaching hospital is mainly focused on diagnostics, therapeutics and antimicrobial stewardship. But it also provides a precious opportunity to reflect on various topics that add to the educational background and professional performance of the healthcare worker. In this article, the authors offer their point of view about different issues, such as the role of Humanism, the necessary balance between academy and healthcare assistance, the paradox of technological development; and others -more specific to the ID specialist- like the impact of antimicrobial resistance, the role of traditional antibiotic treatments, and the progress and setbacks in the new antibiotics pipeline.
... Actualmente existen BGN como Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Enterobacterales, con escasas alternativas terapéuticas 3 , lo que ha llevado a la necesidad de reintroducir en la práctica clínica agentes antimicrobianos, como es el caso de colistín [5][6][7][8] . ...
... Colistín pertenece a la familia de las polimixinas (polimixina E), tiene actividad bactericida y presenta estrecho espectro de acción, con actividad anti-BGN, siendo utilizado principalmente en infecciones asociadas a la atención en salud. Fue introducido en la práctica clínica a finales de los años 50 y descontinuado por sus efectos adversos reportados, siendo paulatinamente reemplazado por alternativas terapéuticas más seguras, como las cefalosporinas 6,7 . No obstante, el incremento de las infecciones por microorganismos multirresistentes han hecho resurgir la necesidad de su uso. ...
... Respecto a los efectos adversos, sus manifestaciones más comunes son nefrotoxicidad y neurotoxicidad. La nefrotoxicidad es reversible y dosis-dependiente 7 ; no obstante, su frecuencia se habría reducido notoriamente en los estudios actuales en comparación a los años '60, bajando hasta incluso 10%, pero con abundante variación de acuerdo a cada estudio consultado 7,27,28 . Por su parte, la neurotoxicidad se manifiesta mayoritariamente en forma de parestesias, es bastante menos frecuente y también es reversible 6,27 . ...
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Resumen: El aumento de la resistencia y la escasez de nuevos antibacterianos ha requerido la reintroducción de antiguos antimicrobianos entre ellos colistín. Objetivo: Caracterizar la utilización de colistín durante el año 2017 en un hospital universitario, mediante la descripción de los pacientes, los tratamientos, la microbiología asociada y efectos adversos. Pacientes y Métodos: Trabajo observacional retrospectivo. Se revisaron los datos de todos los pacientes que recibieron colistín intravenoso (IV) por al menos 48 horas, durante el año 2017. Resultados: Se incluyeron 53 pacientes, equivalentes a 91 tratamientos. El foco respiratorio fue el principal (46,2%). El 68,1% de los tratamientos fue iniciado en la UCI. La mayoría de los pacientes tenía una hospitalización reciente (83,5%), y presentaban uso previo de antibacterianos (89%). Los dos patógenos mayoritariamente identificados fueron Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Klebsiella spp. El consumo promedio de colistín fue de 2,4 DDD/100 camas/día. El servicio que más consumió colistín fue la UCI, con 45,5 DDD/100 camas/día, usando generalmente la dosis de 3 MUI cada 8 horas IV y con una baja utilización de dosis de carga. Conclusión: Colistín corresponde a un antimicrobiano de uso restringido a infecciones sospechadas o confirmadas por agentes bacterianos multi resistentes. En esta serie, su uso inicial fue principalmente empírico, en pacientes con factores de riesgo para resistencia antibacteriana; se usó en forma asociada a otros antimicrobianos, siendo el foco principal el respiratorio.
... Also, there may be other factors which may have contributed to this high mortality. These are: the increase risk of renal and hepatic toxicity through the use of certain medications and the increasing use of antibiotics that belong to the Polymyxin family, may have contributed to patients' mortality (Aguayo et al., 2016); increased virulence of carbapenemase-producing strains and the fact that the use of antibiotic regimes might, in turn, increase resistance to these same medications. The lower mortality rate associated with combination therapy as compared to monotherapy is in line with previous findings Trecarichi et al., 2016). ...
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Background: Carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (CpKP) has been implicated as an increasing threat to public health. CpKP is a ubiquitous, opportunistic pathogen that causes both hospital and community acquired infections. This organism hydrolyzes carbapenems and other β-lactams and thus, leading to multiple resistance to these antibiotics. Despite the difficult to treat nature of infections caused by CpKP, little has been discussed on the mortality, clinical response and microbiological success rates associated with various antibiotic regimen against CpKP. This meta-analysis was designed to fill the paucity of information on the clinical impact of various antibiotic therapeutic regimens among patients infected with CpKP. Materials and Methods: Literature in most English databases such as Medline through PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and EMBASE, were searched for most studies published between the years 2015–2020. Data were analyzed using the R studio 2.15.2 statistical software program (metaphor and meta Package, Version 2) by random-effects (DerSimonian and Laird) model. Results: Twenty-one (21) studies including 2841 patients who had been infected with CpKP were analysed. The overall mortality rate was 32.2% (95%CI = 26.23–38.87; I 2 = 89%; p-value ≤ 0.01, Number of patients = 2716). Pooled clinical and microbiological success rates were 67.6% (95%CI = 58.35–75.64, I 2 = 22%, p-value = 0.25, Number of patients = 171) and 74.9% (95%CI = 59.02–86.09, I 2 = 53%, p-value = 0.05, Number of patients = 121), respectively. CpKP infected patients treated with combination therapy are less likely to die as compared to those treated with monotherapy (OR = 0.55, 95%CI = 0.35–0.87, p-value = 0.01, Number of patients = 1,475). No significant difference existed between the mortality rate among 60years and above patients vs below 60years (OR = 0.84, 95%CI = 0.28–2.57, p-value = 0.76, 6 studies, Number of patients = 1,688), and among patients treated with triple therapy vs. double therapy (OR = 0.50, 95%CI = 0.21–1.22, p-value = 0.13, 2 studies, Number of patients = 102). When compared with aminoglycoside-sparing therapies, aminoglycoside-containing therapies had positive significant outcomes on both mortality and microbiological success rates. Conclusion: New effective therapies are urgently needed to help fight infections caused by this organism. The effective use of various therapeutic options and the strict implementation of infection control measures are of utmost importance in order to prevent infections caused by CpKP. Strict national or international implementation of infection control measures and treatment guidelines will help improve healthcare, and equip governments and communities to respond to and prevent the spread of infectious diseases caused by CpKP.
... Recientemente, este compuesto ha resurgido como medicamento de últi ma línea para el tratamiento de infecciones por gérmenes multirresistentes. De los diferentes ti pos de polimixinas, solo la B y E (colistí n) son de uso clínico 4,5,6 . Su estructura química está conformada por un anillo peptí dico policati ónico que conti ene entre 8 y 10 aminoácidos, este decapépti do conti ene un lazo cíclico de siete aminoácidos entre el grupo amino de la cadena lateral del ácido di-amino-butí rico (Dab) en posición 4 y el grupo carboxilo del carbono terminal del residuo 10 de treonina 5,6 , este lazo se une al ácido graso amino terminal mediante una cadena de tres aminoácidos. ...
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Introducción. Ante la aparición de reportes de la presencia del gen mcr-1 y su posible diseminación por plásmidos en los países de la región y dado que este gen confiere resistencia a colistín, fármaco que es la última línea de tratamiento contra bacterias multirresistentes, es importante conocer su presencia en nuestro país en microorganismos que lo expresen. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal. Se incluyeron microorganismos aislados de urocultivos de pacientes ambulatorios de un centro de salud privado en Lima, Perú, en agosto del año 2017. De 326 urocultivos positivos se seleccionaron 10 aislamientos entre cepas de Escherichia coli y Klebsiella pneumoniae que presentaron concentración mínima inhibitoria ≥4μg/mL (interpretado como resistente para colistín) por el sistema automatizado Microscan Walkaway 96 plus. Se utilizaron los siguientes métodos: colistín agar spot, predifusión con tabletas de colistín, microdilución en caldo colistin y PCR para el gen mcr-1. Resultados. Se determinó que 7 aislamientos, todas Escherichia coli, expresaron la presencia del gen mcr-1 por PCR, el cual confiere resistencia plasmídica a polipéptidos. De las cepas restantes, dos Escherichia coli y una Klebsiella pneumoniae, resultaron positivos para resistencia a colistín en las pruebas fenotípicas pero no en la PCR para gen mcr-1 lo cual sugiere un mecanismo de resistencia a colistín no asociado a gen mcr-1. Conclusiones. Se obtuvieron 7 aislamientos de Escherichia coli resistentes a colistín y con expresión del gen mcr-1.
... 2 According to It was inserted into clinical practice in the mid 50's, but over the years its use was interrupted systematically with the growth of other active agents and Gram-negative bacteria, which were usually associated with manifestations of lower toxicity. 3 The colistin is a polypeptide antibiotic and has been known for decades for combating Gram-negative bacteria, but in its composition there are substances that make it an antibiotic with nephrotoxic effects. Despite these effects, their use was reevaluated again because of its efficacy against multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria. ...
... Adicionalmente a esta modalidad, en noviembre de 2015 se informó sobre la aparición de un nuevo mecanismo de resistencia a colistina a través de plásmidos, relacionado al gen mcr-1 (Mobile Colistin Resistance), productor de una enzima responsable de la resistencia, por lo que se puede diseminar fácilmente la misma a otras bacterias (9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22) . Desde abril de 2016 en nuestro continente se ha identificado este mecanismo de resistencia en E. coli y otras enterobacterias, aisladas a partir de muestras de alimentos y animales, pero también de muestras clínicas de pacientes. ...
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In the recent 10 years, in this post-antibiotic era, colisitin has reappeared as the last resource to face infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii complex and carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriaceae. At some point the use of colistin was discontinued given its potentially severe side effects, such as nephro and neurotoxicity , although it reemerges today as an essential part of antibiotic plans when facing extremely resistant pathogens. This increase in the use of colistin has led to an antibiotic resistance emergency and thus today we face a potentially catastrophic situation. This happens in particular in connection with the recently described presence of transferable plasmids among species containing genes that confer resistance to colistin (gen mcr-1), a mechanism also identified in our country. This review describes in detail the right dosing with the need to make load doses to achieve the appropriate therapeutic levels, based on current knowledge on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, as well as practical aspects in the administration of the drug in cases of post-surgical meningitis/ventriculitis and the use by nebulization for the treatment of ventilation associated pneumonia. The study points out the need to use colistin along with another in-vitro active antibiotic, especially in critical patients and those with a creatinine clearance over 80 ml/min. Dual pharmacotherapy is necessary in particular if the pathogen´s minimuminhibitory concentration (MIC) is higher than 1 mg/min, due to intra-treatment risk of sub-dosing and resistance emergency. Likewise, in second section, the study addresses the complex nature of dosing given by the different presentations available in the market at the national level, what has resulted in dosage errors, and thus a higher risk of toxicity. The insets and primary packaging of colistin presentation available in the Uruguayan marketing were reviewed with the purpose of improving understanding in connection with the labeling of the doses to be administered. With that information, the pharmaceutical industries agents will be formally asked in writing to inform the colistin content (active drug) and its prodrug colistimethate sodium. Last, a number of recommendations were prepared as to the Information the authors understand should appear in the different presentations of colistin that is available in the market, to avoid prescription errors.
... Introducción L a emergencia de infecciones asociadas a la atención de salud (IAAS) por cepas de Acinetobacter baumannii extensivamente resistentes (XDR, por su sigla en inglés) constituye un gran problema, ya que sólo presentan susceptibilidad in vitro a colistín 1 . Sin embargo, la determinación de la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM) mediante microdilución tiene el problema que colistín se adhiere a las paredes de las microplacas de policarbonato, afectando los valores de las CIM 2 . ...
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Currently, there is a controversy in how to determine the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of colistin against Acinetobacter baumannii. We compared three methods, concluding that the addition of Tween-80 (0.002%) to Müller-Hinton broth in the microdilution method could improve MIC determination and it could reduce false resistance.
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Objective: To describe the clinical response and overall mortality of Colistin in infections by Pseudomonas XDR and Acinetobacter XDR at the Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza in Lima, Peru. Methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective study. Records of all patients > 18 years old, from June 2014 to June 2016, who had infection by Pseudomonas XDR or Acinetobacter XDR confirmed by culture, and who received colistin, were included. A univariate analysis of the general characteristics of the patients was performed; a bivariate analysis with a Chi2, t-student or ANOVA test as appropriate, and the factors associated with mortality were also determined. Results: 56 patient records were included; the median age was 46,5 [31,5 to 63,5]. The Culture was positive for Pseudomonas XDR in 48,2% and for Acinetobacter XDR in 51,8%. The favorable clinical response was 85,7% at 15 days and 78,6% at 30 days. In-hospital mortality at 30 days was 21,4%, ICU mortality was 30,8% and nephrotoxicity was 5,4%. Conclusions: Colistin combined with another antimicrobial had a favorable clinical response in infection with Pseudomonas XDR and Acinetobacter XDR.
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Using clinical strains of multidrug resistant (MDR) Gram negative bacilli, we compared MICs obtained from both broth microdilution, the reference method, and sensi-disk elution method. We found that, with A. baumannii exception, results were very similar. Sensi-disk elution method could be a good and reliable alternative for colistin resistance determination.
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The dissemination of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae is currently considered a serious clinical problem due to the failure in the treatment of infections produced by them. Among the carbapenemases, the enzyme KPC has spread worldwide and has been identified in the main enterobacterial species related with healthcareassociated infections, although Klebsiella pneumoniae is the predominant specie. The blaKPC gene is transported, mainly by the transposon Tn4401, detected in various enterobacterial species of different sequence types (ST) and geographical origin. In addition, new genetic platforms that are distinguished, from Tn4401 because of insertions or deletions of other genes have been described. Plasmids containing the blaKPC gene can be conjugative and mobilizable non-conjugative plasmids, and can carry other genetic determinants of resistance. The KPC-producing strains may have different levels of resistance to carbapenems, due to the involvement of additional mechanisms such as different expression levels of porins and efflux pumps associated with the production of extended spectrum β-lactamases and/or AmpC. However, the carbapenemases, with KPC as the most common enzyme, provide higher levels of resistance.