Figura 4 - uploaded by Yusneyi Carballo
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Lienzo de Modelo de Negocio para Incubadoras de Empresas Basado en el Lean Canvas y Orientado al Producto/Mercado
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La Incubación de Empresas es un modelo de negocio que fomenta el desarrollo económico al aumentar la posibilidad de éxito de nuevas empresas, acompañar el proceso de transformación de proyectos en productos o servicios, generar empleo directo e indirecto, incorporar nuevas tecnologías e incentivar la innovación, revitalizar comunidades y fortalecer...
... Startup incubation occurs among business incubators in sequence with different phases according to [33] and, subsequently [34][35][36][37]. According to [38][39][40], there are different phases that the entrepreneur goes through in the business incubator: entrepreneurial spreading (phase 1), preincubation (phase 2), basic incubation (phase 3), and advanced incubation (phase 4). ...
... In the advanced incubation phase [41], additional services are provided, such as training, networking, participation in events, connection of activities, mediation, and testing laboratories, among others. Table 1 shows a summary of the literature review for each of the phases that were used as a theoretical framework for the proposal of the hypotheses of the research work, where an improvement in incubation phases will contribute positively to the success of the startup graduation rate [34,35]. [56,[66][67][68] In this sense, the authors of [69] indicated that the quality of business incubators and the services they offered had a positive impact on entrepreneurship. ...
... Hypothesis 3. The basic incubation (Incub) phase has a positive influence on the graduation rate (Grad) of startups. The incubation phase is critical in providing the necessary support that allows companies to meet the exit criteria and graduate successfully [34,35]. According to [97,98], the basic elements of incubation, such as the social capital of the incubator, business management skills, networks, and support in the administrative and fiscal discharge of the company, positively influence the graduation phase of the tenants of the incubators. ...
Business incubators contribute to the growth of a country, and it is of great interest to deepen knowledge of the impact of incubation phases on the results of incubators to evaluate the effectiveness of developed incubation programs. The objective of this research was to propose a model that quantitatively related different incubation phases to the graduation rate of business incubators in Spain. A sample of 88 incubators was obtained. The survey included 42 items identified in different phases (spreading entrepre-neurship, 9 items; pre-incubation, 9 items; basic incubation, 9 items; advanced incubation, 6 items; and graduation, 9 items) and four hypotheses relating to the existence of a positive influence from the startup incubation phases on the incubators results. These were validated by using a structural equation model (SEM) with five latent variables. Three of the four proposed hypotheses that linked startup pre-incubation (H2), basic incubation (H3), and advanced incubation (H4) with graduation rates in Spanish incubators were accepted. These startup incubation stages showed a positive influence on the startup graduation rate. The advanced incubation stage had a very strong relationship with the graduation rate (β = 0.543). Furthermore, a strong indirect effect between business incubation and the graduation rate, explaining 71% of the success of the incubators, was found. Proposals for improvement in each incubation phase to enhance the results of the business incubators are provided. Furthermore, future challenges that should be incorporated into the development of incubator programs, such as the social focus, the implementation of a training and monitoring model, an increase in network businesses, the internationaliza-tion of incubators with a globalized approach, the sustainability of the startup's approach, and the transfer focus, are raised. Given the high variability of Spanish incubators and the wide sampling range, the model could be extended to other contexts with similar behavior within the sample range.
... Para Yusneyi (2016) las etapas del modelo de incubación es una guía de las incubadoras de empresas en el desarrollo de un proyecto donde los actores principales trasmiten el conocimiento en diferentes áreas, estas varían dependiendo su organización y estado, pero todas tienen como fin el brindar apoyo a la creación de nuevas empresas. Este autor desde su punto de vista considera necesario 5 etapas: la promoción y selección; pre-incubación; incubación; post-incubación; y, seguimiento. ...
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la realidad de las incubadoras/semilleros de empresas en la zona 3 del Ecuador que, según la Secretaria Nacional de planificación y desarrollo, comprende las provincias Cotopaxi, Chimborazo y Tungurahua. Mediante una investigación exploratoria y mixta se diseña el instrumento para recoger datos primarios en tres provincias, excluyendo del estudio a Pastaza debido a que no existen incubadoras. Luego de una revisión de registros oficiales y visitas de campo se determinó que la población de estudio se constituye de cinco incubadoras/semilleros, dos acreditados por la Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación – Senescyt; y tres no acreditados que operan como incubadoras privadas, a quienes se aplica la encuesta. Para el procesamiento de datos se utiliza la herramienta estadística Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) y el estadígrafo clúster jerárquico, a través del cual se analizó 5 bloques:1) datos sociodemográficos 2) características del emprendedor y de las incubadoras; 3) recursos de las incubadoras/semilleros; 4) requisitos para ofertar asesoría; y, 5) éxitos y fracasos de los emprendedores. Los resultados muestran que las incubadoras cuentan con un portafolio básico de servicios y requisitos previo al asesoramiento de los emprendimientos, realizan convenios con entidades públicas y privadas, además se identifica el nivel de instrucción y las características que poseen los asesores de estos centros. Por otra parte, se conoce el número de proyectos que han sido asesorados por estos centros y cuántos han logrado permanecer en el mercado. Finalmente, los resultados se representan gráficamente en un dendograma o árbol lógico, para identificar las similitudes de las incubadoras motivo de estudio, respecto las particularidades que tienen estos centros, los recursos, la experiencia y el ecosistema que ofrecen para fortalecer y consolidar los proyectos de sus usuarios emprendedores.
This research quantified the relationships among the different phases of the business incubation process. 89 surveys coming from business incubators in Spain in the period 2022–2023 have been collected. A structural equation model (SEM) was applied to determine the association among incubation phases 1, 2, 3, and 4. The results showed that the “spreading entrepreneurship” phase had a strongly positive significative influence on preincubation, phases 1 and 2 (hypothesis 1) basic incubation, phase 3 (hypothesis 4), and advanced incubation phase 4 (hypothesis 5). Besides, a moderate positive influence was found between preincubation and basic incubation (hypothesis 2) and between preincubation and advanced incubation (hypothesis 6). In this context, spreading entrepreneurship will be a useful tool to determine the success of entrepreneurship during the incubation process. Improving variables such as counseling, channels and training will positively impact incubation. Therefore, taking action at the spreading entrepreneurship stage to improve the business incubator results, and evaluate the structural deficiencies of entrepreneurs to improve their training level and technicians' specialization is recommended. Applying SEM models in business incubators to evaluate their influence on graduation rates would also be of great interest.