Figura 2- - uploaded by F.M. Teixeira
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Redes entomológicas: a) rede entomológica comum (; b) rede entomológica de varredura Fonte:
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This article is a review of sampling methods commonly used for the Hymenoptera census. Considerations on which method is applicable in certain situations are made. Instructions for analysis and computational programs are suggested. The study addresses the issue of difficulty in the identification of species collected, as well as ways to reduce this...
... The word Hymenoptera had an explosion of citations from 2009 to 2012. This is an insect order with a diversity of around 115,000 to 125,000 species, including bees, marimbondes, wasps, ants, and others (Sharkey, 2007;Teixeira, 2012). This order has great economic and agroecosystem relevance, and due to their foraging and feeding behavior, they build ecological relationships with plants and are susceptible to the action of acephate. ...
Acephate is a pesticide classified as moderately toxic, and its metabolite methamidophos is highly toxic for mammals and birds; even so, it is one of the most used insecticides in pest control for agricultural and domestic use. Acephate toxicity affects both target and non-target organisms and causes serious damage to the environment. There are several studies on different perspectives of acephate, such as monitoring, toxicity, and modeling. In this sense, this research aims to identify the structure of intellectual production on acephate and analyze the gaps and trends of scientific production on acephate through a scientometric analysis. The data was obtained from the Web of Science database, and after the refinement, 1.085 documents were used. A temporal pattern of the main research objectives is displayed. Most selected studies evaluated acephate efficiency, followed by toxicity and residue detection methods. The USA, China, India, Brazil, and Japan had the highest number of publications on acephate. The keywords most utilized were pesticides, toxicity, insecticide resistance, and residue. Research involving acephate requires greater attention from areas such as ecotoxicology, biochemistry, genetics, and biotechnology. There needed to be more discussions on chronic toxicity, genotoxicity, and cytotoxicity. Moreover, few studies about metabolic and biochemical pathways and genes related to acephate action and biodegradation were scarce.
... The traps consist of colored pots (white, yellow, and blue) of 11cm diameter and 4mm high painted with ultraviolet spray to maximize insects' attraction. The pots were filled with water and neutral liquid detergent to break the surface tension, thus making the captured material sink (Almeida et al., 1998;Williams et al., 2001;Krug and Alves-dos-Santos, 2008;Teixeira, 2012) (Fig. 1). The plot configuration used 15 traps divided into three equilateral triangles (with three colors traps) with sides measuring three meters totalizing 270 traps (45 for each color; to 270: 15 x 3 = 45; 45 x 6 = 270). ...
The use of robust sample methodologies to estimate the highest number of species with different ecological requirements and traits is essential to the knowledge construction of the biodiversity and to establish wildlife assessment and monitoring programs. Our aims were to study the performance of colored pan traps in the capture of Drosophilidae (Diptera), a method never used for sampling this taxon. During six months, colored pan traps (blue, yellow and white) were tested in three areas in Southern Brazil. We captured 375 individuals of 30 species belonging to four genera of Drosophilidae. The most abundant species were Drosophila lutzii (n=215) p=0.58, Scaptomyza sp. (n=55) p=0.15 and D. bromelioides (n=17) p=0.04, all of them, anthophilous species. All colored pan traps captured a high quantify species of Drosophilidae, mainly anthophilous species.
Anthophilous insects; Brassica napus; Drosophila; New distribution record; Scaptomyza
... Foram realizadas três ocasiões amostrais entre janeiro e março de 2018 período que registra altas temperaturas e maior ocorrência de insetos. A amostragem foi realizada através de coleta passiva utilizando armadilhas do tipo pan trap(TEIXEIRA, 2012), com esforço amostral de 24h de exposição em cada propriedade rural em cada ocasião amostral, totalizando três dias de amostragem por propriedade.Cada uma das seis propriedades rurais recebeu quatro unidades amostrais (UAs), que eram constituídas de 15 armadilhas dispostas em cinco conjuntos de três, em formato triangular (Figura 1).Figura 1 -Representação gráfica da posição e distanciamento de dois triângulos de armadilhas de uma Unidade Amostral. Os três círculos coloridos representam as pan traps. ...
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto de Biologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas como requisito à obtenção do título de licenciada em Ciências Biológicas.
... Nos inventários entomológicos, as coletas envolvem técnicas de capturas ativas, passivas, ou ambas, características que acarretam variações na especificidade de captura, abundância de indivíduos e qualidade dos espécimes coletados (Teixeira 2012). A busca ativa, na qual os pesquisadores utilizam aparatos como aspiradores, pinças, guarda-chuva e redes entomológicas, permite a exploração de hábitats específicos e direcionamento dos esforços de coleta para determinados grupos . ...
... No entanto, este método implica em dificuldades à manutenção de estudos de longa duração e é comumente utilizado em estudos de inventários de grupos como Lepidoptera, Odonata, Diptera, Hymenoptera e Homoptera (Almeida et al. 2003). Já os métodos de captura passiva envolvem armadilhas de captura e asseguram a amostragem de grande número de indivíduos e espécies durante longos períodos sem interrupções, pois as armadilhas podem permanecer ativas constantemente (Almeida et al. 2003, Teixeira 2012. ...
Resumo: Este estudo apresenta um novo modelo de armadilha de interceptação de voo alternativa à Malaise suspensa e armadilhas do tipo janela. A Double-Umbrella Entomological Trap demanda em média 4 h para confecção e menos de 15 min para ser instalada em campo por uma pessoa. Ela possui custo unitário inferior a R$ 25,00 e é totalmente feita com material de fácil aquisição. Em 12 meses de testes da armadilha (N = 14) em duas áreas de Floresta Atlântica, a nova armadilha coletou 13 ordens de artrópodes numa taxa de ca. 0,15 artrópodes/h. As ordens localmente mais abundantes também foram as mais amostradas: Diptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera e Hymenoptera. O tempo e custo de confecção da Double-Umbrella Entomological Trap são extremamente baixos e sua eficiência em amostrar múltiplos taxa demonstra que esta nova armadilha possui potencial, por exemplo, em pesquisas de acesso à diversidade entomológica e em amostragens de artrópodes em estudos ecológicos. Palavras-chave: armadilha entomológica; armadilhas do tipo janela; insetos voadores; Malaise.
... Esta similaridade provavelmente está relacionada à proximidade entre as áreas, o que possibilita o fluxo contínuo de insetos entre elas, além do número reduzido de coletas. Os insetos da Ordem Lepidoptera, por não terem o hábito de caminhar no solo, são capturados em menor quantidade em levantamentos por armadilhas do tipo pitfall, as quais são utilizadas frequentemente para estudos de insetos edáficos (Teixeira, 2012). em que: pi = proporção da espécie em relação ao número total de espécimes/Ordens encontrados nos levantamentos realizados (Pieolou, 1975). ...
Insects are considered excellent bioindicators of environmental changes and the quality of the environment. Studies of their communities can be applied in monitoring and conservation practices. The pitfalls traps constitute a method that provides a rough estimate of the total number of species in a community in addition to being a simple methodology. The aim of this work was to carry out a survey of the edaphic fauna in a Riparian Forest and Agroforestry System (AS), located in the county of Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. Were installed 20 pitfall traps in each area that consisted in white plastic cups of 500 mL and 5 m equidistant between them, arranged in two parallel transects in each area. In each trap were added 250 mL of formaldehyde (1%) and drops of neutral liquid detergent. Weekly the pitfalls were collected and transported until the Embrapa Acre's Laboratory of Entomology, being identified until the taxonomic level of Order. The main insect Order found in Riparian Forest and Agroforestry System areas was Hymenoptera representing 70% of all insects collected. The Orders Hymenoptera, Coleoptera and Diptera were categorized as dominant and constant in both areas.
... Contudo, diversos autores recomendam a utilização combinada de diferentes métodos de coletas e a combinação de diferentes armadilhas para amostragem da fauna de Hymenoptera (Noyes, 1989;Mazón & Bordera, 2008;Teixeira, 2012). Missa et al. (2009) afirmaram que, quando diferentes métodos de amostragem são utilizados, o resultado é uma captura mais diversificada de insetos do que a obtida quando apenas um método é utilizado. ...
The aims of this study were to identify the Hymenoptera fauna
associated with watermelon crops and assess the influence of Pitfall,
Moericke and McPhail traps in capturing these insects in the semiarid
environment of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The survey
was conducted between the months of August and September, 2011,
in a commercial watermelon cv Crimson Sweet production area.
The collection of the Hymenoptera was conducted weekly during
the crop cycle. To capture the insects, three types of traps were
used, Pitfall, Moericke and McPhail, in densities 20, 20 and 1 trap
per hectare, respectively. The traps were installed seven days after
seeding and maintained in the area until harvest. A total of 3,123
Hymenoptera were collected, belonging to 10 superfamilies, and 24
families. Formicidae was the most representative, with a total relative
abundance of 54.43%, followed by Apidae with 17.96%. The presence
of 18 families of parasitoids (18.89%) was also observed, notably
Platygastridae (6.60%), Encyrtidae (2.79%), Chalcididae (2.56%),
Mymaridae (2.56%), Pompilidae (1.15%) and Trichogrammatidae
(1.09%). The occurrence of predators from the families Crabronidae
(6.34 %), Vespidae (2.24 %) and Sphecidae (0.10%) is noteworthy.
Among the traps, Moericke captured the greatest diversity of
Hymenoptera (24 families), followed by Pitfall (11 families) and
McPhail (seven families) traps.
Abstract –Biodiversity plays an important role in ecosystem services
supply that is important for agriculture production, such as culture
pollination and biological pest control. Social wasps (Hymenoptera,
Vespidae) develop biological functions, such as pollinators and
natural enemies that are essential to natural ecosystems and
agroecosystems. Seeing that landscape structure is one influencing
factor on wasps species richness and abundance, we developed this
study aiming at identifying how these linkages perform in crop areas
in São José da Boa Morte Settlement, in Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ,
Brazil, and specialize abundance and richness estimates. The wasps
community assessment was developed in crop areas, which were
characterized by agricultural practices used, and landscape metrics
on its surrounding. Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) were built
and tested to identify equations that better explain the pattern of
wasp community abundance and richness observed in collected
data. Using these models, abundance and richness estimates were
spatialized for the Settlement area. Results show that the highest
abundance and richness values are closer to larger natural
vegetation fragments although the surrounding natural vegetation
can influence abundance. The abundance and richness highest
values estimated by models and spatialized (4 individuals and 2
species) are smaller than those found in field crop areas where the
highest value was 81 individuals distributed in 8 species. These
differences are partly due to the generalization of the average value
of pesticide use adopted. The spatial distribution of abundance
presents a gradient, and it is greater in the presence of natural
vegetation and larger fragments. The species richness reaches a maximum value around the largest fragments, which are
concentrated in part of the settlement. The results indicate that
attitudes aimed at rescuing resilience in the settlement must not go
only through actions to recover native vegetation in the most
anthropized areas of the settlement, but also by intensifying the
connection of these areas with the largest fragments, stimulating the
recolonization process.