Figura 13 - uploaded by Takeshi Tabuchi
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Halo de acomplejamiento sin refrigeración (A) y luego de 24 horas de incubación a 4°C (B). Nótese el incremento en el tamaño del halo y la intensificación del color azul.  

Halo de acomplejamiento sin refrigeración (A) y luego de 24 horas de incubación a 4°C (B). Nótese el incremento en el tamaño del halo y la intensificación del color azul.  

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El uso de biosurfactantes en biorremediación facilita y acelera la degradación microbiana de hidrocarburos. El método del agar CTAB/MB creado por Siegmund y Wagner para el screening de cepas productoras de ramnolípidos (RL), ha sido ampliamente utilizado sin sufrir mejoras significativas en más de 20 años. Con el fin de optimizar la técnica como mé...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... términos cualitativos, el frío ocasiona que el color azul de los halos de acomplejamiento se intensifique (Fig. 13); así mismo, la desaceleración de la difusión del RL permite que los halos de precipitación se separen y definan mejor, haciéndose distinguibles algunos halos intermedios (HX.5) (Fig. ...
Context 2
... del tiempo de incubación y del efecto del frío.-El tiempo de incubación de las placas es determinante en el tamaño de los halos. Las gráficas (Figs. 13 y 14) muestran que a mayor tiempo de incubación los halos alcanzan mayor tamaño; sin embargo, los resultados de esta prueba también muestran que existe la posibilidad que haya un "área de máxima migración" donde la inmovilización de los ramnolípidos es ...


... This test is commonly used for the detection of rhamnolipid biosurfactants; in some studies, it has been used as a semiquantitative test that relates the intensity of the halo with the amount of anionic tensoactive that interacts with CTAB and methylene blue (Becerra and Horna 2016). The SW technique arose as an alternative to the use of blood agar for the detection of biosurfactants since it has several advantages such as the non-catabolic repression of biosurfactant production, the non-occurrence of false positives due to the presence of hemolysins, and the greater stability of the agar (Tabuchi et al. 2015). The qualitative detection of rhamnolipid biosurfactant production in M. petrolearium R3 suggests that it possesses mechanisms that could facilitate the bioavailability of hydrocarbons. ...
Full-text available
The development of novel bioremediation strategies has focused on the isolation and identification of microorganisms that can thrive in polluted environments to evaluate their potential as biotechnological tools in bioremediation techniques. In this work, a bacterium isolated from hydrocarbon-contaminated soils from the Burgos basin was identified and its hydrocarbon degradation potential was evaluated. Identification based on sequencing the 16S rRNA gene identified one of the isolates (R3) as Microbacterium petrolearium. This strain was mainly antibiotic-sensitive with elevated carbohydrate assimilation differing from previously reported strains. Moderate surfactant production (I24 = 22.97 %) was observed, which was absent in a cell-free extract. M. petrolearium R3 showed increased growth that correlated with pollutant concentration. For light crude oil, at a higher contaminant percentage, the R3 strain showed increased growth; however, in the case of diesel, no growth was detected. The aforementioned data indicate that M. petrolearium strain R3, isolated from local sources, has potential use as a tool for hydrocarbon-contaminated soil bioremediation.