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Transición fluida (29) B: # (SUSPIRO)// {un poco de cada} SSD (2,61) {porque yo tengo exam-} SSS {bueno} SAT {en verdad ellos también tienen exámenes ahora} SSS º{(o sea→)º///} SAM # Pausa llena (13 casos) Aparecen pausas llenas como ee o mm (Figura 8 y Figura 9) que tienen una duración media de 0.40 s, siendo la duración máxima 1.03 s y la mínima 0.06 s.
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Este trabajo analiza las características prosódicas de las estructuras truncadas en la conversación coloquial española con el fin de determinar si los rasgos prosódicos son índices predictivos de las funciones de formulación y atenuación. A partir de un estudio de corpus de conversaciones espontáneas, se analizan determinados fenómenos –duración, v...
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... Cell (2), [M, SA]: The most frequent function performed by DMs in this position is that of discourse planning, where well is taken to contribute to a self-repair operation. This is consistent with the unconscious, sub-propositional nature of this type of planning (Sornicola, 1981;Pascual Aliaga, 2018;Crible and Pascual, 2019). See example (13 from the BNC:) 16 Thus, well occurs in delays during word search and as repair marker (cf. ...
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... We focus on the functions of DMs and on their relation to repairs and repetitions. By combining a functional and a structural approach to DMs and their context, we aim at filling a gap in cross-linguistic fluency research, especially in Spanish, which is particularly under-studied in this respect (see Pascual 2018). Our goal is to tease out cross-linguistic (potentially universal) from language-specific patterns of combination between DMs, self-repairs and repetitions by native (henceforth L1) speakers, which can further serve as a baseline for non-native (henceforth L2) language learners. ...
Discourse markers have a central role in planning and repairing processes of speech production. They relate with fluency and disfluency phenomena such as pauses, repetitions and reformulations. Their polyfunctionality is challenging and few form-function mappings are stable cross-linguistically. This study combines a functional and a structural approach to discourse markers and their combination with and within repetitions and self-repairs in native English, French and Spanish, in order to establish the inter-relation between these three fluency-related devices and to find potentially universal patterns of use. Qualitative coding and quantitative analyses of categories of markers and repairs allowed us to identify discourse markers which are specific to repair sequences and others which are much more pervasive. Combinations with repetitions vary across languages and repair types. Our findings fill a gap in cross-linguistic fluency research, disentangle the overlap between discourse markers, repairs and repetitions, and can be integrated into pedagogical materials.
In this essay, I analyze the uses of the Spanish approximative construction casi (que) in spoken conversation. Traditionally, the so-called research on approximative constructions has focused on the semantic description of two main meaning components (§ 1): a proximal component, denoting proximity to the predicate approximative constructions have scope over, and a polar component, implying negation (§ 1.1). However, formal literature has not explained why Spanish casi (que) does not imply negation (§ 1.2). My approach attempts to describe such non-propositional cases (§ 2), applying the Val.Es.Co. model for discourse segmentation (§ 2.1) to identify the pragmatic functions of casi (que). I assume these functions belong to the oral domain (§ 3), carrying out a corpus study (§ 3.1) about casi (que) in Spanish-spoken conversation (§ 3.2). Finally, I provide a systematization of the functions of casi (que) according to its position in speech (§ 4). Some final remarks close this work (§ 5).
El presente trabajo reflexiona sobre la visualización de las funciones de los marcadores discursivos en el aula de E/LE, tomando como ejemplo la forma bueno. Esta visualización parte del modelo Val.Es.Co. para la segmentación del habla y articula las funciones de este marcador según su posición estructural y el ámbito sobre una unidad discursiva u otra. Esta metodología no solo resulta útil para la descripción lingüística, sino también para la enseñanza de los marcadores. La simplificación de esta metodología ofrece una visualización cuyas posibilidades, en último término, problematizamos.